What's your favorite apex legends character?

What's your favorite apex legends character?

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>Guaranteed first to the circle/a defensive position and so many ways to ambush enemies

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unironically, this
i pretty much chose him because i didnt want to be a shitskin/nigger/woman but then i found out he's fucking broken. Pathfinder with Wingman+R301=W

I like Bloodhound because he's cool

Pathfinder is literally useless to the team

Nah you're just trash

i'd much rather have a bangalore or lifeline than a shitfinder

Pathfinder = unredeemable shitter
Giblatar = unredeemable shitter but really wants to help
Caustic = /pol/incel shitter
Lifeline = tryhard
Bangalore = aimbros that abuse the passive/thermal + smoke
Wraith = twitch kiddies

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What about bloodhound and mirage?

The only good characters are Caustic, Gibraltar, Pathfinder and Bloodhound. Take away Lifeline/Wraiths hitbox bullshit and they really have fucking nothing, everyone else has abilities that really do fuck all besides inconvience the enemy team.

The fact that you cant see anyone in Wraiths rift walk or cant cancel Mirages ultimate cloak to fire on the enemy make them dogshit tier. Bangalore is a bit better but a passive that requires you to get shot at and a smoke that you cant see through yourself? Only redeeming quality is the ultimate.

Bloodhound = hopeless eyelets
Mirage = "i just unlocked my first hero :D"

>unironically thinking cautistic is good

Once you stop being retarded, you realise that he cannot be beat while fighting indoors while his super is up.

youre still playing against retards that are too stupid to blow up doors

>super is up
im not talking about his traps you retarded cunt, clearly you havent stopped which explains why you're clueless

wow great u gassed up a house, guess we'll just wait outside

I wish Gibraltar wasn't so mediocre.....

Jesus you really are retarded

Good in early game, the speed boost is a life saver when you drop and are struggling to find a gun. Decent in late game too, with smoke and the legendary close-range scope you can see through it and basically wallhack. Artillery strike is decent for map control.

Decent powers, portals are good support for the team, void jumping is alright to run away from danger but not great (I prefer Bangalore's speed boost + smoke). Really frustrating to play against because of the small hit box and slanted posture, giving her a really strong advantage over opponents.

Good small hitbox, 2nd best after Wraith. Care package is decent but not great ultimate, it can be used to lure/trap enemy teams and can give you some nice equipment boost to your team in a relatively safe manner. Health drone can be a nice QoL when you just need to top up your health (due to ring damage for example).

Really good bamboozling opportunities, the ultimate is decent but not the best. It's frustrating that you cannot shoot when invisible and sometimes you're just stuck there waiting for the buff to disappear. The decoy can be really good in close quarter fights to just confuse the enemy.

Nice grappling, big-ish hitbox. I haven't played this character much. The ring scouting location is useless most of the time as in high level gameplay you don't really care about the ring and would rather go for aggressive pushes against enemy squads before it even comes to the last 1-2 circles of the game. Zipline is useless except for very niche situations.

Never used it. Huge hithox, retarded gas that sucks and bothers your own teammates more than the enemy. Bad character overall.

Completely useless. Shitty passive shield. The big shield skill is more useful to the enemy than your own teammates (since you can't shoot through it). Huge hitbox. Worst character of them all.


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wow you threw a cloud of farts

most of this game takes place outside, making him useless

caustic spergs are the most delusional and insufferable shitters

Fucking brainlets good god


Decent character. Big hitbox. His skill is kinda useless and gives your position away, but the passive is really good to track down enemies. The ultimate is great to spot enemies in the distance and the speed boost is nice (although Bangalore's is better), but the FOV mainpulation and framerate fuckery should get fixed.

Overall, personally I prefer playing with Bangalore/Mirage. Bloodhound and Wraith are my secondary picks, but it depends on my team.

Stay the fuck away from Caustic, Pathfinder, and Gibraltar.

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You're just playing him wrong, run around and punch people bruddah

zoomer game


This is unironically a boomer game for the people who are into quake, titanfall, and other serious and fast paced shooters.

Fortnite is the zoomer game


>spent all this time to spout your retarded opinions
This was written by a 100 damage per game shitter.

I average about 12 kills per match and never end up less than top 3 (I usually win most games) playing solo. Feel free to disagree with me, I couldn't really give less shits.

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>bangalore speedboost, which requires you to get shot at is better than bloodhounds ultimate which doesnt and also increases fov
yeah no, you're fucking trash

Nice summary, don't forget the 25% faster consumable use on lifeline though. Having a toned - down version of the legendary backpack at all times is absolutely insane.

Bangalore's speed boost works if they are just aiming and shooting in your general direction, they don't need to be hitting you. It works with punches too, which makes it OP when you drop and you're in a hairy situation with no weapons (saved my ass multiple times). It's always up and doesn't require you to activate it like Bloodhound's, it lets you run faster than Bloodhound's, and the sudden speed boost increase is more likely to throw your opponent's aim off and works really well when running away.

Bloodhound's ulti fucks you up if you play at high (144hz) framerate and high FOV. It takes a few seconds to pop meaning you risk pre-casting it and wasting it early, it has a longer cooldown, it doesn't give you as much of a speed boost, and is more uniform in movement which makes it easier for the enemy to adjust to your new speed.

Don't get me wrong, I love Bloodhound and his ulti is OP as fuck, but I still prefer Bangalore for the reason I stated above. They are both great characters to pick and I can usually win the game with either regardless anyway.

Yes, Lifeline is also awesome because of that, good point. The fast ressing is also a life saver especially if you're playing against brainlets who still haven't realized that you should be playing aggressively and push your opponents, as just hesitating for 2-3 seconds will let them revive and heal each other and fuck you up.

You're comparing an ult to a passive. If we're strictly talking the speed boost, I also perfer bangalore's passive because you actually have it up all the time, on something like a 5 second internal cooldown. I get much more usage as an agro player out of being able to push unholy fast many times during a fight, then being fast for one fight, maybe 3 times a game.

brainlet detected

I know it's supposed to be ambiguous but it's clearly a female voice. I know they didn't say one way or another on gender but it's fairly obvious if you aren't a moron.

Also that nonbinary comment everyone got worked up on was actually out of context.

>it's clearly a female voice

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>Pathfinder with Wingman+R301=W
An equally skilled opponent with any other character short of Gibraltar will destroy you with this combo given pathfinders dogshit hitbox

this game is legit fucking trash, it will die within 3 months.
gun balance is retarded, if you have a shit gun by the end of the game its gg because the gap is so wide from commons to rare.
a br should only have drops that are marginally better than each other

The only problem in this game as far as gun balance goes is the Wingman being OP and the mozambique being trash. They need to nerf the former and buff the latter. Also the alternator/p2020 could use a buff, but not as much as the Mozambique.

>caustic bricks up a house with the last squad
>we break the doors and made the ever living shit out of it
>squad wipe
Caustic is a detriment to the team and only good for early game stalling/reviving. Any good player is going to kick the door in and run right past your shitty gas trap.

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>fat retard fart man is in a house with his jenkum jars
>don't go in the house
>go into house with the Digital Threat attachment
>unload into his xbox heug hitbox while you take minimal damage from his dogshit gas
You sure showed them you fat, stinking retard.

And what about 99% of fights or finales that dont occur in a tiny little corridor against people without thermals? He has a hitbox 2x the size and a handful of useful traps

>doesnt matter because randoms wont follow you anyway

>he can't win games solo

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lol good luck being a shitter while I win 2/3 of my games with gay samoan joe

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post trackers page that shows games played / games won

Leave it to some weab cuck to not be able to identify afemale voice. She clearly just sounds like a woman with a mask on. Voice actor is female.

Let's be honest, most players in this game have no idea what they are doing. It's not like winning games is hard with any character. It doesn't mean that Gibraltar is even remotely good compared to all other characters though.

And see I have no trouble winning games of my own.

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>Not Tryhards and Twitch wannabes

I actually like playing Gibraltar and win constantly with him, sure the hit box shit sucks but his kit is actually decent (Cept that passive) and his ult wrecks shit.

>i don't know how to use these characters so they suck

remember to disable smoke particles when playing bangalore

>still no battle pass
these devs are retarded and playing with fire given that fortnite just started their new season

Feel free to correct any statement you consider to be incorrect. Otherwise you just come off as a retarded shitposter.

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Stop shilling your shit game EAslave, people are already quitting in droves because of how fucking incompetent these devs are.

Confirmed for never playing apex for more than 1 hour.
Lifelines passive is broken, you can play ultra aggro since she takes healing items 33% quicker and her revive is godlike

Bang dropped off a bit after the whole hitbox thing.
She's up there with bloodhound sure where you trade the bigger body for smaller head. But she cant compete with lifeline and wraith.

Not him. I'd argue that while the mozamweak and wingman are obvious outliers there are some conflicting design issues with the guns.
Example the R 99/301 go from best in class with no attachments to lasers (that are still best in class) with attachments.
Compare that to the havoc or prowler which need attachments to be viable.
Or the flat line which despite taking less attachments starts shitter then the 301 and ends in the bin.

>Confirmed for never playing apex for more than 1 hour.
False, I have hundreds of hours into the game at this stage.
>Lifelines passive is broken, you can play ultra aggro since she takes healing items 33% quicker and her revive is godlike
Yeah I don't disagree with this, she's a really good character. I always pick her when I play with my mates, but these days I only play solo and her usefulness when doing solo pushes/landing solo is vastly reduced so I prefer to play Bangalore/Mirage myself. I absolutely love Lifeline, don't get me wrong.

Caustic is primarily bad because of the hitbox.
Only shitters play the trapped building game. Good caustics use the traps as wards and the holocaust grenade to start fights.


been playing octane since he released about 20 mins ago. hes fun. i thought the passive heal would be OP but its pretty slow

>it's another case of "if you play these characters you're a liability and should kill yourself"
Is it so fucking hard to balance characters?

Pathfinder is so fun and his grapple is great for moving and getting to areas where enemies can't shoot at you or don't expect you to ambush from. Even if you don't have anything that would help snipe at enemies you can still put ziplines up so the sniper on your team can get to those areas and out if things get bad. The difference between a bad pathfinder and good is incredibly jarring and when people get to a good one they usually get jumped and wiped before they can start falling on excuses and saying they suck for picking him cause "muh hitboxes".

If you ask me the only characters who are directly fucked by their hitboxes is Gibraltar and caustic cause they have no options to mitigate it or escape like pathfinder does. All one can do is use a shield that can be used against him and shot around and also let third parties know that his crew is weak, and the other just has to hope they're too scared of taking 2 measly damage to push on him.

bazinga my dood!!!

I agree but
>the sniper on your team
Sniping in this game is absolutely worthless (unless you have the kraber, and even then it's just 'okay'). If you have a "dedicated sniper" in your team, you've already lost. This is a fast paced shooter which rewards aggressive close-quarter pushes, if you're playing the long distance game with a sniper rifle you're already at a disadvantage.

>love playing pathfinder because of his grapple
>do way worse with him than with any other character but Gibraltar due to his gigantic hitbox

it hurts bros.

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Not that guy.
I agree right now sniping is useless because the wingman is just better then the longbow and scout (TT works better at close range).
When it gets nerfed that might open up the possibility of using those rifles with like a 2x the crack shields before a push.

Yeah. However the game is so fast paced that I'm not sure how I would fix the sniper rifle issue. On the one hand, if you aren't insta-headshotting people and killing them in one hit, they will easily go into cover and heal; on the other hand, it would suck to get sniped from halfway across the map and die without even seeing the enemy (as already happens in other BR games).
Personally I don't think sniper rifles should even be a thing in these kind of games. I can understand the Kraber since it's a rare drop and whatnot. The scout is great for mid/close range too (just clickspam and it deals decent enough damage to finish opponents that are already at low hp/shield), the longbow + skullpiercer is great at mid range. Using 2x-4x-8x/whatever optics is just so awkward, takes ages to zoom, and the distances in the map don't really warrant using them. The 1x dot sight is the best one and has almost no downsides with 100% accuracy already anyway.

>i play solo and i do solo pushes
i hope you're not one of those retards that flies away from the objective during the landing phase

Lifeline, Bangalore or Wraith. Whichever my team doesn't pick typically.

Pathfinder on team is straight dc though.

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I mean I guess Bart Simpson, goku, naruto and like half of all Male animated characters are women too because they have women VAs

Depends how I feel like playing. If I go for the win (which makes it kinda boring) I will play safe and with my team, but sometimes I just want to practice aiming and aggressive pushes, so I just land away from my jump master (unless they follow me) and try to aim for the most populated location in the map (hot zone, drop ship, other hot areas, etc) as soon as possible. If I die I just start another game, no big deal. I know this triggers a lot of players but without ranked matchmaking this is really the only way I have to challenge myself since most players I meet (not all, admittedly) are much worse than me and the game becomes boring really quickly.

If I'm playing with my mates though, which are also very good and aggressive players, we play together and we pretty much always win anyway.

t. Brainlet

bangalore's smoke screen is useless against caustic who can just throw his ult into the smoke splitting your team up while also highlighting them, her rolling thunder is useless against gibraltar and anyone who understands that you could just run out of the area before they explode
only good thing about wraith is the small hit box and voices from the void
mirage is great all round except against bloodhound/caustic because of their highlighting abilities
pathfinder lets you get to the next ring before it's announced which let's you set up a good defense against incoming enemies, you can also reel in enemies with the grapple
caustic prevents enemies from reviving squadmates and doing finishers. announces, highlights and disrupts anyone trying to sneak up on you
gibraltar can turn any location into a defensive position and his arm shield prevents him from taking damage for a short period while aiming, it can also be turned off if you're afraid of being noticed by the enemy in long range battles
bloodhound's ability shows the general location of any enemy to your squad and they can't accurately pinpoint his location unless they're aware he's in the vicinity in the first place and you will know they're around even before that because of his passive
lifeline is good for beginners as she doesn't have any offensive abilities and could just stay back giving support to your squadmates

Mirage is pretty fun for cqc. Wraith mains are trash and kill hungry fucks, bloodhound and lifeline are pretty good.

Used to main Wraith when people didn't know you could literally see where she was going and knock her ass so easily, switched to Bingo Bongo Bangalore and really liked the speed boost and smoke, really helpful with cover and fights you need to getaway from/hide and heal.

Currently working on getting good at Mirage, as I dearly loved Holopilot from TF2 and want to at least get good at more than one character at a time. ("mains" are not viable in this game because someone is bound to pick the character sooner or later in randoms)

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Sniping right now is more of a support role rather than straight offensive one like most shooters are now. Its best to use the sights to scout spots and squads before pushing and picking off weak players as a third party instead of trying to take people down alone. The best offensive way to snipe without a kraber is to pick at them until they try to run and heal then your whole team can clean them up when you push. Its less common than just jumping in and shotgunning or magnuming people in the face but it still serves some purpose. It will likely get a lot better once snipers overall get buffed or the peacekeeper/wingman combo gets nerfed but I wouldn't say its pointless

>bangalore's smoke screen is useless against [...] his ult
A low-recharge time skill with 2x uses vs a slow-recharging ultimate. The smoke screen is used to escape or to flank opponents, or can be easily abused with the thermal sight. You clearly don't understand the game mechanics if you think the caustic's ulti is a counter to it.

>her rolling thunder is useless against gibraltar and anyone who understands that you could just run out of the area before they explode
The rolling thunder isn't OP, it's just there to be used when you have it to gain some map dominance, but it's not the reason why bangalore is good. Her passive and active skills outshine it quite a lot. Still, rolling thunder is great for establishing map control and funneling enemy teams into areas (like indoor/buildings) as they take cover and you can nade the shit out of them or rush them. It's a map control device, not an aggressive device.

>pathfinder lets you get to the next ring before it's announced
Completely pointless at high-level play. You almost never reach the last 1-2 rings in a match (unless playing against campers who are easy to kill anyway). The ring does so little damage that you can literally just ignore the entire ring mechanics and play inside it to flank opponents to little to no downsides. It's a nice addition to have but honestly the zoning in this game is so inconsequential that this ability doesn't matter.

>caustic prevents enemies from reviving squadmates and doing finishers. announces, highlights and disrupts anyone trying to sneak up on you
Completely pointless most of the time except for very niche indoors situations where you set up traps and your opponents are retarded enough to fall into them.


at the ranges 90%+ fights take place in this game (which in fairness is likely a result of the peacekeeper/r99/wingman meta) the R301 does what you just described as well if not better then a sniper


>gibraltar can turn any location into a defensive position
The defensive dome helps your enemies more than you, if you use it for defense they can just play around it and go in/out and fuck you and your teammates up. It just throws off everybody and is a huge signal on the map saying "hey, we're here, come fuck us up cause we're in a dire situation".

>his arm shield prevents him from taking damage for a short period while aiming
You can literally break his arm shield in a single wingman/peacekeeper shot. It also makes him more obvious to spot at a distance (bright ass shield), and doesnt' cover his entirety of the huge ass hitbox. It's literally pointless.

I agree with everything else you said, as I already stated the same in my original post.

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>Supporting EA

Zoomers please stop destroying my hobby

Females making male inflected voices. Bloodhounds voice is female inflection with just a mask on, if you can't hear it I don't know what to tell you pal.

sounds like both male and female and that's what they tried to do

>mirage is great all round
>pathfinder lets you get to the next ring before it's announced which let's you set up a good defense against incoming enemies, you can also reel in enemies with the grapple
>caustic prevents enemies from reviving squadmates and doing finishers. announces, highlights and disrupts anyone trying to sneak up on you
>gibraltar can turn any location into a defensive position and his arm shield prevents him from taking damage for a short period while aiming, it can also be turned off if you're afraid of being noticed by the enemy in long range battles
Stop talking, you clearly don't know shit. Mirage and Caustic are complete garbage and only played by garbage people. Gibraltar and Pathfinder are less garbage but still gets fucked by their hitbox sizes and mostly crappy abilities.
>lifeline is good for beginners
She is one of the best characters in the game due to her three passives and small hitbox.

>play gibraltar once

Are you a console player? Just genuinely asking, because you don't really have a very good grasp on the game, and I wonder if maybe the game works differently with the gimped aiming mechanic of controllers.

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>supporting ea
Respawn makes good shooters though.

Goku literally sounds like a 6 year old girl bro. Also the developers themselves stated it's supposed to be ambiguous/non-binary.

Yikes at this thread. Dont bother to reply to me. Im not wasting any time reading your shot opinions.

>i'm just gonna repeat everything i said all over again because i never bothered learning how to play these characters so i can't really refute anything this guy is saying

>I dont understand what balance is

Shit, user, I'm not the guy you're replying to, but this guy is retarded, the only /good/ characters to run on console itself are Mirage and Bangalore, and sometimes lifeline, this guy must be bloody insane.

>bloodhound's ability shows the general location of any enemy to your squad and they can't accurately pinpoint his location unless they're aware he's in the vicinity in the first place and you will know they're around even before that because of his passive
I missed this one.

Bloodhound's ability throws off your team way more than not. This game has god-tier positional audio, you can easily pinpoint enemy locations almost 100% accurately by just listening for steps and noise, especially at the range that Bloodhound's ability operates at. By getting residual afterimages, you're actually confusing yourself and your teammates more because half a second later those afterimages will already be outdated and the best they can tell you is that somebody is close by (which you already knew from the positional audio). On the other hand, it literally tells your opponents where you are and sends a really visible light signal that can be spotted by far away enemies as well. A huge "hey, we are here!"

I like Pathfinder because MRVNs are cool and he's the one with the grapple even if I lack cool stuff for him.

I like Wraith because the execution I have for her is probably one of the best in the game and her Engie teleporter can come in handy.

I like Mirage because it's fun to bamboozle with a bunch of decoys lobbed everywhere.

I agree with your opinion that everyone else in here has a shit opinion.



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>write retarded shit
>get dunked on
>double down instead of realizing you fucked up
This aspect of human nature never fails to amaze me

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How would you guys buff Caustic to make him more viable?

Let me introduce you to a better kramer gif, my good friend

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The game is free and respawn basically stated that they pushed this out to spite ea not. Which is hilarious honestly. I hate ea just as much as anyone else doesn but respawn deserves this after they got cucked with tf1 and 2.

You're not going to land on an r301 all the time or even find the stuff to put on it. Even then I snipe just fine with a g7, single shot flatline or hemlock, and triple take. I avoid the longbow since its rof is dogshit when someone gets too close and I find the havoc charge time too much to adjust to. Sniping can work if you really try its just getting the guns and yourself in a position to do it which pathfinder already does half that work for you. Its nice to have the top tier guns but you're not always going to so you have to be patient with what you have or just third party everyone til they drop everything you want which also doesn't always happen

Teammates should have vision of the enemies that get hit by gas desu

They need to re-work all hitboxes in this game, not just his. Just the fact that different characters have such significantly different hitbox sizes really fucks up with everything. It's really telling where a lot of good players pick Wraith over a lot of other (on paper) better characters simply because of her slanted posture and hitbox making her just that much harder to hit. It doesn't even matter what abilities you have, your hitbox in such a fast paced twitch aiming FPS with such a high skill ceiling is the number 1 priority, always.

>Its nice to have the top tier guns but you're not always going to so you have to be patient with what you have or just third party everyone til they drop everything you want which also doesn't always happen
This is a self-fulfilling prophecy. I have no trouble finding every gear I need relatively early on in the game because I am not scared of playing for aggression. Find out aim fights early on, make it so the enemy cannot get a chance to properly gear up, hunt down care packages, know which places to land at to get the highest chance for gear. I can get all I need 99% of the time in the first ~10 minutes/first half of a game. However, if you play careful, positional (so much for your 'pathfinder advantage'), "smart", avoid confrontation, go for the last stand and try to "win" the game instead of taking fights, you will always have inferior gear and I can totally see why you'd think the way you think.

Try to shift your playstyle to a more aggressive/close-range one, that's how all the actually good players at this game play.

I fucking hate all of you for supporting this game

>mfw Caustic main
>people are too new / dumb to play him so they think he sucks.
Get gassed, kiddo.

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They're still cool tho

This literally never happens

>not carrying two spitfires with extended mags

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I despise Lifeline both in looks and personality but I always feel useful when I play here cause you niggas steal all of my package shit but that's fine. Only true support character.

>landing on the supply ship as caustic

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Teach me your ways senpai

After I saw that Wraith sonic runs like an autist in third person when I saw a teammate player her, I knew she was the character for me.

>Wraith over a lot of other (on paper) better characters simply because of her slanted posture and hitbox making her just that much harder to hit.

Make her thicker and give her a facial rework that changes that horrid Sarah Ryder face, also give her better posture. Bam, new waifu, plus she's better to hit.

>lifeline calls in carepackage
>ass with the highest tier loot grabs the purple/gold leaving his team the scraps

>I despise Lifeline both in looks and personality

She's my wife anyways

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anyone hyped for octane?

based dumb tranny

I only play bloodhound and bangalore, everyone else is hecka gay


Mother fucker is only okay indoors, out in the open you are the biggest most useless thing in the game. Better have pro aim running across the open areas. Even indoors most people arent stupid enough to just rush in a room of gas traps. Plus you can just shoot the bottoms of the canisters to make them go away. He really needs at least a damage or aoe boost.

Caustic really shines towards the end of games, usually if your squad is held up in a building somewhere. Also, people think Caustic is purely a defensive character but that really isn't the case. His ultimate is a great tool to help push forward, and if an enemy squad is held up inside a building you can place some gas traps along the perimeter to see when they try to leave. Being a good Caustic requires equal parts patience and communication.

>Big hitbox

Really, nigger? He has top3 smallest hitbox with 37 pixels, while the lowest is Wraith with 33. Retard


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Pathfinder’s grapple is shit. They have to double or triple the range to make his character viable, maybe even replace his ult with a quick escape move

Also pathfinder’s only redeeming quality is that he’s white.

Mastiff gon give it to ya

She runs fast
Thats entirely it

>auto heals out of combat
>fastest run
>jump pad for high ground
dare i say it?

He's shit my man. Play wraith instead.


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mastiff is easily the best legendary weapon, kraber has that 1hko shot that can insta kill anyone with headshots even if wearing purple armor but it's slow as fuck and ridiculously low amount of ammo
