Shit son

this is like next generation VR right here.

Attached: QNS8Yd2_LVuRGpWd.webm (620x310, 602K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Looks like a step in the right direction, but it still just looks like a fucking tech demo. Call me when we get actual games instead of "WOW, LOOK AT WHAT VR CAN DO! IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES"

It's little things like that that can make the whole greater. Too many VR games rely on objects 'snapping' into place when you grip them or interactables being great big buttons, when controllers are far more accurate.

I agree on it looking like another tech demo but it seems they're making it a parody of those games, so hopefully it surprises people.

VR is not happening any time in the near future, we can start discussing it again in 2030.

>Need the Knuckles to really experience this
>They are probably not going to release to the public for many more years

I really wanted to try this after watching that video. What a fucking cock tease

Good job OP. Now you can give virtual handjobs too.

tech demos are actually the best videogames out there

Attached: OwO.jpg (145x51, 2K)

>Matrix manchild

i mean, that'd be kind of cool in a vrchat scenario to pull out my honkin' hog and jerk to someone virtually giving me a handy.

hellll ye.

that's the new controller right?

Crowbars have been around since 1998.

no shit
I'm talking about the finger movement
weren't making a new handsfree VR controller?

Actually they go far back as at least the 1400s.


Could you tell me more about crowbars?

Also. Weren't levers before that? A simple metal bar.

right so you wouldn't even have the weight of the baton thing to feel, you can just cramp your hand isometrically in front of you and try your hardest to imagine some resistance? great fuckin idea

Knuckles controllers are fab
The object physics and how they interact with the character's arms looks like a significant step up compared to physics interactions in VR games so far.

Well, I just did a quick search and the first usage of the word seems to be around there. Due to the shape resembling a crow's beak, apparently.

levers were invented around 1837

I thought leverage was a thing since the beginning of time

You're not as knowledgeable as you think you are.

you're confusing it with stoneage

did cavemen invent leverage?

This. Unironically.
Just look at HL2.

i have no knowledge of vr controllers but if handsfree means something different to what it means to the man on the street someone's going to have to explain

He's not wrong, though. VR as it is is garbage.

just google VR knuckles

Is this the new half-life?

Tech advancement is so fucking fast,
10 years ago I was being amazed at being able to play .mp3s on my flip phone and now they are refining and perfecting VR each passing year
Call me a boomer but I'm still amazed at how tech has been advancing pretty much exponentially

That's great.

Now show all of the times objects clipped through themselves, the models suddenly took on horrific shapes, and other shit glitches like that.

Fucking hell, I wrote this post CONVINCED that 10 years ago meant 2004. Lord help me

Attached: 1474046656588.png (532x540, 17K)

>10 years ago I was being amazed at being able to play .mp3s on my flip phone
Try 2006
I'm not even sure if this was the first phone to play music

>"Hey wait a minute, this tech demo is actually just a tech demo!"

Only on fucking Yea Forums.

>it has a strap
lol that makes a new 'generation' of VR.. a velcro strap so you can let go of the baton sometimes

it seems you're ignorant on the subject and has no idea what you're even talking about so I'll end this conversation with you
have a good day

That's cool and all but I still don't see VR as some next step in gaming. VR for education or even medical or other purposes, cool. AR mixed with VR tech, sure. But for gaming? I'm not seeing it.

have you tried it yet?

Not the thing in the webm but yes, I've tried VR. I was hoping I'd be one of those "knock it till you try it" since everyone who's skeptical seems to go through some enlightenment once they try it, but I just don't see it, outside of the sort of Wii type games, meant for some mindless short-term fun, like party games.

Here's a tip: Try READING.

Okay, since you need spoonfeeding, the strap is there because the entire handle is touch sensitive. It's able to detect which fingers are on it and how hard they're pressing. The portal demo even has you crushing rocks by squeezing them in your robotic hands.

This would be simple to research if you dropped this attitude that you're always right and winning internet arguments is a matter of pride.

>since everyone who's skeptical seems to go through some enlightenment once they try it
more like motion sickness and extreme headaches

only if youre a subhuman faggot who has shit genes


Reminder that there is still zero haptic feedback and you won't feel the weight or properties of the objects you are holding.

Attached: abortion.gif (320x240, 814K)

reminder its a non issue unless you are pretending to have tried vr.

>what is rumble

>No haptic feedback
Already being worked on and has working prototypes. Just because something is not commercially available yet doesn't mean the technology isn't going to get there.

This is like complaining that there's no full-HD 3D graphics when getting your hands on a C64. While technological progress is much faster these days, these things still take time.

No matter how many times you post this it still looks like shit and is incredibly janky.
Come back when VR is capable of doing something impressive.

My guess is that they're working closely with Valve to make it a Knuckles launch title, the app id was actually added back in December but only now they added the store stuff.

Oculus touch has similar haptics to Switch's HD rumble but the only thing I've tried that used it is Nvidia's funhouse tech demo.

What do you mean janky? Controller tracking is pretty much 1:1 and the wobbling you see is the intentional physics.

no they invented stonerage

I do remember them saying that HL3 won't be a thing until a "breakthrough" can be achieved

I demand a proper mech VR game

Attached: battle for zion.jpg (848x469, 116K)

Pretty sure they also said that it wouldn't be VR only.

My issue is with the devs and their youtune channel "Node" they are a bumch of tacticool wannabe airsoft faga i fucking hate them its fucking shit

Im actually dev of panzerwehr 1949. Were working on a mechwarrior mercenaries style game in ww2 but with full cockpit interaction and it being a sim with everything interactable as much as possible.

When the FUCK are you guys going to release? I've been following you dudes for a while now

Vox is good

If anything the fact that this is a confirmed 2019 title quietly confirms the (already quite reasonably assumed) 2019 knuckles release.

Not unless something huge has happened internally at Valve and they're scrambling to cover up the late cancellation of their own 'HLVR' which has (had) been in development for many years already. Or if there's some enormous autistic 'ruse' and StressLevelZero has actually always been Valve (or was actually secretly acquired some time ago). In short; no.

It showing up in the Valve master list is definitely an oddity but rushing to the conclusion that it necessarily means it is actually a Valve property isn't really supported. It could be Valve just doesn't consider this non-public depot as sacred as people are now making it out to be.

IMO probably HLVR is delayed and they're going to be making this the knuckles 'killer app' game in its stead.


Attached: knucklesev2.jpg (1920x1080, 364K)

im the new artist, im currently redoing entire mech and then have a level to do. Lead is working on implementing multiplayers and all the features. We are going to test mp as pancake sometime and then this year we want it in EA so we can both focus fulltime on making it the definitive mech sim. Mostly money is slowing us down. But we plan and work to get it out this year.

Attached: evolution of vr.jpg (1280x1386, 221K)

based mentally deficient poster

Prove me wrong, waggleboy.

VR in 2016 already had motion controllers, how does this make sense?

Eat shit

Honestly it looks janky as fuck. Finger tracking doesn't seem to be accurate at all, grabbing a rifle with two hands and aiming through sights makes your wrist break, and hands don't even fully grasp melee weapons.
In the video I watched, the dev explained that the game is basically taking all of the TECHNOLOGY parts of other popular VR games and putting them into one, "but better", yet they all seem just as bad as in those other games. It's just a mishmash of ideas with nothing done significantly better. Hell, H3VR does gun handling 100x better than this and that's just one guy, this is 11 people.
VR really is going nowhere. Buying a Vive is my biggest regret.

Attached: 1546477162525m.jpg (800x1024, 68K)

I mean, did you play the game yet?

I have it and itd be pretty good already if they fixed the game breaking bugs.

demo pls
or, fuck
proof of concept pre alpha pls

H3 is literally nothing but gun handling, this is at least trying to be a videogame.

wont be given out unless youre a tester. We will have a few closed alphas to work out kinks, but we keep it under wraps right now to give community a nice surprise when we get closed alpha out finally.
We have some thigns that need testing and worked on before anything can be open to wider public. We really want to have SP content so if nobody buys the game people can still load it up and play it if they enjoy the mech controlling aspect of it.
We really want it to be a great god damn game we wish existed.

>VR with controlling things with your literal hand
never going to work for games, too tiring
just figure out a drug that stops motion sickness and make fast shooters with vr

>PORTAL "test chamber" font
>black and orange crowbar
Is it finally happening ?

Attached: 1542648895402.jpg (1024x588, 28K)

Is that supposed to be you in the image? lol

>figure out a drug that stops motion sickness
try not having subhuman genes

it has worked fine for games ever since vive and oculus has came out.
In fact going back to controller or keyboard would make vr completely pointless and turn it into a meme

>too tiring
stop being obese

>drug that stops motion sickness
the motion sickness meme died years ago

Jesus Christ, how weak are you? Have you worked a day in your life?

Or you could just get fit.

Imagine having subhuman genes AND being fat at the same time

metal gear solid 5 ground zeroes is the best tech demo ever

>VR will fix the obesity epidemic

t. 20yo 280kg parkinson brain damaged greaseball

Attached: 1517950482520.png (2000x1599, 509K)

Has there been any cases of people getting more fit or loosing weight with VR?

>i never touched VR cuz im poor: the post

Attached: 2018-11-26_00-24-33.png (1920x1080, 2.34M)

yeah, especially with beatsaber. But in general you hear quite a lot of people talk about weight loss in VR when you just play games.

The drug is called "healthy lifestyle". Try it.

Attached: Quack.webm (668x600, 2.17M)

probably from average to slightly more fit
probably not from morbidly obese to obese
it takes a certain kind of mental illness to become morbidly obese in the first place

I lost like 5kg over 2 weeks playing beat saber expert weeb songs

>make fast shooters with vr
Play Serious Sam (TFE, TSE, 3), Doom (I, II, 3), Heretic, Hexen and Overload.

Wait, wait, there's a Quake VR mod with aiming now? Where can I get my hands on that, user? I want to play that shit ASAP.

I don't get the 'tech demo' argument. A lot of good games have been short or match based and nobody complains about it there.

Granted it's a bang per buck kind of thing and some VR titles are stupidly priced for what they offer but if you're going to judge a game's worth purely by play time, then Cookie Clicker is your GOTY.

It's one of the first results on google

It's a fucking CDF painting you retard

Attached: Caspar_David_Friedrich_-_Wanderer_above_the_sea_of_fog.jpg (2327x2980, 984K)

Did you know desktop shooters are only so fast to compensate for the detachment of a screen? The reason why VR seems so slow on video is because it doesn't need that compensation.

I guess everyone wants that fully immersive, amazingly good 200h RPG experience to come to VR. I know I would kill for a good, in-depth RPG with VR support. That's the shit I was dreaming about when the Oculus Kickstarter first popped up and we still have nothing like it, even though I've had VR for over a year now and have really enjoyed it.

Yeah, I searched and found it as well. Thanks user, I had looked into Quake with motion controls a few months ago and this shit didn't exist back then, apparently.

I did pic related a month ago, can't believe that someone got the same idea

Its not a full fledged game with the best graphics possible so clearly its just a pipe dream that never leaves alpha.
People just want to shit on things for attention.

Even if there's a demo, I don't have Knuckles so it wouldn't be good at all. Vive Wand is cumbersome as fuck.
It was at first, but it's grown to a lot more.

No problem, user. Enjoy it.

Attached: and_then_it_crashed_v2.webm (1000x563, 1.99M)

One weird thing you learn when trying to do level design for flatscreen is that everything needs to be at least 50% bigger than in real life or else it feels extremely cramped and much smaller than it really is, people that think flatscreen is perfect don't know how much trickery goes into making it not feel super weird.

Video games are a sofa activity, I'm lazy I don't want to stand up and point pretend guns to play, that is why it is a gimmick

yeah I guess, but with them relying so heavily on the knuckles in the videos and the game releasing soon plus the valve name on steamdb
I think they might release them around the same time

At least now there's some levels with AI and zero downtime of slogging through corridors.

Attached: hlvr.webm (700x781, 2.6M)

>200h RPG experience
SkyrimVR with mods

Attached: firefox_2019-03-02_16-09-02.png (285x277, 79K)

I don't think they relied on the knuckles much tbqh, all the grabbing can be done with a trigger opening and closing all fingers, I think they want feature parity with the non-knuckles controllers.

I guess rely is the wrong word, I meant focus

yeah no shit. I'm asking if the reason you posted it is because the man on the hill is supposed to be you, all sophisticated with classical music playing in the background as you deliver your essay post. Isn't that a bit cringey?

First poster wasn't even me you dingus.

i wish there was control setting in this game to make reload simplified while playing that game modes where you need to shoot and move fast like pavlov.
it's the only thing that makes me just stay in shooting range maps forever

Why are you even replying then? Sod off.

uh huh

fucking meatmas and overall antons map design is shit. Only good ones is small arena, big arena and old tnh compound and then his utilization of space is shit.

Meatmas arena is a big overly fucking dark open shithole with huge sightlines where superninja stealth 110 fucking dicks can snipe you from across the map and then charge you constantly while respawning. All the houses are borken to shit and open without any rooms meaning they barely pass as cover. Big meatmas arena is better but guess what theres no fucking gameplay there because its only one shittle royale mode thats extremely poorly done and all ai kilsl eachother ignoring you.

Proving grounds would be great but its yet again a fucking open cupboard with sight lines literally from across the map.

New tnh is fine but its same fucking find a piece of cover and pop wieners as they charge at you bullshit. Roaming around would be great if enemies patrolled the area and did something other than having very few populated areas.

Fucking anton needs to hire a fucking level and gamemode designer so he doesnt do big empty open fucking levels with no cover or decent levels ruined by shit gamemodes.

And fucking all gamemodes boiling down to get endleslly bumrushed while you sit still or get endleslly bumrushed while you try to shoot a fucking crystal


at least he addressed it and is fixing it but seeing his current track record its going to be decent at best and dissapointing at works.

And rortw is a shit gamemode thats extremely poorly balanced and utilizes the open world extremely fucking badly with only good area being wineerton with nothing to fucking do there.

Fucking all the systems in the game and all the gamemodes on paper look like the finest steak cooked by the best chefs and then when you play it you realize its cooked to well done and covered with ketchup

Attached: 1323276252925.jpg (397x408, 27K)

>Gaben letting others develop HL3 by proxy so if it turns out shit they can just pretend it wasn't supposed to be HL3

Attached: hlw0udvaz8i21.jpg (566x428, 23K)

What will even be the point then? There are dozens of games with simplified reloads. Gun complexity is the single thing that makes h3vr worth playing. Everything else is done better in other games.

It seems like Anton is just having fun playing the meta game of coding in new guns and features, while not giving a single thought about actually designing some levels and gamemodes where you can use those features. I would trade in 3/4 of the guns in the game for a CSGO battle royale sized maps but with equal parts of all types of possible tactical spaces from tight corridors to sniper paradise.

this fuck the guns fuck the quality of life
Even copy fucking maps form other games or gamemodes from other games or something.

Fucking let me sneak and play with sosig AI, let me make my own approach in my own way in my own time instead of locking me into a phonebooth and letting them all fucking charge me constantly.

Sosigs have so much potential but they are being used exactly as wieners.

I've tried it, but Skyrim was never really my thing. I modded the VR version for better graphics and with some shit so I could play as a necromancer and to get better skill trees, but I ultimately got bored in like 10h. The game just feels pretty shallow in multiple facets, the combat system is simple and basic (and not VR oriented, though spells and bow & arrow work fine), characters feel flat and simple, so do quests and the game feels fairly glitchy and unpolished, especially with summons randomly disappearing, getting stuck or blocking my way in dungeons. It's like the surface level of a good game but there's no actual depth or polish to back it up. Maybe you can mod absolutely everything and turn it into an entirely different game, but I'm afraid I'd spend more time figuring out what exactly to mod and then get bored with it in another 2h.

What I want is basically something with the depth and quality of a good CRPG but with VR combat mechanics. I want to adventure out with a party of good characters across an interesting and well-designed world. I'm not sure I'll get this in the next 10 years, but at least VR is fun.

Fucking delete rotwieners, delete NPCs have two groups of sosigs fighting over control of the rotwiener map and give you a MEATS gun shop or item spawner and let you either join either team or fight against them both slowly gaining control over areas of the map. Even then it wouldnt be great because theres 5 football fields of space between the"""""buildings""""" that are small broken rectangles that sometimes have stairs in them

I think he just liked the picture user

Skyrim needs like 200 mods to start feeling like something worth playing, but then you get stuck in the test mod -> see thing you don't like -> add mod to fix that -> repeat cycle forever.

My ten years in Arma were all spent with mission editor/mission generators. I wish we had the one QUALITY aforementioned map (doesn't need to be big, but it needs to be extremely varied) and a control panel that generates a random mission with a shit ton of customization.

Get fit you fat fuck

Attached: 120348170334.webm (1920x1080, 1.15M)

Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of and why I never went in deeper with modding than making the game look a bit nicer and adding improved skill trees and abilities.

or even workshop to import your own fucking map. Pavlovs a shit game but everyone gets super uptight when someone slams it as the shit it is because the workshop maps is like 99% of its appeal

One we start having at least touch feedback, I will try it

Attached: doubt.png (492x280, 85K)

Yes, I've gotten good workouts with Beat Saber sessions, they usually become 1 hour sessions.

Some fitness apps think it's tennis, which makes sense

Is that a legit workout for core/abs?

anything that uses muscles can count as a work out

No it's just wobbling.

You will want high intensity training if you want any muscle or else it's just cardio.

don't really care for the games but I am interested in the porn. red pill me on vr porn, is it worth it?

Attached: The power of pc gaming.webm (1280x720, 1.81M)

it's called a hollow body rock and yes, it is

its worth it but it ruins everything else for you so when you cant get vr porn you cant get off

The only good VR porn thing is virt a mate, if you're willing to work for your wank, that is. It's a sandbox where you will have to do all the animation and scripting work. Best faps of my life.

Attached: big_mommy.webm (1000x563, 2.08M)

If you don't want to play games, it probably isn't worth it. However, this all depends on just how much you like porn and your preferred genres.

aside from beat saber, what are some good vr games anyway? ones that aren't just glorified tech demos

Attached: vr perv.webm (720x450, 2.82M)

everyone memes vr is worth it for the porn but ive used it for porn a few times and mostly play games all the time.


>Not unless something huge has happened internally at Valve and they're scrambling to cover up the late cancellation of their own 'HLVR' which has (had) been in development for many years already.

Valve are not developing their own VR headset and never have been. They don't have the type of hardware industry relationships to do such a thing. They would know that it wouldn't make sense to do. That's why the Vive is cobranded by Valve.

A lot of people put stupid mistakes that arent occuring into valves timeline and then use it to make fun of valve. lol. This is not happening.

The /vg/ thread has a text file with a list of games that make a good starting point even though they never talk about them.

This was being posted around Christmas, don't know if anons ever got around to arranging the games though.

Attached: V_VR_GameList2.jpg (1853x960, 511K)

That list haven't been updated for years.

There's a local company that makes haptic feedback stuff for vr. last summer I was at a convention being held here for stuff like sound/video tech and they were demoing their haptic feedback vest. There's no way in hell something like this would sell to anyone that wasn't already a big time enthusiast as it was essentially a full-body piece but it was still really cool.

There’s tons of games for vr tho?

>Valve are not developing their own VR headset and never have been

Valve just partnered with HTC for the Vive but HTC's newest headsets don't even use the lighthouses or have any connection to Valve.

VG is a circle jerk hell hole full of shills, at least on V you can taste the contempt. guess I'll just order a 2nd gen occulus or 2nd gen windows one hope that mechanical ipd adjustment becomes standard

Attached: power of VR gaming.webm (898x1072, 2.88M)

name 3

>99% attachment rate for touch controllers
Enjoy living in the past.

VR horror game is the future
it such a different experience compared to normal horror games
inb4 tough guy replies

it's fucking over my dude
time fucked us in the ass

Attached: wew.jpg (709x595, 156K)

more like obnoxious vrchat weebs that drive out anyone looking to talk about games and not namefag clique drama

>skyrim vr
>la noir vr
>ace combat 7
>elite dangerous

Attached: anon uses vr.webm (1280x720, 843K)

It seems you are right. I used it years ago to get started. There are still games worth playing on it though. You will have to rely on Google for the rest. The only newer game I will go out of my way to shill is Windlands 2 since I like grappling hook games. Fun movement mechanics like that work really well in VR.

I never claimed to like them. They should just switch to VRchat general and stop blocking any possibility of decent discussion of other VR games.
>at least on V you can taste the contempt
You can also tell that many people have never tried it, but are more than willing to give their opinion based on assumptions and act like it is worth something. It is both annoying and kind of entertaining at the same time.

>tfw running out of excuses for not owning a vr set
I-I'll just wait for Valve's HMD now

Attached: 1551472698670.webm (480x240, 479K)

dat sock, some things never change.

wait until the new controllers release

>doing this whilst standing still upright in VR
Be sure to put some newspaper down at your feet

Attached: 1543645429532.png (495x446, 376K)

So why are gloves not already the standard? I can understand having controllers for certain tasks, but gloves would be much easier for things like holding and moving around things in game.

Attached: 1544368469349.jpg (518x359, 30K)

Stop with this fucking arms shit, they never get the position right and it completely obliterates my immersion. I'm guessing they have a body modeled as well, which is arguably worse. Just stick to floating hands.

Because something like the Knuckles already gives you finger tracking plus more important stuff like a physical thing to hold onto to simulate grabbing and squeezing, plus the traditional controls.
Full hand tracking is most likely going to settle at camera-based stuff, the HoloLens 2 for example has fully articulated hand tracking and all that's really left is decreasing latency.
I don't think gloves will ever be a thing, the benefits are just too narrow.

Making gloves that would work well enough will be difficult and could potentially harm the user if something goes wrong. You also have to worry about making them fit a bunch of different hand sizes and allow them to be cleaned so they don't start to smell disgusting. It isn't the type of thing someone can just put out carelessly. It would also bump up hardware requirements since you would need to have much more complicated contact surfaces for it to do anything better than you can do by pressing a button.

Every VR game should have these features.

that's nice and all but where's hl3?

I thought this was interesting, seems like the areas are actually the game and not just alpha stuff for testing, it will probably be like a Portal-esque series of testing rooms.

Attached: panel.jpg (1920x1080, 255K)

tennis minus the sprinting and stopping like a maniac part kek

Don't worry, not everyone turns into a puke machine because they have a couple of screens on their face. If you work on it, you too may be able to overcome your weak constitution.

>I will just be retarded until others get bored

Astro bot rescue mission, the unspoken, onward

>Name 3 VR games
>names 5 regular games with a shitty VR mode tacked on
Good job retard.

Lone Echo
We Expect You To Die

People are working on ways to give resistance to fingers but stuff like the knuckles controllers are more practice.

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 72K)

Has a post ever been so utterly btfo before?

That can still be entertaining, though it would be somewhat disappointing if the game doesn't have a proper campaign.

Portal does have a proper campaign and the game's page says it's narrative-driven.

thanks for the betatesting, richfags

>just figure out a drug that stops motion sickness
There should be settings for most VR games to turn on snap turning or leap motion, either one or both should help a lot with motion sickness

>Doesn't shank her after he lifts her back up
what a waste

The headset and those sensors alone are already hella expensive, this shit is probably going to cost a grip.

I'm all for gloves, but I cringe at the thought of hitting that thing against the wall. I'm very respectful to my possessions, but my rift controllers still have some battle scars. In the webm, for example, I hit a framed photo just as I kill the opponent. That glove would probably break from such an impact.

Attached: wait_for_it.webm (600x669, 2.99M)

>450 money (a year ago)

That's like half of the minimum wage here.

>no contractors
shit list.
>no war dust, stand out and other faglord cashgrab games made by those retards
pretty based list.

Don't bother with the riff raff. Trying to explain how great VR is to these muck dwelling peasants is pointless.

>next generation
People respond poorly to seeing someone else's arms in VR. This was documented all the way back in 2015.

I wish this was a rule. If people would have just stopped replying to "VR IS DEAD" posts, they would get bored and leave the threads.

Attached: Monthly-Connected-Headsets-on-Steam-by-number-of-headsets-hq-1-640x408.png (640x408, 87K)

People "documented" that sliding movement would never happen because it caused motion sickness but now it's standard, people are stupid.

>This was documented all the way back in 2015
Real evidence of what people want and has been shown to work well matters more than what was documented. I would assume that these studies didn't give people a chance to get accustomed to VR or a decent length of time.

I agree with the choices, but I want to nominate War Dust. Shit's mad fun.

where is this from?

>implying I want to do clown tricks instead of clicking a single button
There is a reason why I play games instead of sport.

Attached: 1483786194447.jpg (811x524, 181K)

I dont get it

There's absolutely no problem in seeing someone else's arms in VR. This was documented through the past year, by me and my friends

>posts name of the thing in the post
>"what is this thing"

>I prefer not to have fun

Attached: defence_is_the_best_offence.webm (600x669, 2.57M)

Nah the team making it, is gonna (probably) be releasing a full game by the end of this year

That's the tech demo room. The full game is coming out this year and is a conventional videogame, not just a test room.

What game?

Valve and HTC parted ways a long time ago you mongoloid and they've been working on a new headset.

>Re7 VR
>tacked on
It's literally the ideal way to be played

If I wanted to juggle, I would buy $4 ball set instead of $400 VR set.

It's most likely that the game starts at the test chamber and then goes into the bowels of the facility and stuff, like Portal.

No source to prove otherwise.
Platitudes are not arguments.
Anecdotes are not facts.

i can smell the holes in your pockets from band spending

>No source to prove otherwise.
Literally every single game coming out? Now people complain when games DON'T have sliding movement.

you get motion sick for the first few hours then you never feel motion sick again really...

So what is your argument ff the way people respond to it isn't an argument?

Are all the good VR games available for pirates? It would be nice to just buy the headset and not worry about buying more on top of that cost.

I don't know how the tracking would handle the boat's bobbing but it should work ok, just don't let sunlight into the lenses.

Yes all 0 of the good vr games are free of cost

I'm only going to pay todd one more time

Do I buy fallout 4 vr or skyrim vr

when can I buy knuckle controllers? will they work with the regular vive?

Make a game, sign up as a Steam Developer, and ask Valve kindly.

they're single player games, pirate them both

Yes, "unauthorized copying" is the correct terminology. I use that term on /g/ and everywhere else, but "pirate" on Yea Forums.

Skyrim VR is garbage. Haven't tried FO4 but it should be cool with VATS at least.

If GDC doesn't tell us I'll fucking kill Gaben with his own knives

Unless something has changes since release, VATS is useless. You are better off downloading mods to reduce randomness in shot spread and change VATS to slow motion to treat it like a shooter. Being able to aim in VR is really great, so this is still fun despite some of the other bugs and problems that come along with the game.

how are you supposed to jerk off with your hands strapped into these things

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i pirated fo4 for vr and to be honest bethesshit did expectedly quarterassed job on it so I unisntalled it after 10 hours and regretted the time it took to pirate it.

buy a novint falcon and attach a fleshlight to it
alternatively, pay some hooker to stroke your pee pee in a speed matching what goes on onscreen

Fallout 4 VR is more fun than Skyrim but it runs like absolute diarrhea even on good hardware. I hope you like reprojection at 45fps or having ASW/motion smoothing turn your game into jello. Also, the guns and melee wepaons are all one-handed.


Desk or crotch mounted fleshlight.

Same problem with the wands. Everything's all foveated rendering/wireless/wide fov/etc nowadays but no one wants to tackle the hard problems.

Yeah you better hide you fucking phoneposter

I'll buy into the VR meme when they ship those headsets out with full body suit with tactile feedback.

>They're waiting for you Gordon

What is so great about the knuckles? Do they actually know how outstretched your fingers are? And do they require a camera setup in your room?

i've been using VR since the devkit days and want to say this isn't true for everyone.
i don't feel as sick as i used to in the beginning, but if i try to push myself i still feel queasy.
just trying to set proper expectations here

Are you really going to wear a full body suit while playing vidya user? Can you even be bothered to wear a shirt when its summer?

I'd rather we move onto the future and invent trode headbands for full on direct neural interface.

>Do they actually know how outstretched your fingers are?
>And do they require a camera setup in your room?

>invent trode headbands for full on direct neural interface.
Nigga they invented that literally 100 years ago

It literally didn't have a single fun mode until Christmas. And then it's only fun on one map. Anton will forever be a communist Reddit fuck and his game will always blue-ball you because he doesn't want you to have too much fun.

>Do they actually know how outstretched your fingers are?
Yeah, or they're able to estimate it well enough. Most of us are just excited about being able to shitcan the stupid vive wands finally.

>And do they require a camera setup in your room?
They use the steam lighthouses

Only Redditards, or guys that play Thrill of The Fight daily.
Beat Saber cucks are mentally deranged.

Please stop posting like a retard

Are they still on sale at fanatical? Don't pay full price nigga

Anton is shit at actual game design. He should get someone who likes fun to do gameplay, and he should stick to the guns and being a Reddit persona.

Make them release it for public use then. I don't give a fuck if the prototype is extremely unstable hotsim that will leave me addicted and partially brain damaged outside of it. I just want to live out my vr dreams.

The knuckles make it more immersive. Like actually having to grip an object to pick it up instead of pulling a trigger.

>owned a Rift for nearly 2 years now
>still can't handle free joystick locomotion for more than a few minutes at a time

Some days it's a little easier and some days I'm super susceptible to motion sickness. I don't know why. If I sit in a chair and play Elite Dangerous or a driving game, I can handle that no problem.

If any of you guys are like me you need to experience walk-in-place locomotion. It's not perfect but it's so much better to the point where I can actually enjoy moving in VR. More games need to have it or at least give you the option. Look up Freedom Locomotion demo on Steam to see for yourself how much better it is.

It was released for public many times and it's shit.

>you can masturbate a crowbar
truly revolutionary game design

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Hard not to when you get gud
Anyone who's done fitness boxing can guess what a workout it is

So like touch controllers?

If it can simulate the sensation of human contact, then yes. Bonus points if it's a onesie with a poop flap.

>never going to work for games, too tiring

Attached: file.png (231x243, 37K)

You can open your hand to let go of something with touch controllers?

>in the test chambeeeerrrrrgghh


Can't do man, I bought VR.

but it would fall out of your hand

Time to buy a VRDoll user.

I'm convince people saying this are shills for """AAA""" companies fearing losing their brainlet consumers for profit.

top kek

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>mfw it turns out the devs of this have close ties to Valve

this is secretly HL3

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try reading the big ass font on the webm

>If I sit in a chair and play Elite Dangerous or a driving game, I can handle that no problem.
I think this is interesting. While I don't get full on sick from anything, I find that driving games are the worst for making me feel odd. To me, this makes logical sense because driving games have the most accelerations that makes a disconnect between what you see and what your body feels. It was my understanding that this is where the nausea comes from.

or just big fans and competent devs

People who get vertigo from walking around in VR is what is holding it back. Sorry, you're not evolved enough for the cyber age mister caveman. NOW GO HOME AND GET YOUR FUCKIN VOMIT BUCKET!

>just about to be bored of VR after 1.5 years of using it
>this shit gets announced along with progress on Blood Trails and Stalker VR
God bless these devs

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roughly 50% of people suffer motion sickness

fuck off with this shit


did u forgot ww2 mechwarrior?
I can actually attest stalker vr is pretty fucking good but glad codes are limited cause it has some issues to fix

Unga Bunga grug's eyes not handle VR, grug not like VR games

Now throw something in VR

In a different video for the game this thread is about, the developers show how they use the force sensors to let you move your hands when handling a spear in a more realistic way. It lets you slide one hand up and down the shaft while holding tighter with the other hand. If it works as well as they made it seem, that is a pretty big deal. The current controllers work well enough, but stuff like this is always awkward when you only have a binary button to control grabbing and letting go.

Wow, that sure brings a lot of gameplay possibilities, that was sarcasm, what a waste of development time

Will I need to move on from Windows 7 to 10 if I actually want to run VR?

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Take and hold is fun, also sosig v3 is coming and they look a lot more intelligent

Same. The games that mess with the camera while I sit down are the worst. I can handle Assetto Corsa and Elite Dangerous, but if I go absolutely ape and hit something and start rolling down a ravine or barrel roll endlessly, I start to feel like I'm about to get sick. I would probably get sick in AC7 at first, but based Capcom didn't port any HOTAS/VR support for PC so I don't need to try.

>always wanted gloves for VR
>only recently realized it would eliminate joystick movement
fuck, how are they gonna get around that? one glove and one controller?
Boneworks is the only game there that isn't explicitly Valve's.

Yeah, during the first week.
If you give up you'll be sick forever. If you'll push through, you won't.

I think when I'm virtually "walking" with a joystick my brain expects my legs and arms to be moving. But when I'm stationary and have a frame of reference (a ship cockpit or car interior) it's fine, because I'm sitting down virtually and physically.

Joystick walking feels like I'm gliding on invisible motorized roller skates. It just feels so unnatural. When I absolutely have to use joystick movement I walk in place as I move even when I know it does nothing in the game, it relieves the sickness a bit.

i get very motion sick but still enjoy VR. Teleporting sucks but smooth motion makes me feel sick within 10 minutes. Even my friend who claimed to never get motion sick ended up having to quit Arizona Sunshine after a few hours.

You're weird if you don't get sick.

>W7 in 2019
Lmao what a faggot, how that's 1024x768 treating you grampa? Sure gramps, 30 fps is fine enough... I'll be playing Halo 5, later

Yeah, if you're not walking through empty corridors or go from killing wave after wave to being bumrushed by faggots with shields.

>having to say it's sarcasm since you know everyone would agree with you
It sure brings a lot of gameplay possibilities

>Dat finger tracking
Is this using the Knuckles?

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2 controllers and shove your fucking gloves up your ass. Why do you retards need gloves?

Gloves will never a thing.

I want to ride this train all the way to the end unless I absolutely have to move on to the newest OS.

Oculus VR has finger tracking

Like what?

>Why do you retards need gloves?
cause its vrless wii post purchase rationale fags trying to come up with reasons why its good they cant afford a cheap accessory

this is my dream vr setup

I get too hot from VR. After 5 minutes it's like strapping an oven on the face

You've already got Climbey+Contractors/Pavlov+Blade&Sorcery/Gorn covered with this one tech demo. I see endless gameplay if they just allow modding support.

The devs have a 16 min video with gameplay where they talk about stuff, it's a very different thing to what you can get on flatscreen.

Don't even know what this means but at least you know what the best target range is

Doesn't the Rift only track the thumb and index finger?

if youre hitting shit in your play area that means youre retarded

t. gornless

are these controllers compatible with Oculus?

How do people at on boats handle the water? They stick with the ship long enough and get used to the rocking. They overcome their seasickness.

It's only worth it if you're not a brainlet

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I literally don't get, the same way I don't get people that go
Like what are you gonna do with gloves? How will you move? How better is holding something and having even less feedback than from controllers? How will add a single mechanic like thunder in Blade Sorcery without a button? There's a bunch of people, mostly on Reddit that buys into the dumbest ideas ever, like those VR shoes that are oh-so-immersive, that you need to fucking sit down and waggle your legs to move.

Everyone thinks that at first, then they play Gorn

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If you have Vive lighthouses, yeah.

Oh, so they aren't? fug I only have Oculus VR

>Look at this thumbnail
>Thought that was a huge strange looking turd coming out of her ass

Guess they aren't then, though people bought Vive lighthouses to have full body tracking with Puck Trackers.

what you gonna fucking do with it? Watch pokemons walk around on your fucking table? AR is a retarded and dead tech, how is playing literally pokemon go in your shitty room better than being transported into a different world?
Not to mention the EXTREMELY limited possibility of games compared to vr where you can literally convert almost any game by making the character you.

>muh waggle is shit i wish more kb and mouse
Why the fuck would you want to give away all the physical interaction you get with vr, which is the main reason its so fucking good just to press buttons?

This is only icing on the cake. What really matters is good gameplay.

i think you need headset as well since lightouses do absolutely NO computing AT ALL it just sends out periodic laser scans of the room and the senosrs on controllers pick it up and use to triangulate its position and send that data wirelessly to headset which does some computing and sends it down a wire to pc to do the rest.

Right, either that or those

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>and send that data wirelessly to headset which does some computing
lolwat? where do you come up with this shit
The climbey dev nigger-rigged knuckles to work with a bottom-tier WMR and I bet Valve is going to make that a lot easier.

I guess my brain is just adaptable for things that shouldn't be happening. I'm ok with just imagining myself smoothly floating through the environment. I will occasionally get an involuntary feeling that I am in severe danger when trying a new mechanic, but I quickly adjust. Doing a flip in Sairento for the first time definitely gave me this feeling, but my brain has come to accept being upside down in VR is ok.

smell-o-vision when

People who own VR just keep pretending they're not saddled with guilt for buying an expensive toy. Literally Stockholm syndrome mixed with buyer's remorse


If that's not gameplay what is?
Story is the icing, music is the icing, I'm not playing a game where I struggle with the controls or I have read developers mind to proceed.

Will valve talk about their HMD or knuckles at GDC?

Jesus christ its what I've always wanted

No weapon collision ruins it for me, but I'm used to blade and sorcery melee

They're going to talk about the metaphysics of cloud based consumer interface technology paradigms, no hardware though

goddamnit this picture is fantastic

Dude, we're talking about what.. 300$? I paid more than that for most of my PC components.
I paid more for a wheel and HOTAS set-up which I don't use as often as VR (in fact I only use them when I'm already using VR). Look at car prices, look at motorcycle prices.
Look at fucking paintball marker. If anything VR is one of my less expensive hobbies.
People buy fucking smartphones for 1000$

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Welcome to the future, user. Enjoy it.

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why don't you try it and see if it uses your muscles you fat fuck

Exhibit A: desperate mental justification

the current state of the art in finger tracking is absolute shit. breaks down in tons of common use cases and is not usable at a high quality level for something as complex and diverse as a game. and by state of the art I mean the newest results from academic papers in the relevant conferences, not the garbage like leap motion that is so faulty that it glitches out even in ideal demo situations.

hugely immersion breaking

He's right though, you sound like either a little kid or a brazilian monkey. Which one is it?

>PSVR sells in a trimester half of what PC VR hadsets have sold in their lifetimes
>more and better exclusives than the Xbox One

How will PC players recover from this blow?

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Yeah, or how about just a mouse and keyboard. Why is there so much fucking development going into tech that requires you to grasp for something that isn't there with stupid motion controllers, instead of just making VR work consistently with all games. This gimmicky horseshit is the reason VR will never, ever be taken serious. That, and the ludicrous price.

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I'm a 31 year old fisherman nord. Keep projecting your flaws and guilt at others.

By having room scale and better controllers like the Knuckle controllers.
PSVR is the Fisher Price of VR.
its pretty damn ingenious desu

Fun games, porn, good resolution, good performance, roomscale.

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I bought PCVR so I could tinker and play around with weird experimental niche shit and mods, not gobble up whatever papa Sony curates for me.
Also move controllers are complete ass.

Little brazilian kid confirmed. You'll never be white, jose.

we have high quality vr porn and games. you don't

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Wipeout HD is the only thing I want


Mouse and keyboard is too limiting. Simply adding depth and scale to the world with a VR headset is nice, but the controls are the main appeal. They let you do things you couldn't do before.

>Which is exactly what Valve wants. The company says it will make the tech freely available to any hardware manufacturer interested in building it out, as a public service of sorts.
based, valve will unite VR

porn, better games, mods for better games, huger library of games, easier to dev games for yourself, support from bigger companies and manufacturers, more hardware, being able to do room scale from small to a literal fucking warehouse while keeping accurate tracking, not having to pay for internet twice, not shit controllers, being able to grab shit from behind your back, better performance, bigger games that make use of hardware better, being able to crank up settings

I'm glad I'm not a faggot and have never ever felt motion sick no matter how insane shit I do in vr.

Sounds like some advanced projection.
If anything, I would regret buying a wheel, because even VR is bursting with new games compared to car sims that warrant needing a wheel, same with HOTAS.
But I don't, because I knew what was I getting myself into and I get to scratch my Initial D itch by playing Assetto Corsa whenever I want.
VR isn't even a money sink as much as most other hobbies are. My Vive cost me additional 0$ and I've used it every other day for 2 years.


that was how it was at start and oculus and valve were supposed to work together with vive to make unversal standard without retarded shit like exclusives but the social media jew fucked it all up by closing off oculus

blue board, user. But yes, it's fully modeled and expandable

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I wouldn't trade a single PCVR tech demo for all of PSVR's library.

How much obesity and poverty can someone fit in one post

cool video

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>not fit vr waifu who can do a ton of pull ups

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those physics are more arousing than the slut

While it may be super important to some, It's not important to me. What is important is that the fundamentals work. A software that makes VR compatible with all games would be a good start, before exploring the eye catching novelty of adding stupid expensive shit on top of it.

If I wanted to play FPS with a mouse and keyboard I wouldn't buy VR.

VR ruined normal porn for me and the physics in VAM have ruined all other VR porn

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This is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever read. And I've read some dumb shit.

That's the point, user, you wank it because the technology blows your mind, the slut is just there so your animal body can keep up with your cyberpunk brain.

>tfw you realize how far ahead of it's time Treaspasser was.

If you're a zoomer, look it up on youtube. It was released the same year as Half-Life fucking 1. Before the second game and it's praised physics was even a thought.

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It's just people having opinions about things they know nothing about.
Play Receiver - that's how VR game plays on mouse and keyboard.

I got a 1060, is it worth investing in VR at this point?

Brother, practice reloading fast. That's the point man.

You'll be able to run most everything though not maxed out of course.
Try the SteamVR benchmark utility

I have that fucking thing. I remember when Gabe was shilling it, saying it was the future. Paid $260 for it, FUCK.

And the saddest thing is that the tech itself is amazing

What the girl says is all 100%, it's practically indistinguishable from real-life via touch. Very precise motors. Carrying and throwing things in Penumbra and feeling every bit of centrifugal force was mind-blowing.

>Because something like the Knuckles already gives you finger tracking
It doesn't finger track, it just senses pressure. It has to guess from there which fingers are touching and which are not, which is definitely going to fuck up for people with small or big hands.

Motion controls suck ass, you're only attracted to it because it's new and flashy, completely disregarding that it barely even functions properly. Stop being such a consumerist you woman.

That would not be a difficult thing to do if the developer wants to do it. There is no development opportunity being wasted by focusing on hardware instead. I would assume developers don't do this officially because there would still be a decent number of issues that would need to be taken care of and it would significantly increases the hardware requirements. There is also a software that will force VR support in games that were not made for it. I haven't tried it myself, since it just seems like a less than ideal way to play games in VR.

Thumb binary, and index and middle finger analog. For all intents and purposes, middle finger can represent middle+ring+pinky as far as gripping shit is concerned.

i played vr on 970 for a year. Youll be fine.

I would get it just to fuck it, but it looks like it's another Leap Motion, cool tech demos and forgotten shortly after.

motion controls are amazing and make vr worth playing.

Play receiver and awkwardly stumble around keyboard hitting keys feeling like you are operating a machine that operates the gun
vs in vr where you use your own hands as if you were there holding the gun to manipulate it.

But convince yourself watching reload animations play out after you press a button (you know like QTE you kids so much love) is better than doing shit yourself.

Where to get virt a mate?

I haven't played VaM in a while. That foot rebalancing is pretty wild. Is that in the base program or a 3rd party mod?

I bet my life on the fact that you never used them.

There is no reason to get it now.

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Play Pavlov/Contractors or use sosig guns if you can't keep up

Can you name 5 games for VR that would not be possible elsewhere, meaning they're experience fully possible only using VR and that are incapable of being ported to "regular" platforms?

Watching oculus cultists go full sour grapes over knuckles is amazing. Touch are great controllers for sure but capacitive sensors are not the same thing at all.

Easy, you buy a sexdoll like that one user did

Can't wait for the VR games/mods where you can be on the recieving end

jesus christ somebody catch this specimen, it has to be some kind of a missing link.

Their patreon/probably for free somewhere

>People kept warning me that an RX 470 and i7 quad core at 2,8ghz wouldn't be nearly enough
>can play anything more or less maxed with no trouble

not him but this probably has 5

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Needing a supercomputer to run VR is yet another of those retarded reddit myths that have to be shot down.

How would you play Beat Saber, H3VR, Pavlov, Climbey, Sairento without VR?
And yes, I'm aware of Pavlov being literally Counter-Strike, but what's the point of comparing if VR controls are literally the fucking point?

only games I've ever had trouble with is fo4 and skyrimvr (pirated) because bethesda an absolute shit

So, when will it be considered "Gen 2" so I can actually buy it in the assurance it will be worth it.

Just buy a hydraulic siberian and load up honey select with futa mods/anims.
Never came so hard in my life, both from behind and front

Most VR games use 6 degree of freedom hand and head tracking. If you randomly pick 5 VR games, you will most likely have your answer. You can remake the game and change game play mechanics to make a port, but at that point it isn't the same game anymore. It is a different game with the same skin.

Play Receiver - this is how it feels to play H3VR without VR. You literally need to look at controls to do things that come from intuition in VR.

Yeah, looks great with the lobotomized ai barely reacting to your own lobotomized movements. You know, looking at this webm, you're totally right. The clunky, inelegant movements and meandering camera movement is just what gaming needs. You've convinced me these minigames and gimmick controllers warrants the $600+ VR headset.

That general is just a bunch of fatties erping in vrchat

Are you ready for ISIS video simulator? Early access this month

this will be the Hatred of VR games

> Beat Saber,

The Nintendo Wii.

> H3VR

It seems like a gun range. That's cool, but is that a game? Honestly asking. It's neat and it'd be fun for a while, longer for some, but is it a killer app?

> Pavlov

you already said it, the experience of Pavlov can mostly be had just playing CS. Indeed, you'd miss the VR controls, but it's not a game that "fully possible" only on VR, since a majority of it can be ported normally.

I'm just missing the big giant killer app game for VR. VR seems cool and fun, but it doesn't have something that truly blows everything else out of the water and cannot be replicated even a little bit somewhere else.

>heads don't split open like my liveleaks or just RE2make

holy fuck you didn't even bother checking them


>technology that is the mirror image of 3D TVs
>dominated by cheap, shallow indie titles
>doesn't need ultra high specs to run
Wow... who knew...

Why are you even here?

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>The Nintendo Wii.
not him but wew at even bringing this up
1:1 is so much better than the old tennis waggle, you could absolutely not play beat saber on wii

The controls do exactly what you tell them to do. If they don't work well, it is your fault. It sounds like you are just worried that you have no coordination and don't want your aim assist to be taken away from you.


>Yea Forumsirgin without any military training tries to act tactically and fails
>is self aware about it and names the webm accordingly

I see no problem here

Not fast enough to save me from mortality so fuck it

>1 year from now, 1990 will be 30 years ago

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The Rift and Windows VR headsets are cheap entrees into the market. While I may consider a Windows headset in the future I will not let Palmer Lucky get a penny in royalties. Once his politics was known the Rift was dead to me. I am waiting for the 5G 3rd generation headsets before upgrading my regular Vive. Feel free to buy all those cheap knockoffs as long as the VR market is still growing. Personally, if I was buying a VR headset right now, I would go the PSVR route. It is cheap and a decent experience. Plus, it has better produced games/ experiences that aren't available elsewhere.

So when is haptic feedback going to become commonplace in VR sets?
I know complete haptic immersion is probably ways away but atleast having a sense of grasping something feels like the next step for VR sets.

I don't use video games as a test of coordination. I expect some sense of reliability in controls, and I'm not going to get that with my noodly arms attempting to grasp after something unexistant while the motion sickness slowly settles in. I don't need it, it adds nothing to the experience for me but frustration.

that quote doesnt mention valve's own headset. it's talking about HLVR, it quite clearly fucking says that

but now you bring it up. Yes, Valve /is/ making their own VR headset in house. its a confirmed thing.

That is your personal failure as a human being.

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The ultimate grapes post

So put in some minimal effort to fix your noodle arms? You really don't even need to be all that fit to use VR. Ignoring your personal problems, there are plenty of people enjoy having some depth and challenge in their games. I really like the extra complexity I get with VR.

Are there going to be any niggers?

>complains about slow movement in VR compared to KB+M
>"I don't use video games as a test of coordination"

>People respond poorly to seeing someone else's arms in VR.
Never bothered me whatsoever.

Your shitty gamejam webm still doesn't justify its existence. It just looks janky and gimmicky.


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NA problems

I can literally reload an ak while aiming down the sights and rack a bolt without looking.
VR controls are plenty accurate unless you are disabled in a way where your own brain cant keep track of your hands positions

>I really like the extra complexity I get with VR
That's great. I just want the VR experience without the tacked on motion controls. It's more than adequate for me.
And to play more than indie games, but it seems this industry is more impressed with individual finger movements than having games to play.

only you.

>Aiming in a shooting game is a gimmick

looks like that mutant monster from "the forest".

One day the haptics, game physics, and feedback will get to the point where we have to properly insert/slide shit into our weapons instead of just getting the object's orientation/xyz close enough to a collision box to snap it into place.

Reminder PSVR works on PC if you want to watch porn. The only thing I'm jealous about are the mods, everything else is fine on PSVR. I particularly love to see people call it a Fisher Price toy, they got no idea what they're talking about.

So far we still get treated like second class users by devs(games come on PC first, may or may not come to PSVR months later). This well change eventually though, PSVR has already outsold PC headsets manifold and will likely continue to do so.

If you want to call it it shit then it's your choice but it's not a good idea to deny it's a success. Sony is escalating promotion for it every month, likely leading to a PS5+VR combo within the next year or two. They've got the lowest entry point and brand recognition on their side. Things continue going the way they are, PC VR users will become the second class owners next gen.

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>lift the imaginary rifle to your approximate eye level everytime you want to fire precisely
>doesn't get annoying after the 500th time
Must be nice.

>you can propably do that with knuckles already. Issue is not feedback issue is collision calculations

No one is denying it's a success, that doesn't mean I want it
I think quest is going to be a success too but I don't want to be similarly kikelocked

>If you want to call it it shit then it's your choice but it's not a good idea to deny it's a success
This applies also the other way around. Can you accept the fact that PCVR is also a succees?

its perfectly natural, virtual stock makes it easier to get it right. Feels much better than pressing a button.

Go complain how real life doesnt have crossaharis no vr faggot

I've never hit anything in my play area with Gorn, but it has happened in Superhot. I think that was just because Superhot was one of the first games I played in VR and I had no experience.

>mechwarrior mercenaries
Mechwarriors 2 or Mechwarriors 4?

Why do people who defend PSVR always cite the sales? In the past, COD and now BR games sell more than anything ever before, but that doesn't mean anything if I'm having unadulterated fun with steam games with less than 1000 user reviews.

Attached: 100 nuke driveby.webm (1920x1080, 1.74M)

I dislocated my shoulder trying to fist of northstar someone into the stratosphere. It was completely dislocated and I had to push it back into socket.

Did you get suckered into buying VR or something, kiddo?

>Put one foot in front of the other to walk
>Never gets old
Must be nice.

idunno pick your own missions, customize mechs, kinda dynamic campaign. We havent gotten to actually get past the implementation yet, we are focusing on basic gameplay and getting that right at the moment.

Yes, it is nice to have the ability to move my hands a short distance. It makes the game better and doesn't require what I would consider to be a significant amount of effort. I can't imagine what life would be like if pressing a button was all I was capable of.

Holy shit user

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Right now it's a fair point in terms of install base. The platform right now offers a better selection of polished experiences than PC-based headsets, that's pretty much objective. I have much more fun with what I can play on my Vive Pro though.
VR shooters don't play like normal shooters where you just have to act out the actions instead, though. It's not 'waggle to ADS'.

Wow, you're dumb.

Play a faster shooter then, but if you tried I imagine your weak constitution would turn you into the Barfmeister in 10s flat.

Attached: TFE VR.webm (853x480, 2.94M)

That's my point. I have nothing against PSVR, if you have fun with something, that's amazing. It's just for me personally, I enjoy experimental clunky indieshit much more than polished AAA experiences, VR or not.

Attached: coc2.webm (1000x563, 2.67M)

Holy fuck, I've never gone that extreme, don't really plan on doing it either.

Enlighten me about what makes your ad-hoc activity gameplay better from the good old KB+M or even gamepad.

Good god.

theres literally stalker vr in closed beta where keys get handed out every once in a while
and oh it is fucking good

this pic is funding killing me

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I've punched a light fitting playing Gorn. Twice. Also tore an HDMI cable clean from its connector once. Fortunately never done anything TOO severe.

My problem with the Quest is that its price point is too high. Also, Facebook doesn't want to go balls deep into it. Motion Controls worked because Nintendo went ALL IN with it. Sony is going more or less the same way. Until Facebook plasters Oculus ads everywhere on their internet realm they will always be 10 steps behind. Brand recognition matters.

PC VR has many of the same problems that normal PC gaming has. It just isn't as popular as console gaming. All things considered it's still going up but seriously, PC VR owners need to drop their obsession with new experimental hardware that drives up the cost and start demanding better games with current tech instead. We can't go 5 posts into VR threads without someone going "Muh Knuckles".

VR is at a critical time of its lifetime where sales matter the most. For a developer to decide to make VR games hinges 100% on the installed base. If it fails to attract new developers, it will get dropped for another 15 years.

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SS seems slower than usual, and more rigid in the camera movements considering it is supposedly VR. Is the dual wielding there to make up for the limitations of VR controls?

This all looks terrible.

not him but it looked kind of shitty to me
and I played CoC for I don't even know how long

Yeah stroke that fucking crowbar you dirty slut

It honestly looks terrible in all the videos I've seen. Also stop calling an unaffiliated indie clone project "literally stalker vr".

it wasnt as bad as it just hurt a bit until after it was popped in and then over next few months it healed into normal. Didn't even bother going to a doctor


Phoneposter block when

it plays better.
Its not stalker vr cause stalker is gung ho rooty tooty looter shooty while radius is more roadside picnic slowly and carefully move through the openworld zone where closer to center more and more strange things have new and interesting ways of killing you.
Its way spookier and more dangerous than stalker as you dont have the monsters and ai whose behavior and danger you are aware off. You have strange shit you dont understhand.
>tfw sitting through pitch black night listening to all the strange sounds too scared to turn on a light cause they will all come to you
>tfw when it gets light you somehow managed to navigate a figurative minefield in pitch black

sure it has a long way to go but even now it is really enjoyable and feels like an adventure going into the zone.

Trips of truth

Having full control over aim gives more room for human error, which adds meaningful challenge and depth to the game. With other control methods, you are dependent on the game doing a good chunk of the work for you where to game always does its part perfectly. This reduces the complexity of the game and puts moves everyone's skill at the game closer together.

I think this is a good thread to ask this in.
I'm working on putting together a new rig soon since my current build is pretty old.
I'm making it VR compatible and wanna throw in a VR peripheral, what VR controller & goggle sets are good right now?
I'm thinking about getting the vive Cosmos but are there any other VR headsets I should look into besides that?

I can't wait to beat women in VR

The 'camera movement' is the player's own head. Obviously he's not looking around because he's focusing on the enemies in front of him.

Also what "limitations" are you talking about? They're guns. You point them, hit fire and they go bang bang. VR controls just mean you aim them physically now.

Wait until GDC to check for the (unlikely) valve news
I would get a base vive either way so upgrading to knuckles + new headset is easy
I'm loving the pimax because of that same compatibility approach but it's a bit hard to get and probably soon to be outdated

Attached: valve-headset.jpg (1000x563, 79K)

You can do that already in Blade & Sorcery.

You've got three basic options on PC right now. Rift, Vive and WMR. WMR is a family of headsets backed by Microsoft. They use inside-out tracking, which means no room setup but also no controller tracking outside the cameras' FOV.

Rift comes with arguably the best controllers out of the box and is pretty comfy, but you need to buy a third camera for proper roomscale and all cameras need to be wired back to your PC. It's also looking kind of like Oculus is largely bowing out of the PC headset game longer term so don't count on an upgrade path.

The Vive is the gold standard for tracking solution and has the largest selection of third party extras, like different headset straps, extra trackers, so on. The base stations only need power and can turn themselves on and off with your system. Most other headsets, such as the Pimax ones, use the Vive's tracking and controllers. The setup is also at least partially backwards compatible, with the Vive Pro still working with 1.0 base stations and controllers.

Really, depends on your priorities and price point. I'm rocking a Vive Pro and satisfied with it but I'm a bit of a nutter.

What the fuck I'm not even sure how that happened considering I'm on my fucking rig. God damn I had a stroke

GTA IV agrees

>I'm making it VR compatible
I'd still wait and see what ends up being the case with that USB-C VR port on the current RTX nVidia cards, and whether that'll become standard or not vs. the HDMI + USB port congestion.

It's not slower, the speed is identical. Camera control is the player's head and body movement, maybe with touchpad/controller as well, so it's not rigid in any way at all. There are no limitations to VR controls, tracking is extremely low latency and 1:1 (the whole VR system from top to bottom is lower latency than what you get on a monitor), so only the player could be limited, if you suck and cannot point at the thing you want to shoot quickly and accurately enough.

further proof that real life 14 year olds browse here daily

Spitting on the grave of so many WW2 soldiers. Shame on you.

>not so bad
>took multiple months to heal fully
user, be more careful around video games.

The USB C port on RTX cards is pretty useful for VR. I have a Rift and the USB C port on my graphics cards runs the headset and 3 sensors over extension cables, all at USB 3.0 and absolutely perfect reliability. I use a hub with it, of course, so ultimately I only need 1 HDMI port and 1 USB port for my entire Rift setup and it works more reliably than it ever did with motherboard ports and an extra PCIe USB3 card. I've had no end of trouble with USB and my Rift until it all magically went away when I upgraded my graphics card and decided to test it out.

>and more rigid in the camera movements considering it is supposedly VR
SS VR cheats by having instant snap-turns appear smooth in the spectator view, that's probably what you're seeing.

Attached: Duke_Nukem_3d.webm (720x405, 2.92M)

>AAA companies wouldn't like to release barebones/unfinished games


Attached: Smell VR.png (692x711, 279K)

>It just isn't as popular as console gaming
What the fuck are you talking about? PC is as profitable as all consoles combined.

Ah the reason I asked is MW2's is far different from MW4's "Mercenaries" expansion. If there is branching storylines and choices within missions then its MW2. Mechwarrior 4's version was quite linear.

being able to shoot somewhere you're not looking is literally the biggest game changer for FPS in the past decade or 2

>sports will never catch on because it's too tiring

First of all. None of that shit is going to work nearly as well as they pretended it does. Second that shit is going to cost 2,000$ to get the rig and head set and wiggle controls and lastly the game is going to be about 3 hours long.

Ya that's a nope for me.

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GTA IV isnt a tech demo

The physicality of it is important too. Lying down for real to get behind a low wall while blindfiring over it is a feeling you just don't get in normal shooters.

Can you name 5 VR games that are not? Other than ports like Hellblade, Assetto Corsa etc.? I really don't understand your point, if it's made from ground up for VR, it's not the same game it would be on desktop/console?

>you already said it, the experience of Counter-Strike can mostly be had just playing Liero. Indeed, you'd miss the 3D...

There are games like Onward and Pavlov which work just fine without the ability to individually move your fingers while holding a weapon.


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No more annoying than point and click an imaginary rifle glued to where my head is pointing.
Holy fuck you must hate video games.

What are you talking about? VR sets have been out for 3 years and midrange costs like $300.

also society wouldnt be able to cry about fucking video games cause all kids "hoarded up inside on those damn machines" in 10 years will be jumping all around their room GRENADE OUT and shit like that, in 30 years when those 10 year olds are adults we'll have toned virgins instead of neckbeards


Naysayers are so desperate.

Yeah, instead people will be complaining about IS YOUR SON'S NINTENDO TRAINING THEM TO BE REAL KILLING MACHINES? but it's at least an improvement for the physicality and fitness angle.

And they suffer for it - You throw out your weapon if you grip your weapon too hard (which happens a lot when I reload the revolver, lol) in Pavlov, and you tend to grab the whole grenade instead of the pin in Onward.
Plus okay -maybe each individual tracking is not necessary, but if the game is based around knuckles, not adding it would be like making the game lack footstep sounds. I would expect my fingers to be moving if I bought the Knuckles and played a game which tries to be the ultimate VR game.

>Second that shit is going to cost 2,000$
what did he mean by this
Last time I checked games cost ~60$ on average

Yes? It's not popular at all. Only low IQ chimps enjoy it because they lack the intelligence for higher stimulation

I'm sorry what? Am I to understand that superior VRsmellovision has competition now?

Please update your blog/twitter more. I thought the project was dead.

i know im preaching to the choir here but my favourite counter argument for the EVIL GAMES thing was from jeremy clarkson
basically he said "when i was a kid me and my siblings used to beat the fuck out of eachother, now my kids just shoot eachother on COD and eat fish and chips"

What's your BMI o' wise one?

That don't have anything to do with anything, ape. But yes, I'm healthy.

>I'm fat and lazy so everyone is fat and lazy

If VR had been invented before we were adults most nerds would probably not be as fat. I legitmately thought about going to the gym so I could have the stamina for Beat Saber.

Gee, I dunno, actually aiming in a three dimensional space in three dimensions instead of two?

Everything is a sport, it's not limited to soccer.
You're telling me only a retard would pick ANYTHING from this list and say "I want to see that"?

What's the source for this?

Most folks dont have a top of the line rig to run perfect vr at 60 ect.

>sport is not popular at all

Blade and Sorcery.
Early Access, believe it or not.

Pretty much, yes. Don't be ashamed, most people are at your intellectual level, and you won't have to be burdened by insight

God I want to discuss VR. But this thread's almost dead. ;_;