This fucking guy

>this fucking guy

Attached: file.png (1080x1080, 494K)

Other urls found in this thread:

i love that man
no homo

i also love that man
very homo

Hahaha ecksdee
Fuck off

>le meme reddit man

That's some 2012 facebook joke.

Fuck that hack.
He made a shit game.

Bless that man.
He made an amazing game

Him and that guy who threatens Square's CEO so that Yoko can keep making games shitting on FFXIV and Yoshi P during the Fanfest was great.

The movie was better


I'm not saying this in a bad way, but holy fuck him and Toby Fox have extremely similar senses of humor

We must protect his smile anons!

>meanwhile the pc version got 1 total patch and it was for dlc support
i know its all fixed with the farfix mod but i'm not buying their next game that's for sure



Attached: 1547784356441.png (1632x1006, 1.18M)

It goes further.
If you take the first two digits of 5211 and add them you get seven.
If you take the second, third and fourth they add up to four.
If you take the final digit and multiply it by the third you get one.

Add 5211 + 741
Result = 5952

Finally divide the number 5952 by the number of digits, four.

5952/4 = ???

>It's going to be all about your recent divorce
Damn, that was uncalled for. Was he kidding?

Attached: 1550663892260m.jpg (1024x577, 67K)

>didn't bother fixing any of the bugs that have been there since the original release

Attached: wew.png (953x491, 36K)

Source on this?

Half life 3

It sounded like a comedy routine and he didn't seem offended


Why would you bother paying people to bugfix when some losers on the internet will do it for free with mods?

This fucking guy.

Attached: frodo2.jpg (286x286, 38K)

Isn't this the "I like women" or something like that guy?


>this guy single handedly saved platinum games

Had to look that one up, but damn.