Which girl would be most into anal?

Which girl would be most into anal?

This is important for my choice.

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anal is a meme


Makoto, easily. Her surface good-girl attitude is a dead giveaway

>have a hole that's made for sticking your dick in
>would rather put it in the shitter like an absolute faggot

Consider killing yourself my friend

Makoto or Haru, just something my instincts are telling me

give me 3 good reasons anal is bad


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Haru. She would make you eat high grade beans and then shred them out of your sphincter with a strapon before brewing coffee with them.

Haru. She's a psychopath who tricks you into drinking poop coffee.

>She poops from there
>She gets no pleasure from it (unless she's damaged)
>The only people who use the ass are gays who don't have an alternative

Didnt she have a poop cofee scene?


>She gets no pleasure from it
Lol u have a micropenis

She pees from the other one so irrelevant
Not true porn stars also do it and if porn stars are doing it you can bet people who grow up watching porn are doing it also.

Ann or Makoto



>She pees from the other one so irrelevant
holy fuck

this is your brain on anime

>He thinks women piss from the vagina
>There isn't a prostate in a woman's ass, so unless she's a masochist she's not gonna enjoy it
>Yeah and porn stars bleach and purge their rectums before each scene. They in no way reflect the horror of real anal.

>She gets no pleasure from it (unless she's damaged)
ding ding virgin detected

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>women don't enjoy anal

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I'm sorry your girlfriend fakes it with you.

>he's sorry his girlfriend lets him stick in in her pooper

poor soul

>She pees from the other one so irrelevant

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Excessive masochism is not a trait of a mentally sound woman.

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didn't realize i was dealing with pretentious women, I'll make it simple for you, if someone came up to you with hands covered in shit and someone comes up to you with hands covered in shit whose hands would you shake?
if you don't think women piss on their vulva and the piss doesn't EVER touch their vagina or labia you are fucking insane.
>There isn't a prostate in a woman's ass, so unless she's a masochist she's not gonna enjoy it
then why do women pretend to enjoy it?
>Yeah and porn stars bleach and purge their rectums before each scene. They in no way reflect the horror of real anal.
True and relevant though, to say no one does anal but fags means you are living in the 1950's.
You know chinks in japan were getting eye infections and shit because everyone in japan thinks it's a normal thing to cum in peoples faces?
thats do to porn, porn decides the social trends of sex because societies rarely openly discuss it and people are forced to come to their own conclusions.

>>She pees from the other one so irrelevant
This is your brain on American education

Women pee from their urethra ya doofus, that's right above the opening where you stick your dong in

>Piss all over my hands
Don't worry man you can shake hands with me, my piss comes from my dick not my hands :^]
this is your brain on reddit


>ask someone why scrotums are gross
>"because you piss from them"
Don't try to pretend that's not what you were saying.

Most dudes get piss on their hands and don't wash them on the way you so they might as well

Ann would never do anal

Futaba would do anal after some convincing, she would at least try it once

Haru would let you do whatever you want to her because she is afraid of losing you

Makoto would fuck you with a strap on

Please stop talking, you're like the dalai lama of retards.

>ann would never
I dunno I figured she'd be the easiest to convince cause she's a foreigner

Virgins arguing against other virgins, more news at 11.

You've missed the point faggot, I was saying if you find shit gross but don't find piss gross, something is mentally wrong with you and you probably enjoy getting golden showers.

don't shake hands with people with wet hands user it's probably piss.
t. assmad piss fetisits

Yea Forums in a nutshell

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A woman's piss is pure and is a patrician's fetish. Shit is just disgusting no matter what.

At least you've come clean about it.

Based and redpilled. Golden nectar is revitalizing and high test.

And Futaba is all about memes.

Haru is the one who would fuck you, being a sadist and all.

Haru, obviously.

Probably Makoto

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Futaba is the most into anal, but without a doubt the least prepared for it.

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That's a weird food combo.

Everyone makes Makoto out to be dominant but beyond her trying to catch the yakuza and her awakening she doesn't do shit

It's the KFC combo. KFC is popular in Japan for Christmas, look it up

MODS underaged right here!

japanese people love fried chicken

piss is sterile tho, why should I care again?

Didn't know that, thanks.

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it's not though, that's a meme like we only use 10% of our brains

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Would any of the cakes like anal?

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Chihaya: If it's in the cards.
Tae: If you're the one taking it.
Kawakami: For 10,000 yen.
Sae: No.
Ohya: Yes but you need to get her sloppy drunk first.

>Makoto would fuck you with a strap on
wtf I love Makoto now

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Absolutely based

vaginas are for faggots. REAL men only fuck the ass


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i didnt know how much i needed this

Ohya's the type that'd stop in the middle of sex, take the condom off, and put it in her ass without discussing any of it before or during. While shitfaced.

Why do people hate Ohya? I chose Kawakami when I fitst played but she was a close second.

Some people are turned off by the alcoholism, and her confidant bonuses are literally completely useless.

They're too superficial to like flawed characters.

Combination of her being mechanically terrible, alcoholism, and having a better concept design than the final design. I think she's cute.

I'm biased because I like bobs

>I'll make it simple for you, if someone came up to you with hands covered in shit and someone comes up to you with hands covered in shit whose hands would you shake?
How the fuck is this making anything simple? What are you even trying to say?

None. They are perfect waifus and anal is degenerate. They dont even take a shit.

Ann would do anal with tyrone but not with you.

I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark who you romanced in 4.

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Haru for sure

I haven't played 4 yet but you're on target. I like Chie in BBTAG and P4A.

Easy, Makoto and Haru

>She poops from there
Not right now she doesn't

This. Can someone explain to me whats so good about anal? Ive never done it before, but it looks disgusting.

For guys giving, don't have to worry about slamming into the cervix or the risk of knocking them up. For guys receiving, prostrate stimulation. For girls receiving, nothing.

Makoto will leave the back entrance open for you willingly, and Ann would do it with coercion. Haru is too rich do to anal and Futaba would not tolerate it at all.

round peg go in round hole

The prosfitute

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Have you ever seen Ohya and Chie in the same room? I'm not implying anything, but....

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She would be 22 during the events of P5. Maybe she went into journalism, tried digging into Shido's history, then had to change her name and appearance to avoid Shido's goons after her partner got mental shutdowned.