Game lets you dress as the opposite gender

>game lets you dress as the opposite gender

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Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw voice too low to ever pass for a girl

>game lets you kill trannies

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I wanna fuck that boy.

Tell me more about how the right is more respectful of different people than the left.


They aren’t. They just complain because they get called out on it.

>discord tranny thread
Kill yourself

No one ever claimed this

So there are really dudes out there who can become moeblobs just by dressing with woman clothes and taking pills?

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>a thread died for this

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>being respectful of the mentally ill

No lol

Yes :3

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They are good fucks.

How do we stop this?

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No one ever said they are? And for good reason

>tfw no Discord tranny gf (male)

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Being a cute boy is better than being a boy trying to look like a girl. Remember that kids.

They all have fridge bodies and broad shoulders.

Or just redpill up and get a gf super easy?

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there's surgery for that

This is pure, innocent and beautiful. Why is it banned again?

>be someone else's girlfriend
I don't like getting fucked in the ass though.
I'll gladly fuck a trap though.

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>t. Virgin

Fuck off already tripfag. Literally nobody cares about your dead YouTube channel/stream.


Kill yourself Tripfag

why would you respect freaks of nature

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What does this .t thing mean?

I'm here to help people who were like me 10 years ago. Being a no gf having man is a shit feeling.


that still looks like a dude

Holy fuck. I have a new purpose in my life.

Trannies aren't people and definitely aren't worthy of respect. Mental illness and chopping your dick off is not praise worthy.

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I too am shocked that the people you constantly attack and tell to kill themselves have a higher suicide rate; It must be their fault. what else could it possibly be

Wish this was in UltraSun the female avatar had many more customization options.

absolutely based and cunny pilled
blowing tranny fags the fuck out


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But you are proving me wrong with those pics, the first one looks like a manwoman character from GTA Online and the other have an uncanny manface, specially the upper face zone.
Again, are there really people out there who think they can become anime 1000 yeard old dragon schoolgirls with clothes? Shit aint TF2, like you put a mask on and you are other guy.

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Why are white people so fucking gay?

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Female 44%
MTF 42%
Man 36%
Cross dresser (male) 21%

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You can wear female clothes in Animal Crossing New Leaf which is kind of nice. There's even an eye set with long eyelashes

>dumbass mod deletes this picture and leaves thread up for 400 replies before figuring out this is off topic
Why are day time mods legitimately so brain dead?

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>Being a no gf having man is a shit feeling.
No it isn’t retard, not everybody cares about relationships so much. Kys.


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the general society doesnt even tell them to. they do it to themselves because what usually happens is tha you'll never be treated as the gender you pretend to be. you are doomed to being outcasted by society overall and that alone is probably enough to drive anyone to suicide.

>be annoying as fuck so everyone hates you
>get told to kill yourself
>do it
>that'll show 'em
I see no problem here

Why do they look like ugly women?

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>degrees of tranny cult
Reminder that the people that play this game are literally tranny groomers

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They see reports without context. Most of them are absolutely lazy.

because no amount of makeup and surgery is gonna make them look like a natural female?

discord tranny cult

You can tell they're male because you know they're male. If any of those people had passed you public you wouldn't have noticed all the little things that seem off, only when you know you should look for them do they catch your eye.

That isn't to say every tranny passes, obviously that's not the case, but this ridiculous "tranny radar" behaviour you see around here is just silly.

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What's the source of this I seriously can't find it

Blacks didn't kill themselves that often during slavery.
Jews didn't kill themselves that often during the holocaust.


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Reminder that you faggots literally make shit up and blame it on others. The only tranny groomers are you guys trying to derail our threads.

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Gotta love how you assholes never blame yourselves but society instead. Like there's literally nothing wrong with you.

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trannies live RENT-FREE in Yea Forums's head

This is like suicide propoganda

Kill yourself you disgusting bottom feeder. You're not special for being spoonfed a tranny game.


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Pretty much this.

In fact this thread was started by an tranny obessed guy wanting this thread to end up like this.

T. Seething discord tranny. Go fucking neck yourself faggot fuck. I'm tired of you fucks convincing people to "trap IRL" then deflect the blame by calling "false flag, it was really you!"

Nah fuck you

Yeah, for like a 5 year window before they become crypt keepers.

k. OP asked for games. I gave him a game. Cry some more homo.

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Yes. If you start before puberty you will end up looking like a natural-born woman. All these conservative shits against child transition are actively choosing to create these manly monsters.

>People put their dick inside of open wounds
Daily reminder the next step is literally necrophelia

>People fuck men in dresses who just take an artificial hormone, which just causes feminine features to appear and doesn't deal with the inherent biological differences between men and women

>went from a cute chad twink to a ugly woman
they need to be stopped. they are ruining perfectly goodboypussy


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At this point, I'm convinced that Yea Forums thinks more about trannies than trannies do themselves.

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Feeling every moment of your existence like you're stuck in the wrong body seems like a pretty good reason to attempt suicide desu.

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The thing is, they don't look like that in reality. Those photos are definitely edited to soften them and make them appear more feminine (even though they still look masculine as fuck)
In the real world they pass about as as well that tranny that was screaming "IT'S MA'AM" at people in the gamestop. Only like 1% of trannies are androgynous enough to pass irl.

No, think of the ad revenue!


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I never said that. Also I respect the ill in the sense that I won't mock them for their illness, but since trannies wanna pass themselves as normal then their immunity is gone.

"Respect ye fellow man lest woe be unto you" - Galatians 15:2.

Despite the fact that the actual report shows that women kill themselves at a higher percentage than trannies and men are right up there with crossdressing boys being the lowest?

My dude there is no tranny radar bullshit here, they just look like thin guys with make up from whatever angle you see it. The first pic top right pic is the worst case of the bunch, just look at his proportions. He has the face of Cicero from Skyrim when he tries to pass as a woman.

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based and mentally-soundpilled

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the fuck is this?

>enter thread with next to no expectations
What's with the obsession

Pretty much.

Whoa there pard you just triggered all the discord trannies now.

Yes, and?

What's even the point of muh trans shit when you will never have a functioning vagina?
Instead of becoming a girl, you become a frankenstein monster.

Harvest Moon: A New Beginning let's you pick any customization option, regardless of your character's gender.

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>Literally necrophilia
>Not literally icing hookers and telling them to go completely limp so you can have a cold body to fuck
>Not metaphorically icing hookers and putting in your freezer so you can have a cold body to fuck
>Not opening a mortuary and waiting a steady supply of bodies to fuck

"60,000 Reichsmark is what this hereditary defective man costs the community during his lifetime. Kinsman, that is your money too."

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get out aero tranny shill

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Well most transes try to kill themselves because being a tranny sucks in general. Contrary to what Yea Forums believes, it's not a fate most anyone would choose.

There's literally MtF vocal cord surgery

It's the egg before the chicken. We're telling trannies to kill themselves after the fact.

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This thread is basado

Yea Forums is tsundere towards us!

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There's a really retarded vocal minority that are seething over the mere existence of trannies

dead rising

Those who are the most vocal against something usually have skeletons in their closet.

I see nipple, MOOOODS!

Post more cunny

keep postin


Tall women exist. Women with broad shoulders exist. Women with strong jaws exist. Butch women exist. Women with big hands exist. Women with big feet exist.

Passing is 100% about the first impression. The moment you see someone, your brain puts them into either male or female, and every other aspect gets shrugged off by "well some women/men just look like that, some are tall/etc.". So when you say "look at the proportions that's a tranny", it doesn't work like that, though they may contribute to the overall impression you get. But because like I said, you already know they were born male, your brain puts them into male and literally cannot imagine any of those physical aspects as anything but male characteristics.

This would be a better place if every T thread was spammed with L like this one

low testosterone faggots.
i hope you burn in hell and like the others

Not really.
I don’t like your kind and your intrusive tendencies.

I honestly think these people who claim that these trannies pass so well are just gay. I mean there's nothing wrong with being gay, but if you are attracted to an obvious male form like that, sorry dude but you like dudes. Stop trying to say "no they actually pass really well! you wouldn't notice it in real life!", and just accept that you want some dick in you.

If Hiro wants to get ad revenue he really needs to hire some mods.

They never said that, but then they go to /r9k/ or Yea Forums and complain about how they're lonely and horny because they're so bitter and can't hold a friendship because everyone else is wrong, or cringy, or women or anything they can blame other than their own poor character and lack of self awareness.
Pic unrelated

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>What does this .t thing mean?
Way to spot a finn.

Nice cunny

It could happen to your son.

>Passing is 100% about the first impression.
If that impression can't hold up it fades.

Sola fide

Aww yeah tranny thread up on first page with 100+ replies

Shoutouts to all my girls~ we /hrt/ now

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Based cross-dresser (male-assigned)

Only towards the drawings, the 3D shit is what I hate.

because trannies from resetera and redddit keep spaming on Yea Forums

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Those are some big ass feet

Eh, not really.
I legit hate you.

>all women exist. Women with broad shoulders exist. Women with strong jaws exist. Butch women exist. Women with big hands exist. Women with big feet exist.

How many women have all of these things? How many women look, walk, and speak like a dude? If you're lucky, you can reasonably fake your way through most interactions with heavy makeup and and some raised eyebrows, but you'll never really pass.

>he isn't aware of how v works
These threads ARE the ad revenue dumbass. These are the most high traffic threads since we have a tranny obsession. A mod will be in here to clean up cunny posts in about 50 posts and then let this thread go to 500 posts before it then gets deleted before being archived

>first impression
>if that impression can't hold up it fades
You're a fucking retard my man

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>tfw too big and manly to become the girl
Guess I could become alt-right as a coping mechanism but that also sounds kinda embarrassing.

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>if you vehemently oppose something, then you must be into it
Go back to being dead, Freud.

>the people you constantly attack and tell to kill themselves
lmao you literally cannot publicly attacks gays without losing your job, getting harassed and probably becoming unhireable. (conversely, you actually have a better chance at employment if you're not straight)

faggots pretending they are victims nowadays is so ridiculous

btw, you know what group of people you can actually discriminate against and its perfectly acceptable? manlets and ugly people, and you dont see them having a 40% attempted suicide rate

Is it a British thing?

>Video games

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Maybe if you talked to real women instead of the child porn you're used to you'd see even cis ones don't all fit into a specific mold

Hooray for HRT! I'm going on patches soon!

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Nah you're honestly fine imo
Idc what someone decides to do to their body, if you're chill I'll hang out

It truly proves that

Girls (male) > boys > boy (female) >>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>> girls > trannies

Suicide soon~

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>Tell me how a vague number of people associated with an abstract formulated political idea is more respectful of different people than another
Holy shit, How about you fuck off and think for your fucking self.

You're talking to a fucking user. Thats a single person posting trash onto the internet, not some advocate of some gaseous amorphous political idea.

Isnt the idea of Yea Forums's anonymity the pro that could discuss without the baggage of a username and history? What the fuck makes you resort to talking about vague people?

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Same. There's no hope for us.

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Then why don't white people have such an abnormally high suicide rate?

Like they give a shit about your opinion

Stay mad faggot :^)

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For? Existing?

A woman is a woman until it no longer is a woman.

Jesus, down in front

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Doing God’s work.

More than you'd think.

Here's a fun little game the next time you're out in public and have nothing to do - assume everyone you see is a tranny. You may be surprised at how many people have characteristics that aren't necessarily associated with their natural gender.

>Tall women exist. Women with broad shoulders exist. Women with strong jaws exist. Butch women exist. Women with big hands exist. Women with big feet exist
Maybe 15 years ago I could have seen all the features on one women and still assumed she was biological female but nowadays more than 2 I'm just going to low key assume they're a tranny and steer clear. It's unfortunate for biological women who have a lot of those features because they are probably mistaken for men all the time now. The main things I look at those are hands and jawlines. Most trannies can't fix those enough to look feminine no matter how much money in thrown at it.

Where is that graph even from, pretty much every other research I've seen has put men at a much higher rate of suicide than women.

We are pulling our advertisements from this website immediately. It's over Hiro.

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You wouldn't be the first repressed tranny to cope like that ;_;

>All these people DESPERATE to link futas and traps to trans shit

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False flaggers trying to post shit for screan caps "proving" that "tee-hee seething anti-trannies are insecure males xd"

>Yea Forums - Trannies vs. Pedos

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I lost a friend to this. We used to date but parents moved so I did too.
I came back to surprise him only to find he had committed suicide after transitioning. I really liked him, probably the only person I ever really did. In fact, to this day I've never loved another person.
I started drinking because of this.

If you know someone who is confused about this sort of stuff, help them; get them the help they need Yea Forums because they really might end up killing themselves and it really hurts when you care about them.

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Trannies can only ever look good in photos, they use the same photography tricks as women to make themselves look better then they actually do.
I feel nothing but sympathy for trannies, I suspect that deep down they realize they are freaks, and it's slowly eating them alive. That's why they're rates of suicide are so high.

Based loliposter saving us from the tranny grooming discord fags

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This post positively REEKS of insecurity!

>Yea Forums - Transgender

I’m not mad trannyfriend. I just want you to know de-transitioning leads to a happier healthier life. I think you deserve that

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>this thread is still up

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Good question, i'll think about an answer and come back to you.

>wow you really hate terrorists huh? you must secretly want to blow up people
epic freudian projection

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Trapposting was a thing long before resetera and discord