Mass Effect


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Fuck EA

To be honest it was already weird Sovereign was wasting its time taunting you on Virmire when you were supposedly lower than an insect in its eyes.

They're ancient robots who clear house every few billion years or so in order to make room for new life. How's that beyond anyone's comprehension?

Mass Effect 1's story and writing wasn't really all that great.
Still better than the shitshow we got in the sequels.

Daily reminder that this series has no tentacle rape porn, fuck western fanbases.

You need to romance tentacles first

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Game wouldn't even let me join the reaper fraction, evil/good route my ass. Also
>posting tkmiz stuff
good taste

He was there for something else and then shepherd rolled up on him. He decided to clue him in on his destruction Bc why not

ME2 would have been a far better game if it had dropped the Reaper approach and focused on dismantling Cerberus across different worlds. Comfy searching and lore discovery was great in ME1.

>if it had dropped the Reaper approach

I mean, it's not like you can't get into the galaxy just because you are outside of it.
They did the next logic step, which was just flying towards it.

Maybe he thought spreading a demoralizing message would have a more devastating effect on his target than killing one soldier.

It is my favorite conversation in the game. I thought they were the coolest villains when I saw that, a biblical event/extinction event made sentient. I thought the series had a much more ambitious trajectory. Then it's lol shoot the reapers with guns and they die

Yeah this. That whole reaperfication creeped me out back then and I loved how these things manipulate you once they got you. It reminded me of how people depict a god or satan with all the whispering and tempting until you confuse their thoughts with your own and you only realize you are fucked when it's way too late. This was some almost lovecraftian tier of scifi horror and so much better than anything we got later. Worse, they actually made the reapers boring in the later games and don't make me even talk about the end of the last game with all that starkid bullshit and everything.

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so how was the fleet battle above earth in ME3 turning out? were the combined fleets able to destroy any reaper dreadnaughts?

based tkmiz posters

by rpg's standards and most video games it was

Me3 is so dogshit for trivializing the Reapers. It took the entire might of the citadel and it's fleet plus the Normandy to take out Sovereign and there were still incredible losses and damage.

Then in me3 you do more damage fucking blowing up the relays than the reapers did. What a shit game

This shit always happens and I always hate it. It also happens with non-game series a lot. People just can't write a threatening enemy and either leave them like that or continue making them threatening, it always starts great and ends up being about some evil hahaha-villains that tell you they will get you or the MC and in the end everyone can just shoot them regardless of which eldritch they might be or win by the power of friendship and the MCs get mary sue'd to no end to pander their fans.

>Too complex to understand
>We just thinning the herd bc otherwise robots will kill you hurr
Fuck EA and fuck bioware

How did they not notice how retarded this is?

After the leaks happened lead writer Mac Walters let only a select few yes men participate in the rewriting process.

From one perspective, the Leviathans are legit autist and the Reapers however smart they may actually be are fundamentally based on roundabouts the same thought processes as them. So, they're also autist.


From a second perspective, the ending got leaked and things got changed as a result. That said, I prefer the ending we got to the one we were going to get.

Probably a few rather stupid writers.

Why every time I start playing an old game Yea Forums starts talking about it? Recently played me1. Before that NW1. Homeless people stop and ask me for a smoke about 8 times a day. I get calls from Isis nearly every day for years. Is life even real? Are my interactions curated by a simulation? I want to die to know if this is all real.

When you play a game it's more fresh in your mind, so you notice threads about it more.

I think it makes sense. AI will wipe out all life forever unless someone steps in and restores balance. The reapers basically take a collection of life from every cycle and put them in an immortal body. I think its a pretty cool idea

1 > 2 > 3 never trying Andromeda from all I've seen. Geez what a way to end this series

What was leaked?

The original ending. And apparently many didn't like it.

What autists believe

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So why did Karpyshyn leave and & give the writing to some literal who. Did he want to end the story with ME2

I think the rumor was that he was pressured out. I don't know by who.

EA deserves to be reaperfied.

The idea of each Reaper being formed in the image of the 'chosen species' of each cycle was incredibly cool, and also brought home how unimaginably long the cycles have been going on for that there could be that many of them.

Then it got to ME3 and they just dropped it.

If they'd make a new ME game like they say when would you prefer it to take place?
Ignore that you probably have zero hope for a game that's actually good, just pretend it was the writers of ME1 with the same motivation and inspiration they had during ME1.

Except they were hibernating while waiting for sovereigns signal.

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i think they could take the merc idea somewhere. you run a new upstart merc company, during the events of ME:2. have to ally/fight the other big 3 merc companies (Eclipse, Blue Suns, Blood Pact). in the first mission you play as a Blue Suns merc, left to die after the failed assault on archangel. mission 2 you steal a Mako, and fly off to build your private army. would be an incredibly engrossing plot? maybe not, but it would be a good vehicle to explore the galaxy without having to revive shep (let him/her die they earned it fuck) or go to andromeda lmao

Shit b8, but renagde/paragon doesn't = good/evil

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It always happen to me that games and anime or other series get a sudden announcement for a sequel or something when I pick them up. Happened a lot. Even when I started the series or games ages after the last one was released.
I only started with ME recently so expect them to announce something in 2019, I am sorry user.

>ywn get to see drews realization for ME

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I bet most fans had already far better ending ideas as any of the official ones we got.

i honestly think the dark energy plot was what drew had in mind, which wouldve led to much more interesting reaper motivations. almost anything wouldve been better than whatever the hell we got.

guys how do i get through these games all the way to three again? i finally got all the DLC for 3 but i have every achievement for ME:1 and 2. im bankrupt on playthrough ideas here. is javik the citadel and shit worth it all? give me your wildest ME:1/2 run ideas (preferably without wasting the whole squad in 2)

What was the actual idea behind this? I only know it was dark energy related but not what exactly.

Can you elaborate ? I don't remember exactly what was the idea with the dark energy.
Even so, the reproduction cycle was far enough in my opinion. The reapers being a parasitic entity growing through mass genocides throughout history is horrific. Even by ME2 it was still salvageable. People hate on the human reaper, and yeah it could have been better (the embryo concept was more horrific), but it was in the right direction.
Then ME3 happened and all the reapers became the same, contradicting the established lore, and going on with that retarded bio/synthetic opposition.

Proof that nobody likes gypsies.

What's stopping them from releasing a new version of 3? Hell Star Wars did it, they completely erased the Expanded Universe and said fuck it, we're doing a do over. There's nothing stopping them from redeeming themselves and releasing Mass Effect 3 Redux, a completely different game from bottom up.

All they gotta do is admit they fucked up. Why is that so hard, we all know it.

I never understood the Quarian hype.

That's what happens when you don't think up your full story before it goes to print.

it boiled down to an ancient race discovering dark energy was causing stars to die. this race couldnt figure out how to solve the problem, and realized it would inevitably lead to the extinction of all life in the universe. in an attempt to both achieve the processing power and lifespan they believed necessary, they condensed their entire species into the first reaper. still being unable to save the universe but seeing the potential in their new form they begin the harvest cycle. destroying a single reaper then is the genocide of an entire species who ultimately was trying to fight the inevitable fate of the universe. a being who sees in all, the potential to add to this fight. all they ask is that you shed your pesky individual being. shep wouldve learned this from Tali in the end of 2 or beginning of 3, thanks to her research. the end of the game would then be choosing to fight the universe with the reapers or destroy countless civilizations knowing youve doomed all life in the universe while maintaining the sovereignty of each individual to be a single person. you can find more detailed explanations with a google search. better than lol i have to kill you so robots dont

This would be pretty cool if both choices had actual endings. With actual endings I mean more than some end scene and the likes, these ends are different enough to warrant a detailed story part that tells you how things played out and eventually ended. Wish we could have gotten that instead. Still think there were even better possibilites to explain reapers but it's at least ten times better than the shit we got and it probably wouldn't have involved that whole human starchild and crucible bullshit.

It always fucks with me when I see how common this behavior is. It's actually more or less the standard rather than an exception. Hell, it's something I expect for shitty webcomics but not actual movies, cartoons and game series.



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The reveal of their origin was so fucking stupid I wish whoever wrote was killed in a horrific accident.

They’re not actually from beyond the stars, they’re just robotic copies of giant space fish from the galaxy.

They REALLY have to drop this retarded policy of having 6 writers who can't see each others works and everyone writes his own missions. This is pants on head retarded and whoever considered this a good idea should be fired.

It kind of surprises me how bad so many sci-fi plots are in games. Makes me wonder if the writers have ever read any good science fiction themselves.

>Makes me wonder if the writers have ever read any good science fiction themselves.
Not him but that's exactly what pisses me off so much. Scifi books are known for having among the best plots, developments, world building and societal commentaries out there and yet most modern scifi series are retarded shit. I can't imagine people reading a lot of this and then coming up with the shit that plagued the later ME games.
Fuck I wish I wasn't so gay for some of the species they created as well as the atmosphere of the first game. I would just let it go then but now I can't.

personally i dont think we shouldve ever got a motivation for them but fucking writers sometimes cant resist writing. id take some existential reasoning with no obvious right answer over lmao pick color.

No one can save us! The age of humanity has ended!

>id take some existential reasoning with no obvious right answer over lmao pick color.
It would feel more mature anyway than a typical hero sacrifice and saves everything bullshit.


Turians > humans. Fight me.

It's gurren lagann lmao

sovereign walked in on you while you were dicking around with the communication system of one of his goons. it's not like harbinger who spends all of me2 trying to personally kill you.

It IS a fucking AI wiping out all life forever. The Starchild and the entire Reaper backstory was some of the worst bullshit I've ever had a game throw at me while still taking itself dead seriously. As soon as the Reapers were revealed as nothing but puppet slaves they lost all their mysteriousness. It is complete nonsense and Hudson and Walters are gargantuan retards.

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>ME1 points to synthesise
>ME2 points to control
>ME3 points to destroy


if you didn't pick destroy you are a confirmed fag

Yeah. They're supposed to be superillingences. We cannot comprehend them, and all we could do is stall them a bit or win very small scale battles.
In the grand scheme of things, they should be so intelligent and powerful we cannot win in the face of them.

>saren wants synthesis
>doesn't work
>tim wants control
>doesn't work
>hudson tried to present these as viable options and tried to make them seem better than control

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Daily reminder that Saren should have won. We wouldn't have gotten these awful sequels that way.

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Explanation is always a deadly sin with such cosmic horrors. It should just have been about enemies associated with Reapers or something completely different, since I think they already did this perfectly with Saren and I didn't really need different versions of Reaper helpers after that. They just felt like knockoffs of the original.

ME 3 was good until like the last 30 min. Holy shit did it nosedive with that ending. I still remember how confused I was about how badly they fucked it up

Define "good". Combat was fun, the story was absolutely retarded right from the start.

I know it gets mentioned a lot on here but I really hate that kid related PTSD with a passion.
I generally hate kids in fiction because they are always added for cheap shitdrama because everyone assumes you would feel more sorry for some random brat than losing fucking team members you have fought with or even adult main characters.

Good. You opened this message.

It should have done the Halo route, Reapers are only in legends but never show up.

Playing it again lads after all the ME threads lately supporting my opinions I've had for the last 10 years

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it's called 'confirmation bias' or 'red car syndrome'
it's fine user

>They’re not actually from beyond the stars, they’re just robotic copies of giant space fish from the galaxy.
wait what? did they cover this in DLC or something?
someone fill me in please

>never not torrented 3
>always wanted to try multiplayer
>look up origin
>still 50 bucks with all DLC's
No multiplayer for me then.

>currently playing ME1
>taking Garrus and Wrex with you
This is my user.
I am currently wasting my time visiting random planets for artefacts and shit.

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Yeah I agree. The PTSD dream sequences were trash gameplay wise and didn't really add anything to the overall plot. We are supposed to belive that the guy/gal that possibly saw half his squad die to suffer PTSD for some random kids death lol

Nah man, the story still satisfies a lot of stuff. The ending of the quarian/geth conflict, creating a viagra for krogans and smaller stories like that. But the overall story with the ""war"" against reapers is so bad.

Yeah the DLC are expensive. Bought all three games with the ME1 DLCs for 7 dollars last week but the later DLCs are still expensive as shit.

I want to love this game so much but it was so boring to play. I'd rather read it as a book series.

Was the PTSD stuff in the Renegade route as well? Because I am sure it was and that's even more retarded because nobody like Renegade Shepard would give a shit about a single kid after shooting down everyone else.

I'll agree on the krogan stuff, but Rannoch arc was awful and shat on everything established about the geth in previous games.

God, I hope they release a HD bundle for the PS4 before bioware gets buried for good

>I'd rather read it as a book series.
Considering how much they've fucked up with the games there might even be fanfiction alt-versions that are better than the original trilogy content.

why do so many people like this homo space sim?

Dunno. Someone confirm this? Because if it is, it doesn't make any sense at all

Because I masturbate to aliens.

im actually not upset by this revelation

Yes, it's the same shit for renegade.

leviathan dlc

No, it wasn't. Bioware writing has always been shit. Only difference is that most games smartly limit their shitty writing, whereas Bioware gives you 50 hours of their trash.

>Then it's lol shoot the reapers with guns and they die
That's literally how the first game ends, though.

so are there bigger bads than Reapers or something

What? They got really lazy with that stuff man. That's lazy af

leviathan was further attempts to convince people that the stupid justification they made up for the reapers killing everyone makes sense.
>woah... so the leviathans were killed by their own synthetics... it all makes sense now...
but it still doesn't

Bioware proper is truly dead anons. Games like ME 3 was just the beginning. EA will give it the axe just like Viceral and the ME andromeda team. Just look on how badly anthem is doing

lol Renegade in ME3 is just a less pussified version of Paragon, not comparable with ME2 Renegade let alone ME1's

leviathans made an AI to manage peace in the galaxy while being holier than thou asswipes
AI(starchild) kills most of them and makes reapers in their image
all the reaper brainfucking is also derived from the leviathan's own biological abilities

Why did they do this? Afraid of pissing the new big fanbase off?

At least Dead Space had the guts to stay true to its villains. Humanity lost, the enemy fucking decimated them.

Reminder that in shepard's ORIGIN STORIES worse shit happens that some rando kid getting blown up in a shuttle.

>batarians melting kids with grease throwers
>all of shep's squad getting eaten by a thresher maw
>being a shitty favela kid on overpopulated earth involved in crime
>sacrificing loads of fellow troops to ensure the success of a mission

If shepard was going t have PTSD it'd be from all that shit, not some kid he didn't even know

>Humanity lost, the enemy fucking decimated them.
Fuck now I have to play it. It's ony my backlog for ages but I always did other games first. I love that shit, fuck all that stupid humanity pandering. If humans were actually confronted with advanced alien species or AIs they would get gang banged.

giving Shepard the muh feefees angle I guess
give the player a reason to care for earth/humanity
true Renegade Shepard wouldve called Earth a shithole anyway and wouldnt bother with flashbacks and get straight to business

This annoyed me so much. It is fine to make Shepard an actual character, but atleast tie it into his canon.

Renegade Shep who killed thousands of Batarian civilians to stop reapers might not care for one kid

>If shepard was going t have PTSD it'd be from all that shit, not some kid he didn't even know
Yeah that's why I complain. It's the typical Hollywood family and kinds-are-good bullshit they always pull when they want to trigger "emotions" and shit has never worked for me. I can cry losing my in-game bro who was always by my side, I can't give a shit about some damn kid, especially not in a game with millions of victims that apparently weren't enough to traumatized the retarded MC.

Krapsarkin or whatever his fuckin' name is probably just assumed that no one would play the game so he didn't bother thinking of anything else.

yeah, but Dead Space got the EA treatment aswell, so you know what you are in for
wanted to play it for ages myself, but this fact and the story behind it always held me back

Touche. You're completely right. I think the writers wanted a cheap and easy way to show Shepards guilt for not being able to save humanity/how this war is taking a till at his mental state by making him feel bad for a kid

Nah, just Earth. But yeah, the ending was grim

>true Renegade Shepard wouldve called Earth a shithole anyway and wouldnt bother with flashbacks and get straight to business
Exactly this. This is what I was expecting. I always tried to explain that reaction by racism, as in, Shepard doesn't have a problem threatening aliens with genocide but will cry if one of his faggots dies. But I kidna doubt that's the message the devs wanted to convey.

that opening soundtrack was something out of this world. Eeerie, weird, otherwordly. And at the same time, enchanting and beautiful in its solemnity.

>yeah, but Dead Space got the EA treatment aswell
Well fuck not again. What happened THIS time?

Andromeda is so forgettable, but i absolutely loved wandering the planets not knowing where the fuck i was going

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ME3 is awful from beginning to end

>muh earth, when earth is known to unimportant compared to Arcturus Station, the capital of humanity's space civilisation where their massive fleet is based (we also never get to see it)
>muh warscore, to build a device that until the last 15 minutes no-one knows what it actually does despite fucking building it
>cerberus flips from being human supremacists to actively implanting their troops with alien biotech and attacking the rest of humanity
>space ninja who runs away like a bitch while taunting you
>reapers are just identical death robots
>harbinger is dropped in at the end as an afterthought without any dialogue

microtransactions with forced coop :^)
but only in the 3rd game, the first 2 are good from what I read at the time. maybe they are worth sinking the time into but EA sure makes sure that the 3rd game is fucked beyond comprehension

We're always watching, user

The problem with the way the Mass Effect series went is precisely that they stopped being about lol shoot the reapers with guns and they die. That's how the first game goes. The second game has you upgrade you guns again so you can blow a hole in the collector ship. The trilogy was sold on you playing a badass who kills lovecraftian horrors by shooting them in the dick really fucking hard. Then they suddenly felt like the ending needed some higher concept shit and they completely lost the plot.

Andromeda was an actual great game, besides all the stupid complaints about facial features and other bullshit. Privileged assholes bitched so much that we got cheated out a sequel and got left with a cliffhanger ending.

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no, it was really shit man, you just have very low standards. sorry

how many new alien races were there in a completely different galaxy?

Yeah I really hated that cheesy Earth pandering. These fuckers should have let me visit Palaven or something, I was always looking forward seeing all of the aliens' home planets, but nope.

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>We are far beyond your comprehension
>You exist because we allow it. You will end because we demand it
>Fast forward
>LOL nah it's really dumb and easy to understand
Fuck that faggot Hudson for throwing a fit because the script got leaked and completely redoing it so it was garbage.

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>Nah, just Earth.
Isaac and Carver got completely mind raped by the moons despite being nowhere near them and having experience in dealing with hallucinations. All of humanity is fucked except Lexine who is immune to the signal and possibly Ellie who's never shown any signs of hallucinating. It's a damn shame that we'll never get Dead Space 4

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the first game shows that such a strategy is suicidal when half the fleet falls against a single reaper
the second game didn't have jack shit to do with the reapers, really, and it's because it failed to advance the plot in a reasonable way that the third game was doomed to fall short no matter what they did - it's pacing

It was terribly obvious the galaxy was going to lose hard if the reapers actually carried out their plan like they usually do, so for some reason they go straight to Earth instead of the Citadel and sabotage themselves all the way to the end. In the first place, according to prior lore on ME technology, the Reapers shouldn't have even been able to fly to the galaxy without a Relay, or doing so would take a vast amount of time and burn up a significant percentage of their fleet in the process.
The goal should've either been to stop them from ever getting in, or at least delay it a few hundred/thousand years so the galaxy could advance their tech substantially, or it should've been set up for failure with a lot of bad endings and leaving some sort of promise for the next generation of life instead of having you manatee save the day.

The writing was probably the worst part of the game. Every line, every piece of dialogue was simply terrible. I have read better fan fiction.
The animations I could look past but in reality it was just the icing on the cake when the retarded animations matched the retarded writing.

>redoing it
no, the leak was pretty much exactly the same as what we got, right down to the starchild
bioware damage controlled and pretended they were still changing it but all they did was cut the prothean stuff to sell as DLC

god damn I would have loved low IQ bant master choices in the trilogy
>you fumble around in the dark...
>zip it squidhead you look like the fried calamari a greek once served me with some drinks
>we harvest organic life and store them in reaper form...
>you are just creating more synthetic life you malfunctioning piece of shit toaster.
punching the reporter and calling Hanars big stupid jellyfish but extended around building a character with that persona

>the first game shows that such a strategy is suicidal when half the fleet falls against a single reaper
Who gives a shit how many other chumps bite it fighting a Reaper? I'm playing the bad motherfucker who takes on entire armies of enemies with a three man squad and then kills a Reaper on my own with a single small stealth ship. I killed a Reaper on fucking foot, for christ's sake.

Literally every single game has Shepard blasting about solving everything by shooting shit and blowing it up. That's precisely how the third game should have as well. This time I shoot the bad guy with an even bigger gun and blow him up with an even bigger bomb. Everyone cheers, roll credits.

Instead, Bioware got high on their own farts and thought they were making some high art shit instead of the big dumb space action game they'd actually been delivering. And so we get an ending and an explanation that's so completely tonally disconnected from everything that's happened up to that point that it fucks up everything.

Because after the fit they threw with people shitting on them for the ending and refusing to back down until EA of all companies told them to fix it because they were pissing off customers and investors. Then going full retard to disprove any of the far better ideas floating about to ensure everyone knew their mediocre idea of "only green good!" was what you were supposed to read into it. You'd have to move heaven and earth, then put a bullet in Hudson and Walter's skulls to get it done.

ME1 is basically a self contained story that doesnt need a sequel.
you stopped the reapers from invading, finito.
the rest are just EA cashgraps

If you could change one small thing about Mass effect trilogy what would it be?

For me, I would replace the star child with 3 separate AI's having an argument about which choice to choose, taking the forms of Anderson, TIM and Saren, ultimately deferring to Shepherd. I think this small cosmetic change rather than a ghost child would have helped.

>they completely erased the Expanded Universe
The EU is just as canon now as it was before.

Mass Effect was advertised as a trilogy before the first game even released, and the original ends with Shep talking about how the Reapers are still out there.

bravo this is pretty much even worse and cornier that what ME3 ending already is Bioshit should hire you

yes, but in lore the conflict got solves.
the devs werent even sure if they ever release a second game at that point, so they wrote the story to be closed and open at the same time, then EA happened.

Dude alright so check this out people make AI that kill people, so we made an AI to kill people to stop them from making an AI to kill people with lmao.

It's based on old pulpy sci fi. It's like how in Star Trek there was an extradimensional godlike being dicking around on every other planet.

the crucible was a reaper trick all along

Why was every single one of them an asshole?

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>be Shepard, butcher of Torfan
>every Batarian knows your face
>wonderwhy every single one is an asshole
gee, I wonder why

I'll tell you what happens, the not!Collectors get reinforcements from outside the system, but lucky for our Council races and their new Uganda friends, Ryder's super special AI sets them up to be the next space Jesus who can control the super ancient tech left behind by the not!Protheans. Ryder becomes not!Revan with the not!Starforge tech and makes it possible for one system to fight off the entire galaxy spanning empire of the not!Collectors. Oh also sometime in there the space gypsies showed up and probably made more not!Geth causing no end of problems for everyone.

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Except that was for exactly *one* reaper, and the only reason it worked was due to some Independence Day deus ex machina shit that temporarily disabled Sovereign's shields long enough to destroy it. We were explicitly told Sovereign was but the first of an untold number waiting in dark space. On his own Sovereign was enough to decimate all the various navies of all the citadel species, and potentially the head of the entire galactic government.

that was ok because it was the 60s and they were still figuring it out.
it's like how a drunkard throwing up in their 50s isn't cute anymore compared to an 18 yo girl simply being unable to handle her liquor

Who gives a shit? I still killed the incomprehensible cosmic horror by shooting it really good. Anyone who thinks there was anything uniquely insurmountable about the Reapers after game 1 was kidding themselves.

>I still killed the incomprehensible cosmic horror by shooting it really good
ya think maybe he was exaggerating to scare you?

>All the navies of the citadel species were just chilling out right next to the citadel

No you tard, they were spread out across tons of systems blocking off the relays against Saren, the only reason why the Normandy could break through was because of their stealth drives.
The only ships actually fighting Sovereign at the citadel were the Destinty Ascension, some minor patrol ships guarding the citadel and the Alliance fleet, which is why a lot of humans die if you decide to make them save the dreadnaught.
It did not take
>all the various navies of all the citadel species

No shit. That's the point. No one should be complaining that the Reapers didn't live up to their cosmic horror reputation in the sequels when we already revealed Sovereign was a bitch in Mass Effect 1.

That the Reapers actually show up, either they're dormant period and just a legend until records are dug up or you spend the next two games traveling stars making deals, killing baddies who need it, getting shit in place for that far off time when they will show. Hell I'll throw Bioware a bone, they can keep the end scene of ME3, but the old man is telling the boy of how The Shepard has prepared all for this day and that if any cycle is to stop the Repears it is here and now. On the flip side if you fuck up really bad, he's explaining how only a handful have stayed true to The Shepard's words and even though they go to certain doom they will still fight in the hope some record can be hidden to prepare the next cycle.

Did the Quarians really shit the bed again

So how the hell does BioWare getting ANOTHER shot at a Mass Effect game after ME:A? There's no way to salvage it.

How can anyone honestly believe the original endings were any good? Is reaperfication actually real or something and fucks with people's minds as soon as they start developing games or becoming well known?

You are also forgetting that Virgil the Prothean VI outright told us in the first game that the cycle of destruction took centuries for the reapers to go to every planet and kill everything there in long and drawn out battles while indoctrinating local leaders.
They didn't just show up and One-shot the entire navy because they're cosmic horrors and just that strong.
Reapers are incredibly strong killing machines but not unbeatable, that was established from the getgo
Go the DmC to DMC5 route.
Pretend Andromeda never happend
Continue on from the destruction ending of ME3 with shepard waking up in the rubble
More terminus adventures and rebuilding while remnant cerberus or something start shit again

Nope they didn't even make it, outside of a book, because EA cut all support for Andromeda and shut the studio responsible down. They were supposed to show up in DLC that will never come. Now keep in mind Andromeda's score is better than Anthem's, cost $100 million to make instead of $200 million and was made by a literal fucking who? team. I wonder just how far EA's patience goes, because if Andromeda is anything to go by then Bioware is a dead company walking.

Anything but that damn kid would have been better. Part 3 felt like it had already forgotten the earlier parts anyway so I wouldn't complain about seeing the forms of other characters again to make it feel like an actual sequel.

Because the people who wrote it have an ego the size of Texas and it showed with how they acted when presented what people had drawn out from their vague mess. To them its crystal clear and obvious, so its completely not their fault fans "didn't get it".

But the problem with going back to Shepard is that NONE of your previous choices will carry over, so what's the point? A flash forward post Reaper War MIGHT work, with a new protagonist. All those dead Reapers should make for great salvage, and impact galactic society.

How about a game where you go planet to planet, making first contact with new races within the old Galaxy, inviting them into the Galactic Community? Both alliances and wars could result

Some of the alien species were so good and others felt so lazy. Not just designwise I mean, everything, culture, traits and so on.

>No Krogan or Salarian romance
>No Batarian squadmate to show you that not all of them are terrorist assholes, hell even Garrus had one hacker batarian in his squad
>No Elcor buddy
>No Volus on ship to help you invest your hard earned credits
>No Spectre Hanar squadmate
and worst of all
I'm still angry

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The two new races in Andromeda were incredibly lazy. Non bipeds might as well be furniture, because BioWare is too damn lazy to animate them outside of basic conversation body language. Krogan look awkward, and don't seem to be able to lift their arms above their heads.

>NONE of your previous choices will carry over, so what's the point?
Just like ME3 then. So what's the problem?

>You will never be on the loading screen for the first time again
>You will never hear the Main Menu theme again
>You will never hear DATE CORRUPTION DETECTED for the first time again
>You will never talk to Vigil for the first time again
>You will never hear Vigil for the first time again
>You will never experience a Space Opera ever again
>You will never meet Wrex or Garrus again for the first time

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ME3 > ME2 > ME1

ME1 > ME2 > ME3

ME2 > ME1 > ME3

ME2 > ME3 > ME1

Mass Effect 1 & 2 were brilliant, I've still never played 3 past the first hour.
Once that IGN reporter shows up I switch off.

They did though, just not as significantly. The problem with continuing off 4 is that its a flat out blank slate from the get go so it's fucking pointless.

>Characters ME1 on bottom
>Forgetting about Jenkins
He died for you, you faggot

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This is actually 100% accurate. Good job user.

I agree except put ME1 above ME3 in Characters.

- prequel or far away sequel
- remove the old main cast completely
- remove all pandering bullshit, no "cool" comedy either
- let me play a non-human
- let me learn about alien culture first hand
- let me visit the known homeworlds
- give me 1-2 new relevant species
- let the game be about war instead of some meta bullshit Bioware is clearly too stupid too make work

Okay how about this; A Mass Effect game where you play a known galactic thief/outlaw, and you're assembling a crew to pull off a huge heist? You can play as either an honorable thief, or cold blooded killer.

Mass Effect suffered from spreading it's story over more than one game.
Seriously, name one video games series which advances a plot over 2 or more games that manages to keep a coherent story that isn't a huge disappointment or just peters out

Reapers were the most interesting part of the series

Ass Creed Ezio Trilogy was pretty ludo

It's not pointless. Your choice with ME4 is
>Direct sequel with new protag and crew
>Direct sequel with Shepard and crew
Drawbacks are
>Perhaps you're tired of Shepard and crew
>Expecting modern Bioware to come up with interesting new characters
So I'll take Shepard and old crew any day, compared to what new crew modern Bioware shits out.

Nah the main point of the Ezio Trilogy was to further Desmond's story which went to shit.

A new protagonist would be best post Reaper War

I'm sorry, have you seen Bioware's new protagonists?

I can't wait to play Varric in Mass Effect.

>How about a game where you go planet to planet, making first contact with new races within the old Galaxy, inviting them into the Galactic Community? Both alliances and wars could result
This please. Call me a xenofag but I rather want to explore the foreign politics and cultures and that shit instead of Everyone VS Monstersquids and everything else getting sidelined unless it's about a mission of one of your team members.

I liked it also, it was a good plot just excited badly

No. No! NO! I don't want to play a cuck.

Well what the fuck difference does it make either way? Both Shepard and a new guy are still blank slates determined by the choices you make. So it doesn't fucking matter who we play because of the choices and dialogue BioWare gives us. We would either get a shitty Shepard, shitty new guy. That's it. Would you really want nuBioWare shitting on your old Shep? Besides, his story is done, lets switch the setting a bit. Something preferably not stupid like Andromeda

>ME2 over anything

Bois. Get this, a GTA styleass effect game. That would print money

Good list but there's just something about ME1 gameplay that puts it at the top. The way that there's cheap physics effects with different biotics. The way you could plant mines with tech abilities. The way you could add mods to weapons and armor and it made them notably stronger. ME3 had a great system that improved on ME2 in about every way possible but ME1 just clicked it for what it was trying to do. Plus old random loot and full inventory systems is super underrated in that game.

Yes. Yes! YES! He'll even have early Marvel tier dialogue with only two speech options, neither of them actually mattering, a whole cast of people who are boring or outright painful to talk to but you have to for random quests not even associated with them to unlock and it'll be praised as a return to form despite it being fucking Anthem, even though Anthem is just ME3 MP combat with a fresh coat of paint slapped on it. Fuck everyone and their grandmothers pretending the combo system is something new and not what Mass Effect has been doing forever.

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It makes a world of difference. Go see the Inquisitor, Ryder, the Freelancer. They all have one thing in common; they are huge obnoxious faggots. Your new protagonist will be a huge obnoxious faggot. Again. This is what you're wishing for.

>sequel with the old cast but Shepard is dead
>you can romance the characters, even the one you romanced with Shepard
Would you cuck yourself?

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I will remind them.

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Yeah and you're Shepard would be a faggot too thanks to the new team. So essentially what you're wishing for is tearing down the character you made previously and runnning him into the ground.

Seeing how neither shepard Nor garrus can resist the gypsy sex goddes, my new character would also split talis shitpipe in half

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it wasn't wiping out life though, it was preserving its genome and storing it in an immortal body, along with the races history and memories.

The point is to have Shepard survive

Same character is bullshit anyway. Why should the story continue just a few years later that's stupid.
I want something new. Let me either witness some historical events that happened in the past or let the game take place 100 years after ME3. The only reason to make it a direct sequel is pandering to give everyone their selfinsert and waifu back and pandering is shit.

Let's burn it then, because there's either staying within the confines of established characters, or keep making faggots. And if we can't even have the first, then that's it. It's done, it's dead, let's all pack it up and leave.

>I want something new

Mass Effect 5 will have you Play as a reaper who survived the war and is Conveniently human sized. He is also bisexual and wants the Commander to Teach him about this Emotion called Love

god i hate sci-fi writers can't into worldbuilding scale

If they can't write new character then they can't write old characters either. They'd be OOC.


fucked up at the story and character part, zoomer

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And I need you to recover
Because I can't make it on my own...

>not calling the bait at the story part
weak form

anything nu bioware touches turns to ashes. Lets face it, they don't have the talent or passion to make even passable stories or characters anymore.

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Then see

Right so why the fuck would you further drag Shepard through the mud?

this so much this!

What's the point of though if all they're gonna do is sit in dark space?


>they never gave us these alien megastructures
I am still mad. The cities we saw all looked copypasted and too human.

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It's not like it's a big contest. They all have weak stories that don't really merit a lot of praise. ME1 had the strength of Saren and Soverign as a villain but aside from introducing the series lacked any big thematic arc and had mediocre core planet stories, ME2 really expanded what we learned of the galaxy from ME2 and the large amount of varied missions that came from the structure of the game is what earns the "story" so much praise even when the whole Collector and Cerberus drama is way less interesting than Mordin's ethical challenges and Tali's personal tragedies, and ME3 finally gave us a good luck at the leaderships of the big races but shoved a dick in everyone's ass with the main plot and its conclusion.

what's the point of anything if were just going to get up and go to work all day then rinse and repeat? What's the point of ABSOLUTELY anything when the universe itself will one day die?

I have to shake my head everytime Im in Liaras apartment in ME2 and the kitchen looks like a typical human one
they got so lazy after ME1

While also making sure it doesn't create any new history and enslaving it to the central AI on the Citadel. Face it, if any rogue AI actually wanted to wipe out organics, it would play out almost identically to what the Starchild did, only the slaughtered species would more likely end up as text in a historical databank than in a warship

The hope is that having them work within the confines of established characters will limit the liberties they can take with them. You can't take a solemn character and turn them into this gigantic flaming faggot because they needed cheering up.
But then I remember what Beambog did to Jaheira.

bitch the whole story of ME2 was pointless and is the reason ME3 was such a shitshow
dont @ me pleb

What established character? Shepard has none because he was a blank slate YOU determined over the course of 3 games. Are you retarded?


Actually, its the other way round. If you consider ME2's story pointless is because they saved the "shitshow" for ME3.

>completely ignored the point
The fight over the "story" in all the games is fucking opinions. What wins the series most of its story points are the individual character arcs that define their growth and personality. ME1 had the strongest central story because it rides on the strengths and mysteries around Saren and Soverign, ME2 had the most diverse side stories because it has the largest cast while having a weaker core story because the Cerberus arc is predictable as fuck, and ME3 shit the bed and I don't think anybody argues that.

How bad is the antagonist of Andromeda?
Because my enjoyment of fiction always depends heavily on the quality of the enemy they feature. They don't necessarily have to be threatening but at least be interesting or relatable if not. Plus points if they're both, relatable and threatening. Considering that people hate that game though I guess the antagonist is shit as well?

>They're ancient robots
Not entirely accurate, they're machine host bodies designed to hold the collective essence/consciousness of their original species.

Shepard does not talk in Marvel quips. Every other Protag in a Bioware game since then, and by then I mean after ME3, has been a quipping faggot cuck. If you are a quipping faggot cuck that wants to also self-insert as one, that's great for you. Bioware's games' sales, however, say otherwise.

It's much more like Babylon 5 than Trek.

I don't think it's so much the protagonist as it is the people you're forced to interact with. But the MC's problem is being given some made up title to mirror "Specter Status", but nowhere near as effective nor significant. It ultimately boils down to "you're super duper special" which every character reminds you every 5 mins, but it doesn't mean anything. Christ you're only given the position because your dad dies and no one seems to question your authority or right to lead several races

>How bad is the antagonist of Andromeda?
The archon? Or what was his name. He makes Malak look like Ozymandias, in comparison.

wrong, the story needs to give a reason for you to care about something
ME1, stop the evil Reapers from invading
ME3, kill the Reapers that have invaded
ME2, solve the daddy issues of literal who's, oh yeah and I almost forgot, take out these minions of the Reapers that show up in 6 month anyway lol

ME2 is its whole is utterly pointless in every aspect

I only played the first game, and I wasn't terribly impressed. Gameplay is average, story is average.

I never said I wanted that you dunce. But to say Shepard had a established character is fucking retarded since he/she is a nothing character/blank slate. And no, they wouldn't stick to his "established character" anyway so I'm all for a new guy instead of making Shepard a faggot.


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>ME3, kill the Reapers that have invaded
That's not the point of ME3. It should have been, it was masked as such, but it couldn't have been.

It wasn't people that didn't like it (it was miles better than what we got), it was that Bioware and EA were assblasted over the entire story becoming public knowledge prior to release.

that people didn't it*

I have autism and cannot feel empathy.
I literally don't care about characters 'feelings' or 'development' that shit means nothing to me.
I need events and the more major and threatening the event the better the story is.

>It ultimately boils down to "you're super duper special" which every character reminds you
This is exactly the shit I hate so much. MC pandering. I already hated it as little kid, it's always such a cheap wishfulfillment garbage.
If they want to make me like someone that someone should prove himself and be great without characters sucking his cock.

didn't like*

>I never said I wanted that you dunce
I never said you intentionally wanted quipping faggot cucks, but that's what you're going to get regardless, because that's all that Bioware does nowadays.

>But to say Shepard had a established character is fucking retarded
He is established as a person that is not a quipping faggot cuck. He is established to that extent, but otherwise still a blank slate, yes.

>so I'm all for a new guy
One quipping faggot cuck, coming right up.

Didn't know there were more autists on here. In rare cases I can actually feel empathy but it's usually only for very specific characters that are never part of the team I can relate with. But other than that I completely agree with you. The more threatening, the better. Sadly, creators usually lack the balls to add proper threats, dark atmosphere and radical plot twists or plot points because it's shit like heroism, comedy and shoved in romances that attract the masses and make money.

>when you realize that reapers = EA

Upvotes to the left