What the fuck happened to classic deathmatch?

What the fuck happened to classic deathmatch?

I'm not even talking about *sips* Quake style movement-based/arsenal-based shooters either. What happened to just dropping in, shootin some niggas, and dropping out like it wasn't shit?

Why's everything so team/class/objective/competitive focused now? I just want to shoot, run around neat maps, respawn, and fuck off once I'm done.

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Matchmaking has taken over when it comes to getting into games. The server browser is pretty niche these days, which is a real shame honestly. TF2 became twice as bad overnight when they decided to do matchmaking instead of just going into the server browser and going on a Valve 2fort server to just veg out or some other such reason.

it's brainless and repetitive

it's not esports competitive enough,

Games just aren't for you anymore

Nice of Gaben to invite us over for some deathmatch, eh Luigi?

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Battle Royale killed death match

Because those kind of games are less attractive to players they die off.

Younger gamers decided that they needed a 'reason' to play games, i.e. unlocks and experience.

People can't just have fun with a game without the need for them to feel like they are making progress towards some meaningless goal, so mindless fun like deathmatch is no longer tolerated.


Get a life

You're on Yea Forums nigga. Shut the fuck up.

oh it’s this thread again

Boomer here, but experience/achievements/etc. feel even more meaningless to me that playing for the hell of it. Whenever I see those little messages pop up, it feels like the game's mocking me by suggesting that I need phony accomplishments that come from pushing buttons handed to me because I'm too pathetic to have any meaningful IRL achievements.

>hey guys totally not a boomer

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This is the correct answer. Although, I wouldn't place the blame squarely on young people. Plenty of Boomers and normies in general helped in making "progression" a standard.

That is a boomer response to it, I know it myself.

Since the 360/PS3 era, people have now made it a habit to live and die by achievements. There are people who will grind out the most pointless shit just so they can say they have 100%ed or platinumed a game.

more like jews tricked younger players into thinking they needed those things, ie advertising wizardry

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Like you've never tried to fully complete a game back before achievements were a thing

This unironically hit my feels.

we didn't need lootboxes where you have to buy a key to open it.

>always been a cod boi
>top tier arcade shooter
>series is finally dying due to activision's greed
>battlefield has turned to shit too
>meme royale is walkimg simulator game mode
>only fps currently worth playing is r6s
>but the gunfights are short and far apart
I just want back to the old days of mw2.

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I remember the first time I played a matchmaker-driven game. I was astonished that I couldn’t pick exacty what I’d wanted on a server browser.

I feel like the result has been a net detriment to online vidya. Those servers were communities and allowed you to play the game in a way that suited your tastes.

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>I just want back to the old days of mw2.
now you're making me feel old because i remember shitting on cod for being babbies first fps after halo

Longtime Halo fanboy here.

I know how you feel mate, me and CoD fanboys were like brothers.

May we both get great games again soon.

I just wish we had some Halo-likes on PC. The combination of weapons, vehicles and Halo's map design make for a great deathmatch.

Isn't Dewrito still around?


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