Is this worth it for 10? Never played a Warhammer 40k, if its not which one should i get?

Is this worth it for 10? Never played a Warhammer 40k, if its not which one should i get?

Attached: Capture.png (976x190, 153K)

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Not that one. Dawn of War 1 or 2 and their expansions are fine, also Space Marine. There's a lot more out there but I haven't played them so I can't judge

Fuck no. Get soulstorm if you wanna play with friends or dark crusade for a good campaign

Dawn of war and WH40k in general aged much like Star Wars movies. It used to be good, but now the pandering watered it into literal piss-shit. The game plays like DoTA when it should be more like Company of Heroes.

Baldstorm is only good for the memes. Dow1 and winter assault are actually good games, dow 2 is ok if you are familiar with the background.

It wouldn't even be worth it for 0

Attached: Dawn of War 3.webm (720x480, 2.93M)

Depends on what you want. If you want an RTS, just play the first one. The 2nd one is fun if you just want to fuck around with a small squad with some RPG-lite elements and not as much on the base building side. Don't waste your money or time on the third one.

If you want Gears of War esque third person action, Space Marine. If you want more team based FPS experence, Death Watch Enhanced Edition. You want XCOM? Mechanicus. You want 4x? Gladius.
Everything else is kinda mediocre at best.

Get DoW1 and 2 and pretend 3 was just an awful Starcraft influenced fever dream

Armageddon is good if you’re a hexgame nerd and Battlefleet Gothic 2 is great in general.

>Death Watch Enhanced Edition
I'm fucking stupid. I ment Deathwing
It might be worth it for 10, just dont expect any help or updates in any fashion since relic gave up on their retarded child.

Attached: Warhammer Tallarn soldiers - Hammer of TheEmporer_DavidNash.jpg (1050x750, 86K)

Fuck man that's the worst DoW game, get DOW 2 or 1

Attached: warhammer40k.jpg (1222x642, 766K)

I forgot about Armageddon, fair call. Is Gothic 2 worthwhile? Gothic 1 was honestly pretty shit so I gave 2 a hard pass.

idk if i can handle the graphics and pathing of DoW1 or DoW2 , tried playing age of mythology and though tit was awful

Attached: 1549637427894.png (720x378, 126K)

Trash series

I got this in a Humble Monthly once, with some other decent games. Played it for 2-3 hours, never picked it up again

It's not exactly shit or entirely soulless, but it just reeks of mediocrity and tryhard mechanic changes

DoW2 isn't that bad


Attached: 4f1414fc98b926bbe4cc1d93e86daca4.png (1314x740, 1.14M)

>DoW 10 dollars
Oh su--- >THREE

I didn't believe Yea Forumss memes about that game lemme tell you the memes are fucking real that game is aweful. Repulsively bad.

Get DoW 1 or 2

Fuck I didn't even notice this while scrolling by, AoS really blends in

Why does this art look undetailed and kind of thrown together vs previous art? Reminds me of the old Everquest cover art vs new.

Attached: everquest classic.jpg (3784x1941, 1.75M)


Attached: firiona.jpg (1920x1080, 2.18M)

sad that we'll probably never get a great DoW again like 1. 2 sucked, 3 was pure shit. 1 was a masterpiece though, it hurts bros

>1 was a masterpiece
One of the worst balanced multiplayer RTS ever

i'm even mad they sent me an email telling me about this

WoW ruined everything.