
Lucario sucks

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Ness is broken.

owo whats this

i suck lucario

His moves are awkward

Imagine being so shit at the game you think ness of all characters is broken

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How is he not?

He's not even good

This, fuck that piece of shit.

He's like a b-tier character. There are so many other characters that have a lot broken with them but Ness is not one of them

Yea Forums is on fire today. What's up you guys' assholes?

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Worse: I knew someone who thinks that too. BUT ABOUT MELEE.

how do i fight puff
literally every single one of her moves has a hitbox that's like 2 of her bodies and it stays out for years
bitch kept on beating out my aerials as bowser. motherfucking bowser. how the fuck can some trex armed little retard have priority over my long ass turtle arms. fucking gay ass bitch.
and then she send me to sleep when i drop kick her? you serious bitch you just sang on my toes my head's over here cunt WHAT exactly are you making sleepy

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Didn't we already have this thread just last night?
Also post knotted Lucario cock

Lucario is uncut you idiot

God I wish he would

Knot has nothing to do with circumcision

Just what do you think uncut means? Because I don't think you know what that word means in this context.

I main Game and Watch

Does he learn swallow?


I prefer a womanhole

Barney tier

>Cutfags never knotted a girl

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Dealing with a side b spamming ness and lucas with lag is agony

Could you knot?