Advance Wars

It's a great game thanks for the thread yesterday that introduced me to the series. Am I a casual if I'm starting to get more D/C ranks instead of A? Some battles are getting really tough and I haven't even got to the green country with the flying guy yet

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Other urls found in this thread:

No, Advance wars is a pretty difficult game at times and it's not strange to only rarely get top ranks until you start figuring out the ins and outs of the system, play with broken COs and/or abuse the enemy AI (hint: they will almost always target the most expensive units, so you can usually get away with placing a bunch of useless decoy APCs in inconvenient places).

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I really like Tabitha, guys.

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I prefer her little sister, she has a really nice theme.

Glad you enjoy it, I only played Dark Conflict/Days of Ruin and recently finished it on my old DSi (2 missions in particular were a gigantic pain in the ass), but I want to play the previous entries at some point. Wargroove kind of pushed me towards finishing it since playing it just made me want to play AW.

>barely any screen time at the end

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I unironically really enjoyed Days of Ruin and thought it was better than Dual Strike.

Are there any games like Advance Wars out recently? I liked Into the Breach but that become a little too repetitive after a while

>2 missions in particular were a gigantic pain in the ass
Which ones? I wanna know.
>I only played Dark Conflict/Days of Ruin
All the Advance Wars are great, but Days of Ruin is my favourite.

Don't be shy and post playtime. You're not a casual, are you Yea Forums?

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I prefer Days of Ruin too, it was a nice departure with emphasis on core gameplay and less on busted CO's.
>Are there any games like Advance Wars out recently? I liked Into the Breach but that become a little too repetitive after a while
People will tell you to play Wargroove but it a shit

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do we have mods for that AW ripoff yet

Days of Ruin was extremely well balanced is the general consensus I think which can make it a lot more enjoyable without you realizing. Try other squads in Into the Breach, but I agree it's definitely somewhat repetitive which is a shame since the core gameplay is so disgustingly well designed. is right about Wargroove, if you're looking for a spiritual successor to AW, Wargroove is not it. It really feels like "indie AW" in a bad way, it's alright on its own, but not as great as AW.

I only played it since it's the only physical one I have. I used to have a Gameboy Advance SP and Advance Wars for it, but some nignog of a kid stole it and I've never been the same since, getting your only handheld stolen at that age fucking sucks dick.
The mission I was initially stuck on which made me stop playing was the one where you had to bomb the shit out of some prototype weapon which does an AoE attack halving your troops HP I think. When I completed it, I fortunately realized that you only need to destroy that particular weapon, not the weapon + the enemy forces/capture HQ or this mission would have been insufferable.
The other mission I had trouble with was the last one, took a while to realize you have to rush the shit out of those 2 positions where the enemy gets 2 free units every turn (one ground and one air unit) or that alone will overwhelm your forces if you don't kill them quickly.

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>where you had to bomb the shit out of some prototype weapon
Oh yeah, I remember that mission. Spent like 30+ turns slowly pushing forward with rockets and finally doing a bumrush with bombers+CO power.
>the last one
I feel like I lucked out with the final mission, because I somehow beat it on my first try.

>Are there any games like Advance Wars out recently?
Some of the Daisenryaku games are Advance Wars-like, but with
>lower production qualities
>not as good looking
but I do hear that the gameplay is really good, although more complex than AW. See here:

Don't worry about ranks, just play through each campaign and enjoy them. Then go back and start playing the games on Hard. If you can't get through them, then yeah, you're probably a brainlet. You'll still be able to enjoy the games though.

I didn't bother with rockets so I just mass produced bombers and just went for it which worked out fortunately. I pretty much had this weird standoff where 2 armies are just outside of each other's reach, had bombers hide behind my frontline to protect them from fighters and then just bombed the shit out of that spot with units protecting the prototype.
>beat it on my first try
Good lord

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I know you didn't ask this, but if you want a modern version, check out "Wargroove"

I got real AW vibes from it, only with fantasy based fighters instead of real world war machines etc

Fun fact: the AI in advance wars 1 has a bizarre grudge towards transport units, even if they're empty. Use them to spare your more expensive units if they're within striking distance of an enemy

these games are just for gba, right?
i've always wanted to play them but never did
also, are any of the fire emblem games good?

4 games that have "Advance Wars" in their title, 2 for GBA and 2 for DS

Holy shit I used to think the AI always saw through my attempts at brining my troops to the HQ with the RC units
It figures they're just autists

What happened to the AW mods in Shitgroove? How come the game's been out for like a month and not a single mod been released yet?

You're forgetting the Nintendo Wars series user

Oh right because the hype died after a day or two when people realized the base gameplay is dull as fuck and there's just nothing to do after you clear the campaign (which sucks cock too with bad and tedius map design and horrible ai)

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Grit was based as fuck

*guitar noises*

>Advance Wars 1
The campaign in that game is actually pretty damn hard. Advance campaign is a fucking nightmare too, holy shit. Good luck OP, and remember, the computer legitimately cheats in fog of war missions.

And for good reason. Game Boy Wars 3 is the only pre-GBA game that has any substance at all, but it really doesn't fit in with the rest of the series.

Fuck off she's mine.

Which is the best and most fair gba advance wars game?

Wargroove isn't honestly that good. It really feels like just being a poor man's Advance Wars that doesn't live up to it's potential, and playing it few times has just made me yearn for a proper new AW game even more.

That fucking explains everything.
God damn those computer bastards, they knew all along.

Of course not. It's expected to get low ranks because you just started. AW1 is probably the hardest AW. For me, the final mission in AW1 is the most difficult map in the franchise.

Days of Ruin has such a great soundtrack. The wall of sound guitar barrage on half the themes really helped set the tone. Also, shout out to Waylon's theme which starts silly then goes full fuckin ham

I still have no idea how to beat any AW final map without doing the supposedly cheesy strat of rushing bombers

you know what i think is the biggest issue with wargroove?

the lack of CO themes. its really jarring after doing several rounds with different CO's

Everyone are still waiting for the official mod tools. Chucklefucks are really taking their time with it.

AW2 of course.

Until dual strike they completely ignore all rules of FoW and just play like its non-fog. Its retarded af, those missions feel like they were just placed there as a big fuck you.

>mfw Waylon Flies Again

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15 CO themes are plenty. Rather than lack, I think the problem is the variety. CO themes within their factions use sound too close to one another. Also, since it's medieval fantasy, the instruments used are more "softer" compared to modern instruments like in AW, so the themes has less of an impact.

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Daisenryaku Expert on the SNES.
>Almost modern units
>Units with multiple weapons (Eg HinD attacks with rockets or missiles)
>huge maps compared to AW
>no anime characters
Nothing like loading infantry into a HinD dropoing them off and blowing up some tanks

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I didn't even know there was a S rank. I'll have to do the campaigns again

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>The first mission with Waylon in it just has him immediately pass turn so you only hear the intro
>You only get to hear the song kick in when you fight him

The anime characters are a plus

Or Iron Storm (same series, same devs as Daisenryaku Expert) on the Sega Saturn. Or pretty much any modern Daisenryaku (EXCEPT Perfect 4.0), although most of them aren't translated. Pic related is Daisenryaku Portable for the PSP. JP-only.

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This was honestly such a nice touch, since the song only gets mean and serious after the initial 10 seconds. Which you will hear in its entirety during Waylon Flies Again, which makes perfect thematic sense.

What the fuck were they thinking with the tutorial for AW1. It rivals FE7 for the biggest newcomer turnoff I’ve seen.

i liked it. was the perfect excuse of not having one in AW2.

How similar are the Battle Isle games to AW?

I loved the tutorial. Imagine going at war unprepared

Tfw Max went from being the most overpowered CO, to balanced, to just really meh while Grit stays with bis overpowered range the whole way through

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Yeah. Some are strategically easy, some require precise tactics that I can't be assed to perfect.

that's mostly right. but to be more specific, in AW1 they they can see your units, but they're not allowed to attack them if they're in terrain like forests/reefs because units can "hide" in those spots (also subs that have dived). but what they can do is send a unit to "detect" your hidden unit, and then attack it. it knows it's there, it's just not allowed to attack it until it "finds" it. otherwise, units can attack outside their vision range. also, air units are never hidden.

in AW2, units can no longer attack outside their vision range. but the rest still applies. also, units can see into forests despite not being adjacent to them (not sure if that was also in AW1)

in dual strike they can see your units, but there are more rules in place to prevent them from attacking them. they can't see into forests and etc. unless they're adjacent to the tile. they won't be ambushed by your units, because they can see where they're hiding. they also "remember" where your units are. but they will never attack them, so the game is far more balanced than the previous two

in days of ruin, your hidden units can ambush enemies. the ai can "forget" where your hidden units are, i.e. once a unit is revealed the ai isn't permanently aware of it. they can't see the entire map like in past games. the game finally plays by the FoW rules 100% (dual strike was more like 90%)

this reminds me of DoR. like the colour/style of the units, and some of the font seems similar

You Zoomers are annoying as fuck. The tutorial even has ranks

Fair enough. I only played the first few missions to be honest, then I ended up playing other games. I liked the aesthetic at least

Was there ever a CD release for the soundtrack?
DS and GBA sound just doesn't hold up these days.

Have any of you guys played AWBW? I'm new to the series and would like to play against other players, but I've heard it's a disappointing experience.
Post absolute bangers

I’m not a fucking zoomer I just want to get into the game, not spend 50 minutes on shit anyone with half a brain can figure out. This design also means you have to replay the tutorial whenever you start a fresh save

i like grits theme

Your wish is my command, o' anonymous one...

Grit: confirmed best

>fear is all you have left

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Is there hope

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OG super power theme will always be the best.

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Tiny Metal - it’s on Steam not sure if it’s good

Thoughts on wargroove?

t.hidden in the forest for 3 days

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Fuck that bullshit fog of war mechanic. i genuinely believe that the AI isnt effected by it

Gimme some Days of Ruin tips FUCK!

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More like Boregroove.

Use best girl Tabitha.

You're right. It's not. Fortunately there's only a couple maps that have it. Fucking Eagle.

["It ain't me" starts playing]

I liked, but still far from any Advance Wars game, i feel it like a prequel

*record scratch*
*freeze frame*
Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation
>I genuinely believe that the AI isn't effected by it
The post just above yours and
prove you wrong. He moved his infantry unit to the forest

there are mods on Nexus, but the mod tools are unofficial. as said, cucklefish are bad at making updates in rapid fashion.
i still want to make the magic missile silo and other buildings from AW so i can port AWBW maps into WG.

If a new advance wars game were to by some miracle be released and it's plot mirrored a real-world war, what war would Yea Forums like to see it follow?

For me it's the korean war

pretty sure you can skip it and only have to play the final tutorial mission, just started an AW1 save last month

Gambatte, Infantry-tan.

You're so incredibly fucked it's not even funny. But if you can get at least one day unmolested, your Infantry can still cap so long as they have at least 4 HP.

Also, what the fuck is up with Captcha lately. It's been extra shitty.


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Why is Andy such a shit Co

it aint my post. i dont have advance wars open anyways, its been a year or so since i played it lol. but i did get asshanded by sturm that one time. it took me 350 days (in game not irl) to beat him.

I'm playing the ps2 version, it's neat, but with the large maps and huge number of units it takes forever to issue commands to everyone, which kind sucks.

After 10 days of waiting in the forest, the infantry unit hears an explosion in the distance. Is it a sign of the gods? Should he advance towards the enemy HQ?

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got one for ya brother man.

Who /Olaf/ here?

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He's not specialized for anything. I actually like his ability because I have autism and like to keep my units alive at all costs.

It's a trap, you fool!

Is there a day limit?

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i want to play games with lash.

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>Day 31
lmao I don't know. I've never gone that long before.

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>mirroring real wars
I'll prefer it not do that. It'll get too political. I'll like to see new factions though. Maybe a White Moon villain group based in Antarctica who wants to plunge the world into eternal snow or some other stupid goal.

ive been up to 120ish days before so probably not.

>fit Olaf
O, I'm laffin'.

I waited long enough
Heard several explosions across the map
I thought I had my chance


God help me

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>been plauged with ideas for a AW hack
>Crossover plot, no OCs, just lots of initial panic over universe crossing/dead people coming back and all the villains doing exactly what you expect them to do
>DoR units and balancing, but 2's style of COs with COP/SCOP
>Gotten to a point where I'm looking into the game code and hacking tools because I can't get it out of my head
>Can't port music from DS games into a GBA game for obvious reasons
>Don't want to hack Dual strike because the 3D graphics are ugly.
>Can't anyway because barely any tools

Why is life with autism suffering


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what the problem?

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>>DoR units and balancing, but 2's style of COs with COP/SCOP
the perfect game


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those soldiers never made it home to tell their families they loved them.

It is actually kinda true. They wont be able to hit you in the forrest without another unit scouting you out, but if you are out of their sight, they will conveniently place their unit right besides yours without getting ambushed and will always place the scout unit at the right place so you unit in the forrest can get hammered.

It's a great image. Not sure why he took it off.

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Are there any reasons to use - Jake, Jugger, Flak, Lash, Koal or Adder? I feel that they're useless. I'd put Kindle but she's kinda useful on cities.

DoR doesn't work without its COs. No CO games still turn into huge stalemates.

>those soldiers never made it home to tell their families they loved them.
I know this is a children's game but at first I was a little bothered by how the OC doesn't seem to care for the troops, it's as if the battle is occurring between them but there's no time for the soldiers.

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Adder was the meta i believe because of his super + it loads extremely fast so he can deploy his tanks outside range and you position yourself according to normal movespeed only for him to bumrush your artillery down in 1 turn

if you read the chain he's speculating a hack that would have powers charge in AW2 fashion instead of DoR, but balance units like in DoR, so no CO in the unit, would work fine

After playing the first 3 games a ton and AWBW, I’d say Lash and Adder have their uses. Especially Adder, extra movement is fantastic for competitive play. For campaign play there are better COs to choose from

Fug. The fucker and his double attack with the jets/bombers really surprised me. He's even worse than grit

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i want to, but my old NDS phat won't even turn on now. the end of an era. 2006-2019 lest we forget

I think the best missions considering that were those where COs are having a jolly little war among themselves. Like that Dual Strike mission where you must slaughter tons of friendly troops and wreck their megatank just to prove yourself to them.

As a kid i never managed to beat the final mission of AW 1.

I think in AW2 or DoR there was a softcap where the AI would stop working after day 40ish.
Although I think it would just bumrush you then? Honestly been a long time since I touched it, let alone had a game go for so long.

His maps are the few that have fog-of-war, I think. That combined with his air units makes for a dismal battle, just like Grit. Sometimes it's better to rout his army.

DoR had good gameplay ideas but goddamn, even if it makes me a graphicsfag, I can't stand the way it looks. It takes everything iconic about the series and makes it drab. Not even colorwise - a lot of the units just look like ugly blobs.

The final mission isn't hard, but it's a logistical nightmare. If I had to play it again, I'd have one CO do the actual attacking and maybe the other 2 use rocket from the sidelines. So obnoxious, otherwise.

Tag Team with Adder and Koal are the shit.

>tfw bought Tiny Metal year ago at sale and didn't play it at all

I feel bad about myself. Really, really bad.

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I played for a day but it had no features at launch

I liked AW 1 and 2 but could never complete them since I'm a brainlet. Played a bit of the more edgy serious one on the DS for a bit. Are there any more games in this series or did nintendo completely forget about it?

dual strike also happened on the DS but the series ended there

Nintendo made real time tactical spin offs for Gamecube and Wii by the name of Battalion Wars, but I don't think they were very successful.

They frankly don't sell well. Fire Emblem was only saved because of waifu bait. Supposedly the developers hinted that they won't make another AW game until they can figure-out how to waifu the shit out of it.
>solving 15 captchas
Fuck you Google

WAIT. she lives. but now there is a weird glitchy line at the top of the top screen, kind of annoying. this is my second save file. i beat the game on the first one, then i guess i lost it somehow. this one i didn't bother to do the campaign, just random maps

the map i included is insane. play as whoever you want (i use brenner) as blue. team up with red (don't pick greyfield, he will never use his refueling power because no naval units), and take on yellow (caulder). i played this map twice, first time using greyfield as my ally and it turned into a huge stalemate that never ended. this was because all his units got stuck because no fuel and it essentially created an impenetrable wall of units

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They forgot about it becouse the producer does not know how to build relationships in Advance Wars:

>"Personally, I'd love to do Advance Wars, but since it's harder to create relationships between its characters compared to Fire Emblem, I don't have a clear idea of what kind of setting it could have,"

Dat pathetic reason is why they haven't touch advance wars in more than 10 years

>"Ride of the Valkyries" intensifies

Anyone here interested in the new Fire Emblem?

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I played through the hard campaign a couple years back going exclusively for S ranks of characters I had not already completed missions with. Fun times despite the game devolving into predicting and manipulating the AI to extremes so high it's almost a puzzle game of finding the solution to get an S rank.

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no thanks

I fell hard for waifubaiting of Awakening when it came out and played the shit out of it, but could not be bothered to complete Fates despite initially being quite excited of it.

How will the green earthers ever recover?

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I want Lash and Sami to engage in navel warfare.

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So are we the good guys?

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>273 hours
>547 maps playes
>433 maps cleared
>Total S Ranks Obtained: 1
How in the fuck

>Russo-Japanese War
the Kore- I mean Purple Asteroid

already explained. it's my second save file after the first one got fucked. didn't bother to do the story mode all over again

no thanks. if i wanted units leveling up i'd rather play x-com ufo defence, or xcom enemy unknown/within, or XCOM 2

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Fuck, asteroid is taken? Magenta Dwarf-Stars it is

This is how most wars are conducted, to be honest.

Look at the WW1 armistice stuff, even though they knew there was an armistice about to be signed, the allies were still ordering attacks with only seconds to go before the armistice would come into effect, resulting in thousands of unneeded casualties and deaths.

Things have changed a bit since then, at least in the west, but generally speaking soldier are pretty much just units that those higher up in command, divorced from the actual fighting, don't give a shit about.

>no thanks. if i wanted units leveling up i'd rather play x-com ufo defence, or xcom enemy unknown/within, or XCOM 2

I liked how in Days of Ruin you could kind of level up the units killing others, the star base system was pretty good