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Is this a good episode?
>boomer playing forkknife on the switch
transcending memes.
Can't stand what happened to Cinemassacre. It's infested with disgusting, degenerate fat fucks, almost, every video has a cancerous clickbait tier thumbnail, a good deal of videos start with advertisements for something and James just looks, feels and sounds dead inside in all the AVGN videos.
>James just looks, feels and sounds dead inside
hes doin just fine///
>port on shitch is bad
Imagine my shock.
fuck you i actually checked
shilling ecelebs isn't video games, kys
bottom of the barrel
boomer james with the double chin and recessing hair
where the fuck is it jewtube
Why's James so afraid of Mike?
why do they make so many filler videos
>Yea Forums is THIS fucking easy to manipulate
especially you nigger.
>Remember the Wiiiiii....?
Easy money
he has his reasons
Big dick energy
Mike’s a pedo with connections
>Mike abuses James horribly off-camera on a regular basis
Everybody knows the nerd is angry but nobody asks WHY the nerd has all this pent-up anger.
i would love to see james and mike play fortnite just to see how out of touch they are
So how soon until James snaps and kills Mike?
You aren't kidding, user. The screenwhales have absolutely raped his channel.
Man, how do you even end up becoming so fat? Do these people never stop at some point to look in the mirror and realize that something needs to change in their life?
>bitches about shitty games
>is forced to make at least 5 minutes of ads for mobile games in every video now to feed his family
How pathetic can a single person be?
Post that webm of Mike with all the landwhales during Christmas. The guy legit looks like a normal guy compared to all those blobs.
That Caddyshack ep was a travesty. They should stay from comedy.
>muh big diq
Bet Mike's making all this up somehow.
Why doesn't Mike age at all?
Blood transfusions from young children. Mike's in with Soros and the other elites.
>Always put James in the thumbnails for rental reviews, otherwise nobody would watch them.
I hate Rental Reviews, it's one of those things that should work but is ruined because it's not the Nerd running solo and there's no synergy with any of the cast.
Uh, context?
throat fucking
why is literally everyone but mike and james fucking landwhales
whom hired these people? where do they come from?
Mike definitely gives him dick
>it's actually real
I thought it was a meme, not watching that shit. That's really low from James
I really want him to play or at least look some gameplay of Bloodborne.
I think he would love it.
>It's infested with disgusting, degenerate fat fucks
I literally don't understand why this happened. The idea of it being anyone but James is offensive.
They fucking suck at newer games, though.
Watching Mike fatroll his way through Undead Burg in DaS was painful.
It's not there.
I don't see it. Is this some patreon shit?
Amazon Prime exclusive
wait, Justin is on this channel now???
You became Ted Bundy. The internet never chnaged.
where the fuck is the video, just link it here or direct me to where its at
it's not on his youtube unless he has some patreon shit i'm unaware of
Well you had to make a Photoshop and it took that other guy 1 second to open youtube so I'd say you're still the retard in this situation
Cinemassacre is owned by Ryan, the fat guy that looks like a pedophile. Of course he'll get his equally fat friends on the channel.
not as bad as the last jewish justin he worked with
>they all fell for the "thumbnail and screenshot" method
Anything is real if you're mad enough.
You have to sign up for Prime
Didn't this guy kill himself because some people found out that he was a pedo?
I don't know what the fuck happened with him but that sounds familiar
>cinemassacre isn't owned by james
but why and how
The fat guy is from Silvermania, a channel they stopped uploading to years ago. Funny shit
Guess they sold out at some point.
more or less and now one of his autistic leftovers are trying to #Metoo anime, all the former channel awesome people are insane as fuck
seems pretty cool, sad hes reaching boogie levels
Why would anyone besides James own Cinemassacre? Did he sell it to Ryan? We're did that greasy fuck get the money for that from?
Ryan owns the company Cinemassacre belongs to.
what are you guys favorite avgn quotes? mine is
>Beaners. Hehehe. Beans. Beans make you fart
I thought Cinemassacre originally was basically just James, I wasn't even aware it belonged to another company.
I myself cannot tolerate being out of breath. Whenever it happens to me I know I need to do more work.
i want to go back!
Back then you had to have someone cover your ass legally when doing anything gaming related. Like machinima.
>Staunch defender of Jew Wario, an actual sexual predator.
>Meanwhile fabricates fake evidence about Vic molesting girls, even though they themselves say that isn't the case.
Shit's weird, man.
>"How does it feel when you're dead inside?"
H-he said he was gonna take us back to the past
Take me back to mid 2000s ScrewAttack
>tfw can still binge watch the first couple of seasons of AVGN and Board James
>can't be bothered to watch anything of his current output
The magic's gone.
Yea, well, I still didn't get to fuck his wife in the ass.
It's always the middleman. Nothing lasts forever.
take me back
So hi sold himself entirely to a company?
It was the only way to deal with video game related copyright issues back then
Noticed that too, and the long haired beard guy is in a few cinemassacre videos from silvermania. Literally no one in the comments recognize Justin. I one time talked to him on Skype and he went on about some big ass old calculator he found in his garage.
Why are you watching the angry nintendo nerd? Are you retarded or 12?
>Hey, I'm Stuttering Craig
>and I'm Handsome Tom
>and welcome to Screwattack's Top Ten...
I wish there would have been a crossover with Awesome Video Games back then
>Handsome Tom
At first I was in the Greg-hate wagon. Then I found Tom's own show and it turned out he was extremely lazy. Episodes came out only once every blue moon and they had poor production quality. And awkward as fuck. Every time he made an interview the interviewee ended up asking the questions.
everyone knows IGSRJ was the most based vidya reviewer back in the day
Yo you shit fuck faggots, what's going on here?
What episode?
Whatever happened to Armake21? Is he still alive? Is he still making videos?
I herd his cock is yuge
He tried to make a comeback a couple of times as Nicotine Alien and some other shit, but since he was the blandest of all the angry reviewers he never succeeded.
No clue where he's now.
>he was 24 when Simon's Quest review happened
AVGN should have ended with ROB
How many beatings a day does James get from Mike?
still entertaining as fuck to me user, its like a giant crossover like CA always had except the channel awesome people are badshit, at this point I hope this ends this shitty moral crusade shit that has been going on for 7 years. If its the CA fuckwits and a based lawyer who points out their shit that finally do it, so be it.
I just want these smug assholes that fancy themselves "pop culture critics" as them being able to see secret meanings in media like they are Roger Ebert to BURN. THE. FUCK. DOWN. if they speed the process up abit thats fine by me.
Idk if you're memeing or whatever but I really do get super unsettling vibes from Mike.
that obviously depends on how well James behaved that day. if he doesn't do well, he gets a scolding
Who's got it worse? James or Doug?
I'm surprised James could work out how to use a switch
because he have a 10 inch dong. no joke
honestly neither of them are fucked, James is still got positive growth and after change the channel doug got his subscribers back
only people who are fucked are the people who left CA as they lost the little bit of notary they had left aside from seven drachma Dan and Green M&M fucker
what the fuck happened..
This video was the BEST , why did justy take it down
Yeah, Tom himself clearly didn't have a clue, but his crew was superior to the people that came to Screwattack after him. How could No Personality Destin ever compare to Doom & Sexiness?
james was already balding in some of his earliest videos
At some point Jake's will figure out that he's too old and too creatively bored to make new AVGN.
It's starting to border on zombie Simpsons in terms of entertainment value.
james should break out his old equipment with shit quality and make a retro AVGN episode. i miss the warmth of his old audio
What video is the sad balding avgn from?
I think Obscurus Lupa is the biggest lying cunt of them all and it was no surprise to me that she was spearheading that stupid change the channel shit.
She was also the driving force behind Spoony getting kicked from the site.
Not anymore pathetic than any other wagecuck slaving his life and dignity away.
>Spoony getting kicked from the site
To be fair, with or without Lupa's heinous acts, Spoony was already deep down in the endless downward spiral to depression. If you want to know the exact moment Spoony snapped, it was when his first girlfriend broke up with him.
Is that mess of a human being still addicted to twitter and posting dozens, if not hundreds, of messages on a daily basis there?
Sadly, yes. His ban was lifted and he's now back to being a hopeless social media addict.
His Patreon is drying up, he has stopped making videos, and he has lost his goddamn mind. The man is effectively dead.
you fucking pleb
Dude, Spoony was always like that. Try reading some of his pre-Spoony blogs sometimes. He was always a failure.
>124 patrons
>$459 per month
Who in the literal assfuck would give him money? He's not doing anything? Why?
What's it like to be a fucking mountain and sit next to a decent looking thin guy? They must both be thinking about it.
Pitty or they simply forgot that they still pay him. Some people are super fucking bad with money.
That old Youtube screenshot is so nostalgic for me, since Fester's Quest was my first AVGN episode.
>dad got you a job in boeing as a programmer who would probably get paid in 6 figures per month
>drop it to make video game reviews and eventually stop doing it altogether due to laziness and substance abuse
Failure isn't an appropriate enough word to describe him.
You underestimate how delusional some people can be. That or some simply don't care at all anymore. I doubt you can get to that weight by caring at all about yourself and what others think.
Hold up, his dad managed to get him a job at Boeing and he WASTED it? Why?
because spoony hates success
I dont inderstand how James can try and copy both GameGrumps and RedLetterMedia, and fail tremendously at both.
Those videos are so bad
It was too mundane or some shit. One wonders why he got a degree in computer science then.
I don't think those videos are his doing. My money's on Mike and Ryan being behind them.
What are the chances that he's in the same situation as Doug Walker? Both of them lost the rights to their characters (AVGN and Nostalgia Critic) and they are contractually obligated to keep working as those characters even if they personally wanted to retire long ago.
He got married and fucked off, though he did post a while back.
On another note
>Hellsing920 is dead
>BigAl is still doing videos
>Darknessthecurse became a deadbeat dad and is still the screechy faggot he was back then
>Jedite1 posted a video about SOPA and left after that
>Chadwardenn is working a very successful career
>Grumpy Gamer Bitch (Remember her?) posted a video of her stripping and years later had an affair with Silent Rob behind her husband's back
>ayo whyboi, keep it down, i gotta fuck dis white bitch
>Yeah, Jamie! Keep it down! Oh my goodness Tyrone, you're quite big aren't you?
*turns on NES to play Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde to drown out the moans*
For the love of god, don't look up PlayItBogart if you have an interest in looking up old video game reviewers. Seriously.
>big al is also a chief now
having a friend whos friends with him gets you some weird shit desu
>mfw I looked it up
Mankind was a mistake.
Police Chief?
Justin is alright in it. I think it's those two other guys that ruin it, especially the one in the denim jacket. They take over the whole thing. Denim guy always comes out with something fucking retarded and then the other guy spends 10 minutes arguing with his shitty tastes.
as in chief cook if I'm not wrong
His Mazes and Monsters review made me think his situation was pretty close to the one he jokes about in the review. Seeing that Spoony actually squandered his opportunity isn't that surprising though.
I'm on prime video and I don't see it
Looks like a completely normal guy :^)
It's fake.
why? what did he do
>that crystal skull video
Fucking really? He's ripping off JonTron now?
uhh guys
>posting the non-ninja sex party version
Fake and gay
You idiot! We already had an Episode 166.
>ninja sex party
Fuck off with that trash
>is it ethical to-"
that picture is unethical to my eyes
looks like a mesbian trying to achieve that marilyn manson look but he's too mesbian to go all the way
James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.
Wasn't it Lupa throwing a fit over a sexual joke Spoony posted on twitter that completely set him off the deep end?
that was funny as fuck, last i checked it's just the one on the left sitting on a couch with a bunch of literally whos playing gay games like faggots and he's bald and looks like a cuck sadly.
imagine the smell. probably like old hotdog water.
The absolute state of James Rolfe. Just shut it down already.
where's the video?
He was already on the deep end before that happened.
Pretty sure it was a setup between Spoony's horsefaced ex, Channel Awesomes HR chick and Lupa to fuck over Spoony. That same HR cunt and Lupa would later go on and play the biggest victims in that shitty change the channel doc as well.
It’s fake
It's literally the only thing bringing him any money
Fuck. Thanks.
>its a "James sits around with his fat friends who have zero talent or charisma and stumble around surface level movie criticism"
Jesus Christ get those fat fucks off your shows, James!
They're literally his boss.
because having mike around is like having a pit bull around that you know is unstable but it hasn't mauled anyone yet and everybody else likes it so you can't just get rid of it and have to live with it.
Can't wait for the first AVGN episodes that have James only as a "special guest."
Did AVGN get the idea to make ROB a killer robot from these guys?
its going to be the ones when his daughter takes over to make it "progressive" won't it?
This faggot never exercised a day in his life, he must pay the price.
Chronically high dopamine that also makes him a psychopath and borderline retard.
well, yes, I wouldn't watch an episode without James in it, which is weird considering he doesn't always have something interesting to say.
Mike owns the Cinemassacre YouTUbe channel as he is the one who created it. Ryan owns screenwave media, the network Cinemassacre is on. They have many other channels too which they get a percentage from. That's how YouTube networks work. James owns the Angry Video Game Nerd character rights.
How old is he by now? Isn't it time for him to find an actual job and a family instead of getting mad at games for literal children?
This is sad, the fat fucks needs to fuck off, James needs to take back control
link to grumpy gamer strip tease pls
because Mike has a big dick
Cinemassacre's fanfics are the worst.
James has a love for nintendo
James GAVE them control because he doesn't want to work. James pays them, by his own choice. His wife wants him to be a stay at home dad and give 90% of his time towards that rather than work.
Sure, but he isn't doing anything. The Screenwave lads are writing, editing and uploading everything. James just stands there.
if he wasn't a literal dick-sucking homo I could see him unironically being a klansman desu
Except for James the the 3 fat barely watch the movie they review the just skim through scenes on you tube and watch the trailer
This. You just know Mike is gonna fucking lose it one day and injure or even kill somebody.
[citation needed]
Fuckin A man. I think I'd really like the movie rental ones, I love the idea of just chatting about old childhood and teen movies, but fuck am I disgusted by those disgusting slobs. I tried to fucking just listen to it and not watch the videos but they just sound fat.
I mean you can hear the deep fatness reverberations and then they get out of breath.
I'm sure James wants to spend some time at home with his kids as well considering they weren't sure if one of them was going to live. That's right around the time a lot of the extra fluff content started popping up more and James took more of a backseat.
James is """"working"""" on an autobiography and another movie.
One of the terms for this effect is Painful Regard. Mike clearly hadn't fed here for at least several weeks.
He wears makeup to hide his bags under his eyes.
This is such a lazy photoshop job.
They made the switch case massive, and not even the same size in both shots.
He just needs to replace Kieran.
He takes over the whole conversation with stupid opinions that everyone has to waste time rebuffing, or tries to talk about himself "I was x years old when I first saw this and when I was a kid I...".
Also he's so awkward and nervous, it makes the whole thing uncomfy to watch.
>Not mentioning that the Irate Gamer released another Super Mario Bros 2 video in 2018
Tsk tsk.
Jews ruin everything
Dig at Will Smith pronouncing it like that in that shitty youtube rewind video.
>doing it ironically
I met James and the fat guy from rental reviews recently. It was really disappointing.
James wouldn't even make eye contact and just mumbled inaudibly and signed my stuff and I was waved out, and while waiting the fat guy was just opening up to the people in line how they don't make any real money from these events and they are only there for promotional obligations.
They couldn't have tried any harder to show how much they didn't want to be there.
Am I the only one that’s ok with the actual AVGN episodes? They can be hit and miss but I don’t find them to be terrrible or anything like nu-Nostalgia Critic. I don’t even waste my time with the fatfucks and the rental review shit, never clicked on one and never will
Do you think James has ever had Mike babysit his kids? Do you think he's even let Mike meet them?
Can you imagine Mike babysitting a kid?
>starts doing elmo and inspector gadget impressions
Even the worst avgn episodes are better than the best nostalgia critic stuff.
The biggest issue is is all three fat guys guys will show up and 1 out of three of them will admit they didn't even watch the movie start to finish they just watch's bits and pieces on youtube.
Yeah, I don't think allowing Mike near kids is a good idea. The guy's clearly a bit out there.
>we live in a timeline where James chose the black kid from Bernie Mac to run around with him the entire movie
>not the one where James and Kyle Justin go on a retarded road trip where Kyle Justin plays stupid songs on his guitar while on the road
>Mike doesn't show up as various characters throughout the journey
>not dropping the stupid romance sub-plot for a full on bro journey with characters we've seen with James throughout his entire show
>instead the two get some shitty shoehorned cameo
An AVGN and Kyle Justin with Mike film would have been kino.
I'll never not be mad.
>the fat guy from rental reviews
Gonna have to ask you to be more specific
I don´t find them horrible either (His Gameboy accesories video is one of his best episodes ever and i quite enjoyed the resident evil video too) but you can kinda feel something is off with the videos
This one.
>"Super Schindler's List 3D? More like Super Shitler's Piss 3D. You know what? I'd rather be an actual fucking Jew during the Holocaust than play this shitty game. I'd rather gassed by Hitler's ass than play another fucking second of this shit! This game is proof that Hitler did nothing wrong, and that he was just trying to make sure that those greedy kikes at LJN were dead before they had a chance to cash in on the deaths of their fellow kikes. IT LOOKS LIKE I'M GONNA HAVE TO FINISH WHAT DER FÜHRER STARTED!
Yea, they definitely don’t have the passion like they used to, but for 10 minute time wasters they’re okay. Shit will never be like 2007-2009 AVGN though
All the post-prime veteran mid-life internet content creators are stuck where they are. They started doing videos instead of getting jobs after school so it's either keeping up the never-ending nightmare, become a hobo or buy some rope. It's the future for all exceptionals choosing streaming and internet fame as a career. the camwhores and titstreamers can always get married to some cuck when they get too old
James has a family to support so he can't end the nightmare.
It's because he's not doing videos on stuff he personally experienced back in the day much anymore. He doesn't have general enthusiasm.
James deleted it along with the Super Schindler's List 3D review.
Kyle Justin is pretty talented at music his double vision cover is pretty good.
Not sure if he could do more then provide singing and music though.
And Wtf if up with them watching really shitty copies of the films too or off youtube? They whole "show" is that they're supposed to be customers in a fucking movie rental store.
but that sounds just like the average klansman
There are so many nes/snes/n64 era games he can still talk about but he talks about kingdom hearts and fortnite? What is this fucking bullshit?
de fuqq why is james even still in these videos? he has a fraction of the charm and charisma that mike has just get rid of him
cinemassacre would be better off if they distnaced themselves from the "avgn" ewntirely
That was my favorite episode
I heard it was guest directed by sam raimi
Didn't Mike say he was pretty miffed with the movie throughout its production? Why didn't James listen to him?
>The AVGN movie wasn't a Captain N inspired 'Nerd and Guitar Guy get sucked into various video game worlds and have to find a way out while being super vulgar in these PG rated games' homage to bad 80s video game cartoons.
Wasted potential to the max.
I always thought his appearances were funny as hell like in Battletoads or Ikari Warriors.
Sure his acting isn't very good but it's not like I'm asking him to be.
James' whole premise a B movie, so bad acting is a given.
The bad homemade CGI would be more forgivable if this was the premise.
some faggot better post the download link or I'll be mad
>I could've been a doctor
James is the only one that will buy a DVD of the movie or pay 2.99-5.99 to stream the movie in its complete form.
The three fat guys are real shit heads for just skimming through movies or just watching highlights and trailers then showing up to give a review.
Is this shopped? He looks like a chad there.
It's the midwest bro. there's nothing to do out there but shoot small animals or get fat, both of which are celebrated there.
Both of the AVGN games were pretty good, first one is one of my favorite indie games of the decade probably. If there’s ever a 3rd one I have a feeling that it’s going to be filled with all the fat retards that run the channel now and be an advertisement for Ryan’s company
I saw James Rolfe at a video game store in Philadelphia last week. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen double A battery packs in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the battery packs and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each pack and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
that looks like it was taken out of context, 8-bit eric is always doing weird shenanigans shirtless
Mike did a live stream and said James wrote a part for him and he declined. He knew.
James was handsome like 5 years ago when he is less bloated and has a hat on and stands next to the fat guys he looks like a complete Chad.
He can't keep getting away with it.
Sounds just like Travis Strikes Again, which would have been cool.
I'd have Mike always be a different character in every game they get sucked into that the Nerd and Kyle would meet.
>Not sure if he could do more then provide singing and music though.
I would be fine with this. A 2 hour Ikari Warriors/Battletoads would've been great.
I still have no idea what the appeal of Fortnite is.
Fuck James is turning into nate silver.
We need a go fund me to get James some baseball caps and Red Bulls.
It's a zoomer fad and its position is threatened by Apex Legends.
Mike mostly left Cinemassacre to stream on twitch. He wrote a lot of those old episodes with James. People hate him so maybe he finally got fed up. I think that is why tHe avgn show is different now
>Chadwardenn is working a very successful career
IIRC that ABAP shit he said in one of his videos was a programming language he was studying
it's shooting people on a large map with the benefit of being able to blame rng on your loss rather than lack of skill and you also get to win occasionally without doing much so you can pretend to be good at video games
how can you not see how appealing this is to the 'if i watch let's plays and twitch streams instead of playing myself i'll get better at video games in no time' generation
>James and Kyle pick up on it and start making fun of the various incarnations of Mike's character.
Shit writes itself. Man, fuck the AVGN movie that we got.
You only have one life to win. That's the appeal. Winning in it gets addictive for a while.
Fucking decent episode for once actually
Games like PUBG, Fortnite, and Apex Legends are the poster children of soullessness. They will not be remembered fondly in the future as they have no unique features that set them apart from iconic games like Super Mario Bros and Final Fantasy VII, or even among their peers in the same genre.
They are nothing but trend chasers designed by marketing execs.
maybe, but they're both shirtless in his home and not on camera doing something for any youtube channel or whatever.
>mfw james "producer" wife insisted he pay a black dude to be set and available at all times
bootleg rich evans, is that you?
Why wouldn’t James collaborate with Kyle and Mike for making the avgn movie? They were the other guys on the show. He abandoned them and then stuck them in as a last second cameo.