I hate it when other players reveal their powerlevel in onlinegames like using "kek" in the chat. just stop it...

i hate it when other players reveal their powerlevel in onlinegames like using "kek" in the chat. just stop it, its disgusting...

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The word "kek" has been overused here in general, in fact, and I don't see the charm of it. I wish that people would use "lol" instead.

I feel the same with people using nigger. At this point it comes of as being edgy and feels alot like a fallback insult when you can't think of anything good.

I try to control myself but sometimes an epic maymay or chan speak slips out accidentally
>unironically rambled about zoomers to my sister(specifically used the term zoomer)
>never slipped up with this but have felt strong urges to slip in a desu or senpai when talking


Oh, yeah, faglord? Guess what, I'm gonna say it.

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>accidentally saying kino irl

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Based and commonpilled.

Fuck I didn't mention it but I've done this multiple times, so much that kino has just become a regular word I use. Not the worst maymay to spout irl at least

im sorry for you, if you are one of those people of color

>tfw kek was a common part of my online vocabulary thanks to wow long before dumb frog cucks co-opted the term
>can't use it now despite it being a complete force of habit or else people associate me with them

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Fuck off frog cuck

Nigger has evolved, it's the hyperbolic reaction to the word that makes it so funny now. Threatening to say the n word is enough to make some people panic, it's like like JK Rowling wrote reality.


well I know when I see "kek" I can just safely ignore that person

It's a video game, you're revealing your power level just by playing it, retard.

it's just a word to illustrate mentality, just like gay is no longer merriment or a homosexual, it's simply lame

>>tfw kek was a common part of my online vocabulary thanks to wow long before dumb frog cucks co-opted the term
no shit that's why it's retarded in the first place, exactly as OP mentioned

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At least explain it to the newfags.

In World of Warcraft, the enemy factions cannot talk to one another. When a horde player says "lol" the alliance player sees "kek" instead.

4channers wanted to be unique and have their own internet slang, and over the course of a month of shitposting "kek" replaced "lol"

no one cares 16 yo retard.
>m-muh sekrit club and powerlevels
grow up

how is referencing something from the most popular MMO of all time showing your power level?

>4channers wanted to be unique and have their own internet slang
Listen here, R*dditnigger, we're the ones who make internet slang.

Seeing greentext in ingame chat always makes me uncomfortable. The people who do it are always fucking SPEDS.

Redpill me on SwoleBenji, why is a post that was posted 6 hours ago on reddit being copy pasted to Yea Forums?

Do it?


Or that, too. Both "lel" and "lol" have always been charming words to read.


That far back it was YTMND, sorry bro.

Check my twitter.

kys yourself

Old memes, but they weren't wrong.

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Top zoz

>pepe/wokak profile pic
Please tell me none of you do this

When has it ever not been edgy you fag

shut the fuck up nigger

rip lyl never forgotten

I might be spending too much time in here.
I noticed I can't properly talk to anyone, either online or IRL without getting the urge to use SOME form of buzzwords in my sentences like ''seething'' or ''cope'' instead of calling them out on being mad about something, ''based'' whenever they say something really cool that i agree with, etc. you get the idea. FUcking hell.

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>At this point it comes of as being edgy and feels alot like a fallback insult when you can't think of anything good
At this point? That's how it's always been you dope.

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I think the LOL threads just kinda ruin lol for a lot of people
Or maybe thats just me being a giant faggot

Honestly that and all the jokes about it are why I find it funny
Like I never found the word as an insult funny beyond the first time because it caught me off guard but now it's just this weird memey threat

it is cringe when you do it on purpose

>actually using underage-tier buzzwords like kino, zoomer/boomer, etc. enough to the point where you feel comfortable including it in your regular vernacular
Some of you guys sound like complete faggots.

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Remember when "based" was a bad thing? It meant your opponent had a 2nd base over you in Starcraft.

Kino is fine since its positive. Plus it's just fun to say

I'll let kek pass, but seeing "cuck" makes me feel absolutely disgusted and I know that person is probably 15

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>dropping redpills in chat

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I always say this to my mates, along with based

Seeing kek on any board besides Yea Forums disgusts me. It's like I know that poster is a Yea Forums crossboarder that doesn't care to hide it.

I'm not a mutt so this word isn't as strong for me but this new epic meme of I'm going to say the n word sure made me not use it anymore.

The internet is this like amazing concept from an episode of TNG. All of humanity connected to exchange ideas. But it's all really just a slew of garbage...

Just be glad you don't hear it in real life.
I know a guy who constantly says "kek" "oof" and other retarded shit in person.

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It's just linguistic evolution desu, I don't see the problem


kek is pretty normie now

Yikes is honestly a step up from what he says

Internet has made me immune to any insults IRL, so it's cool.

topkek was spammed by Yea Forums niggers as le new ebin meme to replace top lel. It never had anything to do with WoW.

It went

Yea Forums is a rather new board and these were all coined long before its existence.

Fuck off redditor

>tripfag is also a newfag
What a surprise.

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Been here since Oct 1st 2003.

>>unironically rambled about zoomers to my sister(specifically used the term zoomer)
Holy lord of cringe

Medial jej

So you admit it, good.
