Y'all are watching Twitch streamer Elajjaz (speedrunner of Souls games) play the Sekiro demo yes? twitch.tv
Y'all are watching Twitch streamer Elajjaz (speedrunner of Souls games) play the Sekiro demo yes?
Other urls found in this thread:
>watching Twitch streamer
Nop, i'm not underage user
I will play the game in a few games.
why won't they just release this publicly it would clear up so many concerns people have with the game
How are parries done?
It deals half hp
I didn't hear anything about a demo. When was this?
Shit looks trash, how can you just backstab generals like that and what's with the resurrection mechanic? Enjoy your 15 hour long game I guess.
He's playing the E3 demo at activisions' HQ in stockholm, nothing special.
>allowing demos to be public
Ah. Gotcha.
what are the concerns?
>giant's corpse disappears immediately
yikes at shockwaves
What the fuck that looks amazing
Everyone's masturbating to it but with no level ups this means no builds amirite?
the glory kills seem like they'll get old fast
It's an action game
they put in skill trees
basically it's another souls game but with some notable differences here and there
devs confirmed as part of the GI coverage that at one point it was just way too similar, but hopefully since then they're more conscious of how it's a single player game that needs the kind of replayability that single player games have
>they even reused the parry sound
Just found this video. Some french kid used footage from GameCores video 5 months ago in which they used Divine Confetti to fight the headless monster. Motherfucker has a massive health pool but I don't think you can even see it. The original video from GameCore had to be edited because From told them to get rid of the part with the fight against the headless monster. I kinda want to download this video but it's half a gig, a little over 500mb, so I don't know.
>gets the confetti around 7:55
>fights headless monsters without using confetti like a retard at around 9:20
>actually uses the confetti to get a purple power up effect that allows him to fight them without being affected by their ghost smoke aura or whatever that is
and dialogue boxes from souls games
>this isn't of bloodborne 2
literally no one wanted this
we have nioh 2
Why is there a checkpoint every 10 seconds? He just died and spawned right back at the same stage of the boss
>no stamina bar
>no death from gravity
>no fall dmg
>second chance by ressurection which you can get back
>you can posture break bosses and deal 1 bar instantly
tell me how this game is not the ultimate casual experience
also hello ela's fellas
>checkpoints are now rezzes
cringe game, bad graphics, bad combat. Big YIKES from me
he's not pretending forsenKek
It's a bit ridiculous that they can save you from falling into the void
How does die/resurrect mechanic even work?
>falling down doesn't mean death
I'll probably get it day-one because I have nothing else to play
Of course he is, he's literally invited in Activision to pretend that this game is harder than what he's used to in order to sell more copies
>e I have nothing else to play
I just wanted a new Tenchu and they didn't bother
>no fall dmg
you do take damage from falls
>you can posture break bosses and deal 1 bar instantly
you need to posture break bosses to actually end the fight, you can deplete a health bar and one of those red tics won't actually disappear until you posture break. The health bar on bosses as far as we know means fuck all currently which is kind of silly
I'm not sure how I feel about the dying twice but it was subject to re-balancing back when they first put this demo out so I won't bitch about it until I know how it is in the final game
How about you suck my dick
you can rez once per life and you get those orbs to rez back, from said the rez was sooo op in this build which is like 6 or 7 months old, the actual rez works nothing like this probably
Honestly I'm not even hyped about it despite being a DMC3-fag back in 2005-6
>the actual rez works nothing like this probably
>The health bar on bosses as far as we know means fuck all currently which is kind of silly
Without health, bosses don't replenish posture. I think that's the only use
ok sir gachiGASM
game is out in 3 weeks user
Of course, Ela is my boi, I watch him erry day.
and your point is?????
this demo in months old, its the same build as the E3 one, they could have changed a lot in those months, your reading comprehension skills are subpar
now you can see how good the combat is
I @ed him about going to fight the headless monster after getting the divine confetti from the bald monk he's fighting right now. I hope he does it. I want to see that headless monster killed and I hope this fucker doesn't ignore it.
block in time
Holy shit, he's getting out fucking skilled by the bald monk
No real builds, no equipment management or replaceable equipment at all really. It's an action game, not an RPG. Think shadow warrior.
How does this guy have the demo to stream? Are there any other streamers that got it?
he's definitely pretending. keeps saying the game is hard, how good it is, etc. paid shill!
There is a demo?
He's playing from Activision HQ
>the same thing is happening in DMC
It supposed to be goty!
Yeah he's getting surprised by stuff that's already been shown in the demos. I don't think he's followed anything they've shown so far.
>guy literally invited to Activision to play the game
>not shilling
Pick one. Imagine inviting a famous streamer in your company's premises just to shit on your game. Not gonna fucking happen brochacho
So what's the initial verdict? Better than DS2?
Looks dope.
>people complaining about no istant death fall
i'm sure this game has the same amount of platforming as dark souls
Ohhh. I couldn't tell. Fuck, he just said that he isn't allowed to go to the headless enemy's area
The sad thing about a new fromsoft game is the utter desperation of almost every ytoutube to suckle on it by making hundreds of thousands of videos about it.
Souls games have a fucking weird audience that seem to thirst for video content, they can't just play the fucking games.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the reason all of the Souls games remained very popular over the years is because of it's asynchronous multiplayer systems and potential for builds and encounters giving you a reason to go back for multiple playthroughs? Who gives a fuck when you can't do that in this game, I don't understand the hype at all - it's literally a playthrough once and put down, if that, I'm not even going to play it knowing it has no multiplayer community.
as i thought looks uninteresting as fuck i wont be picking this one up
Was he parrying every hit from that monk boss or is there just a "block" button? If he was parrying every hit then godfuckingdamn he is decent even if this first boss of the game probably is slow as shit.
People play Dark Souls because of the difficulty meme, and art design
PvP autists like you that think they are the only ones you should be catered to should kill yourselves
>The sad thing about a new fromsoft game is the utter desperation of almost every ytoutube to suckle on it by making hundreds of thousands of videos about it.
Mfw Vaati put up a video within literally one hour of the story trailer going up. He probably saw it earlier and had the video ready to go but Christ.
Should we stay away from Yea Forums until we've platinum'd it? I've never been around for a From release before.
>>the same thing is happening in DMC
that's how DMC always was
nice blatant advertisement
he knew about the boss phase 2 skip
PvP is always the worst part of Souls games so good riddance to it. The less they focus on it the more time they can focus on new areas, enemies, items, and polish.
im underwhelmed, it's still too familiar to what we've seen before. Just burnt out after DS3.
Though might as well pirate it and keep it in the backlog safe and sound.
Alright fair enough, I'm just saying watch this game have average to shit sales in comparison
What is Yea Forumss obsession with Poland? Why should we always pander to these russian niggers? I say fuck the polish, they are not important.
so what?
i'm trying to point out stupidity of this fag
>Was he parrying every hit from that monk boss or is there just a "block" button?
There's a block button but using it breaks your posture. Kinda like Dark Souls with shields and stamina.
I think the red orbs filling up determine how much health you have when you resurrect.
sekiro is just a stripped down souls game
>People play Dark Souls because of the difficulty meme, and art design
You're retarded if you think that's enough to make people run the games multiple times
we hate russians you nigger
Reminder that Dark Souls IIII died for this trash
It's not gonna have average to shit sales because casuals eat this shit up and the marketing for the game pays off
t. russian
>no multiplayer
>no build variety
Can't really justify paying $60 for a single playthrough game
nah, the IGN demo on Exodus did more harm than good
and letting the public play a skill based game is just a bad idea before release
You're describing people who like Dark Souls 2
>skill based game
That's neither FPS, RTS, Rhythm or fighting game. This is a shitty single player game that all it has for difficulty is "wait your turn" which is hard for the ADHD zoomer
The skill tree can't be totally filled in one run, and the metroidvania style world means you can run the game doing bosses in all sorts of different orders, which is more than enough to warrant replays
Not like most people ever replayed the Souls game
you're overestimating both the requirements to be classified as a skill game and the skill levels of the general public
>PVP souls fags in this thread
Use your autism on something productive for once
This is pretty much the only game I'm looking forward to but goddamn I'm sour about the katana being the only weapon. I could put up with no gear variety, but there's no cool weapons to find and that blows.
How will the posture system even work against ghost J-horror enemies? This video shows the fight against the headless ghosts but they don't look like they have any posture bar. How the fuck would you even deal with an enemy like that giant ape shown at the end of the second-to-last trailer?
>and the metroidvania style world means you can run the game doing bosses in all sorts of different orders, which is more than enough to warrant replays
Oh wow I can do 3, 2, 1 instead of 1, 2, 3 bravo FROMSOFT gureato replay value!
I wonder this as well. What concerns user?
>only PvPfags care about build diversity
Stick to blowing the snot from your nose and post later
looks like combat has more depth than other from games combined
soulfags are seething lmao
lmao relax sperg it's just a little videogame
you can go back to your dark souls games little boy :^)
How would you handle replayability user? Are you just shitposting for the sake of it, or do you have some hidden argument behind it all?
you mena the headless fat fuck? he has a boss-like posture bar on top of the screen
This game will be hard for the general public. At the same time though, if a game is quality you still can release a demo. I think if they had released Central Yharnam as a demo for BB, it would have been well received.
Wow the animations look really bad. That's not a big deal I guess.
Activision's touch shows
Why the fuck doesn't the PC ever get demos.
blood, yes, but we were part of russia only because they fucking occupied us, and it wasn't full teritory occupation, only east side, while west side was third reich.
We were independant country outside those 123 under siviet/german/austria-hungary occupation
Oh no no no bros, it was supposed to be /ourguy/ ENB streaming the game, why did this no name swedish guy get privilege to do that?
This is unacceptable.
we got the re2 demo
Is this some ebin thread bump? Read the thread, bitch.
So the only argument is weapon builds.
Okay then, I just wondered if you had some actual arguments.
Where is Maral?
without fail
Looks kind of boring t b h.
that slut is gone
he's currently playing on PC
Fucking hell don't know how I missed that. I wish there were a video of someone killing it and finding out what that item next to him is.
>Tfw non-esoteric story will not be as ludo as Bloodborne and enemies respawning won't really make much sense so it might not reward deep dives into lore and theories
Why is twitch chat the way the are?
I like how quickly your character moves, both during and between combat. Thank god they didn't embrace the modern clunk controls meme or the shitty over the shoulder camera a la nu-GOW.
Really? Did something happen? They seemed like the boring couple who stay together forever.
Yeah the speed is kind of crazy. Bloodborne isn't really that fast once you get the hang of it. But the basic enemy combos seem relentless in this.
Hit box porn is real
Souls is quickly becoming an inferior franchise. Bloodborne has already far exceeded it and it looks like Sekiro will too. Hopefully the AC reboot puts the nail in the coffin.
This; but for realsies
Looks more Nioh than Bloodborne.
>Millenials / early zoomers bothering with building actual relationships
because that's the way it is
The game pretty much seems like Dark Souls/Bloodborne except faster, more vertical and with less focus on RPG bullshit in favor of focusing on parries. I have zero fucking idea why some of you are calling it boring.
Yeah, I agree. It's like if you took Nioh and gave the main character the ability to jump.
Why is that other girl playing it? She has hardly any viewers.
I wonder what would happen if someone posted that fags are degenerate, trans is a mental illness, and all of them will burn in hell. I haven't used twitch in ages. Can't believe I used to actually have subs to people and gave out some subs on xmas.
roasties gonna roast
>the same fucking demo we've been seeing for months on end
why even bother, either release something new of sod off
Nioh is a lot more difficult than Soulsborne so maybe it was legit when they said this would be the hardest FROMsoft game yet.
Everytime indeed
I am hype for the game but I agree. They have shown mostly the same content over and over. I wonder if they just want to keep the real crazy shit under wraps. Hopefully it goes off the deep end like Bloodborne did halfway through.
instantly if you type a banned word, or after 5 seconds if you don't
>game doesn't even have inventory system
into the fucking trash!
lmao that DS3 ost during fight with giant
>watching streamers
oofa doofa
LOL nioh is even easier than western clones like the surge
Wait there's a demo for sekiro? Is it out already?
>>the same fucking demo we've been seeing for months on end
The Surge is harder than Dark Souls though.
i mean, look at DMC5, they basically spoiled 7/10ths of the game and the hype is through the fucking roof
all we have here is the demo, the fact that there's an ape boss, a few of the moves of madame butterfly and a tease for the big snake fight.
not even leaks, all the stuff is from official channels
Wait a minute, maybe I'm blind or retarded - there's no stamina bar?
No, some streamer is at Activision HQ.
Looks like there's a posture system instead of stamina. Get hit or parry too many times in a short time and you'll be stunned or something.
Elajjaz is Swedish and supports muslim immigration.
Nope, not a souls game.
No stamina, just health and poise. Health for enemies is just a way to ensure that they can't keep regenerating poise endlessly. The orbs over the health bar seem to control how much health you'll have when you revive.
DS3 at least had more than 1 weapon.
This is a barebones phoned in job for Activision.
Everything in the game is tied to posture. Enemy health bars don't even really matter, they don't die when the bar is depleted, they just stop regenerating posture so you can build up your execute attack faster. And you can build up the execute before they're low HP if you're a decent player.
>More mobility than ever before
>No leveling up
>No loot
>Enemies still slow as fuck to chase you
Give me one (1) good reason to use stealth or engage in combat instead of speed running to bosses
what a faggot. what is he, 22? he'll unironically get raped to death soon enough. he'll live to see that place turn into a fully muslim nation at the very least.
you play the game however you want to play it you retard if you want to rush bosses go ahead
Maybe do what every souls game did to last for 1000 hours?
Like have stats, builds, 100+ spells, 250+ weapons, online, PvP, COOP.
its really doesnt? all the combat we've seen so far looks like your standard ''dodge and punish'' Souls affair, the speed is on par with if not slower than Bloodborne/DaS3 and the basic mobs dont even seem like they pose a threat
he is actually a confirmed /pol/tard hiding his power level
>uhhhhhh just make it dark souls 4 haha
>loading screen when entering an area
Annnnnnddddd im officially done with this game
Yeah they should just destroy all their Souls assets and start from scratch.
I'm pretty sure his gf is a muzzie.
>the speed is on par with if not slower than Bloodborne/DaS3
You must be blind or retarded, the movement and weapon speed is much faster than both. It looks like even basic enemies do much longer combos too.
>that phase 2 skip
Man i really hope that was intended because if not that shit is getting patched day 1
I think it's more like the fastest way to get rid of enemies is to break their poise with a perfect set of rallies and attacks. The health bar just ensures that you're not fighting them forever to break their poise by pulling off one long string of attacks. Whittle down the health bar like a noob and you won't have to worry as much about the poise meter. I wonder if it's scaled to where their poise regen rate decreases along with their health or if it just stops once you get rid of the health bar.
I wish there was more blood from slashes. Also, that area down to the left of the entrance to the Corrupted Monk looks really nice. This whole boss arena looks like a great painting.
Yup, and despite this and 100 other changes retards will still argue that it's yet another souls game.
Is he? Or are you just memeing about some memes he told once. I used to watch some soulsborne VODs from this guy called lobos but holy fuck he was soi unfiltered.
he's 13
Bloodborne 2 died for this
>thread already devolving into politics
classic Yea Forums
It's clearly intended, the boss arena has all those hookshot pointers on the screen for a reason.
Reminder that Mattew was right and Souls combat is nothing remarkable.
Yet soulsfags convinced From that the combat is great and they got tricked into actually believing that now. So now we have this game. You only have soulsfags to blame
make your own opinions.
What's the difference between that and a katana? Seems like lore-wise it's some kind of demon sword that can stop resurrections. The enemies who have multiple dots over their health bars are basically resurrecting and I guess killing them with that other sword gets their souls. Although it doesn't make sense why he doesn't use it on the samurai general and the bald monk. Probably something to do with trapping boss souls in it.
Also, the video I linked here shows the headless enemy using a grab move where he pulls something out of the back or ass of sekiro that looks like one of those white glowing crosses. Reminds me of the way you reach into enemies' bodies for viscerals in Bloodborne and eventually find runes that let you extract QS from their blood.
/pol/ & /int/ were mistakes
gameplay looks fun enough, but already getting stale after just over an hour. Might get dull without different weapons / builds
still really don't like the aesthetic / setting of the game
>loading screens between areas
>on-screen tutorials
Demons Souls 2 died for this
>they put in an animation for the boss getting broken from above
it's definitely intended
>Reminder that [insert name] was right
opinion disregarded. think for yourself loser
>getting stale
it's a demo that he's replaying over and over.
Armored Core 6 died for this
the actual mechanics of souls combat have never been strong, it's the combination of every other aspect of the combat that makes it enjoyable (attacks feel like they pack a punch, the animations are (generally) range from solid to very good, the sound effects are satisfying, enemies react to being hit). Like in bloodborne most of the combat is just
>dodge attacks and hit enemy with light or heavy attacks
but goddamn do weapons like the Axe or Kirkhammer feel like they pack a punch. If you combine those things with an actual in depth combat system you've got a winner.
>MatthewMatosis subhumans
Out of all the vermin that crawl on this god frsaken board, you are the lowest, no go back to sucking off Demon Souls like Matthew told you to
Ninja Blade 2 died for this
I just joined, how's exploring? That's my favorite part about Soulsborne
soulfags are the most cancerous fanbase after smashfags
literally can't make another game without them crying that everything isn't exactly like souls
>KingsField 4 died for this game
Advance Wars 5 died for this.
>3D Dot Game Heroes 2 died for this
Now thats a tagedy
Wait wait wait
I haven't been following this shit site or these streamerfags.
One weapon?
No builds? Not even for pve?
you're kidding, right?
>Darks Souls 3 part 2 died for this game
those executions holy shit
there are skill trees with new moves and gadgets he can't access
regardless, you'll be hearing that CLANG sound all game long
The basic enemies seem easy to kill but fucking relentless if you mess up somehow.
Also forgot to link this video in this comment Why'd the nodachi guy get deleted though?
allowing trannies and affirmative action beneficiaries to spout their shit on social media was the only major mistake of the modern era
movement looks fun as fuck
Fuck souls. Shields and blocks are for fags. Bloodborne got it well with parries, but Sekiro goes even further with them.
What are some games with good combat?
MM brainlets are welcome to wax poetic over Zelda and nintendo games in your own threads. Please die.
Nioh 2 > this garbage
Sekiro -1 died for this
Ella is really good at souls games, he speedruns them every single day for a living so I'm not surprised he got the parry timings down fast. Souls speedrunning in general is an impressive amount of autism
I just wantee to play video games
zoomers begone
>gameplay looks fun enough, but already getting stale after just over an hour. Might get dull without different weapons / builds
God I hope you can use other weapons and they're just fucking with us when they say it's all katana all the way.
>still really don't like the aesthetic / setting of the game
I think that's more because we've only seen one area
>loading screens between areas
Yeah that's not great
>on-screen tutorials
I imagine you could probably turn those off
Would have said the same thong about youtube 10-15 years aho kys
Yea Forums's official "Over 50 games with objectively better combat than Dark Souls" list:
The Wonderful 101
God of War 2018
Hollow Knight
For Honor
Viewtiful Joe
Viewtiful Joe 2
Monster Hunter (mainline series)
Monster Hunter World
Jedi Outcast
Jedi Academy
Assault Spy
RainBlood Chronicles
Onimusha 2
Onimusha 3
Nier Automata
Proxy Blade
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae
Magical Battel Festa
God Hand
Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden Black
Ninja Gaiden 2
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
Chaos Legion
Dante's Inferno
Otogi: Myth of Demons
Otogi 2
Genji Dawn of the Samurai
Darksiders II
Evil Dead Regeneration
Golden Axe
God of War: Ascension
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Spartan: Total Warrior
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad
Bayonetta 2
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Ghost Rider
Metal Gear Rising
Transformers Devastation
Anyone else find japanese mythology extremely boring. Like everything in their culture is so boring.
>dumb frogposter doesn't even know that "IIII" and "IV" are the same, although "IIII" is a bit more archaic and is usually used only in the craft of making clocks.
Based fucking retard.
Are you a normie by chance?
sekiro = parry spam for 40 hours
hopu u enjoyu
so casual, the parry window is massive
>combat is the reason why soulsbourne games are so amazing
all of these are unironcially better choices than Sekiro
Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
imagine having this shit taste
he's a zoomer himself
based Souls fucktard, you would have cried about anything but Dark Souls IV anyway.
>nier automata
Shouldn't be in there. You also missed out dragons dogma.
no. in all likelihood, you are boring.
D r o p p e d
Parry spam is the cheapest way to play these games, if you didn't beat gwyn in a good fight and gascoigne with an tricked axe don't reply to me
This is Ryse tier combat, QTE galore
>has this idea to get to an unreachable area with a boosted jump
>completely forgets about it 2 seconds later and starts giggling about something else like an imbecile
>eventually remembers goes back to it
>devoting all of his runtime to completing the jump that he isn't thinking to heal so he doesn't have to run all the way back as often
Sometimes I forget that ela is uneducated and mentally 12
>ghosts of fukushima, Nioh2, and Sekiro all in the same year
God i hate japs and their obsession with their island mysticism
I like your duck
i liked ryse though
does full havel + iron flesh poise tanking gwyn count as a good fight
people say blocking in cheap but parrying is far cheaper
>wait for the easiest attack to parry
>do it
>take like 30% hp off the boss
wow look at me i'm so good guys blocking is for noobs right
fuck parryfags
tricked axe is the go to shitter weapon for people who don't want to learn how to parry.
The amount of people i've seen resort to backpedal+spin2win spam their way through the game because they can't actually handle the combat is insane
>no character customization
>no invading
>no wardrobe selection
>no unique weapons
>no shields
>maze like world
>no cryptic lore
>no stamina system
>no rpg xp system
>adding meme shit like stealth , parry combat, and ducking in grass
Same. The area they've shown is huge because you have a lot more mobility with the jumping, double jumping, and the hook. Since the narrative is more conventional what with the cutscenes and clearer plot, I'm worried about how the lore will work. I hope it still allows for lore hunting and doesn't just hand-hold your way through the whole story and sacrifice environmental storytelling.
fuck Japan and fuck japanese "lore", it's a way for your hikki ass to feel good while tied to a computer while your girlfriend works herself past breeding age
why the fuck did we stop filtering twitch links?
Dragon's Dogma has laughably bad combat.
>game isn't dark souls
>never realized he could run like in any other soul game
why SH and people even care about these talentless hacks it's beyond me
fuck streamers, fuck this industry and fuck this zoomer generation and anyone financing them
the parry frames in bloodborne is a lot smaller than Sekiro
Is this the actual first level of the game or they just doing this level for demo purpose
Axe is cheesy on bosses that have pauses, but no, parrying is way cheaper. You can spam party indefinitely, one spinnyboi takes your entire stam load.
>to kill bosses you have to parry them and then QTE
look mommy i posted it again lole!
>no spells
so you can't do a mage build
>hurr durr why are people mad that this game thats a retitled dark souls game is stripped of everything that actually made dark souls good hurrr durrrrrrr
The guy is shooting fireball in the video
it's retitled tenchu game you brainless sperg
mage build is useless shit for retards. Good riddance
it's a sidearm you get from the beginning of the game, it has two (2) movesets
>Character dies during the boss fight
>Respawns right in front of the boss gate
Wait this is just another Souls Clone.
Didn't they say its gonna be a whole unique take, with emphasis on stealth and what not?
Looks like a bootleg version of Nioh
he's turning 27 this year, so he's not in zoomer territory
it's Batman Arkham: Japan edition
I see Activision wasn't satisfied with fucking Blizzard in the ass and now it's fromsoft's turn. Subarashii.
Kinda. For me it's more that the philosophical systems underpinning their stories and mythologies are so different in some ways that they can lose resonance when someone unfamiliar with them interacts with stuff from there. Then again, there's aspects that are incredibly relatable so it's not all boring to the extent that it seems to be for you. I feel like if anyone gets a good grip on european, indo-aryan, and oriental philosophy, they'll be the best equipped they can be for getting the most out of all worthwhile and insightful cultures.
this is NOT tenchu okay? it's a souls game.
What's a good Tenchu game for someone new to Tenchu? Aside from Sekiro
he looks 19, gym + no sex can do miracles
It was confirmed to be harder than any Souls game by literally everyone who played it. Are you scared that you can't summon Solaire anymore to make the bosses even easier, soulsbabs?
>their island mysticism
What's island mysticism?
What build you guys gonna make on release?
Im gonna do a samurai warrior build with samurai sword and default character who has a prosthetic arm. No shields for me im just gonna parry everything and try to use stealth when i can. Not putting anything into stamina either.
I am watching this zoomer on stream breeze through it, so no sweety it is definitely casual
I only watch Clint Stevens.
Same bro, doing a SL0 run as well!
I can do without all of this as long as I get more weapons and the environmental storytelling is still good. They've said the world will work like Dark Souls 1 already so the interconnectedness will probably be present and well-executed. But I want a fucking moonlight katana.
>literally everyone who played it
>he thinks people invited in Activision HQ to play the game will be honest about it
>implying actul gamers play dark souls because of difficulty meme
>Enemy katana uses sheathes and slow walks away after killing you
It has some of the most satisfying I've played, along with the great controls
the only people who got to play it are a few select From shills so of course theyre gonna say that. but what I'm seeing is that basic enemies can be dispatched in 3 seconds and you can literally respawn in front of bosses after death
The companies shitpost about each others games and then you just pick up their arguments and run with them, dividing yourselves into warring factions over brands.
>waaaah it's not dark souls!!! again!! for the 6th time!!
their religious shintoist stuff like shrines.
t. contrarian #1004534539847563
The PS2 games.
How is it retitled Dark Souls if it doesn't have anything that makes Dark Souls Dark Souls? I'm hoping it has more weapons and esoteric lore myself but I'm just intrigued by your logic there.
>the dash fucking slides around like ice-skating
batman ninja arkham edition
>slash away at the enemy enough and you get a finisher for massive damage
very based and definitely not casual
Name a better twitch streamer.
>already beat the demo 5 times
>one real boss
>he's already memorized most enemy patterns because it's an earlygame area and is just trying to test executions for new patterns
i know you suck cocks but at least try to hide it nignog
it's timing based.
hitomi tanaka
The enemy stun meter grows with every hit or parry you do
this is the worst fucking post i've ever read on this website. You gotta be shitting me.
yeah that's why you couldn't reply to fucking anything and resorted to vague generalization faggot. eat shit and don't reply to me again you whiny bitchboy
right, like poise in souls, but the gauge decreases at a similar rate to building it via chipping rather than timing your attacks, making timing optimum.
I wonder if there'll be a good lore rationale for all the sculptor's idols being present everywhere. Bloodborne lamps had the summoning bells on them and bonfires obviously make sense for why they're there. I don't get how the idols will factor into the world in this game though. I'm wondering if the game won't be nearly as rewarding when it comes to autistic lore hunting.
This zoomer speedruns DS games for a livelihood. Obviously he's going to make it like a joke.
except there is no stamina like souls which makes things easier for that
>Sekiro demo
it would be tedious and long to do that with every enemy rather than timing the attacks.
PC only
on Steam
Yes, it's on Indonesian PS Store
I refuse to have any contact with this game beyond the trailers before launch.
Epic store only filthy gweilo.
I like how little we've seen from this game, it feels like they've been showing this one area forever.
Pretty sure he's a former world record holder in Souls 1-3 and Bloodborne. He's probably played From games for like 10000 hours.
Well, at least there are no online features so pirating it won't make me miss a thing.
>this zoomer on stream
>just any zoomer
did we see any gameplay of bloodborne pre-release anywhere that wasn't central yharnam? I think there was a bit of chalice dungeon gameplay but other than that it was just screenshots i think
>this is the worst fucking post i've ever read on this website
Shut the fuck up newfag
There won't be much Japanese religious stuff in Sekiro, almost everything is an original creation.
The architecture like the large castles is based on the late Sengoku period and that is about it. It's based on traditional japanese culture but doesn't try to recreate it.
Cathedral Ward and Old Yharnam were in some trailers IIRC
Not that much of Bloodborne, but we got a TON of DaS3 in trailers.
well people kind of know what kind of thing to expect from Dark Souls. Bloodborne's lovecraft side was basically not shown at all until the games full release. I'm expecting Sekiro to kind of have the same 'oh shit i didn't expect these areas/enemies'.
Pretty much just that. Sekiro has been the same area and giant snake since the first proper trailer I think, and that's this demo. Makes me think there's going to be more to this game, just like with Bloodborne.
I like going into games like this blind too, now there's just staying clear of leaks once people get their hands on the console versions in 2 weeks or so.
miyazaki basically confirmed last month in an interview that there's some kind of twist similar to bloodborne
Sekiro is not a part of "these games"
Wow, unapologetically shilling your twitch channel. Kill yourself
100x easier to datamine, crack, unlock etc
We know there are instanced areas that are memories you play. I could see a huge twist by fucking with the memories of what the player thinks they are doing
There was this demo, the Hirata Estates footage from GI, the few seconds of a forested area from GI, also the reveal and TGS trailers showed clips from other areas
this video shows the fight with the headless horror monsters. twist will probably be kuon type j-horror. doubt it'll live up to bloodborne thematically, narratively, ideologically etc. though. sad, that game ruined vidya narratives for me. still looking forward to it and hoping to be surprised though, even though i don't know diddly squat about Japan or the sengoku era so any thematic stuff will probably go over my head, unlike the illuminati child sacrifice CIA conspiracy lovecraft shit in BB.
The fuck is Nier Autismo doing in that list.
>these animations
I always knew FROM were hacks and that BB is so good thanks to Japan Studios
Fuck game informer for hyping up what amounted to 2 minutes of new footage for 2 whole weeks as though it was some grand reveal
I hope it's something that no one expects instead of just "game turns into horror"
this is what he said
>Hypothetically speaking, if this was a Bloodborne interview, we wouldn’t go, “Hey, guess what happens in the second half.” But if you can think of the opening of the game as a more traditional Japanese ninja fantasy, then it’s not going to continue along that same exact track the whole way through. I think it’s safe to say that much and I think more would be a spoiler.
dabbing on fromdrones
How the hell do I play the demo?
I can't my man he's clearly the thinking mans streamer
step 1: become popular youtuber or streamer
step 2: fly to activision studio
step 3: play demo
He's also pretty hot (no homo)
the combat looks really cool desu
I'm officially hype. I just hope the 2nd half of the game isnt a botched up mess. and I kinda wish there was PvP cause this parrying mechanic would be cool online.
if you want to play never attack first pvp: the game there's always ds3
Looks fun but I'm worried the game will feel too short with how fast you move and how quickly enemies die.
And it's a little worrying that we've only seen really one level so far, the game is less than 3 weeks from release
you dont see it on psn? that's how i got mine
Miyazaki already said that the game starts with a traditional japanese fantasy setting, but it turns into something else as the game goes, but he did not want to share details for obvious reasons.
So the combat is just spam parry until the enemy is open, then one shot them?
im not a huge pvp fag so i dont really mind no pvp, it was always shit in the souls series. it was just a passerby comment desu, i think it'd be interesting to see how these mechanics would pan out on a pvp setting.
Whatever he means by that, I just hope it involves more weapons somehow.
yeah kinda like how ds combat is spam attacks until the enemy is dead
>But the basic enemy combos seem relentless in this
Which sucks when your own attacks really aren't all that fast. No wonder most players just parry everything to death.
kek keky kek
Do you parry by attacking or can you do it by tapping the block button? Or does that fill up your poise meter?
parry = timed block in this
You parry with the block button, and there aren't separate inputs for blocking and parrying, it's just timing based. Even if you miss the parry timing you still block. Parrying is both your best form of defense and the fastest way to lower enemies' posture.
Basically there's no reason to actually attack enemies.
>base combo flows into a charge attack and back as much as you want, works very fluid together with dodging
>deflection has pretty strict timings and can be done in the air
>special (there's probably going to be more in full game since skills are confirmed to be a thing) does a shitton of chip damage through block
>there's aerial combo and enemy step that deals shitton of posture damage
>there's multiple types of mikiri
>enemies can be killed with pure damage but finishing strike is always an option since it seems to be tied to some specials like releasing a fuckhuge dust cloud we've seen in one of the trailers
>can use some prosthetic arms to extent the jump a little
>can stealth blow bosses on some of their stages
Anything else i'm missing?
they clearly don't want to spoil people before the game is out
>Basically there's no reason to actually attack enemies.
Except posture damage is tied to enemy HP so good luck perfect blocking them for an hour you fucking troglodyte
regular r1 is pointless but charged r1 and the X move do a lot of posture damage
No, posture regeneration is tied to HP. As long as you keep parrying every hit, you'll break them super fast without ever having to land a hit.
We've seen glimpses of some crazy shit like monks summoning a ghost army on your ass and they really don't want to spoil it
>regular r1 is pointless
well what are you going to do when an enemy is open, just stand there? we've already seen that you can combo enemies for quite a bit if you find an opening.
Regular R1 is quick and can be used for constant pressure
>all of the Souls games remained very popular over the years
They're niche as fuck dude. Also no, online is not the main reason they had the appeal they did, no way.
but still, they said about the same number of areas as Dark Souls 3, which is disappointing
>muh mulitplayer
please, no one but the biggest autists cares about that
there's 2 people who need multiplayer for these games
people who can't kill bosses solo
people who can't play a real fighting game so they stick to the miscoded laggy garbage known as dark souls pvp
Dark Souls 3 had a good number of areas and if all of them are as detailed and interconnected as they claim them to be it will be perfect in terms of content.
asynchronous multiplayer is the message system
the coop shit is not asynchronous, and not invented by souls.
its a steam demo my friend
bit worried that the prosthetic arm will just be a simon says thing
enemy weak to fire -> use fire
enemy has a shield -> use shield etc
>>can use some prosthetic arms to extent the jump a little
Wait what? You can change how the grapple works?
there better be more attachments than the 3 or 4 we've seen
hoping for at least 20-25 considering we only have the 1 main weapon. even Bloodborne had 16 (25 with DLC) trick weapons with huge movesets and people complained about the variety there
I mean that sounds like it's similar in risk-reward to parries in Bloodborne.
Prosthetic arms simply have jump attacks
Think about how DMC firearms gave some extended jump time
And parries in bloodborne were just as retarded. Except at least you could only parry humanoid enemies.
BB parries were ranged
Here a poor timing will fuck you up, there's unblockables and attacks with heavy posture damage
The people crying about Sekiro being parry spam seem to not understand shit about combat system, at worst this gameplay style will require the same amount of timing as using Royalguard in DMC
don't think there are many more
the button to cycle through the gadgets is Triangle, which means that it has to be a sequential cycle always in the same direction, which limits the amount of gadgets you can have equipped before it starts getting incredibly annoying to find the one you want on the list.
>at worst this gameplay style will require the same amount of timing as using Royalguard in DMC
you can't be serious, the timing is lenient as fuck
could be that you can only equip X amount at a certain time
Could be that you only have 3 selected in the hotbar from however many you found total. Like how weapons and items work
Tell this to all the people getting relentlessly fucked by the bosses
certainly but we haven't seen any sort of menus for equipment (and there's even info that there's no "equipment" at all) so I'm kind of doubtful.
there's been a few items that you can pick up so I'm sure there will be some sort of equipment menu
Maybe you should've actually followed the game coverage
We haven't seen the skill tree menu either but we know that exists
that's cool then, I retract my statement and apologize.
Who got "relentlessly fucked" by the corrupted monk?
literally in the OP
He's Ukrainian
Virtually everyone attending to the game demo at E3
when i checked it out about an hour ago he parried basically every single attack from the boss and absolutely shit on him
No female representation?
How does the game handle the lgbt+ community?
he died multiple times on the first run
He got wrecked by the boss over 10 times and got his ass handed to him by mini-bosses he considers even harder than boss himself
it's a fucking demo
we already know there are skill trees and shit
none of those are in the demo
doesnt mean they dont exist in the full game
and they've already said you cant equip everything at once
Can you parry in the middle of combos?
Can you attack out of a successful parry?
What prosthetic arm or skill do you think the granny ninja boss will give you?
>inb4 kunai with steel wires attached to them
streamer dude seemed to try parrying mid combo but didn't work
I think you can do anything after a parry? have to watch more footage
Game looks really tailored after casuals.
>streamer dude seemed to try parrying mid combo but didn't work
Game is fucked then, enemies attack too quickly so going offensive at all will be completely discouraged.
I don't think so, just waiting on defense will make enemies take forever to kill and have higher chance of you fucking up. just need to not overextend on offense
She will give you new moves
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>Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
>Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
>Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
>Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
Jannies are you asleep?
Activision said to let this one slide.
He finished the stream hours ago, anyway.
The problem with that is that we've seen a lot of enemies just attack non stop, and your own attacks are pretty slow.
This is the current fastest kill of Corrupted Monk around, and most of it is still just parries because you can't get an opportunity to attack.
Doesnt apply to paying advertisers :^)
how can a shadow die let alone die twice? walked out the game right there
hyuk amen va fan hyuk
Enemies would melt in seconds if you could just freely attack them in between swings, have you seen how much damage you do to them? They still have openings for you to hit them or break their posture with attacks, which does more posture damage than parrying and slows their posture regeneration.
C a s u a l
I want it. It looks cool