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Isn't this that demo made by some Obsidian amployee?
Ok what the fuck is this. I'm sitting up.
>dark forces 1
who the fuck cares about a lesser doom clone
gimme dark forces 2 remake
EA owns the licence and is never making another SP game again. Never ever, Senpai
>galaxy far, far away
>ravens exist
why did they make the blaster all scuffed up and shitty looking?
There was once a time, before 2015, where the Universe Far Far Away wasn't supplied by Apple.
cease and desist, i repeat CEASE AND DESIST or you'll be sued
so you're saying, of all the blaster rifles our buddy kyle picks up on an average working day, he chooses to keep the one that belongs to the one crayon eating, Private Pyle dumbass in the stormtrooper legion who somehow manages to drop it down a trash compactor at least twice a day?
It will be cancelled.
EA won't let anything that doesn't sell at least 10 millions copies and has microtransactions to be made.
Source: Empire at War 2, 1313, First Assault, Attack Squadrons, Battle of the Sith Lords, X-Wing remake, Kotor remake
It, along with KOTOR 3 is never going to happen though thanks to EA and Disney
shoo shoo
i'd rather have it never happening than seeing EA's katarn
That's what the UT was all about: looking worn out and weathered.
It's why people complained for example that the Falcon in Solo looked like this...
...instead of as if Han rubbed Chewie's feces all over the interior.
it keeps out the imperials.
Isn't it supposed to be newer then, though? Probably shouldn't look that new, mind.
Judging by the wiki entries the ship was already a couple of decades old when Solo took place.
it's the yt 1300 corellian freighter. there are other variants, like i think the later yt 2000 model light freighter.
>chewie's ramrod posture
they're supposed to be fucking bros and the falcon is their chill pad, who the fuck is chewie sitting up that straight for? he doesnt even look at ease
i know the marketers who produce these films live in a different reality but how do you get it this wrong
Remastered the Fuel Station level from Dark Forcess 2 when ?