Just what the hell went wrong? How did they screw up so bad?

Just what the hell went wrong? How did they screw up so bad?

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Old Bro here, it was better than the original, eat shit.

It was rushed and on a shoestring budget.

Using TPS isn't even the main problem of the game.

The new development video shows that they even ditched the whole factory area from 1.5 that the remake was supposed to re-introduce and just copypasted the boss arena (and fight) of that location under the RPD

It was also supposed to have more developed Alligator and G2 boss fights, a larger laboratory with a big plant boss and more instances where using C4 was needed to progress. Also there was some kind of weird car section (you actually control the car and see the road in front of you)

All things considered, it still turned out pretty decent, but it doesn't feel like a complete product next to the original. Specially with the lack of actual, consistent B scenarios.

It's better than the original but what the fuck were they thinking with the B route?
>that fucking gun

show some evidences

>Old Bro here, it was better than the original, eat shit.
Actual old bro here, you're full of shit, eat a dick.

The roundtable videos, they are on youtube.

>what the hell went wrong
your taste

Another old bro here. Its not as good as REmake1 was to the original. But its still a really good game.

They didn't go as far as we actually expected,it was a 1:1 remake,nothing new plotwise.
Also the fact that routes Leon A and Claire B or Claire A and Leon B did not feel like they happened in the same universe also hurt my perception of the game.

10/10 first run
6/10 2nd
2/10 all runs after

Mr. X should have been in B routes only like in the original. As it stands now A and B runs hardly feel any different.

It didn't go wrong. They didn't screw it up.


I think you're a bit late for social engineering OP

Fourth old bro here, well said.

Ok In order of release before this game
Better than 7?YEP
Better than Rev 2?YEP
Better than Re 6?YEP
Better than Rev?YEP
Better than Re 5?YEP
We have gona back as far as 2008 and its still indisputably still the best game, what are you complaining about? What was the last Re game you bough that you think Remake 2 is bad?

>Better than 7?YEP
Lol?Maybe if you've never played RE2.

That comment doesnt make sense.

RE7 is an on the rails game that opens up after 45 minutes of eating dinner, and then becomes a linear mess for the remainder of the game.
RE2 (2019) doesn't have that issue.

REmake > RE2 > RE1 = RE3 > RE2 (2019) > RE7 > RE4 = RE5 > don't really care for rating the rest.

Just finished Claire A for the first time a few days ago, and I'm really worried that this will be the case when I do Leon B. I don't want to come down from the high.

5th oldbro it's not perfect but it's been fun and that's all that really matters. Besides the fact that it's so optimized means DMCV is also gonna run good as well. I'm just glad a triple A dev is actually putting out games that run good.

But they didn't.

>On the rails
It has the same fucking concept as any OG resident evil game,the house is simply smaller but the puzzles make up for it.RE2 made it seem like it was longer because there were zombiesponges at every corner that kept drawing your attention and time, in RE7 the mold monsters were easily avoidable

There are a few segments like fell like anti-replayability bombs

>The whole on-rails segment at the start
>Ada and Sherry's sections
>Most of the boss fights
>The first floor U corridor after encountering Mr.X

>7 better than 4

Dropped the ball real hard on scenario bullshit.
I never finished that third run.

Oh and also the fucking Oregon Trail with the G-Adults, worst part of the game.

Don't care for the action REs, sorry.
You have freedom in OG resident evils. You can explore until you hit the wall and have to eventually find the key/puzzle to move forward.

RE7 you are on rails until you eat dinner. Then you're forced to move in a direction (no exploration) until you leave the first house after fighting Jack. But you're only left with one path, where you fight Marguerite. At least with Lucas you have to backtrack a bit, but overall it's a linear mess.

RE7 has the least replay value in the entire series.

>RE7 has the least replay value in the entire series.
RE2 remake would have had the same replay value if you only have one route.It basically forces you to play another fucking route just to know the whole story but instead of making that route feel unique,95% of the plot is the same

RE is shit

Still shitting up this board, michael?

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RE2 Remake has no notable differences between the routes except

-Intermission Segment (Ada/Sherry)
-Final Boss

RE2's replay value comes from the satisfying gameplay.
I wanted to like RE7, the gameplay was solid, but I can't do the 30+ minute until dinner wait anymore. Once the game adds an option to skip dinner I'd be down for that shit. RE7's Albert01 is probably the most satisfying gun I've used in the entire franchise

Nothing went wrong, the game is great.
Also Claire.

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I think your problem is that you're downgrading a game over its lack of replayability.I can't remember the last game I have replayed,maybe some people enjoy that but nowadays I don't have time for replaying a game just to get some minor new stuff

I can't really rate a game off a single playthrough.
All the other games in the franchise (excluding spinoffs) have solid replayabillity.

6th oldbro here, fixed camera angles were shit design. this game was way better than the original.

You mean your parents? I’m wondering that myself.

So how do you feel about games like Nier Automata?You can't rate them because they are pretty long...

how did this board get so fucking bad. it's always been a hole, but it's taken a severe nosedive over the past two or three years. this place is virtually unusable now.

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>Just what the hell went wrong? How did they screw up so bad?
They tried making it good this time around, which pisssed off people who wanted it to be shitty like the original.

Feel really empty after completing all the modes in RE2make.
What games are worth going back to? Any other series which give a similar feel to RE2make?

Is RE5 bearable solo? I only played coop
Does Revelations 1 hold up now or is it pretty shit?
Am I going to get bored of RE4 by the time I reach the castle?
Is ORC worth playing at all?

Remake dino crisis 1/2

They wanted it to feel like the original, so to compensate, they slashed the original of basically everything unique and interesting and made it look kinda nice.

Piece of shit nostalgia bait/ 10

>Is RE5 bearable solo?
>Does Revelations 1 hold up now or is it pretty shit?
No, it's still a decent 3DS release game for what it's worth
>Am I going to get bored of RE4 by the time I reach the castle?
Yes, like always
>Is ORC worth playing at all?
lol no

Not interested in Nier. So not sure what you mean.
A long game wouldn't be impacted by replay value. Shortgames like RE games get impacted by it.

actually incredibly good, i'm surprised nips were able to create this
hopefully this is just the start and we can forget about western shit filled of tranny propaganda

>Is RE5 bearable solo? I only played coop
Yes, it's a fantastic game. Solo or otherwise
>Does Revelations 1 hold up now or is it pretty shit?
Pretty great game
>Am I going to get bored of RE4 by the time I reach the castle?
Yes, always
>Is ORC worth playing at all?
I think it's worth one playthrough. The controls didn't hold up well. But I had fun

It was made by a bunch of people who have no talent and just ripped off the mechanics of the original but gave it fuck all replay value. The only reason I have any faith in DMCV is because Itsuno is behind it.

Are you counting S+ runs? Because those are the best since it's one big route you have to make unless you're a pleb and follow a guide.

Voice acting and choreography in general are much weaker than in RE7

I got S+ on my first playthrough, lol...

Why in the main game they never address the mayor's daughter? No one comments on it, there's no note about her. You'd either remember from the original game or got survivor tells you who she is

Making Claire Tobey MaGuire first and now la lux spic goblin was a bad idea

They appealed to the gays

Literally the biggest mistake anyone can make

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Hey guys, I'm OP dads .I remember when my son was playing this game he became very enraged and livid in the living room, raging at the screen and continuously yelling the words "cringe" and "bluepilled". I couldn't really tell what they meant. Afterwards I saw him furiously type on his mac laptop I bought him and saw him watch someone play the game instead. It baffled my mind why he would do this when he was already doing it previously. Anyways, sorry guys my sons a faggot, I tried to raise him right but it failed and I must now face the consequences

Because fuck it I guess. The whole thing with John and Ada is also completely omitted from the remake.

It's not even a good autism run game nevermind them having no bearing on the overall game.
S+ runs change nothing about the game and they'll be in the 2/10 bracket

Reminder this is how you start discussions on Yea Forums, say a popular game is shit then let everyone flow in. Redditfags take note.

Making Ada too hot and fucking cute.

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>re5 fantastic
>re4 boring
zoom zoom

On HC it's good because the planning is there and the zombies have higher stagger/head shot rates and you only have 3 saves if you choose to save at all, fucking capcom is giving $10k for a RE2 speedrun tournament so you either didn't try to do S+ or your just have shit taste.

I feel like the game peaked at the RPD. I did like how movement felt, compared to other "faster" third person shooters out.

I want to play something akin to RE2 Remake, not horror but action, but that shit doesn't exist.

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Why is the beginning of second run so hard? I get wrecked one way or another every time.

gameplay being better makes re5 fantastic

RE6 is basically just an action game,

I've already beaten it.

I like it.

Kind of the same problem RE7 had, but my only complaint I have for REmake2 is it could've diversified the enemy variety a little more by at least introducing the Alpha Lickers and the crows.

>implying I've played anything other than HC
>implying I don't have my S+ ranks
Move along, child.
S+ runs do not functionally change the game.
It's down to the scenarios and their decision to all but remove them.

The game is already a literal who 2 months after release.

Same. The mechanics are amazing and the story's fun in a cheesy action movie kind of way. Kind of reminds me of lost planet 2.

Claire is so fucking cute here and when she loses her jacket and now has tank top she turns from 9/10 to 11/10.

Ada is still 20/10 though.

Not even that, its been like 5 weeks.

>Good short game eclipsed by Apex and the trash fire that's Anthem
Well it had a solid launch week at least and future sales will probably get a bit more

there's actually a lot of people on this board who liked the game. there's just a few stand-out contrarian faggots who like to spam about how much they hate it.

So you didn't play it casually at all then, that's the difference you don't have that perspective.

>making best girl too hot and too cute

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Oh look, another baseless assumption.
What makes you think I didn't?
There's a reason first run was 10/10

Is there a mod allowing you to switch off just the item highlighting, leaving the crosshair?
That was sure a retarded design

>See the same zombie for the 20th time

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Not at the moment. Taking away the reticle for turning off all the handholding feels so petty.

God the talking during gameplay gets so fucking obnoxious so quickly.

Lemme guess, the board got bad as soon as people hated a game you liked?

Fucking idiotic buffoon nigger mongrels

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Calm down sweetie. Just accept that some people don't blindly love the game like you and they'll stop living in your head rent free.

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Rank em. Has anybody here even played all of them?

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>Leon is a manlet

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The first playthrough is incredible. The second playthrough is where it falls apart. This game is basically meant for just one playthrough, which a lot of RE fans won't be able to accept. Also, the DLC content was pretty lame.

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2 Remake> 2 > 4 > 1 > 1 Remake > 5 > 3 > 6 > Revelations 2 >>>>>>>> Revelations

Haven't played 7 or any of those spin off games

I just want a mod that gives her bigger boobs and removes her bag so I can get an unobstructed view of her gorgeous ass in those fucking shorts.

There's the Claire Casual mod that does the latter, but there's a weird leftover artifact (?) that I'm pretty sure is the removed bag somehow warping the geometry around her booty.

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>how did they screw up so bad?
Incompetent new devs, trying to appeal to "spiders were literally 2scary4testers!" audiences, and shitty photoscanning meme meant that any kind of properly stylized creature or whatev looked out of place. Because their actual artists suck ass.

The art directing sucks arse, audio design ranges from "does not exist" to meh as fuck, story bits were fucking streamlined for the most part, entire areas, weapons and enemies are missing, A/B campaigns are now literally the same shit, and the new script is just cringe as fuck.

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isn't 7 supposed to be good? if you played 6, you might as well do 7, mate.

Does 7 have anything in common with the rest of the universe or is it all new characters and story?

I've played all of them but I don't feel like ranking them besides the top 4 games:

REmake > 2 > 4 > 7

>Meanwhile at Capcom

Attached: wegotyourmoney.gif (480x258, 2.3M)

>isn't 7 supposed to be good?
No. It was a literal normie meme-bait, and absolutely shit.
It's a very vague "count be a future sequel, could be a brand new timeline" thing. Some references to Raccoon City are made, and Chris literally makes an appearance, but that's it.

You guys are never happy. Always making threads that go "Oh, this is terrible! They got it so wrong!"
All you guys ever do is whine!

There whole argument for the spiders being cut out is horseshit when you realize DMCV has plenty of giant bug enemies and uses the same engine.

you don't consider the remake of 2 a top one? or 3?

nu-capcom dan't do anything these days
wish they would stop pretending and go back to action RE, at least that was a bit fun to play, this is just sad

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7 is the fourth best game in the series because it actually focuses on being a game, and not on catering to plebs who play games for their stories / characters. And it's very fun to play. What it has in common with other RE games is all in the mechanics and design, and barely in the story.


Old game good, new game bad. YOU are retarded my friend.

I think it's safe to say after the absolute perfection of MHW RE2 and DMC5 and MM11 that capcom is back to being the best video dev.

>no original voice actors because MUH UNION
>paid dlc superior soundtrack and classic SFX sounds >inb4 b-but it's 3$
>completely butchered the scenario system, B scenario doesn't even exist anymore and both characters have a mish mash of A scenario events that happen at the same time but neither is even canon because both characters kill the same bosses and this fucks up the story with characters dying and reviving later or bosses getting killed multiple times in the same area whereas in the original each scenario had specific bosses
>no zapping system, shit you do in A run doesn't carry over to B run and you do the same puzzles again for no reason while the A run character is magically ahead
>reduced interactions between leon and claire, they don't even talk over the radio and don't logically divide and conquer objectives like the original, now they just stumble on things and get railroaded into them no matter what
>the entire ada section and the god awful batman scanner shit and the stupid """""boss"""" fight with it
>alligator boss fight got turned into a fucking on rails piece of shit
>moved city street section at the beginning to the middle of the game for petty reasons that don't showcase how dangerous the streets really are which makes you question why the characters go out of their way to go to the sewers to escape

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I'd put those games right below them. REmake 2 above 3 I think.

Well the door's that way. Don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out. We'll continue discussing the game without you.

>a bunch of nitpicking and non-arguments

They hardly felt different in the original, Mr. X was in the game for about 2 entire minutes in Claire's story aside from the boss fight. I just replayed 2 a couple weeks ago

>go back to action RE
Like 5 and 6? I agree, user.
I agree.

Yeah, but the gameplay is the best in the series so none of that matters

>See the same zombie for the 20th time

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True. At this point, I'm pretty much brushing off all the REm2's bullshit with "laziness / time constrains". I bet they really tried to push the game out for the 2018 release, to celebrate the game's 20th anniversary, but obviously couldnt pull it off in the end.
The lukewarm, washed out and 2dark visual style of the new game also seriously hurt the overall experience.

Yeah the whole "return to roots" has just been embarrassing with RE7 and demake 2.

>4 that low

Found the contrarian retard

Aww..... You can't play a game for a half hour without getting bored???? Baby want a bottle????????

gr8 b8 m8.

Okay, fair enough.

Fuck off already, you obsessed autist.

At least in the original every boss in a A/B playthrough was unique (G3 in A was just a fakeout). Mr. X made for a slight remix of the police station and the story in general had way less continuity errors.

>Yea Forums now turned on RE2make
Based. Fuck video games. And fuck shills

All they had to do was just emulate what REmake 1 did. Even if it didn't expand on the original it would have at least been a nice update to the graphics without compromising the gameplay. 800+ devs and it still felt horribly rushed and unfinished.

Wots up with that 12yo butthurt then?
Your paycheck rely on the game's sales and thumbs-up on the official twitter feed?
It's OK to like the game, but religiously worshipping it and ignoring all its blatant flaws and wasted opportunities is just childish.

>All they had to do was just emulate what REmake 1 did.
That's practically what everyone desired for nearly two decades. Not only the RE-fans, it was a very common hope to see the older classic titles to get the "REmake treatment" of the same caliber and love.

Obviously this would include smart and tasteful expansions and remixing of many elements.

Barry pls

yes, Wesker, what is it?

And actually listening to the fans. REmake wasn't even going to have loading doors until testers demanded they be put in.

I wonder if that faggot Mikami is seething knowing this demake of 2 sold overwhelmingly on a Sony console and despite having a whole extra platform, still got outsold by Kingdom Hearts.

What? What is this?


Epic meme, bro.

>And actually listening to the fans.
The thing is, that not only is the whole "listening to fans" thing going out of fashion very quickly these days in the triple-A circles, but Capcom has effectively split the RE-fanbase multiple times now.

it shows that next to no original devs worked on the DEmake, and that the notorious fan-made UE techdemo was literally used as the base for this game.

>it shows that next to no original devs worked on the DEmake
Because RE2make is much better than the original? Yeah I agree.

>but religiously worshipping it and ignoring all its blatant flaws and wasted opportunities is just childish.

And endlessly bitching about said flaws isn’t and acting like the game did everything wrong isn’t?

Yeah it's safe to say this game has fractured the fan base even more and there's no doubt people like myself have no given up on the series entirely. I just rented the remake of 2.


>1141 results since it's E3 reveal
It can't be one person, but jesus christ, people really like this shitty name, huh?

Cringe and incelpilled

ReMake 2 is so great that the mentally ill op is literally obsessed with it and can't help but dedicate threads to it everyday.

This game is great.

On the contrary. It's a very stale and lacking imitation of a classic game, bit like the Hollywood adaptation of the Ghost In the Shell.
It pleases a very specific kind of simpler demographic, that pretty much hates the classic RE formula.

>And endlessly bitching about said flaws isn’t
That "bitching" is called "criticism". It is delivered in hopes that the devs would learn from their mistakes and hopefully perform better next time, maybe even fix the current product for the better.
No, stating out shortcomings is not even remotely the same as your cultist-tier demand for utmost respect towards the product that many of us waited anxiously for several years.

It's also kinda pathetic that you also try to undermine any negative feedback by framing them as "bitching", and claiming that we'd claim the game to "do everything wrong".

REmake 2 had a chance to be one of the most important games of all history. Now it's just a decent footnote of the year.

What makes it so great?

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>REmake2 is great
Why ?

The gameplay

Would the game have been better if your initial entrance to the sewer section had been directly after the G1 fight, as opposed to returning immediately back to RPD?

The gameplay is almost entirely lifted from the original. Expand on your reasoning.

What about it?
How does it differ from the numerous similar horror shooters from the past few years?

And is that all ?

Keep crying, Michael.

That's a pretty solid non-argument.

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Ugh.. is this a fucking joke?

Leon channeling his inner zoomer.

How about you start trying for once in your life, kiddo ? If you are truly passionate for something you claim to love, show it to us. Explain your feelings and defend your shit.


Here comes the usual crapcom shill blaming any detractors/criticism on his boogeyman michael
Resident evil remake 2 sucked balls, get used to it

>p-pls argue with me
Why? Your obsessed shitposter ass will never accept that RE2make is a great game because being contrarian on Yea Forums gets you the most (You)s

Do you get to the extraction point very often? Oh what am I saying, of course you don't.

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>Resident evil remake 2 sucked balls
According to who?

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Zombies hunt in packs, Arisen!

W...why do you play so much and why do you care to immediately replay the games you just beat for several other runs.

>all these butthurt shills and their non-arguments

This is just sad.

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Words ain't gonna cut it with this freak

>being this mad because nobody wants to argue with shitty bait
Yikes. Try another time, Michael.

Because the original had 4 scenarios to play?

Do you think they're going to add an extreme battle/mercenaries mode?

You were born

It's called getting your money's worth. I'm not going to lay down 60 bucks for 10 hour game that has fuck all for replay value. You can pay just as much for a game that gives you hundreds of hours. If a short game has no replay value, it shouldn't cost that much.

Holy SHIT the forgotten soldier mission is hard, I keep getting fucked over in the part with the elevator.

Michael is living rent free in so many people's heads now and he probably has no idea.

Where is the Claire feet and thigh pics?

Nah. They're done with this game. The latest DLC was so shit they gave literally gave it away.


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Why did we have to see Mr X job to G? It was so sad, he was just doing his mission and then science boy backstabs him bitch style...

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Because you seem to be slightly butt-blastered of people not liking your flavor of the season AAA title, shooting down any and all criticism, not even trying to counter-argue in any way.

>Your obsessed shitposter ass will never accept that RE2make is a great game
I am not shit posting in any way or form.
I'm genuinely interested of what people see in this ultimately very mediocre game with a handful of neat ideas, to the point that they get so aggressive when its flaws are brought up.

god tier :
resident evil outbreak 1 & 2 (online mode)

great tier :

very good tier :

good tier :

mediocre tier :
Code Veronica
RE5 (coop)
Outbreak 1 & 2 (solo)

why am i playing this tier :
RE Revelations 1 & 2
RE5 (solo)

>great tier : RE4

Imagine being so much of a faggot you defend devs who straight up lied about a game just months prior to its release.


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I understood that reference.gif

>Resident Evil 2 Has Separate Campaigns for Leon and Claire
Where is the lie?

>How does it differ from the numerous similar horror shooters from the past few years?
I mean it does a great job of giving the player tight and responsive controls while also keeping things tense in the traditional RE sense (lots of zombies, item management, limited ammo, learning to assess which zombie are worth getting a bullet)

So were in the contrarian phase of RE4 now ? Give it 5 years, my post will be relevant again.

Did you even read the article?

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Why is this single autist so obsessed with shitting on RE2 remake? He reminds me of XV-kun and that other guy who was shitting on CP77 nonstop.

So it having arguably better controls outweighs its other faults?

>The originalResident Evil 2is notable for its “Zapping” system, wherein the game effectively had four different campaigns, two for each character, that could impact one another. For example, players could go through Leon Scenario A or Leon Scenario B, and player actions in those campaigns would impact Claire’s playthrough and vice versa. Anyone hoping to see the Zapping system return for theResident Evil 2remake will be disappointed, but the game will still have separate campaigns for Leon and Claire.
Sounds like what we got. Where is the lie?

Sounds like youre trash at games to me.

He hasn't made a demake 2 video in at least a month. Shills just constantly bring him up for their non-arguments.

The only fault you will bring is that it isn't 1 for 1 to RE2.
That isn't a fault.
People tried to shit on REmake when it came out, too.

What faults?

That would depend on what you value most and what you seek most from that game.

What was Hunk doing down in the sewer for a week?

Not that guy, but I'm not sure what to make of it. The "zapping system" they're talking about is having A/B scenarios? So in that interview (from 9 months ago) they said they wouldn't have A/B scenarios, and only would have a "Leon" campaign and a "Claire" campaign instead of A/B scenarios?

Frankly maybe that was true at that point. The A/B scenarios feel pretty indistinguishable from each other after the first half hour of the game.

correct, I had to take a fucking fap break

Well it's all subjective, but what faults are you referring to? It's certainly not flawless, but I thought it was pretty great.

>He hasn't made a demake 2 video in at least a month
Who? Michael? Michael is neither a XV-kun nor he is the one who's shitposting about RE2make on Yea Forums. You on the other hand sound exactly like XV-kun.

Uh, you're putting words into my mouth. Go read the earlier posts in this thread if you want to see the faults the game has.

See ^

Indeed. And I honestly would rather have good atmosphere and characters at the cost of slightly worse controls personally.

Basically they said there would just be 2 distinct campaigns. Instead, we did get the zapping system back and the campaigns are now even more samey than they were in the original.

The faults of the game are actually fairly minor, and boil down to personal taste/it's not RE2.
Like I said, people bitched about REmake 1, too, on similar nitpicks and opinions, and they were wrong then, you are wrong now.
Take your opinion and fuck out.

>I honestly would rather have good atmosphere
So exactly what you got?
It's a remake of RE2. There is not much they can do about the shittily written characters without changing them completely.

??? He's like 5'11'', are you high??

i noped out of the game last night during Leon B when I got the big wheel cog but put it into the box to make room for the inventory because I thought I would run into another save room on the way to the clocktower. But no MR X HAS TO BUST THROUGH A FUCKING WALL AND CHASE ME and my ammo is running low. God this jump scare actually got me good. I was trying to avoid X by just walking everywhere but that hasn't helped too much lately. I guess he shows up when I get certain items.

How the fuck does anyone rank 7 above this remake?

They never said they would be distinct, they said they'd be removing the A/B zapping system to remove the tedious backtracking. The campaigns would have only been "Leon" and "Claire", meaning that you'd play through the game only twice instead of four times (LeonA/ClaireB & ClaireA/LeonB). They acknowledge that shit's tedious, but apparently they went with it anyway.

>anything under 6'10
>not a manlet

stomp stomp STOMP STOMP

Shill butthurt is the best.

>He didn't even read the article.

Enjoy your poor circulation and shortened lifespan.

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>Should I come with a proper argument? Nah I'll just call everyone who disagrees with me a shill lmao
Yea Forums truly is unsalvageable.

Jokes on you, I'm actually a 5'5 manlet larping. Enjoy dying sooner than me !

I mean, their whole argument amounted to "your opinion is wrong". It's not like they have any room to talk.

You shills do realize these threads would die faster if you'd stop bumping them with your non-arguments, right?

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RPD - 8/10
Sewers - 6/10
Lab - 4/10

The game starts nicely then goes downhill as soon you enter the sewers, it's like they spend 80% of the budget developing the RPD and then started rushing when they had to make the rest of the game.

>Just realized the only ones i haven't played are Gaiden and Survivor 2 from that list
Fuck i just love the series, only game i cant appreciate in any manner was Umbrella Corps. Even Operation Raccoon Shitty had some charm with shit like Nikolai sending the roombas with bombs attached after you in the hospital but Umbrella Corps just had nothing

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>not a manlet
anything under 182 is manlet tier.

The wall breaking got me good and it was my favorite part of the game to be honest. Running away from the T-00 and hiding in save rooms was frightening enough but when he broke the wall i literally jumped.

then rank them, user! I haven't played a single one, so I'm trying to guage what fans think of them.

Just like the original

So is it a faithful remake?
The original felt the same.

Is that you, Pat? Your lowered standards for the RE series are pathetic.

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>anyone who like a game I hate is a shill
Why are you so mad?

>Anyone who doesn't like this game is wrong.

>the remake is inferior to the original
>first person is preferred over OTS
That's how.

>anyone who likes this game is wrong

That's literally every Resident Evil, starts off strong and finishes like shit
>1: Mansion, boring guard house, super shitty lab
>2: RPD, boring sewers, super shitty lab
>3: lol
>4: top tier creepy village, alright cheesy mansion that is at least a throwback to 1, shitty military base
>5: cool african town and villages, factories, shitty military base
>6: lol
>7: top tier house, everything else sucks

Attached: re2 annette youll never get into my pants.jpg (1500x1124, 598K)

>the remake is inferior to the original
>first person is preferred over OTS
Both wrong. Come up with a better explanation.

Pretty much. It's the latest triple ayyy game that's got fans who are thin-skinned against legit criticism.

Loved that "what now bitch" look she gave Ada after locking her in the incinerator

The remake utterly ruins the whole A/B scenario split, has weaker writing, and cheaper cinematics. It's just not as exceptionally done as the first REmake. And a preference can't be wrong, faggot.

Gotta get that platinum
Also, you never played an RE before with that attitude

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>S+ Claire B on hardcore

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I liked the Sewers.

Why didn't they just make it two distinct campaigns like they said they were going to? Were they afraid of over promising to their investors and cut their own budget?

>He didn't even read the article.
I did read the article dingus, im telling you the only thing they said was theyd remove the A/B zapping to minimize backtracking. They never said the Leon & Claire scenarios would cover different grounds.

Personally, probably something like
S tier: REmake, RE4, RE2 (both original and remake) RE3, Outbreak (in Co-op), RE7
A tier: RE1(Solid start to the series), RE0, RE5 (In Co-op), Code Veronica (very divisive game but i fucking love it), Revelations 2, Dead Aim
B tier: Outbreak(solo), Revelations 1, Survivor, RE5(solo), RE6 (Co-op), Mercs 3D
C tier: RE6(solo), Umbrella Chronicles, Darkside Chronicles
D tier: Operation Raccoon Shitty (bring a friend)
Not worth it tier: Umbrella Corps

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Holy shit, please cite the line from the article that said they'd make two distinct campaigns,

They were much better than the ones in the original.

Meant to reply to

I really wish the opening had “RESIDENT EVIL...2!” Voice

Go read the second paragraph again.

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>has weaker writing, and cheaper cinematics
RE "writing" lmao. Who gives a shit? REmake 2 gameplay is superior to the original and REmake. And it's also longer.

Haven't tried it, but I think it does that if you get the classic soundtrack DLC.

To be fair, the developers have stated they always end up in a military base or lab because they want you to feel like a action movie star at that point since you're usually loaded in weapons

No problem, user. Just bend over and give capcom 3 dollars.

>Who gives a shit?
People who love the original and wanted something equally as good or better.

>REmake 2 gameplay is superior to the original and REmake.
Sure, but they still fuck these things up and everything after the first playthrough essentially.

what rpgcodex has to say about remake 2?

1>3>REmake>REmake 2>2>5>REv2>CVX>4>7>0>6>REv1
Dead Aim>Outbreak 1/2>Survivor>Gaiden>Fire Zone (arcade) >Chronicles (both)>Gun Survivor 2>Umbrella Corps>ORC
>Movies (non-canon)
RE>Apocalypse>Retribution>Afterlife(it's funny)>The Final Chapter>Extinction
>Canon Media
Wesker's Report 1 and 2>Musical BIOHAZARD>BIOHAZARD the Stage>Heavenly Island>BIOHAZARD 4D Executer>Deg>Dam>Ven>Marhawa Desire>>>>>>>>>>Confidential Report

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I haven't even played the series and I'm pretty happy for fans that RE2 Remake turned out to be such a hit with people. After that and RE7 it truly sounds like there's great hope for the future of the series.

Well done OP, your bait was successful.

>zapping is gone but game still has separate Leon and Claire campaigns
Okay, I did. Now what? How is it different from what we got? Are you pretending to be brain damaged or something?

>contrarian for the sake of contrarian
nigger go

>og RE2 writing
Am I being trolled?

>paid dlc superior soundtrack
There's people that defend the remake's boring, uninspired OST...
Good luck trying to explain me how this isn't awesome:


Who's saying it's good? I'm saying REmake 2's is WORSE.

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These threads will always be successful since there's no shortage of retards willing to die on a hill defending this garbage.

About to download an ISO of RE2 ps1 bros

Mr. X should've been confined to Leon B like in the original. Having him be "le invinicible stalker man" like Jack Baker in RE7 was a terrible idea and I don't know why they keep doing it.

REmake 2 writing is in no way worse than original. Christ, is this what nostalgia does to a brain? Next you'll tell me that REmake's writing is worse than 1.

Oh yeah I remember when I was into "achievement hunting", made all games less enjoyable because all I cared about was to complete them asap. Also I did play an RE before with that attitude m8, checkm8.

I only get platinums for RE games because they're /fun/.
And you played it wrong.

micheal damage controlling again

Why? He was handled like shit in the original, barely was even in the game. Decision to turn him into Nemesis 0.5 was one of the best they did.

>the sole entrance to the lab is through a dirty smelly sewers filled with tumours everywhere
>from the dirty sewers you get to a clean sterile reception at the entrance of the lab

The zoomers who made this remake forgot the marshalling yard. In the original the sewers was just for services and an emergency exit basically which Leon stumbled upon accidentally. In the remake it's literally the main entrance.

Ffs, even the board game is a better remake.

>item randomizer
>character designs are faithful to the original
>optional coop
>actually a decent challenge on normal

Only major problem is it's too damn expensive. Only a dedicated fan would lay down the money for this and all of the expansions.

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What's Yea Forums's definition of well written sci-fi anyway? The Martian?

RE2 was written by a Noboru Sugimura a screenwriter who wrote many Japanese TV series.

So this is it? No more arguments from you?

There's no sense in arguing with somebody who lacks basic reading comprehension.

>REmake 2 writing is in no way worse than original.
Nah, it is. It's less consistent, especially between the A/B scenarios. And they changed the flashbacks to VHS tapes and cut out the cinematics that showed information outside the perspective of the player character... except for one new flashback towards the end, a really sloppy oversight imo. These things make the writing worse. And like I said, also cheaper cinematics, and by that I mean less interesting use of camera angles and effects in them in order to convey things about the game world.

How is it bad?

>RE2 was written by a Noboru Sugimura a screenwriter who wrote many Japanese TV series.
Says a lot about quality of japanese tv. Plus overall plot isn't bad, it's the dialogues that are absolutely atrocious.

You ride that cable car thing. There could of been other stops along the way with the sewers just being the end.

But I did play it and you said I didn't.

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I feel like Capcom are still trying to find their way back into survival horror after the long break but theyre really making headway, 7 was solid and 2 and improvement on it so im infinitely hyped for RE3 now. Im just glad the series is still going strong.

If your looking to get into the series user id recommend starting with Remake HD, RE0 HD, and then 2 remake, if you dont mind tank controls then do RE3 AND CVX but if not theyll probably get remade so go to 4 and then come back, 4 has little standing on the main plot of the old games and is widely regarded as one of the best games ever. Only branch out from there to the sequels, spinoffs and originals if you want more i guess.

On a side note tangent playing RE3 without knowledge of the original 1 and 2 would lessen its impact i feel, Nemesis was so great because he fucked with a lot of established rules in the series such as enemies firing guns and following you through rooms, even if he could only follow you when you werent looking at the door because of no door opening animations, but then he shifts gears and breaks his own rules by breaking doors of hinges and following you immediately. Such a great monster

They were supposed to just remake resident evil 2 and create a fun game. Instead they've created a masterpiece that greatly surpasses the original. Why, bros, why?

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The sewers are attached to a facility in REmake2. The tram car goes from the facility, to the labs. One could avoid the sewers entirely, if they had the way opened for them. Just like the original.

Take off those nostalgia goggles.

I see the the obligatory "The game has been out for a month, it's now shit" threads have started.

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Item randomizer is coming.

These threads were up within the first week of the game's release.

Finally we can agree.

Come up with an actual argument. I already gave you one. There's no denying the worse consistency of REmake 2's writing.

It's the perfect remake.

That you're wrong? Totally.


You could fight back against Nemesis. Mr. X is invulnerable, which is more tedium than scary.

>I already gave you one
You gave me nostalgia fueled drivel.

Yes, Japanese writing in general is pretty bad.
Capcom hired Sugimura for world building, they wanted him to develop a world where they could produce many sequels, that's why all the conspiracies going on in RE2 with Ada's company, the government wanting the G-virus and things like that. He also created Leon to become the new main protagonist of the series and it worked pretty well considering how people love Leon more than Chris.

>You can't play a game for a half hour without getting bored????
But you're not playing a game. You're watching a movie while you hold forward to proceed.

No silly, that there's no point in arguing with someone who lacks basic reading comprehension skills. Context is important. They said they were removing A/B scenarios to minimize the amount of backtracking through the same environments.

Yeah, the shilling is getting pretty ridiculous at this point.

Spotted the zoom zoom. Go play some RE6.

Don't know about consoles but the guy who made the Remake 1 randomizer mod is doing it on PC

Only zoomers hate it
You know it's true

Zoomers love the RE2 remake, not sure what you're on about.

And you still didn't read the paragraph properly. You hilarious, nigga.

>Yea Forums cant accept this game is good


Neat, but that means fuck all for the 74% of people who bought the game on console.

Both new and old fans hate it. Their reasons are just different.

It just triggers my autism, because in the original the main character stumbles upon this secondary entrance/emergency exit accidentally while in the remake they literally walk through the main entrance as if it was just there. Not to mention the original tram ride was supposed to be really long since it takes the character to the northwest outskirts of the city in a industrial area, the RPD being in downtown, in the remake Ada explicitly states that the lab is under the RPD.

What? We hate RE2make this week? Fuck, I have to use an agenda to keep up with this shit.


Literally best characters in the IP. The state of the game is the biggest tragedy in the entire history of RE

Who cares about Yea Forums opinion honestly?

Only minority hates REmake 2.

Huh? Nemesis never died outside of his actual bossfights lol. Its almost the same as stunning mr.x for a bit.


Michael pls. This obsessions has to stop.

>but the gameplay is the best in the series
revelations gameplay is fucking cancer
6 was the best

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>Remake 2
>Revelations gameplay

Who mentioned Revelations?
>6 was the best
Stick to CoD

Game was alright but not GOAT, 6/10. Great gameplay but overall downgrade from OG.

Loved it and none of you can convince me otherwise. Eagerly waiting some DLC

Thanks, user. Honestly, I kind of wanna jump straight to RE2 Remake because it looks so good. What makes Resident Evil 0 good?

>3: lol
Another trying way too hard to fit in zoomer maggot that have never played the games. Neck yourself

I'll have you know there's no zombEEEEEEES

I want to call Annette mommy

Nothing. 0 is one of the worst RE games.

>flashback at the end that contradicts the cinematic direction of the rest of the game
>characters now have less reason to go underground to escape the city because the street segments are moved to later in the game and the characters just freely leave the police station at one point
>other character leaves notes everywhere in 2nd Run which make no sense since they never have contact or within the context of the cutscene in the lab
"nostalgia fueled drivel," lol

Again, I'm not saying the original's writing was perfect, or good, but these issues are way bigger than any issues the original had.

Also, you can keep harping on my comment about the writing, but there's just no defending the shittier B scenario, and the B scenario is what made RE2.

0 was the last game to still maintain the atmosphere of the classic games. There's no item boxes so you can dump stuff wherever you want and you now have 12 inventory slots so there's no reason to split up the two characters unless the game forces it. It's one shortcoming is the enemy variety is weak in that it's mostly giant bugs.

There was no reason to partially move the street section to the middle of the game. Could have just directly attached the orphanage to the police station.

Yeah, I don't get it either. All it did was fuck up the beginning and middle parts.

It would be nice to have a scenario with Annette. And one with Marvin.

Game is so much better with the classic soundtrack for ambience. Why did they put in so little background themes anyways?

>I kind of wanna jump straight to RE2 Remake because it looks so good.
Don't. Seriously.
Play the original trilogy first.

>what makes RE0 good?
it's not exactly a fan-favorite by any stretch, but it was the last classic-style RE game ever to be made. I'd say it's very optional.

So how many Tyrants do we see in the game? 2 for Leon and one for Claire? Does X even die when Ada blows the car up?

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Just one (1).

why do you think it's a bad idea to start with the RE2 remake?

>arms as long as he is tall
>steps forward and has shoulder over front leg
I'd call that accurate actually

>why do you think it's a bad idea to start with the RE2 remake?
Because it does not represent the origins of the series in any way, playing much more like a typical modern 3rd person shooter than an action-puzzler style adventure game the OG trilogy was. I also honestly consider REmake2 to be an inferior version of the RE2, and quite disappointing compared to the masterful REmake 1, which was extremely faithful to the original game.

This is coming from someone who'd never even touched a RE-game before fall 2015, which was when I gave the REmake HD a shot and fell in love with it.

This is true. I'm bored as fuck playing Leon B after beating A and then Claire B, and then Claire A on an unlimited run to dick around with the RPG. I get more enjoyment watching my friends play now.

I didnt have any other games than my backlog to play and fuck that

>W...why do you play so much and why do you care to immediately replay the games you just beat for several other runs.
Are you literally 12?
Replaying the same game several times used the NORM during my days.
Some of the classic survival-horror games, such as Silent Hill 1, I've literally beaten over 40 times by now.

I loved the first run (Leon - 8 hrs). Second one (Claire B) was 80% identical and was progressively getting bored from doing the almost the same things in almost the same order.
This game is about 10-12 hours gameplay worth. The rest is just replaying.

You can only call someone a manlet if you are /fit/, otherwise you are just a lanklet twink

>Just what the hell went wrong?
>most people loved it
>game is commercially and critically success
>went wrong
nothing went wrong, you are just retarded.
now stop spamming your retardation, nobody will ever agree with you, give it up already.

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7th old bro here, we have to implement rules within our organization

>Start B run
>It's the exact same shit but with a worse gun
What the fuck?
I'll finish my S+ HC run and I'm installing this. I LOVED the first game but as soon as the third playthrough the game's limitation are clear as fuck.
The weapon and enemy variety is fucking appalling. You literally don't need the grenade launcher outside of bosses and the 2 plants worth killing. There's just zombies on which you mostly hope to get lucky headshot (or not, doesn't matter since there's enough ammo) and lickers who can be so easily KNIFED they're a fucking joke now (and there's so few of them). The G adults are just *block your path*
The best boss environments for RE2 are missing too.
The lab was way too short.

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you might not like it but these are the best RE games

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You could, however, alternatively just download the latest PC port + use fan-mod to patch it up to work on modern PCs :

I have to agree with this. You should try the original RE2 which is abandonware at this point. If you don't like it you can move on to REmake 2 but the original has a vibe all its own.

>Yielding incredible sales
>Looks great
>Plays great
>Missing some arguably unnecessary enemies
Yea Forums is desperate for people to hate good games.

>Start B run
>It's the exact same shit but with a worse gun
You clicked the wrong button dummy

I agree

The SAA is exclusive to the 2nd run though. I see what you did there, at least Claire's gun turn into a magnum

>with a worse gun
M19 or revolver?

I don't hate it, it's much better than the original and almost my favorite RE, but boy if there aren't some dumb flaws

Given Capcom's track record as of late, it's a massive improvement.

>Atea Dong