When will bodies look as realistic as faces in vidya?

Faces look almost photo realistic today. Bodies on the other hand, do not. All the polygons and effort go to the face.

When do you think we will be looking at bodies which look photo realistic?


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Other urls found in this thread:



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>photo realistic
Why do they always use "realistic" as a substitute for "average" or "mediocre"?
Why do they do this? It's all so tiring.

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is this the brap thread

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what do you call these splitters i need to know

Shave, haircut and contacts for this jew and he'd be fine

>wanting realistic bodies in vidya

Attached: Confused Freezypop.jpg (997x995, 204K)

Average does not equal sedentary.

That's a best case scenario, though. If they went fully realistic those would be fat and full of cellulite.

I have transcended the need for realistic female armor in vidya.

Attached: female armor.webm (640x640, 1.76M)

>it's a retard doesn't realize those pictures are shopped episode

>tfw can't find any videos of huge titty bbw chicks wearing something like this

Anons what should I search to find quality content such as this
Purely for research purposes, of course

>the black tape project
its literally in the fucking webm

Fuck I'm retarded
Thanks for spoonfeeding anyway

came to post this

You must be blind if you have to ask this question

imagine the SJWs forcing the "realistic bodies" with those nasty pink haired tatted up roasties

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Realistic isn't necessarily a good thing.

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>the black tape project
is this for porn?

no it's fashion

Did she forget how to spell a 4 letter word on the second fucking letter?

What's the difference?

No, but it does lead to some great images

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Fuck you and fuck realism

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Next time someone complains about video game bodies being unrealistic I am going to post this.

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>it's a everything is shopped attractive people don't exist episode
Still getting triggered by attractive people you waste of oxygen?

video game bodies are unrealistic

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just imagine forcing her to sit down

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The clothes on the right are ugly but the women are prettier.


i actually think the glasses are alright, he just needs to stop being a massive cocksucking faggot and do something about all that hair

That driver looks too tall for her. Has she ever hit a fairway?

Real question here:

Is better to have a stick gf or a gf with these kind of curves ?
Wich women body type do you prefer, and why ?

Attached: 1528478784666.jpg (1080x1293, 111K)

Thicc gf for fuck n chuck
Sticc gf for marriage

I like the way you think

Problem with bodies is body shape changes massively as the muscles move around while the character moves. No idea how the fuck to portray that in a game. Even CGI movies don't have that

>Is better to have a gf
Umm no wtf


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I prefer hour-glass shape. My wife is curvy, but I wouldn't want it any other way. There's a fascination with small twig women which I don't understand - if you breed with these women and your son got their genes, you'll have a manlet twig femboi as a son. No one wants that.

Kate Upton is top tier breeding material.

what are you talking about, bodies look fine, faces are uncanny trash

You are degenerate

>There's a fascination with small twig women which I don't understand - if you breed with these women and your son got their genes, you'll have a manlet twig femboi as a son.

Only manlets want short STICC. 5'10" is the optimal height for STICC

huge titty thin*


I'm a manlet 5'8" and my gf is a 5'5"
She is stick and wife material

This person probably speaks from experience. "Thicc" girls usually turn into disgusting landwhales a few months after marriage/childbirth since they stop all efforts to take care of themselves.

Too be fair, she is borderline fridge mode. Would fuck the shit out of obviously though.

>that kiss
she knew exactly what she was doing

Fashion is legalized porn

>The clothes on the right are ugly
Are you fucking serious you motherfucking black negger?



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these guys know what's up. ironically thin women tend to be pretty boring in bed because they never had to put in any effort because of their looks. a thicc girl could be the ride of your life because she knows that it might be months until she sees some action again.

Yes. They're boring and ugly.

whose brapper is that on the left?

based tasteless nu-male

They're ugly and plain. Just because sluts wear outlandishly revealing and bright cloathing doesn't mean you need to go that far in the other direction.

Are you suggesting that reactionaries are irrational?


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Oh my God I think I am.

who is this semen demon?

rationality is the devil's whore

I'm definitely more man than you. Those dresses are boring af.

They are still better comparing to the right

There's a million shade of grey between those two extremes and they're both shit.

>bodies do not
Yeah, they do. Unless we're talking about anime-like games.

Attached: 1551480869734.webm (1920x1080, 1.04M)

She's a hoodie away from being in a burka, and fuck that.

Nice user, just finished fapping to her a few minutes ago
Sofia Jamora if any anons are interested

Fashion is legalized porn
You do know that porn is already legal, right?

how can you really blame women for being whores? Just imagine being such a mindless, laughably jiggly sack of estrogen and everybody around you is nice and wants you with them and society encourages you from birth to celebrate getting fucked into ecstasy by all of them. How could they ever hope to be taken seriously as such a jiggly mess?

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nothing wrong with that

>You do know that porn is already legal, right?
Depends on the country

>how can you really blame women for being whores?
Because it's still a choice at the end of the day.

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sticks > thiccs

on paper it may seem that thicker girl sex is better, but its very untrue. the only case where thicc is better would be blowjobs

>that visible buldge when you push inside ms bones
best feel

fashion is just a convoluted way to meet expensive escorts for rich fags

>tfw posted her in the hopes that someone would say her name
>it worked
We fappin tonight bois

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Aww, it's Samwise Gamgee's wedding.

Trannies and homos back to /lgblt/ pls.

You're on Yea Forums. Degen central. Stop stating the obvious lmao

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