Why is THIS particular country treated like a special snowflake in video gaming? Western devs specifically cater to them and often they are the first to receive DLC, exclusives, products etc, and sometimes they get better stuff than the rest of the world! One of my biggest complaints is the "circle" and "x" buttons on the playstation. Why the fuck should it be reversed there? Can you imagine if PC gaming was like this? Like instead of left click to shoot in Japan they use the mouse wheel instead? FUCK YOU JAPAN deal with it!

I hate how so many games remain Japan only and how Japanese devs in the early days made an effort to market to NTSC, but skipped PAL entirely or made a gimped version of it. Fuck Japan! Even if they make the majority of video games

>t. seething PAL resident

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A lot of games do flip it for western release, and PAL routinely got better versions than NTSC due to getting patches which meant that a lot of PAL games lacked game breaking bugs in the NTSC versions. And sometimes even just had more content. It went both ways.

>tfw grew up playing PAL
>didn't even know I was playing Ocarina of time at 83% speed
>play it again when I'm older
>think "why is this music marginally faster?"

probably cause you never stop sucking the devs cock no matter what they do

stop pretending to be retarded people will think you're serious.

It's like fucking night and day when I played the NTSC version of Burnout 3

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>Why is THIS particular country treated like a special snowflake in video gaming?
Are you seriously asking this? Are you really this much retarded?

Japanese game is shit anyway just play good western game
>fellow PAL

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>tfw replaying DMC1 with the HD collection and wonder why it's so much faster than in my memories
>tfw replaying Wipeout 3 Special Edition and noticing the unplayable 25FPS gameplay

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Why are they treated special as a country? China is better than them in everything. Japan is a subversion of China.

ok Winnie

Go to bed Winnie the Pooh.

Nice counter argument thanks for providing nothing case won japan btfo.

Cao Mengde

2 cows?

>implying that ever actually happened and it's not just commie propaganda bullshit

china has no culture and no soul because of the communists. it's a hollow vessel of consumerism now. chinese people literally don't possess the creativity to make video games, it's not in their dna.

>it's a hollow vessel of consumerism now
That sounds like capitalism.

What's a PAL?

>thinks you should press x to open/accept something when x is used to cancel/close something in the west

Because Sony and Nintendo are incredibly huge influences on an industry that is either Japanese or North American, with a few Euro weirdos.

>western gamer cope thread

>capitalism good
>communism bad

learn your place gaijin


the inferior video system that third worlders used for television, because of their barbarian power systems

jap companies don't send me blank, no subject emails like xbox just did for some reason

A counter argument would have been of need if you wrote an argument with substance in the first place.

It's the only good 1st world Asian country since China is fucked. Also they're obsessed with video games.

china has the worst aspects of both systems

t. someone who doesn't know modern chinese history

Make your own games eurotrash.
Nippon makes games for Nipponese first before any gaijin. If you want to be a primary customer of their vidya, learn nip and then decide if you want to import games or move over there for easier access.

The communists are the only reason China is a functional country. If it weren't for them they'd still be making decisions by consulting fortune tellers.

Hell some officials STILL DO THAT despite the party making it DOUBLE ILLEGAL.

they actually pay for their games

heh, not anymore kiddo

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start at 1:25


their games are better desu I played heaps of japanse games from 2007-2011 on DS PSP/360/pc etc.

then in 2011 I stoped playing japanse games and just played western games from 2011 till now.

I basically hate gaming now but I know if I load up my 3ds or Vita or SP with heaps of good jpn games I will love gaming again.

western games have a depressive vibe imo and are more grungy. in the west being a gamer is being a weirdo while I japan its normal hence their creatives make better shit.

>One of my biggest complaints is the "circle" and "x" buttons on the playstation. Why the fuck should it be reversed there?
and you retards are still answering this

>in the west being a gamer is being a weirdo while I japan its normal

Japan is fucking bigoted. They’re way behind the times, and all of their games all filled with cis trash. If it weren’t for localization companies fixing their games Japanese games would be dead on arrival here in the civilized west. Japan needs to be domesticated, and put on course. Maybe another bomb or two will fix them.

>in the west being a gamer is being a weirdo while I japan its normal

Is this 1992 and am I posting on a newsgroup complaining how games are all focused on kids these days?

going to break character to let you know that you are a revolting piece of shit

>t. seething PAL resident
Too many languages. Kinda a shame the UK is a cuck to the EU or they could get American releases just as quick.

it's the only country apart from the US that has an entertainment industry of international relevance