DMCfags are hyped for THIS?
>DMCfags are hyped for THIS?
Looks like a generic 2019 AAA game. Can't get more than a 8/10. Why do they still think this game will be good?

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Keep triying

Barry, this shitposting is getting sad

jesus christ, xv-kun

Kill yourself XV-kun

Thank you for the new dmc general thread, I was about to make one.

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Story is your generic shitty melodramatic anime-weebshit 101.
Gameplay should be gud though.

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>ninja theory makes Dante out to be a gay cowboy
>Itsuno gives him a cowboy hat in 5
Absolute madman

Can I get the quick rundown on XV-kun? I never cared about that game so I know fuck all about him except
>He's still defending it to this day
>He's apparently called Barry
>He recently started shiting on Kingdom Hearts and dmc

You still haven't killed yourself?

Makes sense, as V only exists because of DmC.

BASED and youtubepilled

The lack of a Haw following the Yee triggers me.

FFXV fanboy who is so bad he got banned from neogaf and resetera. So bad he even got banned from the official XV forums. So bad that his deleted posts from Yea Forums and /vg/ number in the hundreds. He has shat on
>The Witcher 3
>Xenoblade X
>other FF games
Probably more games, too.

So is Vergil still a dick? Hate his brother even after everything? Seriously if he turns out to be the big bad or still hates Dante I'm legit going to be pissed. It's just retarded for that to perpetuate at this point.

With KH's story being mind numbingly retarded I don't really see the problem with shitting on it. It's got high points but they really went full batshit crazy with it. Needing 12 games to even remotely grasp the stories true form doesn't help either.

Please give three examples.

He just mindlessly shat on it. And he didn't really touch the story IIRC, surprisingly enough.

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So he was the one posting the tux Sora edit and that bait image of Kingdom Hearts 2 bring one of the "holy trinity of action games" then? Wasn't aware he focused on RE or witcher 3, and I thought it was some other guy called Eric shitting on xenoblade.

Fuck op post ricardo

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The eric guy is mostly a boogeyman. 2's fanbase is utterly fucked.

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TW3 and XBX were both still fresh when XV was still getting trailers. Yes, he has been shitposting on Yea Forums since the E3 of 2013. Also as the other user said 2 and X are different games.

I don't think we know yet
But I'm hoping he shows up to save Nero and Lady

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but 8/10 is good?



Yeah yeah, here's your (you), fuck off.

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Him saving someone would be nice. I have a bad feeling he'll sacrifice himself or some shit instead of joining up with Dante and Friends for future games.

Oh hey check this out it's another /manchild central/ thread haha!!

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This thread again? Dude get a job.

Dont make me turn this into a fujo board OP

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The only negative aspect is washed out colors, rest seems good

Keep tryin' zoomer

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hol up, barry is now also shitting up dmc threads? just fucking range ban australia already

Not sure if thry toned it down because of DmC's overuse of color that lliteraly cause migraines or they just have very HDR monitors that makes everything very vibrant but in reality they dont. The cutscenes seems blended just fine and a single level where bloody red color pops out

Does RE2:Remake suffer the same problem? I think they know to balance the colors out

That image about kh2 isn't even wrong desu.
There's a few stupid points but for the most part, it's correct.

Why does shitposting never seems to work on DMCfags?

Oh no! The Shitposter used a shitty Wojak edit! He showed us this time!

Because there's really fuck all to shitpost about, the only bad thing about the game so far is it supports MTX and even that kind of MTX doesn't gate you from progress and is possibly the stupidest implementation of MTX ever

Post your gameplay webms.

Attached: k i c k s.webm (1280x720, 1.63M)

So name 3 things you guys are most hyped for in DMC 5

playable vergil
playable vergil
playable vergil

>hol up, barry is now also shitting up dmc threads?

Yeah. He has been caught flaseflagging as a KH fanboy in DMC threads

Cheer up, Crewcut!

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