Would you do this to your son?
Would you do this to your son?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah but with Super Mario World and Super Metroid instead
I'm gay so I can't have kids. Also
>playing pre seventh gen games on anything but a CRT
This, but DMC3 on DMD
>posting pictures of your children on plebbit for internet points
Truly pathetic.
Post dick
why do boomers have such a hard time spelling Fortnite?
also if the father of the guy doing this made him play his boomershit jank back in the day he'd think boy, my dad's a fag
>poster who likes CRTs is a literal anime faggot
checks out
yes but with dark souls
>not even having white children yourself
Truly pathetic.
I wouldn't want my kid playing videogames 2bh
Would you ever consider adoption?
you know you could still adopt, right?
yes but I'd make him max on runescape
No need to say you're gay user. We already know you are from your "taste" in visuals
obviously, but with myst, viewtiful joe and def jam fight for n.y.
I'd go play soccer with him or something
Yes but only because after playing modern games it would be harder to play very old games.
>I'm gay so I can't have kids.
So is he. Look at the MLP figurine and something that resembles a cup (near it) with rainbow flag.
You can always adopt one. Assuming you are a guy. If you are a female (lesbian) then no, because they are toxic.
reddit posters are like that one retard that keeps spamming you links to unfunny youtube vids and stale memes while watching your reaction
and here is OP doing the same for replies.
It's called tough love zoomers your boomerdad will show you the light
god I fucking hate gamers
>literally playing games wrong
oof yikes
>. If you are a female (lesbian)
>widescreen for 8bit games
that dad is a retard
posting pictures of him online? of course not
No, I don’t want him to have neck pain early in life.
Oddly enough that's what raising a child is all about
Funny how they as kids rebelled against their parents telling them what to do and now they're doing the same thing because it turns out it's the basis of parenting
You faggots need to quit calling your girlfriends kid "son"
He has his own father
>>Adopting a kid so they gay the poor kid up too.
Don't give him ideas, assholes.
Why not?
Take pictures of him playing games for attention whoring purposes? Nah. Rather do that to myself.
Rent a womb, retard.
Why do parents always do gay shit like this whether it's with music or video games or movies or whatever? Just let the kid play Fortnite, your time has gone and things have changed
Well, there are he/him lesbians as well. user's just covering their bases.
that kid is gonna get his ass kicked in school
I wouldn't let my kid play fortnite no matter how many classics he beats. Little shit's not even getting a smartphone until he's 16, and that's only with straight A's.
Are you retarded? That's not how fucking gayness works. Also sentencing a kid to be a ward of the state is one of the worst childhoods there could be, excluding abuse.
It's immoral. For a kid to be healthy he needs to have a mother and a father, not two fathers (and I can't get a bf even if I wanted to because toxic personality). Not quite as immoral as reproducing in the first place, but nothing I would ever subject someone to. Not fair to them.
>Refers to his own future children as "little shit" already
Never reproduce, thanks.
Absolutely not. When I have kids, I'm not giving them any games. They're extremely addicting time wasters. Imagine all of the time you collectively spent playing video games, and posting on the chinz - if that time was instead spent on learning real life tangible skills. The most stimulating thing I'm going to put in front of my son are going to be textbooks. When he's bored, that's what I want him to do. I want him to hone his autodidact skills. I'm homeschooling my kids too - they're not going to public school. We're moving out to the country too. When I do give my kid some games, It'll be when he's a teenager, and it'll be on the PC. Because I would want him to practice modding games. And by modding, I mean by making his own mods.
This is what my dad did to me, wish he taught actually useful things
Future school shooter*
And here, ladies and gentlemen, we have an autism in its pure form.
>tfw you have a younger brother who plays all the soulless newer titles
but also plays/prefers amazing snes and gba games on old modded wii.
I love you little bro, you're gonna be one of the good ones.
Hopefully you'll never have kids
>no manual
>no notebook to draw a map in
I'm not a sadist, user.
Oh fuck off, you had all your fun, even now in your adult ages you are shitposting on a time wasting forum, but you are going to raise your kid the amish way? Hilarious. She/He'll tell you to fuck off and is going to be even more degenerate once he's able to taste and try all the things and more you did not allow her/him.
That's fucking pathetic and I hope his son ends up thinking video games are stupid.
where is it man
I don't want to influence my kid's video games tastes at all, but it would have been sweet as a kid if my dad had a huge backlog of games I could just play.
This is a guy who probably grew up wasting his youth on vidya and other transient pleasures and regrets it, and wants something else for his kid.
I see nothing wrong with it.
Instead of just giving them textbooks just go out with them a lot, go fishing and camping and playing sports.
this post is worthy of an EXTREMELY GOOD GOY award
2D Zelda's are a horrible way of getting kids to introduce people to the games. Wind Waker is a way better starting point.
>plays nes games on a lcd
>mlp figure on the left
At least give the kid a map or a the Nintendo power guide, because no kid in the 90s beat Zelda on their own.
I'd let him play whatever he wants (to an extent)
Of course I would suggest certain games that I always liked but this jackass is just trying to earn points from the "Old is good,new is bad" crowd on Reddit.
Imagine actually thinking being addicted to videogames is better than using your time in getting useful skills.
Mild insanity.
enjoy your ban OP
unironically same but with super mario 64, and then vanilla WoW with me
As a kid who grew up, as I assume we all did, how did you respond to your parents telling you what to do? No matter what you always take it to heart even a little bit. Sure a lot of your psychological behavior is inherited from your biological parents, but nurture also has its place.
>having children on this already overpopulated shithole of a rock we call earth
Gaia is displeased with all of you.
>forcing gen ZYX to play trash ass pixel shit
lmaoing at this cucked faggot
Uh yeah it autismo. Explain why people comeout as gay after being married to a woman. It's a choice.
that's exactly how gayness works.
Actual father here, I see nothing wrong with starting on an NES since the two button system is easy to pick up.
Like what?
For every kid you don't have the bad people who don't give a shit will have 3.
I don't think that's a good philosophy for delivering Gaia into the right hands in the future.
spend time with your child faggot. he's not alive for you to live your childhood a second time through him, he doesn't have to have the same passions and hobbies as you and the tablets/phones/pcs/consoles are not to keep him busy while you "live your own life" or "go out" when you're doing this 80% of the time.
user, you are arguins with people on Mongolian hentai board. This isn't very productive, nor will it magically give you some useful skills for your daily life.
Every addiction is bad, and gaming addiction is real, but if you don't allow your kid to do what other kids do... What do you expect he's gonna be like when he grows up?
imagine turning your son into an autistic calculator with zero social skills because your self perception of video games is either playing none or suffering an all out addiction
I usually don't do anything but laugh at shitposting fights here but it sounds like you're projecting your own failures on your future son, which is good when it's done to help prevent them from making the mistakes you did but bad when you're using them as an outlet to redo your life
he's gonna end up doing drugs and knocking some girl up at 15 lets be real
All women are either bisexual or lesbian. Studies have shown women get turned on by both sexes.
I forced my then 5-6 yo cousin to only play ps1 games if he wanted to play videogames at all, at the end he wanted new videogame that ps1 games looked like shit and he started playing Uncharted 4 and all that stuff at 7
can you imagine having a videogame playing faggy redditor as a dad
poor kid's not gonna get a single lesson in masculinity in his life
Agreed, letting your child play any sort of videogames is fucking shitty parenting.
Lmao because video games are good for making social skills amirite
At least he'll learn to code if nothing else
Fucking christ, I always heard people talking about this, but I never thought they were serious. This isn't serious, right?
First of all if I had to beat Legion of Zimbabwe without a guide I'd never play games. It's a shit game anyway.
The biggest travesty in this is stretching a 4:3 image. This shit sends me into a blind rage. Why do people do this? The game isn't supposed to look that way.
You went out of your way to get a real NES and what appears to be a genuine cartridge (instead of emulating it or flashcarting) but the aspect ratio fuck that who cares how a game is supposed to be what are you gay lmbo.
I see this shit everywhere. BRO APPLY THIS WIDESCREEN """FIX""". Who cares about the improper framing and the shit popping out of the sides.
Fuck me.
Fuck you.
With those genes he wasn't going to get an ounce of masculinity to begin with.
>clearly a boy
>pony toy in front of tv
>upscaling from 240p or 480i
enjoy your extra second of input lag
>incel virgins trying to explain homosexuality to homosexuals
Could it be that homosexuality is much more repressed than we think? That simply having gay parent makes it only more likely for the child to come out, rather than increase the chance for the child to be gay in the first place? My, I wonder who the insecure closet fags amongst us are.
>Dad please stop forcing your childhood on me I don’t want to play the nes
>dad please I want to be a doctor I don’t want to play dr Mario
>dad please you sold moms jewelry to buy nes games and a crt tv
Sisters exist.
No it isn't.
You're an idiot.
Already did. My dude enjoys retro more than modern games. He still likes Fortnite, but he has a real appreciation of the older stuff too.
>he's gonna end up doing drugs and knocking some girl up at 15 lets be real
I hate pseud niggers like you who love to pull crystal balls out of their asses and make baseless assumptions with some vague notion of armchair psychology, especially wild and outrageous things like this.
Let user do what he wants, it's his kid, and every kid is different. Maybe it'll work. There's not one golden rule for parenting aside from "don't kill it".
>muh overpopulashuun
>>hey user jr., you heard of this new video game?
>s-sorry, my dad told me I can't talk to you before doing my homework. maybe we'll see each other another time, but I'm not even allowed pursuing anything besides calculus anyways
Well homosexuality is a mental illness and a patient often needs extra information.
Just like how someone with bulimia needs to be explained how their disorder is hurting them.
How should children be punished when they misbehave Yea Forums?
I honestly wouldn't let my child touch video games until he's at least a teenager.
Gamers should never reproduce
My presence here shows that something clearly didn't went right, and that's exactly i want to prevent with my kid. Is not like he can't have fun with something else.
Yeah, because videogames help so much in social skill, eh?
That's right, i am projecting. That's what parents do with their kids, they project their failures and don't want their kids to do the same mistakes they did, the "redo my life" part is not true, though. I appreciate you not laughing at this one and actually join in the conversation, user. Thank you.
>letting him play vidya during one of the most crucial times for social development
Let him play games in his teens and he'll stay addicted to them instead of getting girls and then you'll act shocked when he turns out to be a faggot. If anything you should take away his vidya when he's a teen.
>homosexuality is a mental illness
oh my sweet summer child....
No, but I do have tons of pirated stuff he can play if he so chooses, or maybe he just wants to play fortnite idfk it’s not my problem
>user did you wathe game last night?
>s-sorry, my dad doesn't parent me so he let me waste my entire day playing video games. whats a sports?
Interests DO NOT define social skill.
Anyone who unironically believes in “OLD GOOD, NEW BAD” is mentally ill.
>as an adult I'm enjoying things years before my time
>if I ever have kids I'll just tell them what they're watching is shit and let them keep watching
>it’s not my problem
Never reproduce, thanks.
Ok fags.
>all these projecting faggots that don't think the pony is his daughters
Anyone who unironically believes everything newfangled is good just because it's new is mentally ill too.
I wonder what the next generation of kids are gonna be like? We live in a era where being weak is encouraged. Imagine a world where there are people who are even more sheltered, sensitive, and emotionally unstable than the people that post on Yea Forums.
>dude having four times more suicide attempts isn't a mental illness
I'm definitely going to pump him full of heteronormative classic films so he doesn't end up a FAGGOT like all you Gen Zs who grew up on Harry Potter. lol
Yup, a child of mine wouldn't be allowed to play Fortnite until they were 13/14 ish.
>have four week old baby
>can't even reach the d-pad yet
It's going to a generation raised by Redditors, Channers, Tumblerers and Instagram.
Picture it. I dare you.
I don't recall a single faggot charater in HP.
>cute girl who likes Talking Heads
like you wouldn't fuck.
>it’s not my problem
This is the same line Boomers say and look where that led us.
non sequitur
Eh, I play vidya the most during my mid to late teen years and I turned out just fine.
What I'm afraid of is getting my kids addicted to vidya while they're younger because they won't know any better about the importance of time management and would just whine and cry if you take them away.
I've never been in touch with my generation and I got along with everyone else just fine. If you can only keep people around you by being a shallow trendy faggot then that's pretty sad.
>Correlation = causation
user, don't bother.
They are incapable of seeing the truth because of their illness. Pity them instead.
>raising a child is about forcing them to be like you
fucking castrate yourself faggot. We have enough retarded little shits running around the world, we don't need you to add to it.
The whole world is gonna look like the current state of California soon. I want to die.
I'd love to see the horrified, defeated faces of all the Tumblr SJWs as they give birth to healthy baby boys.
But I'd hate to see how they raise them. Emasculated beyond reason. I think these kids will either grow up broken or rebel and become hypermasculine.
Do you think after social media all the kids will move onto the dark web? I wonder what that will look like
>try to stop being gay
>stop watching anime
>nofap, noporn
>try to steward my thoughts to stop gay lust when it starts
>can't, just have wetdreams
Honestly if there were any conversion therapy thingies near me I'd try them. But I'm pretty sure there aren't.
LOL force him to play dark souls next. That's the best video games series
flyover statelet detected
Until the teenage years, then you rebel against everything they were trying or try to teach you.
Damn, Daniel Radcliffe is looking /fa/ with those dog accessories.
Kids are bound to rebel. If you think what's being taught is a good gauge to how children will turn out you're probably stupid or naive.
Wet dreams are signs of success
he's a frustrated incel virgin
don't bother with him, he'll never grasp the joys of the boipucci
Sounds like you need Jesus, faggot.
Not when they're about getting your prostate pounded. Fuck off.
>The whole world
China, russia and mudslim countries still exist user.
It's true, you only really care about your kid because they're little (You)s, and wanting them to turn out right, or at least similar to how you act and think, has to be a base motivator to parent your kid.
Imagine if your child grew up having the opposite political opinion to yours? Imagine them becoming a Communist or White Nationalist? How do you feel now?
excuse me what
Just explain to your kids why games can be a waste of time, don't try to force him into a world view that is not based on his own experience.
Hehehe you can't run from your genetics.
>he thinks I haven't tried religion and I don't pray multiple times a day to stop being gay
What about a giant /ck/ battlestation on the right side?
There's no solid proof it's substantially caused by genetics.
Now imagine these two at 40 you pedo.
>be kid
>show a slight natural talent in music
>musician dad gets excited
>tries to teach bass
>fingers too small and too impatient to stick with me
>forces me to do tuba
>i hated it
>forces me to do trombone
>i hated it even more, but stick with it to make him happy
>quit because I hate trombone
>ask that I wanted to try to learn violin or the french horn
>refuses because he hates treble
>stop learning music and pursue painting and computers
>years later
>ask dad to teach me how to play bass
>goes on a tirade on how I’m not as good as him because he started as a kid and how I wasted my talent for not playing the same instruments as him
You can’t imagine that unless it’s happened to you irl, if you are imagining that then you’re astral projecting and fucking another man or woman’s soul
The irony of this post is that most suicides with LGBT and trans are to do with exclusion from the rest of the society.
>You can’t imagine that unless it’s happened to you irl
Exclusion from society is the individual's fault entirely.
A similar thing happened to me but with swimming, mom wanted me to be prepared and know what to do if I ever needed to evacuate a boat. Hated every second of being forced to go to that class and now I only stay on the shore line and refuse to go into water, don’t force your kids to do things
Everything you do is. From the food you like to the clothing you wear is genetic.
I'm a 70% nature vs nuture kind of guy.
how very convenient
cringe but redpilled
>LGBT and trans
>exclusion from the rest of the society
You kidding? Gayness and the unhinged gender ideology is being forced down the world's throat as we speak.
This is unscientific unless you can procure resources that prove correlation=causation or homosexuality's genetic influence (also that it's substantial)
but i'm 20 myself and i look like them?
does it count as a pedo?
>imagine those two at 40
i see two old men that love each other and are grateful to have spent their entire lives with someone they love with all of their hearts
something you'll probably never experience, given your beliefs and feelings
One cant develop social skills when they've got nothing to relate to people with. There's only so many times you can say "Boy math sure is fun don't you think so as well, fellow child?". And considering that user is going to do nothing but force shit on a child that absolutely no other kid has interest on, he's going to be a recluse for the first most important years of his life, after that te damage will already be done and he'll just turn into a breadrunner for the other kids. The saddest part in all of this is that the kid is going to tell his parents this and they'll respond eith a cookie cutter response of "if x did y would you do y as well". Years down the line the kid will kill themself and the parents will be in disbelief, that their kid would do something lile that
Yo, I have a joke for you
How do gay men reproduce?
They molest children
I was the same way and for years I feared the pool and struggled but my parents were resolute and kept pushing me, even if I was struggling. I must have been an embarrassment as all the other kids around me succeeded and I kept failing, terrified as I was. But at some point, my fear just stopped, and it clicked, and my parents determination paid off. I love swimming now.
Honest encouragement and determination i.e. "forcing" your kid really does work.
I want my children to be critical thinkers fully capable of forming their own opinions. I'm not interested in pumping out a couple tiny Me's.
I want to give them the tools they need to successfully navigate life on their own without any hand-holding. THAT is the goal of parenting, or it should be but most people are fucking dumb.
If they become a commy that's ok, it means their heart is in the right place and once they make any real amount of money they'll switch sides.
If they become a white nationalist then I have failed in teaching them critical thinking skills.
You don't know the most of it user.
>Absent dad for most of my childhood/teens comes back when I'm 16
>Tries to pathetically form a connection with me
>Hardly even see him as an acquaintance, much less family
>The only thing he's done is disapprove of my life choices and sublty try to set me straight in his own percieved way while dismissing and forgetting my hobbies and passions
>Told him to fuck off 4 years later and never show his face around me again after he tried to control my schedule
Genuinely what is the point of having a child if you're just gonna abandon him like that? It had nothing to do with my mom either, he just fucked off because he suddenly decided work was more important.
And a far better excuse than
>Dude its because they're mentally ill
>I mean I can't prove it but just believe me lmao
>I know your family has completely rejected you but this megacorporation and some smartass New York Jew support you
>That makes up for it right?
So if somebody is gay and others exclude them because they're gay, it's the person's fault for being gay? This is exactly the type of reasoning as to why it's being forced down people's throats.
And only specific areas have an overall acceptance level. Most small towns and rural areas are still unaccepting of lgbt people
Why would you choose an asshole when vagoo is infinitely superior?
>One cant develop social skills when they've got nothing to relate to people with.
Already false, these are just topics of conversation that help speed things up, the way alcohol speeds up a conversation. Knowing topics is not a substitute for social skill.
No, I won't force anyone to play shit games
>This is a guy who probably grew up wasting his youth on vidya and other transient pleasures and regrets it, and wants something else for his kid.
Pretty much. And I barely remember anything from it. Video games don't contribute anything. You don't learn anything from it. My parents were not terrible, compared to many others they were excellent. I was in the Boy Scouts, so I definitely remember fishing and camping in the woods of Southern Georgia. I have excellent hand-eye coordination so I was extremely good at baseball. A lot of 1st and 2nd place trophies. I wished there was more of an emphasis on fitness though.
But I wished my parents would've put - particularly my father, slightly more of an effort into me. They were very Laissez-faire. My father was in the Army, and used to be a highschool mathematics teacher, there's so many useful skills he could've transferred to me. And I went to public school. I've been to the rural country school, that's what I want for my kids if I ever send them anywhere when they're pre/teenagers. The diverse metropolitan city schools, no. But there's a young man at my church, who is the same age as me - he went to private school if I recall correctly, but his father put an immense amount of effort into him. This guy is so smart, he got some sort of grant, and his medical school is being paid for. I have to step my game, and start working on bettering myself. But I'll definitely make sure my kids have it a lot easier. Learning a new language for someone who recently turned 23 would've been a lot easier at 10 years old for example.
no, playing games that old should be considered torture. specially when you have much better versions of those same games out there with remasters.
t. 26yo boomer who grew up playing all the mega mans.
Just like how I can't prove a genetic link between iq and race I can't provide definitive proof.
However twin studys have showen personal tastes seem to be inherited.
Sorry user you can't run from your genetics.
>literally first interaction
>"I'm gay"
The memes are real.
>So if somebody is gay and others exclude them because they're gay, it's the person's fault for being gay?
Yes, you should learn how to communicate it better next time. Nobody under the age of 30 cares that much that you're gay nowadays, stop being obnoxious and/or awkward faggot.
Most NES games have an objectively superior counterpart on SNES so that's not too crazy. Why would you ever play the original zelda when lttp exists?
>If they become a commy that's ok
>If they become a white nationalist then I have failed
Nice try Schlomo
>there's no proof but I'll make this assertion anyway and claim it's truth
No that is retarded. I would give my kid a top of the line gaming rig and train him to be a true mustard/idort.
>spend 16 years putting food no your kids table
>he's an ungrateful little shit that's done nothing but fuck up
>try to subtly guide him to the right path
>he throws a fit and wants you to forever leave
lmao kids are a mistake
>my little pony figure
>no other little girls toys
This guy shouldn't be allowed have children or has just kidnapped someone else's.
You mean western women? Western women are all corrupted degenerate whores anyway. Asian women are better if you want a traditional family.
As opposed to
>industry: like it, like it, like it, be us!
But user, he’d turn out like you; a failure.
>"I can't prove it just believe me lmao"
>Gets shown evidence
>>"T-that doesn't prove anything because reasons"
This is one of the many reasons people hate faggots, hell, even my gay friends hate people like you. Also, stop blaming society for your exclusion of it.
>I have never, ever been outside
Got it.
ok, thats just setting them up to become wizards.
I like your story and I'm sure a lot of the new generation kids, be they Millennial or Gen Y, are going to move away from the '60's boomer mentality of anything-goes parenting. And I think it'll be a good thing.
I have similar stories from my parents, they're good people bless them and they did some things right but they were really hippies in a lot of aspects.
I'm gay and I have never played that Zelda game because I wasn't alive when it first graced the gaming domain
>It's immoral to reproduce
>i had too good of a childhood and couldn't amount to anything because of it so i will make my kid have no childhood whatsoever
What a pathetically sad shit you are user.
>People are so butthurt about genetics that funding to show genetic differences between (race) straight and gay men doesn't exist.
Really makes you think.
When I mean absent I mean different country-type of absent. He didn't send us money either since he wasn't obligated to since my mother and my father didn't marry, and my mother didn't want to further drag things on.
>you're not worldly and cosmopolitan like me
NPC bourgeois response.
Thanks for making lives of other gay men on Yea Forums harder you retarded faggot.
There are no such studies. I know you're referring to blacks being gay at higher rates than whites, but that fails to take into consideration socioeconomic factors. Again, no evidence genetics plays a significant role.
Whatever you are posting this on right now can run Zelda.
Dont play it its shit.
>stop blaming society for being unable to be openly together with my boyfriend in public for fear of losing my job
>completely passes over the part where i say they'll switch sides anyway
Commies only exist in the 13-26 age range user, after that they graduate from being the proletariat and gain some perspective.
30+ year old commies should be treated as handicapped people.
>can't have kids
Just rape a bitch, user. Pretend that her pussy is a dry butt-hole.
>Gets shown evidence
Where? You mean that graph? Lone correlation is not evidence in itself you fucking mutt, 56% of your brain is still worth something so there is fuckall excuse for this.
I have an 8 year old girl. I don't do anything so crazy as OP suggests but I do make her finish games before I'll get her a new one. She wants Splatoon 2 but hasn't finished Pokemon Let's Go. She's getting there though. She defeated Blaine last I heard.
Why are you arguing as if it was 30 or 40 years ago?
why did we need to know your gay lmao
Not him and I don't know anything about "blacks being gay at higher rates than whites" but:
>no evidence genetics plays a significant role
That is just plain wrong and stupid. You the saying that there are no such studies while at the same time challenging said studies (which exist) points out your hypocrisy and your agenda.
That's your fault.
What does that even mean? Anyone that actually thinks that things are totally equal and safe for homos because of MUH SJW AGENDA has never had to experience the fear and anxiety of being openly gay in public.
>That is just plain wrong and stupid.
Okay, then provide a link to such a study that proves homosexuality has a strong genetic component and proves that the correlation is in fact causation.
>dry butt-hole
lube up boy cunny and it's nice and squishy wet for big cocks like mine
No, LoZ1 and Mega Man are terrible games.
You really are ignorant if you think that shit doesn't happen these days.
I have 3 kids and I will never post their pic over the social media...this is outright dumb.
Id probably let my kids play things I enjoyed and get them games they are interested,to help them make their own video game taste I guess.Im kinda hopping if i marry someone my spouse could also like video games so theyd give my kids ideas for what to try.
Maybe you're just a schizo because there is a political class and the Jussie Smolletts of the world telling you to be perpetually afraid.
Where the fuck do you live, Tehran?
You’re lame
It doesn't. Unless you live in a Muslim area no one's going to give a shit and they don't want the police hassle.
Ironically the only places where I've seen it happen is in shitty neighborhoods in OPEN and WELCOMING multicultural cities.
t. literally had to fend off niggers when I went to Rome with friends and one of them had brought his bf. He's had absolutely no negative experiences being gay otherwise, probably because our hometown is entirely white and moderate.
All it’s take is having a boss that hates gays. It’s not that uncommon
It's the current year nobody gives a shit
All psychological behavior is in a sense inherited. That's what genes are. Man is never a blank slate. Now, certain behavior that in some individuals expresses itself as homosexuality might express itself differently in their proginy, if they have any. user means that gays are likely, out of self-interest, to raise any kid they have to be pro-gay, thats what I suppose he means, which is probably true.
And it makes sense the kid would turn out that way. Imagine being a child of two dads, you'd have to be completely steeped in self-loathing if you turn out to be an anti-homo in that scenario.
It was only a few years ago a couple gay dudes got beat pretty bad in philly
>Holding hands with my BF while walking around downtown
>Get called gay
>tfw I am, in fact, gay
that was it, just some shit-skinned kid who thought it made him cool to run his mouth, but didn't even realise it's not an insult to call gay people gay.
We have made progress user, it is safer than it was 20 years ago.
We've not quite yet reached that level of dystopian megacrop level, and if we do it's not the gays that have to worry the most.
There is no evidence behavior has a strong genetic component.
Before you meme at me with meme arrows and reaction images provide a source, the burden of proof is on you.