She was a good guy, right? Why did she need the dark side, and to "break you" to go through with her plan?
She was a good guy, right? Why did she need the dark side, and to "break you" to go through with her plan?
Other urls found in this thread:
she wanted my jesus dick
so she's good in my book
>stop making choices
That's not what she meant. She wanted you to understand the consequences of your choices, which is why she criticized you every time you made one. Shes Avellones mouthpiece in regards to why the way morality is judged in star wars is fucking stupid.
She chastised you because she wanted you to think about your choices. There were no right or wrong answers as long as you learned from it.
The reason the Jedi always fuck up in Star Wars is because they close their mind off to the other side. Same goes for most Sith, the ones who go full batshit power lust eventually fall. A choice, good or bad, means nothing if you don't understand why you made it.
There actually was wrong choices, since she punishes you for going dark side and trying to get revenge on those who wronged you.
>tfw no romance
She wasn't the good guy, and was infact pretty much evil, she was just well written, sympathetic and had some points here and there about how retarded the jedi and the sith could be.
If I agree with her then she is a good guy
She punishes you for killing the council out of revenge since it's not a rational choice, it's an emotional one. That said it's retarded that there's no third option, either you submit to them and you get treated like a holier than thou paragon of light or a dickbag murdering monster. The endings and gameplay incentives to go full light and full dark go totally against the central theme of the game.
Amusingly enough the concept of someone being good because they agree with you is probably one she heavily opposes
is "the force" a light or dark bias in the games
I've always heard "bring balance to the force" then shouldn't the world be in constant turmoil?
Yet Kreia has a need to always be correct and for others to follow her
>let Vrook get sold off into slavery
>Kreia sucks your dick telling you how awesome that decision was
>because you made that decision, Vrook escapes and locks you into a fight you can't escape from, even if you helped the colonists
>you have no choice but to kill him
>because you killed Vrook the other Jedi Masters lock you into a fight you can't escape from
>you have no choice but to kill them
>Kreia shows up and tells you you're a worthless failure
>all because you made a decision she completely agreed with
That's the point where I realized Kreia was full of shit and was just being a contrarian for the sake of it.
this guy gets it
this guy also gets it
Kreia truly is /ourgirl/
The only Star Wars game where the light-dark dichotomy wasn't played completely retardedly was Jedi Academy.
>Rosh is a fuckup and a retard but he doesn't deserve to die.
>Just because I'm choosing NOT to kill him doesn't mean I'm some holy paragon of virtue and the light and kittens and rainbows.
>I'm just choosing NOT to murder a defenseless man despite having a reason to.
>Rosh is a fuckup and a retard and I'm sick of him.
>I am directly choosing to murder a defenseless man despite there being a non-violent alternative that does not lock me into anything.
>The only thing this says about me is that I am okay with murdering a defenseless man, against the orders of my superiors.
>always get the bad end for the jedi
what's Jedi Academy's gameplay like
it's been sitting in my library for quite a while now
>tfw no neutral ending in any of the Star Wars RPGs
>The endings and gameplay incentives to go full light and full dark go totally against the central theme of the game.
Only a fool would believe this.
>Onderon deserves to be free and waste away as an irrelevant bastion of an outdated culture
Fuck Vaklu
onderon deserves to be free so the mandalorians can take it over and start a new empire
what the galaxy needs is a martial culture of non-force-users that can rival the supremcy of the force-users.
Jedi Academy is hands down the best lightsaber game. It's also probably the best Star Wars game, or at least it shares that title with Battlefront 2 (the old one)
Shooter with lightsabers, same as the other Jedi Knight games.
First person?
Fps with guns tps with saber
in the same game? so it has FPS segments and TPS segments?
First person for guns, third person for sabers, though if you hate yourself and insist on first person for sabers then it's easily modded.
You can switch between guns and sabers on the fly assuming you have them. Have you not played a Jedi Knight game before?
nah, hence the sitting in my library part
It's basically a glorified expansion pack to Jedi Outcast when it comes down to it, but it's fun as fuck, and has zillions of mods. The Moviebattles II mod has some of the best lightsaber gameplay ever (and this is saying a lot, because JKA and JO had fantastic saber gameplay) and still has a thriving community. In fact, most mods still do.
Kino Scene
>what's Jedi Academy's gameplay like
You poor fool!
Have you played any late-90s early-00s non-Halo shooters? Outcast and Academy both run on Quake 3's engine.
guess that means I won't like them then
>That's the point where I realized Kreia was full of shit and was just being a contrarian for the sake of it.
Looks like she could have taken some of her own advise and though through what the consequence of those actions was.
she was an edgy bitch that got abandoned by both the light and the dark side so she wanted to crash the force with no survivors.
This. It wasn't simply being contrarian, she's trying to get you to understand that even when there's clear light and dark sides, morality isn't black and white.
that was never her intention, she knew you already surpassed her in strength and were far more suited to spread her teachings, she wasn't necessary anymore but most people can't kill themselves no matter how much benefit there is so she starts being a drama queen about it.