Why do these gaymers put so much importance on story in gaming? This is one of the biggest things that killed gaming.
Story Faggotry
Based Carmack
I lose my erection if the porn's plot is weak.
Right up there with muh graphics.
John Carmack watches porn?
I've now lost all respect for him
Imagine playing a rpg with shit story.
Because they treat gaming as propaganda and want to warp young mens minds to like trannies.
this is why people should stick to playing tetris and pong
That's why.
Good story carries bad games and further elevates good games. There’s no reason not to have one. Look at all the lore autism dark souls spawned with its minimalist storytelling
Know why 80s porn is so great?
It has story
Depends on the game.
If it's a long adventure or RPG then story is very important.
If it's a platformer or an action game, not so much.
There is your problem. You are playing a shitty genre.
I care more about the story in porn these days, agree on games though
Game without a story is just numbers
It has to be a proper board game to work or MMO grinding autism
Why else would you keep playing?
When you watch or read a lot of porn, you start to appreciate context to the point porn without context is boring shit.
Depend of the genra. A point and click without a story is pretty much pointless.
Depends on the genre really.
Wouldn't listen to a Minecraft shill.
John Carmack said that when? Games have evolved since Doom and game can be better at telling certain stories than films, books or comics.
It's truth that some games like Doom don't need a great story, but a good story is positive in the games that can properly use it.
humanity is a race of story-tellers. From cave-paintings to movies and any other medium, it's all story-telling.
To say that a good story detracts from an experience is just plainly wrong. It's in our DNA to tell and listen to good stories.
subjective opinion
Pretty sure best H manga have actual stories and themes.
Not just lets fuck OK.
Reminder that John Carmack later said that he disagrees with his earlier statement
Reminder that games now are a lot more intricate and offer a lot more possibilities than in the 90s
Reminder that whenever this shit gets posted it always is just to bait people out
Imagine playing a game with shit gameplay (RPGs)
"Good story" is so incredibly subjective that it arguably is a detriment to gaming with its over emphasized importance. Look at all of these stupid indie developers that think they are making something amazing with their over emphases on a deep story in their terrible games that these gaming journalists eat up and hand out 9's and 10's like candy on Halloween. Don't even pretend like these indie games deserve it either the vast majority of them aren't telling that good of a story. Its just cringe at best usually.
Nah, just a very lazy shitpost.
he famously doesn't. When he was working in id, his coworkers turned on porn and put it on max volume. After a while he came to see what the fuss is about, said "mm" and went back to work.
It was embarrassing seeing him on the Minecraft stage.
Why are they shit?
I am pretty sure Carmack is somewhere on the autism spectrum
Man I sure want to get angry over OPINIONS
The porn analogy still works, sure story is not required to enjoy it but providing context for what's currently happening via story can really improve the fapping.
Same applies to video games, don't tell me you were never hyped for a bossfight in an action game beacuse of a cutscene before the fight.
no, storyless cuckshit like dark souls is whats killing gaming.
>muh knight
>muh hackan
>muh slashan
fuck off "gameplay" fags games need a good story to give context to good gameplay to be actually good.
>man tells you things he cant do or understand are not important
listen to man, he is wise.
>gaming is the only medium that allows so many genres of games to exist, you have everything from racing games to rpgs to shooters to story based games
>retards, instead of playing the games they like, bitch and moan about games they don't like
Why? Why do you care if there are games who want to be story focused?
Name 5 RPG with good gameplay.
no it was the bushy muffs
I think games do have a unique opportunity for letting the player interact with the world, story and its characters. A good game should still have good gameplay though and just treating your game like a movie is shit too.
If story in a game is like story in a porn movie, then cRPGs are the JOIs of gaming
>it's expected to be there, but it's not that important
This means a story as minimal as a 2D Mario game works very well because the main point of a 2D Mario game should be its platforming gameplay. Not a stupid fucking story like your typical Sony game for example.
Define good
Yeah bro, let's all drink Monster while playing Cod 14 and Madden 31 on our X-bones.
I wanted good stories in videogames for such a long time, but then I realized the way I was playing RPGs showed that I was basically just there for the story anyway, so I just cut out the gameplay part and started reading novels
pretty good so far, am enjoying my time
only part I miss is the CYOA kind of feel videogame stories provide
you don't really have a say in what characters do in books
Because moviefags
Gameplay is the only important factor when determining if a game is good or bad. If a game has bad gameplay, it is a bad game. This is a fact.
Mario is for children, Sony is for adults. Grow the fuck up
user that's not even moving the goalpost. That's trying to make me set up the goalpost for you.
normalfags really like TV and movies, but don't actually care about video games beyond the fact that they're interactive, so making titles that cater to the former two tastes while just meeting the minimum for the last point just prints money if they don't fuck it up.
Despite some critical acclaim for story in games, the bar is still pretty fucking low.
It seems like it's important in RPGs with lots of quests.
But when most people now criticize stories in games, they mean to just criticize cinematic cutscenes which is the laziest and cheapest way to tell a story in a game.
But I like story in my vidya because I can't bear to sit down and read/watch books/movies/TV shows because of no interactivity.
if you aren't concerned with story just play battle royale game #378 or bing bing wahoo simulator
What is the matter? Can't name just 5 good gameplay focused RPG? How about name five RPG with good action focused combat that gives good feedback on if you are damaging an enemy?
Normal fags don't care about tv or movies as well. They want big epic thing or "deep" love story to happen. The average media consumer for any medium doesn't like good media.
Sorry to break it to you but you don't like stories.
This thread is disgusting. Most honestly would prefer interactive movies then gameplay focused games even if they pretend otherwise.
>five RPG with good action focused combat that gives good feedback on if you are damaging an enemy
How deep should the RPG part be for this? Because even Return of the King has RPG mechanics
John Carmack was a graphics engineer, not a game designer.
But I do user.
Jesus imagine actually having an opinion like this.
Why do you act like it's such a big deal, that there's a bit of story in some games?
>Know why 80s porn is so great?
Exactly. Classic porn had MEANING.
Videogames in terms of storytelling is on another plane
you can't really compare it to traditional story telling
simply being able to interact and make things happen out of your own will during a narrative, even the illusion of it, does so much to how it feels
Looks like Carmack needs to play MGQ or Rance.
Actually I can't watch porn if the set up for the sex isn't good
It's not the disease, it's the symptom from many untalented devs who failed to get into Hollywood failing to utilize the strengths of the medium because they're myopic narcissists.
So then you can't name 5? Just admit you can't name 5. I already explained to you. Stop procrastinating here. It should obviously be a game with deep RPG mechanics.
>literature can have stories
>film can have stories
>paintings can have stories
>music can have stories
>fucking dance can have stories
But games can't have stories because it magically takes away from the gameplay somehow instead of providing context for your actions and elevating the experience. The ability for the player to directly interact with the story itself instead of passively watching it linearly play out makes video games the medium with the greatest potential for storytelling in human history. Just because game developers are shit at it and hire bottom of the barrel writers doesn't change that fact. Video games are still in their infancy, and these morons have made a bid to turn them into movies thinking that will somehow make it more mature. The Japanese mostly have the right idea though. When I think of good environmental or contextual storytelling it's usually a Japanese game that comes to mind.
>the virgin moviefag
>the chad videogame composer
The greatest videogames of all time have barely any story,really makes you think.
>no story at all to average amounts of story
I'll play these as long as the gameplay is good. Even if there is story and it's shit, I can put up with it and enjoy the game.
>story takes the spotlight
This is where I start to have problems. Once you make your game about the story, I have to actually LIKE the story you are trying to tell. Even if the gameplay is god's work, if story is dripping from every orifice and I don't like it, I'm not going to play it.
Deus Ex
Vampire Bloodlines
Kingdom Hearts
Dark Souls
here's more
woah, turns out when you make a game that appeals to everyone, it appeals to everyone
who would've thunk
>appeals to everyone
Try to make a moviefag play a game with actual gameplay like a shmup or a fighting game and see what happens
oh really, when was the last time a shmup or fighting game was considered and regarded as "greatest videogames of all time" by the public
Like NTR stories are trash and give me bonerkills , so do certain stories pass the point of being serviceable and become a negative
>Dark Souls
>good gameplay
Neither does Kingdom Hearts have good gameplay. Just as I thought. RPG is a shit genre.
Lore > story
Fight me
Lore is Story
don't even @ me
If its gameplay isn't butt-clenchingly difficult, it better have a proper story to keep me interested. Otherwise I'll just go play something else.
By people with good taste it happens often,the "public" is a bunch of bumbling retards that think that Fortnite is the best game ever made.
I play games to be immersed in its world. Both the bad story and bad gameplay take me away from it.
Lore isn't story. It's worldbuilding.
Story is what actively happens to the player from beginning to end.
>By people with good taste
so when you said
>The greatest videogames of all time have barely any story,really makes you think.
basically what you're saying is
>videogames I like have barely any story,really makes you think.
nice one
>get a decent graphics card
>install a bunch of good looking games
>drop them all and get addicted to don't starve instead
kinda this. at some point i realized i don't really need story in my games because i enjoy it more in other forms of media.
but a good (or more importantly: well paced) story is still a plus.
I can't play a strategy games unless there's a good campaign. Same reason I'm not into multiplayer.
But there is nothing worse than when fantastic worldbuilding is wasted on a bad story.
I wouldn't put the opinions of a guy who only plays Fifa and mainstream garbage to one that played videogames all his life on many different platforms on the same scale.
The masses are pleb shits that like pleb interactive movies. This isn't news.
Story in porn is unacceptable just like males in a porn movie I watch porn for naked girls doing shit to them selves or other girls I dont wanna see no nasty dick. I gotta have a story in my games to give me a reason to keep doing the same shit over and over. This is why I dont play online games. J agree it needs decent gameplay too but no story at all or one that's bad just ruins the whole game
for you brainlets maybe
yes user, we get it, you're a "gamer" and other people aren't "real gamers" and your opinions are better than other people's opinions, since you're intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humar
>me like story game like movie me smart
Good,now get away from me you filthy casual.
atmosphere > everything else
Good gameplay makes any game that much more engaging. Gameplay should always be number one of most importance to a game.
That too. You know what's worse? The Destiny 2 writers straight up made the lore from D1 not canon.
Thanks for reminding
Deoends on the game, faggot. Sometimes don't want to have a challenge and instead want to feel like some hero badass, a feeling which is enhanced by an engaging story.
Who the fuck is John Carmack?
Based response, absolutely exposed that shitposter.
No matter how many times he will describe gameplay elements of any RPG, you'll call them shit, because you only consider direct actions gameplay elements and not things like party management, minmaxing, character building etc.
It's mostly a western thing. Western devs have always been terrible at making video games. So when the medium evolved to the point where you could do more cinematic storytelling, western devs gravitated more towards that because it was a lot easier to get idiots and casuals to buy your games if you have fancy graphics or some shittty story than to create a satisfying gameplay experience.
When everyone says they don't want any story in their games, what do they mean exactly? Do you just not want cutscenes or do you want your games to be devoid of any kind of settings or worldbuilding?
Story is all fine and good. It can be a boon to a game sometimes, look at how popular MGS is. But if the game is bad, if the gameplay is not fun and just a slog to get through, few people are going to be motivated to continue. Make a good game first, and a story after.
>no arguments
Not that user, but you just outed yourself, good job
Because porn with good plot>porn without plot
RPG are inherently shitty gameplay games because in order for the gameplay to theoretically get good you need to play the game for awhile so that the character can actually get better in game terms. Its basically the exact opposite idea on what a good gameplay focused game should play like. It should hook you right in. RPG in theory make you have to play long before it gets good but in actuality it never does get good since the system works on numbers means you will never have good gameplay mechanics.
Yeah come watch me play
100% gameplay
How little is your ego? , just asking
You have no fucking idea what makes good an RPG.
Character building and party management are a skill, Not everyone is good at them. Not everyone will be able to build characters and parties that can dominate any battle. Just because you don't like doing that or you suck at it, doesn't mean it's a bad gameplay mechanic,
I want story to be as minimal as possible. It being there is fine but it should be the minimum really there to just set the game up more than anything. Cutscenes should be very minimal. Like only shown in the intro, ending and maybe to introduce a boss like in Souls. All the best games I've ever played have a minimalist story.
Demon Souls
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
Plotlets are the worst.
None of what you said avoids sounding retarded
Video games exist to be entertaining and enthralling, and nothing else. Woah, looks like stories do that too
God of War PS4 is just a ripoff of God Hand on the PS2 but they took out all of the skill by adding in rpg mechanics. The game is so boring, it may has well have been a movie.
What do you think about Mass Effect Andromeda OP?
Because of redditors. It's what the modern audience became when game companies wanted to reach "the wider audience". So now instead of making games based on gameplay, they make interactive TV shows based on stories. It's just more proof that reddit normans are the worst thing on the planet earth.
Name one good game with bad story.
Name one good game with bag graphics.
I hate this quote because story in porn is the most important part, two people fucking for no reason does nothing for me, I need context. Also sometimes stories can makes better, not all games need stories though.
Mrs Pacman as an answer to both.
I said bad, not non-existent.
>It should hook you right in
This is peak zoomer. One of the reasons modern games are so shit is because the audience has no patience for buildup or progression so developers have to choice but to cater to the ADHD monkeys.
To me, I can't watch porn if it doesn't have a good story. Porn is chock full of videos where they just get to it and start penetrating, where the female starts sucking off practically when the video starts. It's shit, there's so much garbage like that, that eventually the only reason you're watching porn is the novelty of the story, the porn part is gravy. Games that have a good story, stay with you longer. People are evolved to absorb stories, we reframe them to fit our narrative and it makes us more adept at tackling life. You're a retard if you don't understand this.
Idk. I like a good story in a game, but I like it even more when it isn't the focus of the game. Story is there for when I'm done with the game and I can go "So why was I fighting that guy anyway?"
I wish I could play Metal Gear Solid without the story it drags down the whole game.
All that sneaking time disrupted every 25 seconds by some shitty nonsensical codec conversation.
Since that first cutscene in Sonic & Knuckles where you fight Knuckles and then he gets electrocuted by Robotnik I have been hooked to video game stories.
It has a story though. Did you ever play it?
A game needs a good storyline because videogames haven't innovated in the gameplay department for 20 years. I can only play the same exact shit for so long before I need some other motivator.
I dunno man I need complex narratives to get off. That’s why I always read porn instead of watch it.
What's the story?
Why is this premise (not story) bad? What was better during the time?
It's sad to see that in a couple of years people will remember Carmack for dumb quotes like that instead of the work he's actually done.
Kinda like Ebert's quote about video games never being art, even though he changed his mind years later.
grow up kid
Shut the fuck up nigger
I like Dark Souls style where they just give you the building blocks of a good story and focus on making it cool as hell. I really like someone’s description of it being poetic rather than narrative.
Also not using story is a waste of the genre, especially one with the defining feature of interactivity.
People tout this anecdote out, but it doesn't really say anything either way. Dude could be beating his meat to porn nonstop the moment he gets home from work, but would still have enough sense to compose himself if people tried to put porn on while at work.
depends on the type of game and honestly in the context of DOOM Carmack was right
Who wants to wank with a bunch of co-workers?
That's gay as fuck
Setting, atmosphere and presentation are what matters. This is what this argument always overlooks.
>Who wants to wank with a bunch of co-workers?
the beatles apparently
The Beatles were always gay as fuck
holy shit
user got BTFO
>because in order for the gameplay to theoretically get good you need to play the game for awhile so that the character can actually get better in game terms
By that metric action games like DMC suck since the protags usually start out with only a basic toolkit that you need to build up over the course of the game.
Is this The Dig? (if it is, that game was dope when I was 9).
It all depends on the kind of game. Fighting games, for example, aren't really raised higher by their excellent writing. People like having single player content that isn't just ten fights and a boss. A good example would be Soul Calibur 2, where the story is pretty minimal but the single player allowed for lots of interesting gimmick matches. An example of a game with better story than its gameplay would be Lost Odyssey, and even then that only applies to the Thousand Years of Dreams.
>implying porn with a good story isn't twice as good
fucking faggots, the lot of ye
>even then that only applies to the Thousand Years of Dreams.
Then its not really applicable. I like the memories myself, and it does elevate the game some, but the actual plot of the game is pretty typical standard jrpg fare. The memories themselves have little effect on the overall story. You could go the entire game without bothering to read a single one
>By people with good taste
>"public" is a bunch of bumbling retards that think that Fortnite is the best game ever made.
Both fortnite and Shmups have barely any story, going by your logic fortnite is one of the greatest games ever made
This image is fucking retarded. If porn has bad story you turn it off, if video games have a story you ignore it regardless of quality
Because a good story can carry a game. At their most basic form, there's VNs which are more novel than game but carry the basic elements of walking sims where gameplay is minimal.
Personally, I'd rather play a story minimal game most of the time because I play games for gameplay, not just for story.
Dwarf fortress
You just described why porn was so much better in the '80s and '90s.
Better stories for better immersion.
Porn today sucks because it's just the same pornstar getting railed with minimal change in scenery or costume.
You have to make be BELIEVE this scenarios are possible.
I'm well aware. The main story is almost awful, in my opinion, but I found myself playing just to see the rest of the vignettes and to hear Jansen's VA ad-lib. I was trying to make a point about how there are quite a few genres or subgenres where a deep, engrossing story simply don't matter or don't mesh well with the game's basic feedback. I'd be pissed if I had to play a shmup with thirty minute cutscenes, same as i'd be pissed if my CRPG was three hours of combat interspersed with twelve lines between all the characters.
Why equate all games with porn movies and not just movies in general?
Would make more sense to equate porn games with porn movies.
Dwarf Fortress
>inb4 "not good games"
The story is a means for you to invest in play. You can have a good time without a story just don't expect to play the game for as long or as often.
>I play Baldur's Gate twice a year
>I haven't played tag since I was 16
I wonder if there are any games that use Tag as the basis for their mechanics. I wanna say the old Ys games where you run into enemies to attack might count.
I don't have to imagine. Most of them them do have shitty stories, even the ones you think are good.
>my life was ruined by a good story
never change Yea Forums
Honestly I could see it as one of the first big VR games.
story should only be a focus if it's the kind of story that benefits from being a video game like mgs2, dark souls, undertale, nier/drakengard, etc
otherwise it should be secondary and there just to provide context for the gameplay without interrupting it
"cinematic" games like the last of us, uncharted, or new god of war would just be better off if they were movies
If you dont like story you might as well be knitting. Itll just be a different set of repetitive motions.
Can someone post a game with a legit good story? Something that makes you think and or just blew you away.
I agree with porn parodies, but JAVs do a pretty good job.
holy shit user
>Even if the gameplay is god's work, if story is dripping from every orifice and I don't like it, I'm not going to play it.
Dishonored 2 and DotO
>Video game dev skills relevant to Hollywood film industry
>there are dumb fags who think the story isn't important in porn and all you need is benis in bagina :DDD
Biggest problem was all the wanna-be movie directors and writers who weren't good enough decided to shovel their garbage into the video game industry. At first they were at least writing a story around a game, but now it's the opposite so we end up with garbage hallway and cutscene simulators.
Mother 3. Next.
Because they're gay.
The extreme popularity of incest themed porn proves that Carmack doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about and should stick to coding.
why do you think doujins are way better than just a single image?
lol like i want to play your generic zoomer shooters
give me an RPG with a good story, faggot
Loaded question
Legend of Dragoon
Diablo 2
Starsector (it has RPG elements, fuck off)
That's it, but I only play one of these anymore.
I'm sure someone else here can mention a fifth.
Story makes porn 100% better though.
>American scientist
>This is one of the biggest things that killed gaming.
Gaming isn't dead though.
>Yea Forums says story doesn't matter
>every "Yea Forumss favorite games" list is mainly filled with story driven games
ey text adventures are still fun
hell any decent indie game fits that bill
also older but still popular games like cs, wow, or most early access games.
Story is exceptionally important for a porn movie.
One of the reasons but not the only reason.
>good story
clearly a faggot.
Never played, but I'm interested. What's the story about?
You have a one night stand with a vampire and she transforms you into one. This was done without the Vampire Bosses permission so when she's found out she's killed, you're spared but need to start working as an errand boy trying to uncover to uncover the truth behind a recently discovered relic that heralds the end of all vampires. Takes place in October 2004 Los Angeles, extra comfy
At its core, a newly sired vampire is forced into becoming a manipulated political tool by the vampiric shadow government and anarchist factions. All the while outside forces threaten the balance of the political war in Los Angeles, the savage Sabbat, aggressive vampire hunters, invading eastern demons, and the mystery behind a coffin that may hold the body of an ancient vampire that will usher in the end of times. Beyond that there's tons of side quests, great music, phenomenal late 90's/early 00's edgy atmosphere, and to be fair, some lackluster combat. Check out the Unofficial Patch if you get it, the patch is pretty much mandatory.
Thanks, but I don't have that much money.
Why did you describe literally me?
Legend of Dragoon