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20 points in music, and i avoid playing the game
basiert und rotgepilled
dont need to replay a game if it leaves a lasting impression. this is the only correct answer
single 5
multi fuckall
story 5
graphics 2
Music 5
Replay 3
if you limited it to 1 minimum per slot it'd be more interesting desu
This and are the only acceptable answers.
Replay Value is a meme. Its "points" are determined by everything above it, it's not an inherent value on its own.
Replay value is an OP stat.
If a game has maxed out replay, then it's automatically a better game, regardless of the other stats.
You had one point left dummy.
Exactly what I thought. Best post
this is what warband is and what bannerlord will be, literally the perfect games for people of taste
done, and done
Great post, this
Replay Value does not necessarily mean quality replay value, just that it is there.
I'll take 20 points and put it in gameplay please
The perfect game
> Golden Experience
5 Single Player
5 Story
5 Graphics
5 Music
> Endless Ride
5 Single Player
2 Story
3 Graphics
5 Music
5 Replayability
> Fun with Friends
5 Multiplayer
5 Graphics
2 Story
3 Music
5 Replayability
Why is everyone pretending they give a shit about the audio lmao?
I'd probably lower audio a point or two to put into replay otherwise you're me
enjoy your game in 10 years retard
These are the perfect options regarding two different kind of games
>No singleplayer
>No multiplayer
LITERALLY unplayable
So it's an excellent comic
I'm confused. Why pour points into single player when there's none in multiplayer? How would a singleplayer game range from "Kind of singleplayer" to "very singleplayer"
Thats where the Value part comes into play. If it's not quality then there isn't much replay value is there?
A movie then?
no a game
Have you ever heard of The Last of Us for PS4? I think you’d really enjoy it, it’s right up your alley.
you'll replay it anyway because of how good it is
PC Solitaire
20 is too much to make some significant sacrifices here, should be 15.
It's a movie. It's also different every time you watch, giving it infinite replay value.
>dont need to replay a game if it leaves a lasting impression
It's better to play one game for life and become an expert, than to play many just for completion's sake.
>all these brainlets not putting only 1 point into single or/and multi player
you would have 4 more points to use
Metal Gear Rising
you are the problem with games whether you know it or not. FOOOORNITE
thats not 20 points
For all intentsive surfaces, single player and multiplayer affect game play.
>Reducing the entire gaming industry to a single game
you are the solution to all the problems with games. this should always be the foucs.
20 points is too much should've said like 12.
how is this even a question
I was thinking more of MUDs and older MMOs without good graphical presentation but keeping you around thanks to their perfect multiplayer experience and endless replayability.
But ok?
>5 points to single player
>no story
Huh? Is this Tetris?
>story 5
>music 5
>single player 4
>replay 3
>graphics 3
Not really. Jap games often have replay bonuses like extra items, enemies or something like a NG+. Doesn't really fit into any other category
Why would you limit yourself to playing and mastering just one game?
i like you user
Because I like video games and don't need to seek experiences through them.
Shut up, nigger, these are my priorities.
dragon ball fighters
>intentsive surfaces
please tell me you're memeing and you don't think this is actually the saying "for all intents and purposes"
but if the game is shit you'll never use those ng+ features anyway
Well, obviously I won't tell you how to play your videogames, but variety is fundamental to me
put last point in either single player or multiplayer, whichever you prefer.
star citizen?
first, you're fucking stupid and he's obviously joking.
second the phrase is "intensive purposes"
Pretty sure this is just God Hand
Why not just take the points out of single player and story, you giant retard?
what would more point in multiplayer do? you're multiplayer or you're not
5 sp, 5 story, 3 gfx, 4 audio, 3 replay
prove me wrong
Fuck graphicsfags and FUCK multiplayerfags!
Tetris 99?
filthy casual, go ruin some other hobby will ya
fix'd for Yea Forums
Give me a game like this.
Hey, it worked for Undertale.
ty bro
fuck muh narritive and fuck trannies
haha so undertale then
Try and guess what I like.
So a point and click adventure?
>can't even harmonize this close since last harmony
I only need 10.
Well, that's ALSO true.
I still don't get how replay value is separate from singleplayer and multiplayer. How can a game have 5//5 in either of those aspects but have shit replayability? How can a game have 0/5 in both of those aspects but have 5/5 replayability? If a game has good gameplay it will be replayable
NG+ features and the like I feel are more tied into gameplay itself.
I don't understand why people waste points on graphics. Are people really not able to play ascii games? Even if it's has literally the best gameplay ever made? If you're going to be playing a game for the rest of your life I don't see how graphics would matter at all, graphics are something you get bored of after a while
Wouldn't that just be part of the "singleplayer" category, since it makes the singleplayer more fun to play (replaying is still playing, I don't understand drawing this arbitrary line between them)?
Fuck you and your remake with useless stats
You can't have an art style without graphics. Those two are tied and should be the same thing. An all encompassing word like "visuals" would be better
the perfect game
this is the only correct answer
If you can't replay a game and enjoy it then its not really a fun game.
>what are custom/private servers?
>You can't have an art style without graphics. Those two are tied and should be the same thing. An all encompassing word like "visuals" would be better
Civilization games are a good example of how you're wrong. Replayability based on dozens of different maps, scenarios, and challenges that all comprise the same assets.
This is funny because I think Multiplayer is negative aspect to games. They balance skills and abilities around the idea that you're playing with others, and it throws single player balance completely out of whack since they can't code an AI to act like a human.
Take some blocks off story and add it to multiplayer.Nintendo is known for fun local games like nsmb, mario party and smash.
So, either a game made by Sony or porn.
Please tell me how a pure ascii game can have an amazing art style. No, Brogue doesn't count since it uses extra graphical features. Graphics are tools developers can use to make an art style. If all you can do is print characters to the screen like a text adventure or something you have no tools to work with. The more tools you have the more you can do. Do you think "graphics" literally just means the difference between gamecube games and modern games with nothing below that? Do you think it's just polygon count and fancy lighting effects and that's it?
the fuck are you on about?
you do know that artstyle can mean practically anything right?
for example games with shit graphics but good artstyle:
Minecraft, Runescape, Stardew valley, Gang Beasts, Borderlands, Don't Starve, Kerbal Space program etc
and here's a few good graphics games with shit artstyle:
Jump Force, WoW, Anthem, Monster Hunter World
If Music/Audio isn't at least a 4 on your chart, you have some colossal shit taste.
ofc only if replay is actual freedom in the game and choices. Not fucking difficulty level or new game +
This is the perfect game, you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.
>You can't have an art style without graphics
Horse shit.
>graphics 0
is this game like some ascii-art text adventure or something?
i mean for pc you just mod everything in so you get 30 points
> Jump Force
> Good Graphics
Why waste the two points on single player
Doesn't need perfect story or perfect graphics, just addicting gameplay.
Slay the Spire and Hand of Fate are good examples.
A mediocre campaign is better than shinier graphics and no single player at all.
>shit artstyle
>minecraft, runescape, gang beasts
>good artstyle
where's the physics/engineering?
In what world are the games you've listed anything below 3/5 in graphics? Have you literally never played a game with bad/no graphics before? Are you a console faggot or something? A 0 in graphics is not minecraft, it's a text adventure or roguelike. Even something as basic as roguelike graphics are arguably a huge step up relative to text adventures (from what I've heard it was revolutionary at the time) so even that should arguably be higher than a 0
It really is, the hub area and non-combat cutscenes may be lazy as fuck, but the arenas and battle animations/cutscenes are top notch
Good taste but it could be improved
readIn what world do these games have bad graphics? How skewed is your scale? Slay the spire is like a 3 in graphics
Dude, Slay The Spire is visually pretty fucking horrendous. Tons of animation tweens and Unity menus. It's lucky it's as aesthetically good as it is. It barely scrapes a 2.
Wait, what happens if I put just one point in SP and no in MP?
What the fuck does that makes that game. slightly SP?
no, that's graphics as well
it would be audible only
It means the SP is shit and there's no MP.
>all on porn with no singleplayer fap
aww man
the reason I listed MHW as a game with shit artstyle mainly because it's worse than the old ones, and the weapons and monsters are 90% asset flips despite the game having one of the greatest graphics of all modern Japanese games.
If you say older Monster Hunters had worse art-style, then you're just being a memeing faggot
Stop being autistic. Graphics has always meant
It doesn't mean "durr no grafics" when you go to the bottom of the scale. Use your brain.
Dwarf Fortress and CDDA exist. Both games with excellent gameplay and replayability, but no graphics.
That's shit graphics. No graphics is like Igor and other MUDs. If you don't know what that is, you're a zoomer.
I assume you're a zoomer who likes shitty movie games
anyone who actually grew up with videogames would appreciate replay value over graphics/story/audio
I think you're mixing art style and graphics up. Graphics is what the developers use to draw stuff. In very early games they could only draw text to the screen. Then they were able to draw sprites, but it was very limited in terms of colour palette and sprite resolution, and they could have any fancy parallax stuff or particle effects like a lot of 2d games like to do nowadays. Slay the spire is a game that can do pretty much whatever it wants with 2d graphics. Sure it's only 2d and not 3d but I don't see how that makes the graphics bad. If the game looks as horrendous as you say then that's bad art style
yikes brother, first you claim that user wasn't you just "pretending to be retarded" and then you STILL get the phrase wrong?
dziękuję doktorku
Why would you arbitrarily narrow the scale like that? Now entire genres literally don't exist on your scale.
Quake 3
She's a dead fish in bed but she really likes ya and wants to spend time with you.
Literally Touhou games
THANK YOU. I'm surprised how long it took someone to post the objectively correct answer. why is story in video games so overrated around here?
pic related but i'd be okay with
Story would have to be lower for that, singleplayer would maybe be like a 4 instead of a 5
This one is exactly how I'd rate Breath of the Wild, except take maybe one square off replay value and add it to story.
>20 points
why spend more than you need to
go read a book nigger
that's witcher 2, user
To attract shitters who think those elements are better than what they seem in my game, the gaming industry does this all the time.
Better ping
Better servers
Better game modes
More Co-Op modes
Better Lobbies
Better Matchmaking
Better Ranking
Anti cheat
IP block for certain countries like BR
There's a lot that can fuck up an online game, it's not all just make a BR mode and fall asleep.
>one away from 20
Excluding the gutter of course, but damn what a shame
If the game is good I'm gonna replay it no matter what, having replay there makes no sense.
>no single player
>all multiplayer
problem, maggot?
How games should be done
Too easy.
I only need 19 point. The yellow stuff is all nice to have but a game can be perfect without it
Would buy
Damn, i love me some Abuelita, a shame they don't make those in Yurop
if you dont agree with this and you'd drop points from the others for replay value, literally kill yourself
I mostly play fighting games these days so I did it for a fighting game.
This grid doesn't make any sense.
For example, what does "single player" even refer to?
are you an idiot?
each point refers to how much emphasis is put on the category.
for single player you could have things like length of singleplayer campaign, amount of side quests, achievements/trophies, depth of the combat, size of the map, customization options and whatever else is relevant for single player. one point could be the original mario brothers and five points something like a more recent gta or monster hunter or whatever.
use your imagination, it really is not that difficult to understand.
what do you think?
stfu you retarded fucking underage i hope your mother and then you get raped to death by a pack of feral mandingo niggers jesus christ
How new?
They don't? Damn, too bad.
I don't think witcher 2 has that much replay value
5 in story, graphics, music/audio, and replay value
fuck your video games
thanks for the very informative link, i actually learned something today! this thread turned out to be a blessing in the skies.
For single player it would disregard multiplayer
Man, it really is a doggy dog world out there...
dziękuje, doktorze
I'm a gameplay and story fag, but slighty more of a gamplay fag
>good story and high replay value
absolute oxymoron
What good is a game if I can't play it with my bros
Multiplayer FPS shit can fuck off though
I used to play a lot of multiplayer shit, maybe a decade ago. I have concluded after many many years that single player experiences are better.
>I have concluded after many many years that single player experiences are better.
This is only true if you have no friends to play the multiplayer games with.
Dark Souls and Bloodborne
thanks doc
no dummy its a sanbox, you make your own, like the world and the fundations of how it works are there but after you start playing you can do whatever you want, haven't you played Warband before mate?
dzięks doktorku
I do, but it turns into the same fucking thing as ages ago. Also many of my friends are into similar single player games.
that depends entirely on what you want out of a video game. i play multiplayer games for the competition, as a sport. i play chess tournaments irl for the same reason. playing against (often easily exploitable) AI opponents that never ever evolve or change their strategies after a few months or years is not an interesting 'experience' to me. how many singleplayer games have you played in your life where you could put in thousands of hours over the course of a decade?
Not many, but that's because I like variety. I find videogames the same way I find other media, I like variety. Not the same thing for an extended period of time. I compare a good game to a good movie, rather than a good sport. And so I'd rather play 50 different good games in the same amount of time I would invest in learning how to get good at something that for me is not as fulfilling (like MOBAs, for instance). But that's just me.
I have also invested quite some time in single player games, though not as much. 300 hours is my limit there.
Undertale's combat system is fun and pretty unique though, and has a great story. Also "replay value" is pretty self explanatory.
Also ok.
They can always use seperate systems. Most don't for whatever retarded reason, but there's no reason multiplayer and singleplayer power ups and abilities have to use the same numbers, or even share the same core concept.