Did Valve fix the Heavy yet?
Did Valve fix the Heavy yet?
nor did they fix any other class
or the frames per second
or the netcode
or VAC
or the mm unbalance
or anything of relevance
ohohoh coon~ga!
>nor did they fix any other class
Yea Forums told me that they fixed pyro
They basically made w+m1 even more prevalent than before. They gave him a primary that demanded a certain degree of aim but nerfed it to the ground one week in. They also made his flames even more blinding than before so now if a pyro attacks you it's super annoying to see where it is.
Also if you didn't know, there are only 2 (two) developers working on TF2 right now, one of whom is a mapper and the other one watches youtube all day long.
Shit's fucked, you better get used to the game as it is now because it won't change much.
they couldve and deliberately chose not to
after which they kneecapped him because as it turns out lowering the aiming requirements for one of the easiest weapons in the game to use while simultaneously increasing its dps output is a bad idea
they gave him one (1) semi-viable weapon and then nerfed it into the ground because shitters got mad
But why not make aiming harder while increasing damage output? Would that not be a sensible direction to take?
What do valve devs even work on anymore?
Hardware. Gabe went full John Carmack and he's only focusing on VR and AR.
yes it would
but they dont want him to be difficult or even have like slightest amount of skill curve because they are very dumb
same reason they shitcanned the original detonator probably
w-what did they do to the detonator?
Server maintenance?
I mean theorically they're making maps and preparing a balance patch but unlike last time, we have no idea if anything is actually happening.
This is the longest time TF2 went without a major update, and we don't have ANYTHING hinting at another update, and I mean, ANYTHING.
SteamDB has nothing, VNN has nothing, comp players have nothing. Complete radio silence.
>balance patch
re"balancing" the heavy is borderline impossible because he's already really damn good at his "job." it's just that practically nobody thinks that he's fun to play and he takes almost 0 skill. they would have to rework his primary weapon from the ground up and then balance the new weapon around all the unlockable bullshit they've introduced since release.
rebalancing the pyro is peanuts in comparison, valve just doesn't want to let go of him being a "crutch" class so they don't, but it in principle is WAY easier
Fucking carmack selling out to Facebook is a mixed bag.
I prefer the vive over the oculus, but i'm not sure how much innovation would have happened without that.
Facebook trying to force exclusivity is pure cancer though.
yes. in MvM the heavy can shoot down projectiles. this would provide an effective counter balance to soldier and demo. but backlash from the players who play those classes, and having to face a counter as other classes do, is too much hassle for Valve to community manage. Best to keep the game as the quiet revenue generator it is now.
I still think that every class needs a hit per hit weapon as opposed to a quick fire rate.
Like, why not give heavy a 3/-5 bullets burst fire machine gun that encourages aim without completely trashing his tracking/suppressive fire aspects.
>hitscan weapon automatically deletes projectiles from the screen at any range with no downside
>"now THIS would be balanced!"
The problem with that is you've now turned him into a scopeless sniper (only with more HP).
There would be damage balance obviously, what did you think?
And I'd rather play a scopeless sniper with more hp than a food dispenser that waves around a giant cone of death.
when the det first released in beta it could match rocket jump height
this was very important for its function as secondary mobility since most/all maps are designed around rocket jump height as a standard vertical breakpoint
this obviously balanced out by the fact that the weapon itself wasnt all that dangerous in active combat and the reload time pretty soundly restricting it to single-jumps
then right before it went live they wordlessly demolished its jump ability, nerfing it into the ground
theyve been slowly creeping it toward that level since then but still eternally short of that breakpoint which excludes just a huge number of potential jumps which limits its actual baseline viability
all of this probably born of the same argument from tradition, that the pyro was designed to be an "easy" class and therefore giving him options to do cool things will scare/anger the casual shitters
thanks for proving my point
There is nothing wrong with him you're team just sucks.
IMO Pyro should have the ability to do jumps by default. The extremely limited range of his primary weapon practically demands it. You're telling me that the extreme close range ambush class doesn't have any way to get into or out of ambushing position safely, without relying on the other team being oblivious? It's nonsense. I would much rather Pyro have the ability to do something like airblast himself then have jumping (which should be something he should always be able to do) be locked behind an unlockable.
Your point is retarded, you're basically saying "I want to be able to airblast but I don't want to have to think about it so let's just make it an auto ability oh and also it has infinite range unlike the airblast." Your ideas suck.
He's boring and stale
Instead of a damage balance what you could do is have a range balance
>Heavy's weapon is not a minigun, it's a railgun or something
>Shoots a powerful blast, one shot per mouseclick
>Blast is very precise
>However it only has an effective range of XXXX, thus making it ineffective against targets at a distance because of damage falloff
>yes. in MvM the heavy can shoot down projectiles. this would provide an effective counter balance to soldier and demo
Demo and Soldier forcing the Heavy out of position with projectile spam is one of the most important counters to the class.
adding "airblast jumps" or anything like that by default is bad because its either needlessly complicated or unintuitive and restrictive of his normal abilities
plus having him reliant on an unlock isnt straying into territory the game doesnt already live in
look at the equalizer, ubersaw, sandvich, etc
its better that the cost of the jump is built into the weapon selection itself than the cost of the jumps being large to enough to justify building into his base loadout, anyway
pyros not gonna be able to spend huge amounts of hp or ammo just to put himself on equal ground with other classes
i dont necessarily disagree with the fact that his class probably shouldve had that kind of thing to begin with, ie the fucking incendiary launcher instead of a shotgun, but its way too late to be making that kind of change and unlocks are a "good enough" supplement that nobody should really care
>adding "airblast jumps" or anything like that by default is bad because its either needlessly complicated or unintuitive and restrictive of his normal abilities
What the fuck, how?
>aim flamethrower at ground
>click M2
How is that any more or less intuitive than normal rocket jumping?
>tfw tf2 is being ported to source 2
>thats why there are no leaks
>completely shit on people with vanilla loadouts
>only items I use are ubersaw (it's just OP) and gunslinger
every other item is worthless.
But essential for a winning team
*chooses sniper*
thanks for standin' still, wanker
yeah and that means you can no longer airblast while airborne or even just looking down without deadstopping your momentum or just generally fucking with your movement
look at the force-a-nature: fantastic mobility supplement, terrible weapon to use because of how it restricts your primary means of not dying during fights
also it tends to boot enemies away from you giving them a free escape and punishing you for meatshots, but thats a mostly separate issue
wow thanks for stating the obvious, faggot
>yeah and that means you can no longer airblast while airborne
why would this be true, that would be like saying that shooting a rocket while airborne cancels your rocket jump which is nonsense. an airblast jump would be triggered specifically as recoil from airblasting the ground, not an inherent kickback based on any arbitrary airblast like a reverse FoN
Direct Hit is a straight upgrade from the stock
airblast is not a projectile with a splash radius, its a detection cone
the only way to realistically apply a pushback effect to something like that without, again, needless complication, ie adding on new user-restricted hitscan detectors that spawn an associated, invisible splash with an arbitrary range limit or something along those lines, is a negative lookforce value, ie the force-a-nature
and thats a problem because its very difficult to create a set of rules that can perfectly determine when a player may or may not want to the pushback to apply to themselves
and then, even if you WERE to get something more along the lines of what youre asking for, there are still numerous different drawbacks associated yet still along the lines of "its going to apply the effect in situations where the user doesnt want it to", like if theyre too close too a doorframe while trying to airblast a rocket back, etc, to the point that theres no real reason to attempt either method
they both just make airblast outright worse for the sake of mobility that would be easier applied to a secondary
HAHAHAhahaha.. haha.. ha ;_;
Then the det should be returned to a full rocket jump blast and should be the default pyro secondary instead of the shotgun. Class mechanics that should be there by default belong on the stock loadout.
What are the actual odds that Source 2 ever comes out?
A basic SDK for source 2? Probably in 5 years.
(Note that most Valve devs think source 2 is absolute dogshit because of how unfinished it is.)
A source 2 update to tf2? Less likely than you winning the lottery ten times in a row.
>VNN has nothing
That faggot never has anything. He just keeps saying "It's comming" and then fuck all happens. Valve refuses to put Shartifact out of it's missery and neglects a game which could become good again if it got the attention it deserves. If they removed the shitty "balaces" that ruined some of the most fun weapons in the game and dropped the whole E-sports shit people would actually return.
big lel
Also sometimes he gets mails from driller or other members of valve, and he scrapes the very bottom of the barrel to find anything semi relevant, so it should be a big indicator that even he can't pretend he found anything.
Also realistically, the community has to make the first step to become relevant in valve's eyes again, and sadly, I think it's only through competitive it'll happen.