Is it normal that I loved 8 but hate this piece of shit? I‘m 5 hours in and about to drop it

Is it normal that I loved 8 but hate this piece of shit? I‘m 5 hours in and about to drop it

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Please respond

no thats very strange. something must be wrong with you

I don‘t think you are serious

I agree with his prognosis

Dq11 is shit

To be fair I think a lot of the dragon quest games feel samey, which is why i havent played one since dq7 on the ps1, but i am liking 11 so far.

No, its as good or better than VIII

Well, you played DQVIII, hence, you already played XI. DQ are literally the same games copy pasted. You'd feel the same way with Pokémon. But Pokémon has great music, at least.

The overworld theme almost made me drop the game even with the orchestral mod

I dont get this meme. The music is fine. Man bandwagoning gets way old these days

sure thing dude whatever you say :^)

It starts slow, but it's much better than 8.

>triggered by a different opinion
such is life on Yea Forums

It's a downgrade and an upgrade in many respects. Combat has gotten easier even with practical nerfs to skills, the music isn't as well composed aside from a handful of notable compositions, the overworld is smaller and isn't as open as DQVIII's, as well as being limited in respects to flying and sailing and really there's a lack of a clear motivation for the direction and goal for the plot at the start. The pep system isn't exactly good and the sidequests requiring pep powers are plain annoying,
That being said, the plot is still characteristically solid aside from the more abundant feel-good plot moments where you go around solving everyone's problems, the characters are all fun and charming, the visuals are nice and the gameplay is still characteric DQ so it's solid, fun and relaxing.
A lot of people will say DQXI outshines DQVIII though, but I can't really understand why even if it's a good game. The negatives I listed really put it down for me.

Not the samefag, but the overworld theme bleed my ears.

I remember when I was about to quit at this point as well. user recommended I keep going when they experienced this. Apparently the game unironically starts to get better at the 5 hour mark.

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8 was redpill Kino
11 is basedcore flick

5 Hours means fuck all.
Where you at in terms of story? Who's your party?

adding to that, I hated the linear level design and the dull busywork sprinkled in. One of the least exciting crafting systems I've seen in a long time.

I'm 7 hours in and honestly just sick of every single character sucking MC's dick. Does this muh luminary shit ever stop? I thought we were done with this sort of chosen one garbage like a decade ago.

I‘m at the first boss with Erik.
I don‘t like the artstyle, the music and the story. I feel too old for this game

desu, I agree. Yes, the orchestral version sounds better, but the MIDI isn't bad. If you hate screeching MIDI, how have you played literally any other DQ outside of VIII on the PS2?

i love both tho.

I got about three hours into it and lost all interest, same happened with DQIX

Did enjoy the rest of the series though

Keep going. Erick a shit.

also, forgot the thrown in "cinematic" sequences. Who the hell needs a stealth sequence or running away scene in Dragon Quest? The first few hours in DQ3 were a lot more exciting in comparison.

I can't stand the music, I tried orchestral mod but for some reason can't get it to work. It also runs like shit in towns on my 1050ti. I decided to drop it for a while.

Yes, this game was disappointing. I slogged through but didn't enjoy the latter half much. Every story beat was utterly predictable and they didn't really try anything new mechanically speaking

Worst music I have ever heard in a video game, absolute wtf tier. Who the fuck thought this garbo soundtrack was ok. I played the game with the tv muted

Too bad best girl stays runt all game.

>I‘m 5 hours in and about to drop it
I dropped it so long ago that I'm about to pick it back up, but I was over 65 hours into it when I did. Yet I still haven't hit the third act. It is one loong, boring, game.

Attached: (C92) [Mugenkidou A (Tomose Shunsaku)] Mugenkidou Bon! Vol. 8 (Dragon Quest XI) [English] [Redlanter (1280x1818, 337K)