Why does Yea Forums hate the nintendo switch? My stepson is loving it

Why does Yea Forums hate the nintendo switch? My stepson is loving it...

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Because Yea Forums predicted that the Switch would flop like the WiiU but instead of admitting they were wrong, retards just started making more wojack edits


I fucking hate my stepdad but I have to give him kudos for loving my mom so much that he'd deal with her two ungrateful little dipshits, and even try to be a father figure to us.

Nothing wrong with that.

the legends were tru lads

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Makes sense because it's for 5 year olds

multiple starwars cups used as decoration

Attached: i see your a man of culture.jpg (680x383, 29K)

Why does Yea Forums have so many cuckolds?

>baby Groot figure


Raising another man's spawn makes you a cuck.
You're using your own resources to ensure that another man's genes continue to spread.

>pretending to be retarded on an anonymous video game forum


This is your brain on /pol/


having a daughter is the ultimate cuckoldry

I love posts like this. Nothing quite like larping as a person who actually has genes that are worth spreading.

>Taking a picture of your stepson from a creepy PoV like a pedo
Calling the FBI on you.

My ex wife was an abusive alcoholic and I ended up marrying a really sweet woman whose husband was also an abusive alcoholic. I have two stepsons and one biological son that I continue to raise, am I a cuck?

>getting "abused" by a woman
Yes, you are

Yea Forums hates fun

Nah. Your good user. Dont worry about the shit posters.

>Hit woman
>Woman calls police
>Go to jail

>Woman hits me
>Woman calls police
>Lies and say I hit her first
>Go to jail
Men don't win in the american legal system my friend

Don't worry, they have daddy issues
Good ol' trannies

I can almost guarantee this picture came from reddit

fucking based

This is true. But your post also tells me you were raised by a single mother, which would explain your misfortune and bitterness.