Is this the worst 3d gta game? I just beat the story and it was a pretty dull game. I grew up with Vice City...

Is this the worst 3d gta game? I just beat the story and it was a pretty dull game. I grew up with Vice City, which I also beat recently again, and it was three times as fun as this game for me. VC, SA, IV, LCS, VCS, CTW, V were all considerably more fun for me

I know it's the first of its kind, but it kind of struck me just how boring it was and how much better the very next game in the series was compared to it

Do people just not talk about how boring it is out of respect?

Attached: 3.jpg (197x255, 15K)

The main appeal of III is the nostalgia factor. It had a good soundtrack, and the location and setting of late 90's New York is pretty interesting, but it was outclassed in every way by Vice City. VC had better missions, more balanced weapons, bikes, better writing, and a voiced protag. I still come back to III from time to time, though, and I have fun with it.

Right, that's the thing, I played it last, just now. And only like a year ago I beat LCS and had tons of fun with it. Same for VCS. No nostalgia there. But this game really just feels inferior in every regard. I hate to shit on it too much, since it is a classic, the empty feel of it can kind of have its own appeal at times... but it mostly just feels boring to me. I guess few people do bring it up when talking about their favorite gta games

3 is an academic game. First mainstream open world game. For its time it was unreal. The budget for 3 went into the engine. Following games were able to develope the story and refine the gameplay and immersive aspects

its pretty comfy. also had the best gang cars of the series.

Attached: gang_cars_gta3.jpg (1920x1080, 313K)

Let's put it this way.

You are positing that people don't talk about how boring it is out of respect, I'd come at it the other way. Have you ever heard anyone go out of their way to say "Damn, GTA3 is such a fun and fantastic game!". Nah, because everyone always says VC or SA.

I've tried playing this game but I really can't stand it. It feels boring and the atmosphere is so bland and dark and drab. I understand what they were going for in relation to the atmosphere but it just doesn't feel fun to play mainly because of it.

GTA 3 really nails the atmosphere, the radio stations, weather effects and just the general color palette that paints this depressing modern city. Cruising through the city in a fast car while listening to chatterbox or that one trance station was the best.

I just wish the missions weren't as hard as they are, I've beaten everything that came after it, but 3 just kicks my ass.

Ye, it's pretty much a prototype for things to come.
It's fun exploiting the glitches tho. It's the easiest game in the franchise if you know how to cheat the game with his own mission design (for example never moving during protection missions so that enemies don't trigger).

3 was the shit when i came out fuckhead

Imagine knocking a 20 year old game now

Pepperidge farm remembers dickhead

You will never know the joys of being off your head doing mission by mission life by life with a bunch of mates

Yeah, GTA3 isn't that good from an objective standpoint. It has less to offer now than many other games from its era. But it did shape history.

Did you even state of emergency when it was new ?

Less to offer
Name 3 fuckface

>Have you ever heard anyone go out of their way to say "Damn, GTA3 is such a fun and fantastic game!".
I've seen a lot of GTA3 threads here on Yea Forums recently. Usually it starts with people just posting the lyrics from the soundtrack, then people start talking about the hard missions and how OP the shotgun is.

Almost anything? GTA3 was a hit not because it was solid, but because it was new and represented an ambitious direction for the future. It has been outdone and replaced very quickly, even for someone who played Vice City there's little reason to go back to 3.

>Rise FM intensifies

Attached: 26434-grand-theft-auto-iii-windows-screenshot-walking-in-the-rain.jpg (1024x768, 80K)

I prefer III to VC. I did when I was younger and I still do now. Is it nostalgia on my part? I mean, probably.
I think it's the map though. Outside of the story or atmosphere or music, III has the more memorable and fun map that you can do more in, for me at least. Fucking around and experimenting and using your imagination has always been what I go for in these games and III did it better for me. SA did it better than both though.
That's why I can't get on board with V or RDRII as well, they both make exploring tedious fucking chores where you can die at the drop of a hat because you tripped over a rock.


I agree that V is overrated and the open world isn't that fun. Everyone talks about how much there is to do there but there really isn't outside of online. The side side activities are all kind of pointless and the actual fun stuff like vigilante, paramedic, etc have been removed. There's also no real rewards for doing them, so I'd say there's always a reason to come back to the older games

>late 90's
The game is set in 2001

I've beaten every GTA without cheats except 3, I gave up near the end
It's actually bullshit how quickly you can die in this game

The only thing that made certain parts of the game hard for me is the lack of a map that made certain missions a fucking bugger because you had to drive around the city constantly finding dead ends and running out of time as a result

It is the hardest gta probably, but for bullshit reasons, but even then it's not that hard. You just gotta figure out the city and where you can get items like armor and health

Culturally, there wasn't a big difference between 1998/99 and 2000/01. The cultrual shift of the decade didn't happen until 2002 with all the post-9/11 fearmongering and exaggerated patriotism.