Ghouls want to live in the tower with the normal residents

>Ghouls want to live in the tower with the normal residents
>Convince the residents to let them stay
>Three days later they're all dead and the ghoul leader has this to say
>If I kill any of the ghouls it's bad karma

What the fuck?

Attached: Roy.png (1920x1080, 3M)

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Based Bethesdas opinion on refugees


>>If I kill any of the ghouls it's bad karma
I'm pretty sure it's an unfixed tag/switch, and that it was supposed to change to not be neg. Karma after this.

But, FO3 had bad writing and unfinished quests all around. It's kind of a hallmark of the post Bethesda series

two wrongs don't make a right.

spoilers, the ghouls were always the residents. they did have it coming, ghouls in good clothes, and the ghouls they denied, and that's what happened.

tfw fallout 3 writing is great and Yea Forums just doesn't get it.

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>tfw fallout 3 writing is great and Yea Forums just doesn't get it.

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the question is, what does it mean to be living in the tower as opposed to being exiled outside it?

How many antidepressants do I have to be on before I start writing posts like these?

Of course you lose Karma for killing them, you're backstabbing them. You already said you were okay with them living in the tower, right?

Just kidding, Bethesda can't program. There's a mod that fixes it, surely.

did she shit herself for the purposes of taking this picture?

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she used to have a blog on tumblr where she wrote forcing herself to hold until she lost control. it was the hottest thing. i wish i had saved it.

no, i assume this high quality photograph was taken by a local nature photographer out in the woods.

этo жe тapac гpиopoвич шeвчeнкo

she still does.

>Not murdering everyone in the tower and using the entire place as your house

no it's fine user she just sat down really specifically in some mud

and yet you're still the ghoul after all, are you not?

This is why Bethesda dumbs everything down now cause people don't pay attention to characters and their motivations then get mad. Roy is an asshole that hates humans and threatens you multiple times you think he won't go ballistic when someone in there calls him a dirty ghoul? Racism doesn't disappear with a few speech checks.

>she still does.


I just killed everyone that lived there, gave it to the ghouls, then killed all the ghouls. No one deserves it but me.

and yet the residents of tenpenny tower deny their humanity and repress it, resulting in the grotesque duality of the ghouls living in the subway tunnels and their malevolent intentions and the residents of tenpenny hiding theirs and perceiving themselves as greater and the player that bridges the two through the secret entrance. it's totally meta. it's not even about racism, well sort of, but it's deeper, it's a perception thing bro, 2deep4u.

That's how it will happen in reality.
>If I kill any of the ghouls it's bad karma
Those People of Color only did righteous revenge against their oppressors.

Why did I ask, fuck there isn't any coming back from this

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Ghouls are well documented to leave chunks of themselves on the floor, make everything they touch filthy and turn feral when their brain rots away. Tenpenny Tower is the cleanest place in the wasteland why would they jeopardize that? It's like moving lepers into a rich family's mansion.

Ghouls are the literal niggers of the Fallout universe, we've already established this.

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>taking fallout literally

what, so the quest was all about the cleanliness of the tower and the residents not wanting to get it dirty it being the cleanest building among the wastes..


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Another reason Fallout New Vegas is superior.

More or less that and the fact that they look and smell like corpses and keep screaming in the intercom

dude please stop you're going to scare her off again

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in terms of content, yes, but on an artistic storytelling level they're about equal, also similar gameplay, different visions of fallout.

this is why we can't have nice things.

at least we're not Yea Forumstards lol

You can convince residents to let the ghouls in yet you can't convince the ghouls not to kill the shit out of everyone.

>fuck there isn't any coming back from this

it's the writing that does it for me. it's great that she has hips and ass, but her writing is actually respectable and that makes my cock even harder

it's not about giving power to the player, it's about taking it away, showing how good intentions can be veiled or used against people.

Turns out the ghoul leader was a bigger asshole than Gustavo go figure

>shit yourself for attention
>still seek the moral high ground

I'm ashamed I have to share this planet with you all. I unironically hope you all get cancer and die.


Karma is the stupidest and most biased thing ever, anyone who wants it back is autistic

it's not for attention, it's clearly erotic art.

If you're making erotic "art" shouldn't you be ready for pervy messages? Especially if you've shared contact info where your degenerate fans can write to you.

I didn't know Raimi wrote for video games too

It just got replaced by companion approval now you have people bitching about every other decision you make

That makes sense, people actually have opinions.

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>""""erotic"""" art
>be mad virgins on the internet send you messages
How much of a stupid whore can you be? Also

>"""""erotic""""" art
>literally shitting yourself

is it that much to ask people to be nice?

if they don't like something they can just not view it.

yeah, butt her photography is great.

>if they don't like something they can just not view it
They do like her shitting herself, she just doesn't like that her degenerate behaviour attracts degenerate attention

Well don't play with a compagnion, this was a good addition

it's a perfectly natural process.

hell i used to do it in my garden to help the flowers grow.

If you post literal crap on the Internet, you're open for criticism. And of you post 'erotic' content and don't expect horny incels to message you, then you're beyond naive. Reminds me of that 2B cosplayer that had her Patreon nudes leaked and her family and friends found out what she did, and she threw and angry fit over it. You show your boobs online, fuck off.

An attractive woman shitting her pants on purpose is gonna draw some ire that's just the way it is, especially adding in all the wierdos who are into that shit.

well yeah but she's just calling people out on it, it's not like they're being banned from making those comments or anything. if that were the case, then that would be a problem, but she's just expressing her dislike for the comments.

This place really is a hive for mental illness isn't it? Why can't I just force myself to leave for reddit or something?

This thread is shit

Human waste is not good fertilizer

>he stated proudly, on Yea Forums

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>thread about fo3 quest turns into thread about some chick who shits herself and the degenerate autists that find it hot

well it helps my carrot grow, if you know what i mean.

Scat faggots need to hang just as bad as foot fags

the bad karma is for letting them in, you only realize this when you see what they did

Half the threads on this board are already about lews, tits and ass and you fucking niggers feel the need to drench the few threads that are actually about videogames with even more of your fapmaterial?

Fuck this subhuman board I'm going back to /vr/

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Sounds like even the nice people were causing her problems, although "ayo babbe lemme smell yo colon bacon" would probably make anyone think twice

>Come to this thread to talk about fallout 3
>End up reading a blog about a girl shitting herself on purpose and get a new degenerate fetish
Never change Yea Forums

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You came into the thread to talk about shit and you got exactly what you wanted. What's the problem?


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I never said I had a problem user, just making an obsevation

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>if you post on a Taiwanese picture board you're no better than incels that get boners seeing shit going down a girl's leg

>ass like bree larson
no thanks

you said it, not me.

>He doesn't know

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>that floor carpeting

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oh look how smart instead of actually debating me you just dropped an image from new vegas of a character who thinks he's smart, like you.

obviously you don't get fallout 3's deus ex level meta storytelling and writing.

I was quoting your fallacy though

it seems like you're the one with the opinions.

yea no ass

>He still doesn't know

You made me realize that my dose is too small considering I'm not defending Fallout 3's writing like some cuck.

yes..your dose is too low..

He hasn't asserted any opinions samefag

Don't stop until you're defending obsidian writing


This is a worksafe board.

But I already do, you're not making any sense.


then don't stop until you're defending deadfire

Yeah, he. I'm not projecting when I call you a samefag, samefag

That's a reddit opinion tho.

No sauce

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>scatfag likes shitty games

>He posts the version without Sam Fischer

>He doesn't read four posts below the one he commented on


>oh nooo the game did something I didn't like
based bethesda
based toddy

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i did the same but with the brotherhood of steel outcast base instead.

Who is this e-celeb and why do you all assume we know every single one?

You missed the context user mods purged the whole thread

The outcasts are the only group who treats you fairly with no bullshit just trading tech for supplies

its a lesson

Karma system will be flawed either way when it's on the a one dimensional scale ala Good-Bad because morality isn't black and white. A better way would be to receive certain karma perks based on your actions instead of telling which one is positive or negative.

>Kill the Ghouls cause they were assholes and we’re planning to slaughter a bunch of people.
>3 dog makes it sound like i had a prejudice against them
Fucking shit

How about just add a reputation system so this one-dimension good/bad stuff starts to make sense. Like when you destroy a BOS outpost it angers the BOS but amuses the NCR because it benefits them

My opinion is that Bethesda is trash. The only thing they did right was to bring this series to a first person view as the isometric view was not something desirable around the time it released, the rest can burn for what it is.

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>kill three dog because i'm sick of his smug commentary
>he gets replaced with an even more obnoxious old woman that i CAN'T kill
>bethesda pulls the same stunt in FO4
get fucked


Any mod that removes weapon and armor condition from Fallout3?

it was two warring factions with equal bias against each other, it wasn't your fight. remember the tenpenny guard hires you to kill them outright, not to convince them to go away but to murder them.

>sidding with ghouls
retarded and bluepilled

deadfire was shit cope lmao

What the freak indeed...

>you're the bad guy for being morally correct
Truly a game ahead of its time.

It's like niggers. Let them in and you're a good boy. Punish them for their misdeeds and you're a racist tyrant.

FO4 had radio hosts?

Yeah it's that wimpy guy you help out in the quest and becomes far more confident and boring as a result.

>spoilers, the ghouls were always the residents. they did have it coming, ghouls in good clothes, and the ghouls they denied, and that's what happened.
Someone wanna decipher this one for me?

Oh, right. Amazing how almost nothing from that game stuck with me.

Yep, that's fallout 4 in a nutshell. Incredibly underwhelming and forgettable.

the fuck is this thread

what did we miss?

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>Humans are teh REAL monsters


Morality is a spook in Bethesda games. If you give so much of a shit about your good boy points then go donate some water

A girl pooping herself

Frustrating and stupid

Intriguing, your desire for peace and co-existence gets exploited and results is an objectively worse result for all involved. Not only that, the situation is totally misinterpreted by the outside world and if you try to get vengeance you are painted a villain for doing so.

based litposter

its like modern imigration of the 3rd world

>Ghoul centric quest in Fallout 3
>get to ask around a dusty old building about Ghoul's and end on an unsatisfactory ending
>Ghoul centric quest in Fallout NV
>get to fight demons and send the ghouls to mother fucking space

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im downloading this game right now. Any recommendations or tips before i start to play?

>caring about karma in the first place

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>get to fight demons and send the ghouls to mother fucking space

People don't hate ghouls in NV tho.

That's like people don't hate niggers in LA
Niggers are still very much stinky and bad