Raised psn price

>raised psn price
>only two games for March

Its over. Sony is finished

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They could raise it to $100, give out no games and everyone would still buy it to play fifa, pubg, blackout and gta

this. console manufacturers do a good job of astroturfing and making PC gaming seem incredibly expensive and difficult, so your average console user will still think they're getting a good deal.

SNOYboys have no choice but to buy this shit.

They raised the price? It was already stupidly overpriced

They didn't raise the price at all in my country. Stop being third-world.

>still butthurt they raised the price past August
>cares for games in two discontinued consoles
lol wtf man
also plus ain't for the games, at all. Stop imposing your perspective on everyone.

Xbox ruined everything with paid online.

>All the sonyfags crying out that removing content means we'd get more or better PS4 games
>first month: a walking sim and a PS3 game

You'd have to be fucking retarded if you're still paying for ps+


all the good ps4 games were already on plus any way

Meanwhile I've used Microsoft Rewards for 4+ years and haven't paid a cent lmao. Stay mad.

Isn't paying for a membership then offering "free games" false advertising?

Xbox is going to die after the next gen anyway. Like i give a damn. PC is kang

Not a sonybro but frankly they are free. Everyones buying it to play online, hence the games are an added bonus. If the main appeal of ps plus was the games then they wouldn't call them "free" as everyone was paying for the games.

I remember when I had a 360 and they started giving out games with gold membership, pretty much everyone considered them free for the same reason.

Another day. Another thread with Yea ForumstendoGaf complaining about Sony the winner of this generation.

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>no lite version of the subscription where you only can play online.
Fuck off with this shovelware cunts, literally no one plays it.
>buy game
>can't access some features because no sub
I hate this industry so fucking much, fuck these jewish fucks.

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>Get to play online
>Shareplay, play any game with friends
>Free games
>Awesome news
>Better sales
PS+ is great. I don't mind paying a few bucks for it.

>10 rupees have been added into your account!

>Implying anyone still uses their PSP

>Two $45 games for $9

I dunno man, it still sounds like a good deal for me.

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>$45 games
lol no, the games are years old and usually shovelware

They are both still priced at around $45 each tho.

nigga, my friend bought physical version for 12 bucks.

That's the PSN price. You can find it cheaper pretty much anywhere else. Anyway, that's only a good deal if you cared about those games in the first place.