WoW is dea-

>WoW is dea-


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I’ve litetally never heard of dungeon fighter online, you can tell that almost every game on this list is only “grossing” because of chink sub-humans.

>World of Warcraft West
>World of Warcraft West
>World of Warcraft West
>World of Warcraft West

Can't you read you fucking mutt? Why are american shcools so shit?

>almost every game
Can YOU fucking read retard chink? Also I’m not American you retarded obsessed fuckwit.

Not him, but you’re retarded if you actually think that most of these games aren’t heavily influenced by the Chinese.

Same can be said for Crossfire. Valve was too slow at pushing CS in Korea/China and we get Crossfire with massive numbers.





Are people legit that fucking stupid?

I been watching vanilla pvp videos, and SL locks absolutely sominate frost mages, so what the fuck is going on? you people told me SL was low damage shit and Frost Mage was the god of vanilla that could beat anyone.

aren't the PC games in this list only counting internet cafes? how do they even get the finance numbers if LoL doesn't release them?

We were discussing how the MAJORITY of games on the list were only there because of the Chinese, we aren’t even talking about Warcraft here. How fucking dense are you?

>Assuming chinks don't play western games on western servers

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is this the same website that counts league of legends, dota 2, world of tanks, and crossfire as MMOs?

Everyone with a brain knows that already sherlock.
The subject here is WoW.

When will morons stop using UK physical copy sales as representative of anything?

fuck, i wish i was korean, since i love the game but the english comunnity is super dead

>not knowing what DFO is

>never heard of the best game on that list that was huge globally and the only good beat em up MMO to ever exist
Jesus Christ modern Yea Forums is so shit, I wouldn't be surprised if DFO was older than you underage retard

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Should I continue playing past Morgan? I did the first John mission and I'm thinking of uninstalling it

>fifa 19 and 18 in the top 10
based ea and chads dabbing on virgin gaymers

>dfo is dead in the west because western retards cant do inputs
hold me

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>that picture
fuck I miss playing cute lolis with Yea Forums
DFO in it's initial western release, TERA during CBT, etc. I'll never get the nostalgia for shit like vanilla WoW, what you miss isn't just the game, it's the people you played it with. They're never coming back, all you get now is discord trannies.

>Should I continue living past 30? I lived the first day and I'm thinking of suicide


What's wrong with RDR? It got great reviews.

there isn't a single good game on that entire list
wow is right where it belongs

People still play Candy Crush??????????

I haven't played DFO in years but it's undeniably one of the best MMOs ever made. Maybe the best period

>Companies make more money on monetization and cash shops than selling the actual games
>Whales utterly and completely refuse to stop buying

Why do rich people have to destroy everything they touch? When can we just genocide them all?

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>he thinks chinks play on chink servers in CY+4
>where they wouldn't be able to sell their famred gold
I this a tripple falsefalg now or are you simply stupid beyond any rational reasoning?

>less than PUG
>not dead

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>90% chink players
I wish Vavle would've never let them in.


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