You could've cleaned this up alittle better
I hate Yea Forums....
>Bullet hell is big brain
>The base mechanic is "DON'T GET HIT LUL"
>genres I like
>genres I don't like
What does the X axis stand for?
>X is undefined
>Y is presumably IQ
>Both x and y go into undefined negatives
>Bell is both uneven and doesn't allow you to draw any relationships between points
-21/4759 try again tomorrow
Why did Yea Forums latch onto nu-rage faces so hard? Why isn’t there new OC yet?
retarded shit stop spamming this
Wow cool wojacks man, you're so creative for pasting these faces onto a shitty ms paint graph. Epic!
Because this place is basically reddit now.
Man, this meme went from sort of funny to genuine trash in like a week, didn't it?
I mean... I know that it's shitpost, but you could've put in a little more effort
this format will inevitably be spammed
god damn it
>still gets hit
do it
IQ of OP:small
Average IQ of everyone making fun of him:big
found the shitter
you know it´s pure bait when you see roguelites above roguelikes
Wojak was never co-opted by Reddit. As soon as Reddit starts using him Wojak will disappear off this site.
>bullet hell
>As soon as Reddit starts using him
user, I..
Kill your pathetic fucking self, touhou nigger. And go back to the idol hell hole.
Do you have the rhythm games image with political ideologies?
>shmups and bullet hells
>aka dicksuck the genre i like the hardest, but also twice
Yeah, not that sneaky, we all know this is a bait list
epic wojak meme
>New and/ or popular BAD
>Old and/ or less played GOOD
To put ANYTHING under MMO and JRPGs, and to compare JRPGs with WRPGs is proof OP's the typical Yea Forumsirgin: He doesn't play games, he just loves to shitpost about them on the internet, and to fit in among other shitposters.
>expecting wojak shitter and touhou fag at that to know how a cartesian plan works
>all those wojak edits
>dismisses 'character action games' for not being a genre
>proceeds to include 'souls' and 'roguelites'
>Putting anything that is strict memorization and not adaption as big brain
>shmup fan thinks memorizing movement patterns is high IQ
It's a post-ironic masterpiece.
10/10 fucking saved, great bait value
the good thing about this meme are the retards that think the graphs makes any sense
totally wrong
mmorpgs are way more complex than jrpgs.
rythm games require literally 0 IQ, just play a song until you master it
sports games can be quit heavy on strategy.
card games can be really complex like yugioh
bullet hell are just pattern memorization and sometimes little decision making. Bumlet cancel and bombs are not an incredibly complex mecanism.
Everything is wrong with this meme graph maybe except simgames
do they not teach graphs in american school? You realize op you have to label the x axis with understandable shit that is going upwards?
this is awful
What are some games that make you think?
Zoomers hate OP
Bullet hells are much easier than fighting games, you would know this if you actually played them.
The amount of effort -and satisfaction- between 1ccing lunatic Touhou 12 and becoming a tournament level player of Touhou 12.3, a very simple game of different genre, is incomparably skewed towards the latter.
I guess you're not a real fan of bullet hell games, user.
>people arguing with a graph made purposefully wrong
I know this is the smartest you ever felt but you’re arguing with some pretending to be retarded
If you keep feeding them (you)s they’ll keep posting it
>All those Wojaks
This has to be bait, the only other option is you are legit retarded.
I wanna fuck the black girl next to sports games.
feed me cunny instead then
>Point n click
Literally visual novels with shitty puzzles
>roguelites over roguelikes
>muh bullet hell over shmup
>Souls is a genre but character action isn't
>no puzzle genre
Otherwise alright.
so much bait in this image
he even put the comma of beat-'em-ups right on the y-axis just to fuck with people
This post is OP being upset no one noticed his epic comma bait
Where the fuck is hack and slash?
wtf how did you know????
delete this you fucking pedo
There is no x-axis on your graph. Here, have a legible chart instead.
>rogluelikes below roguelites
what if someone has played all of them and liked most
I play I wanna be the guy fangames where does that put me on the epic wojak chart
Trying way too hard
This "graph" is shit, clean it up
Look no further
so this is what visual autism looks like
Itty bitty mosquito bites
>Wojak was never co-opted by Reddit
You don't seem to understand
A shame you were an honest man
>he got hit
is mullet marauder the official boomer skin?
No amount of sage could get this image out of my head.
Consolefaggot seated in double giant dildo detected
I don't understand the memorization meme I keep seeing posted when there are both pattern attacks you have to learn and rng attacks where you have to adapt on the spot.
The fappening ruined everything
this is what passes for OC these days. This is kind of shit we get here now, nothing better, nothing new.
mfw i chuckled
Found the sub1k shitter.
I guess using a TP scroll is too hard when bloodseeker ults you :)
>this graph
>visual novels (not a game)
>grand strategy below metroidvania
I guess even playing CK2 was too hard to manage for you
>IQ levels so high they can't be charted: wanting a fairy
OP on suicide watch
kill yourself retarded samefag
I love this artist. I wish his more recent stuff got uploaded though.
>cancer.jpg now with more wojack edits !!
unironically kys you waste of air
double suicide watch
wrong pic
forgot pic yikes
Why are the guys on the right brainlets? They have a high IQ according to the graphic.
unironically made me laugh because of how dumb it is
But pic related is wojak-era chan culture? Kill yourselve
yes it is
>Iq = skill
>Learning button sequences = skill
>Thinking on your feet and executing long and hard button sequences = low skill
>x and y axis not labeled
are you even trying
But what if my favorite 2 genres are RTS games and metroidvanias?
>character action (not a genre)
>visual novels (not a genre)
it was /pol/ and all the bad press it got during the election
it made this website the edgy cool kid club website for high schoolers
>MOBAs that low
As a genre yeah, but Dota is a massive outlier.
what's the x axis?
This is quite possibly the worst graph I've ever seen.
I'm not talking about your opinion, that's not what I'm here for, this eye cancer of a graph was on the front page and I need you to stop posting. It's been said already but
>both x and y go into negatives but the graph isn't centered
>x and y are undefined. Y SEEMS to be IQ but then at the bottom near RTS there's a ""smart"" wojak
>two lines on a line graph when there is no reason for that. All the information could be displayed normally with one line
>using a fucking line graph when a bar graph or grid would have been fine. A god damn pie chart would have presented the information better.
End yourself.
never :)