Raises another man's spawn

>raises another man's spawn

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He's an eternal virgin so might as well

You are now aware that you cannot name a single game where a lead male character raises their own biological child.

Dishonored, Bioshock Infinite, Fire Emblem, Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley, Fallout 4, Witcher 3, God of War. You're an idiot.

Oh yeah, and Dead Rising 2.

>Witcher 3
Did I miss something?

Witcher 3 what?

>Fallout 4
What? Your son is the one who got raised by someone else.
>Witcher 3
But you do raise another man's spawn.

>raises their own biological child
>raise: bring up (a child).

No, he just missed the whole series don't worry.
Just like the point.

How about Nier and Yonah?

Reminder that you're not a cuck if it's a girl and you get to diddle her.

additional reminder that being too weak to maintain a relationship and not being able to take care of a kid isn't manly

they do this to pander to the female audience. Nothing females like more than a guy that will work hard to repair their mistakes

he's not ..all those damnsel i've saved rewarded him with more than tea and a picture on his phone i'd tell you.

>Fucks hostesses and random girls through phone clubs constantly
>Decides he wants to be a dad but not through these low rate women
>Goes an beats another man into the dirt and steals his daughter
>Has orphanage matrons look after her while he goes off fucking hostesses, getting rich from construction scams, and beating up motherfuckers
>Kid still thinks he is a perfect dad

Eternal Chad Kiryu knows how to live the best life

Some might be inaccurate but you cannot feasibly refute Dishonored, Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley, God of War or Dead Rising 2. Those are absolutely games where the male MC raises or has raised his own biological child.

Heh just wait until you see him raising another man's spawn's another man's spawn.

>taking care of orphans with no place to go
Memespouters are braindead retards, I swear. Sage and hide.

What if it's a boy but you still diddle him?

these games always hit you with emotional moments out of nowhere

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Are you implying that all grandfather's are the same level as cucks?

It's just retards trying to find ways to make real men willing to give kids with nothing lives seem like they're somehow less desirable. When in real life, the opposite is true and guys willing to raise kids are incredibly attractive to women.

Also none of them would ever make their own, so they gotta bring down people who didn't have to.

>harvest moon
Your wife was raped by the harvest sprites.
That baby's not your biological child.

You have very serious delusions and I strongly suggest you seek professional help.

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is kiwami 1 story wise good at least ?

My wife in that game was a mermaid

its okay. 0 is much better

It's okay but not as good as zero. It's also worse if you didn't play zero before because characters like nishikiyama don't really get enough build up in kiwami for you to actually care about how he changed, when you hardly knew how he was before anyway.

>raises another man's spawn
>she gets knocked up by a chink
That's the real punch in the gut

>raises spawn's spawn in 6

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No it's bad.

I really enjoyed Kiwami 2, especially the story. Why does no one talk about it?

>No PC release

Wait until Steam distributes it?

because muh music

>raise another man's child
Why does it matter? The reason you care about being attractive to women is so you can make a child with one, that's it. If you're not getting a child out of it, being attractive to women is useless. Are you so starved for female attention you'd raise another man's spawn just to be told "you're so nice" by a woman?

Sounds like someone is trying to justify a cuck life. Anything you anons want to confess?

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>wanting children
Must suck since you'll never have a chance user.

Because consolefags dont hangout in Yea Forums to discuss Kiwami 2 (thry have reddit and discord for that) until its released on PC