Remember to smoke before you game
Remember to smoke before you game
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Remember to hang yourself before making a shitty thread.
LOL weed lol. I'm soo stoned this is epic.
remember that there is a world outside of your room, pothead.
>tfw dispensary giving away 28g of mid grade shake for only $30
yeah, that's why I have a portable vape for getting stoned on the go
Say no to drugs. They will destroy your mind and body.
str8 edge fags on suicide watch. GET BLAZED WEED BROS!!!!
say no to tobacco, crack, heroin, and meth.
okay doug
Fuck off druggie, why dont go running 30 minutes before gaming
game is not a verb
How the fuck do you even get yourself to do shot while high? I always end up watching youtube videos or documentaries while stoned, can't seem to get myself to play games or other things where you have to do something exept watch or listen..
Next time do a little fact checking before you post something stupid, sweetie.
It's not like you visit the world outside yours you fucking neet.
Remember to tell everyone that you smoke
As always, my dudes
What are you playing? I'm enjoying some wc3 custom maps with friends
>upvoting and downvoting
awwwww did the dare officer scare you into being a little FAGGOT in fifth grade? say what you will about other drugs but there is absolutely nothing wrong with smoking weed
game is a stupid verb and you shouldn't use it
Well i wanted to plac wc3 but i dont have friends sadly
Yeah that's how I meet new smoking buddies
playing some Tales of Vesperia in bed after a wake n bake sesh
Imagine requiring drugs (including alcohol) to be happy
Get the fuck out of here you drug addict
smoke sativas instead of indicas or indica heavy hybrids.
sativa = functioning head high
indica = body couch lock
weed sucks, try playing games on psychedelics
mah nigga
based and redpilled
literally too hard to focus
Id rather take a walk.
I tried playing Overwatch while on shrooms.
It ended with me writing a lengthy text on chat about how I needed to leave the match since I felt I wasn't playing well, and apologizing to my entire team for ruining their experience.
too strong for vidya
literally not possible unless you are microdosing lsd
>and apologizing to my entire team for ruining their experience
Pretty sure the shrooms weren't the problem here, you pansy wuss
how much does 3.5g or 1/8th cost for you guys?
My lungs are malformed and I'm pretty sure the instant I try to smoke anything my pneumologist will instantly know and come kick my door down to take it from my hands.
around 60 euros
Confirmed for never having tried shrooms. Fuck off.
3.5 would cost 175 PLN for me.
>no Quentin replies yet
i was playing hollow knight on 300 mics, not very successfully though. you can play games on small amounts like 50 very successfully, it even improved my performance in multiplayer
If you still want to get high and live in a place where weed is legal you could try some edibles or tinctures. I like Snoop Dogg's THC gummies, they taste like cherry starbursts
300ug is a fucking strong dose, thats far from micro
>like to smoke weed
>also like to play a grindy mmo
These two things don't mix well
Half the fun is rolling and smoking the joint.
$30 or $35.
Depends on how jew he is.
Based and weedpilled my man.
>will be illegal in the UK probably fucking forever
It's not fair bros. Why they don't want me to have some good time and be happy?
Well if you bake the edibles yourself then
itll be legal in the uk way before itll be legal elsewhere in europe
Literally just leave the UK
I hate rolling, wastes time and it wastes more bud as it continually burns.
pipe/bong is the best. pack and light, you can stop the burning anytime to conserve the weed. you're also only tasting the bud not the paper.
Just got an ounce last night. Playin some gamepass games. Dude weed maaaan. Weed culture is cancer though. I hate weed scientist faggots.
Edibles are the best shit for going to the movies high. I smoke a bowl or two before heading to the theater, then I pop a couple of gummies during the previews so the edible high kicks in about the same time the smoking high starts to fade. Before I did that I would lose my high halfway through the movie
Smoking is for teenagers.
just wait for it to become more legal in the US and the UK will copy them. government can't ignore tax revenue.
the best is unironically vape. less harmful for your lungs, tastes better (if your weed is decent, tastes awful if its not), can use outside without anyone noticing because it barely smells, and it gives you a different (more social) kind of a high
This is a quality post
Gonna drop acid today
I hope it goes well :^)
This. I bought a portable dry herb vape at the start of the year and it's been a game changer for me
vape is good too but more expensive to get a decent setup especially if you want something portable.
What's wrong with you people
portable vapes are way less than 100 bucks
Tobacco and whiskey is better
Played vanilla Oblivion on 3.5 tabs LSD and modded Skyrim on 3 with my buds
Oblivion is hands-down the comfiest game to play in that state, we made a glowing white argonian named nignog and specced into heavy armor and hand to hand, couldn't stop laughing at how ridiculous the situations were
On the other hand, Skyrim felt like a real adventure, we remade him in Skyrim with a bunch of mods, basically a lot from the first 10 pages of most downloaded mods, again named nignog
What was special about this one was I replaced the voices pack file with the Japanese one and played it with English subs, had the beautiful people mod, and amped up bloom and saturation
At one point we were outside Whiterun at night and saw one mod replaced the sky texture with a brilliant rippling fractal-like view of the galaxy, it was amazing, it looked like I was witnessing creation
This was playing and the bass was absolutely swelling, I was running in the fields and chasing down and punching elk to death with my bare hands, I felt like I was an astral projection there to join in the magnificence of Hircine's hunt
10/10, one of the best trip games I played
the shit ones yeah, the good ones like are $200 not including tax.
whats the difference?
that sounds absolutely amazing
Says the faggot shilling a shitty toddlers' show
The pros and cons of smoking 420
- Get to smoke without being some fag
- Get to become a cool gay dude
- Peace on earth
- It's like taboo, but cool
- It's legal now, but still cool
- Laughter is the best medicine, and weed
- Cures cancer
- Makes you an atheist if you were christian
- You can vape it also and people will just think ur blowin clouds
- Edibles
- you and your bros will be really mellow even with dorks
- open ur mind
- starts drooling
- food tastes at least 1.5x better on average.
- Makes women horny
- You become a pro gamer on weeds
- Cheap, only $200 an ounce (you can smoke at least 28 times with that)
- Wearing sunglasses to cover your eyes because people wont suspect a thing and you'll look cool af
- Your IQ will temporarily rise at least 200 points and when you get less high, you'll be smarter on average
- understand the universe
- spend less money on dumb shit like going to school and hobbies because you're too busy laughing at life and just takin it easy
- weed shops know u know like, you know?
only correct opinion in this thread
Nice, now do your job and fuck this gay thread up!
Remember to delete your facebook frog folder before visiting the site.
Here in Miami, bout 30 bucks
the only people that don't smoke up are shut in neets who have no friends and are too pussy to go to dispensaries
> there is absolutely nothing wrong with smoking weed
except for funding the drug cartels but DUDE WEED I'M LAIK SO STONED LOOOOL SO CRAY CRAY XDDD
cheaper ones suffer vaporizer or battery issues much quicker and their warranty is not as long or their customer service is pajeet tier.
i love smoking but have to hide it because my building is full of fucking bitch ass yuppies that complain about literally everything. i love beer, too, but my stomach has been fucked up for the last 10 months from a nasty bacterial infection, so i can't really drink more than one night a week, where i used to drink 3 or 4.
life gets harder when you near your 30's, man
what is a vaporizer issue?
the money i (WOULD) spend on weed (WOULD) go to my poor friend trying to support his family, he grows it himself. hard drugs like coke are what fund the cartels you absolute retard. you sound like someone who has no knowledge of drugs beyond what DARE told you growing up
>except for funding the drug cartels
I only buy from dispensaries in Colorado, so nope. Try again ;)
You're fucking retarded.
Like 20 dolla.
I'm convinced that all the people posting DUDE WEED LMAO whenever someone brings up weed are pic related.
not firing properly. ever used those chink vapes like suorin drop for example? you either get no vape or it continues to vape after you already hit it wasting product.
Seriously lol who buys weed from cartels? What year is it?
Why don't bro alcohol threads get as many seething faggots?
Thanks based OP. I started my morning with a couple bong rips, OJ, and like two hours of playing World of Light handheld mode in bed. Now I'm cooking up some ramen and grilled chicken strips for breakfast, going to get properly high, and who knows what I'll play next?!
200€ for 25g so 8€(bout 10usd) a g.
My room is sooo comfy tho
Why do incels get so mad everytime drugs are mentioned?
Unless you live in a place where it's legal, you have to actually have friends and not be a complete sperglord. This disqualifies a lot of Yea Forumsirgins.
Who /edibles/ here?
>pouring cereal and then taking a picture
>not immediately devouring the cereal before the milk gets warm.or the cereal gets slightly soft
i dont know, ive been using a 70 dollar vape for 18 months and its still as good as ever
maybe this only applies to old chinkshit
>The Sinaloa Cartel operates in the "Golden Triangle", the states of Sinaloa, Durango, and Chihuahua. The region is a major producer of Mexican opium and marijuana
eat shit and die you fucking addicts
nothing wrong with this
Didn't know my dispensary worked for the cartels, try living in a free state retard
>Wastes money on drugs, booze or smokes
where do you live?
Never tried them, sound like a waste of weed
they do, but people are smart enough to ignore them. that being said, there is nothing wrong with weed or any drug really as long as you dont do it daily
Have a decent tolerance and use sativas
I played spiderman on shrooms and felt my stomach drop everytime I swung on a web
>sound like a waste of weed
It's the exact opposite, smoking/vaping is a waste.
Nice bobs.
??? That's the best way to get the most out of it. None is wasted when you eat it.
That can’t be real.
That's sad.
You get more out from edibles?
I used to smoke a 2g backwoods every day and sell on the side for pocket money. Stfu you little cancerous zoomerfag, you'll probably respond with some sarcastic post like >mmhm ok or >lmao relax? after this because I always hated dudebrosweed like you from day 1.
God fuckin forbid I just want to just play vidya without having some braindead idiot giggling and getting offended I called him out for being too high for life online. Keep that shit with your friends and stop assuming that because you're going to double down on WEED DUDE that makes you cool or something because now you "GET IT" or some other bullshit mental gymnastics. While I wouldn't be the person I am today without that part of my life, looking back on it I could be farther ahead or more well versed in basic societal shit without it. I wouldn't have the mindset and experience to be able to say the things I do though, so thats why I don't knock people for doing it. Don't fuckin bring that shit here though, this isn't 420chan and yes weed/marijuana/cannabis/grass/pot/green etc is a fucking drug and drugs are not for everyone.
I hope you don't have latent schizophrenia or any other under control mental issues because you'll be in for a fun ride if you do. Might want to ask mom and dad about mental illness in the family
enjoy being a schizo
>played KH3 on 7 tabs of acid
first 10 hours were the most beautiful thing ive seen in a while
Nothing but the fact that he staged all that shit to setup a picture to post on reddit. I guess most redditors here like it though.
He's on the Spectrum
potheads are degenerate losers addicted but think they're above any other substance abuse for some reason; reminder it kills your brain cells
I wish I could but I'm too autistic to find a dealer and it's still illegal here.
Not far from the dutch border.
you're basically vaporizing the weed into a fatty substance like butter. all the thc is used instead of being wasted from excess burning.
It's cringey bullshit, dude is eating straight sugar while watching a cartoon on his shitty phone, while smoking a bong. It doesn't get more shit taste and plebian than that.
>it kills your brain cells
Thank god
>weed is illegal here
>the only friend I have (he doesn't like me and barely responds to messages) got me 30 joints once
>he won't do it again, probably
How do I get weed off the internet fellow stoners?
I own my own house and I like to smoke pipe tobacco, I can load a pipe and smoke non stop indoors for an hour or more if I packed it correctly and have the right cadence. I'll smoke when I want.
edibles take longer to kick in but the high lasts much longer. smoking is much faster to kick in but the high is shorter. it's the way THC works differently when it's digested vs hitting your lungs.
$25 + tip
Is this pasta kinda reads like pasta.
Weed makes you a lazy brailet
No one buys Mexican weed anymore except niggers and spics. American grown stuff is easy to get and it's far better. Even if you don't live in a state where it's legal to buy, go to a state that is and buy a load to bring back.
smoke's not funny
Dark web straight to your mail box.
>Milk and smoking weed at the same time
dark web but it's risky. if you get caught it's a felony for sending drugs through the mail and if you got a lot they will also hit you with intent to sell
mate no one cares anyway, the police doesn't give a fuck. you could smoke infront of them and they'd just tell you to go somewhere else.
Weed isn't videogames so fuck off
I play video games I do not game.
I'm dying
Yeah it's the getting some that's the problem.
I've been told to just talk to kids hanging outside shops since that's where they sell the shit but talking to random kids asking for drugs is a bit suspect
>all this faggots who cant into weed and have to post shit like
DUDE WEED LMAO enjoy your alcohol kek