Gerstmann Refuses to Cover Kingdom Come

Instead, does an hour review of one of the biggest flops in gaming, Anthem

>I can’t speak for the rest of the crew, but I personally have no interest in any way covering or giving further attention to a game made by someone who loudly and openly supports gamm3r gate.

>It didn’t come up during the call-in show yesterday. Saw a few people talking about this off-site and thought it might come in the chat room.

>Anyway, a couple of us looked at it around the time it came out and didn’t find it interesting enough to pursue. The head guy’s shitty views certainly don’t help, but I doubt we’d have covered it either way.

-Jeff "I'm a fat faggot" Gerstmann

Reminder this guy has retarded fans that believe his explanation

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Other urls found in this thread: Refuses to Cover Kingdom Come/ tier cyberbullies/type/op/

And KCD was the biggest RPG of 2018

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Isn't this game like two years old, you chronically obese 8gagger piece of shit? Nobody gives a flying fuck about your gaymer "movement." Try not to cut yourself over this.



>Release 13 February 2018

It's one year old, numale

literally who

OP is an obsessed retard that is seething that his favorite e-celebs aren't as """redpilled""" as he is. Refuses to Cover Kingdom Come/ tier cyberbullies/type/op/

Gerstmann unironically has more credibility about "ethics in game journalism" than #Gamergate. He actually got fired because he gave Kane and Lynch a negative review and that actually started the entire discussion about how websites are pressured to give positive reviews in order to receive exclusive scoops, footage, and copies from publishers, way before Yea Forums did. Gamergate was nothing more than a bunch of people laughing at a slut, then pretending it was about journalism when it turned out one of the people she slept with wrote about her F2P literally who game that no one cared about and that the hashtag ironically gave more publicity to. Then it became people crying about muh gamer identity because muh gamers are dead articles even though Yea Forums has historically mocked the term "gamer" over and over again.

>Gerstmann unironically has more credibility about "ethics in game journalism" than #Gamergate.

He doesn't.

He does. Not everyone is a newfag like you.

>february 27, 2018

yeah lets talk about year old news. retard.

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It's relevant now because he's shilling Anthem, cocksucking retard

in games media the inmates literally run the asylum. probably avoided the game just to not get involved. i wish jeff was more honest about that cause its kind of obvious. but this is old news.

I'm impressed that New Vegas is still going strong.

everyone and their fucking mothers knows about the Kane and Lynch fiasco, it's not a reason to keep jerking off this washed up hack

What? I thought Giantbomb was cool?

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Yeah him shitting on it with everyone else is definitely shilling it.

Because the Kane and Lynch shit actually mattered while the reddit eceleb circlejerking hashtag didn't

If this were even remotely true he'd put aside politics and review the game instead of being an autistic faggot such as you.

uh, so because some rando from polygon reviewing x game, that means suddenly we should talk about game he didn't review a year ago.

no, you're actually fucking retarded. no one cares except morons like you. you're literally a large part of their audience. you don't think they understand what kind of response they're going to get? congratulations for actively making nonsense irrelevant shit relevant.

So a piece of shit like Anthem deserves a video but not the biggest RPG of 2018? (A year full of RPGs)

Point still stands, you retarded shit. You don't even care about the game itself, you just latch onto it because the main dev might or might not be into tendies.

Yes he's crazy for KCD stance.

And vpol is crazy for not wanting to play Apex because it has a black character in it because 'cultural marxism'.

You spamming this shit every fucking day for a year makes you look like a bigger shill than any game reviewer

why exactly does he have to review any particular game? there are thousands of games that go unreviewed, but because this one is special to you, he's a piece of shit for not reviewing it? what the fuck.

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Imagine being this asshurt about some guy not reviewing Skyrim Incel Edtion a year ago.

STFU cuck

It's his fucking job to review isn't it? If I were his editor I'd be shitting down his throat for turning down a review of a game that's selling well you absolute retard, holy shit.

100% correct

Giant Bomb reviews like 7 games a year at most. Not even that, probably. You're retarded.

... it was the biggest RPG of 2018

Discord trannies aren't going to answer this point btw

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so no actual response, you're just a special little snowflake who wants his special little game reviewed and because it wasn't, you're crying like a little bitch boy.


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I will never forgive him for giving Zelda an 8.8

Rot in hell you fatfuck!

>Giant Bomb reviews like 7 games a year at most
I didn't know that as I don't follow autistic ecelebs. I know at one point Fat Fatsmann was a reviewer at least, if he'd done it while he worked at IGN then see

They do quick looks of games they don't review. Where was KCD's quick look?

Don't be a retard

The funniest thing is that said KCD wasn't interesting enough but they reviewed Metal Gear Survive on the same day.

So what? By the way, they didn't do any coverage for Deadfire either. I liked Deadfire (I know it's a game you make shitty copypastas about, btw) and I didn't cry because it went unnoticed by GB

You're embarrassing

Imagine being such a faggot you shill a game for free for a year and pretend like everyone else are the actual shills when they call you out for being a cocksucking faggot

I'm guessing mods are the reason

Giant Bomb isn't a site about reviews. They do reviews like 4 times a year, only for games that are important to staff.

WHO FUCKING CARES! it won't kill you to, you know, just not hate read Giantbomb."cu-ck:/page/1/

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Where was Deadfire's quick look? Again, you don't see Deadfire fans like me crying that GB didn't cover a game we liked.

They also cancelled their Quick Look of A Hat in Time because they didn't take out JonTron

triggered tranny is triggered

Based 8.8 man


Old new user... old news. Less and less people care about Giant Bomb and their crew anymore.

Looking at Gamergate now is actually pretty funny
>muh diversity is bad
Gamergate had #NotYourShield where everyone was jerking each other off on Twitter about how diverse everyone was
>muh virtue signalling is bad
Gamergate was filled with people starting random charities that had nothing to do with video games to prove how "good" they were (see #Gamerfruit). The entire "movement" was effectively one massive attempt at virtue signalling at rationalizing how laughing at a slut was actually about ethics
>muh identity politics is bad
>muh gamer identity
Was mocked on Yea Forums because being defined by video games was seen as retarded, but was unironically embraced
>e-celebs/reddit are bad
Gamergate was filled with e-celebs and started a trend where they would regularly get shilled on here (see: Sargon, Milo Yiannapolous, Metokur, etc). It even had its own subreddet where everyone gathered to whine about SJWs (r/kotakuinaction)
>politics in video games are bad
Gamergate started raids on Gawker media by protesting their advertisers, entirely for political reasons. It didn't even matter though because it was Hulk Hogan who actually did all of the work
>muh journalism
All of the actual ethics in journalism issues were already covered (see: Kane and Lynch, DRIV3R, Doritosgate).

>I liked Deadfire

Says a lot about why you would attack an actual good game like KCD and worship trash like POE2

Wonder why the game flopped? Must have been the gay fish

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it's his job to review things, but that doesn't mean he has to review any particular game? It doesn't matter if it's selling well; if he isn't going to enjoy it why would we review it or play it at all? He's not at all compelled to review this game in the slightest.

This doesn't go against anything at all of what I said. Even if it was the biggest RPG, maybe he's not a fan of that particular RPG style or any number of reasons to defer to someone else to review it or just don't. Why review something you know you're not going to enjoy or even give a good comprehensive review of.

What compulsion does he have to review this particular game, is the actual question. And you can't just say, 'because it's popular'.

>people are still mad about giant bomb not reviewing kingdom cuck
Outside of the initial week or two of posting, I never see anyone discuss it. Shit game.

I didn't even attack KCD, you dumb crybaby. You're so fucking shameful.

The is the saddest shit I have read in long time. Truly the pathetic state of Yea Forums . Where the fuck is the mods.

He was justifiably angry at people shunning Wind Waker for its artstyle and demanding a more "realistic" Zelda game. Also Twilight Princess was pretty underwhelming for a Zelda game. The dog sections sucked shit.

Did someone else on the crew review it? Again, as an editor I'd be pushing someone to at least put a review out for the game that's selling well for clicks.

I am pretty sure that he was ironic.

How about a quick look then? GB shits those out like crazy, and yet, KCD didn't get a quick look?

Choo choo you're late to the fucking party on this. All of Giantbomb is a steaming shitpile at this point. Gertsmann is only good for reaction images.

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>10 rubles have been deposited into your account

Jesus Christ be praised.

That's not even true because Monster Hunter came out too.

He's not late on this. He's just been spamming it ever since because he's an embarrassing faggot.

I'm pretty sure he's retarded; just spamming /pol/ memes.

>uh, so because some rando
fuck off back to resetera

And even less people give a shit about Kingdom Come Deliverance. Then, a tiny fraction of those people give a flying rat's ass about #gaymergay. All three of them are on 8gag.

why so upset?

Again, neither did Deadfire. Nice persecution complex you got over there.

>actually mattered
Uh chief, not so sure about that. Meanwhile people like you are still seething about gatorgame, to this day, i dunno seems like it mattered to you and the Giant Bomb bros

>pol and Discord Tranny warzone thread intermingled with eceleb faggotry
mods pls

did OP get stuck in 2018?

>And even less people give a shit about Kingdom Come Deliverance.

In game right now

Kingdom Come: 3,288
Pathfinder: 1,948
New Vegas: 1,936
Deadfire: 1,406

>I could talk about kingdom come
>or I could suck a thousand dicks and talk about muh e-celebs

Again, you're not answering the question.

What compulsion does the reviewer have to review any particular game? Sure, there's a monetary incentive for reviewing the hottest and latest games, or even the 'best rpg of 2018', but again, if they choose not to review it for any reason, I don't see the problem. That's free speech.

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>mfw Kotaku & friends cost Univision over $100 million over the last year and now Univision wants to sell them but nobody wants to buy them
>mfw Vice just laid off a whole bunch of people and soon Fat Albert and Patrick Klepek will be gone too
>mfw the entire SJW clickbait industry is dying
>mfw gamergate won

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Resetera spreading lies again I see.

Doesn't matter how many times you repeat the story and try and hide the truth, Gamergate was always about people becoming tired of shitty journalism. Between Mass Effect 3's ending and every faggot reviewer defending it, and then finding out reviewers give good scores in exchange for sex, the whole thing had a good reason to exist. Of course, the corrupt reviewers and their retarded little defense force didn't like being caught, better lie about the whole thing and ruin several people's lives because 1% of the thousands of supported used mean words against women.

All of those numbers are miserable, what's your point?

Trannies Vs Nazis, Its basically BFV in here

how about instead of crying and saying memes, you actually engage with things being said, okay baby boo?

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Gamergate didn't do shit. It was entirely Hulk Hogan suing Gawker Media for entirely unrelated reasons. Nobody who matters actually gave a fuck

Cause it's sad to see Yea Forums becoming even more of whineiest faggots online. It's like people are getting ass blasted by their uncle in here.


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They have a responsibility to respect my first amendment rights and report on things that are culturally impodent.


>Gamergate was always about people becoming tired of shitty journalism
Then it became about raging about roasties, and hating niggers, and living with diabetes. Seriously, fuck off back to 8gag, you wouldn't want them to find out you're still visiting cuckchan.

Good job, he doesn't have a editor then


>mfw Kotaku & friends cost Univision over $100 million over the last year and now Univision wants to sell them but nobody wants to buy them

lmao fucking based

Uh, no. If you're being serious, you might be brain damaged. Describe how they're disrespecting your first amendment rights?

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Can you not fucking detect sarcasm you actual idiot holy shit.

What about tranny nazis?

No, it actually start off laughing at a slut. That's why it was originally "Five Guys" not Gamergate and that was what the original threads were about. They were originally meant to be funny not an autistic political raid. You just wanted to have an excuse to go on a retarded moral crusade, nobody gave a fuck about Depression Quest and it was a F2P game until redditors started spreading the hashtag around

op seething

GG depleted their lawsuit defense money and fucked their advertising hard, ofc they and their media pets won't ever admit that but after the dust had settled one of the Gawker execs on the way out let it slip at a dinner or some shit.

>i was only pretending to be retarded

>open video
>"hello everybody"
That dude looks like he's already got one foot in the grave. What the fuck is wrong with him

is this the alt-right snowflake thread

Fuck, I haven't paid attention to giant bomb in a while but he's looking fucking horrible. I wonder what meds he's on. Fuck he looks pained.

Imagine seething this hard over a year old game.

vavra apologized for everything

Different poster moron.

No that's just what shitty leftist mediafags strawmanned it into.

Eat shit you retarded eceleb AND gaymergate niggerfaggot

Gamergate is the reason why gaming media can't just heap free press on their friends and fuckbuddies anymore. Gamergate is the reason why fucking Kotaku of all places discloses personal relationships and conflicts of interest now. They bitched and they moaned and they called them racists and sexists and shitlords and still do to this day but in the end they acquiesced to their demands. Gamergate won.

i just like it everytime i make a point in this thread it's always, 'hey i'm just being ironic' or 'hey im just being sarcastic, i'm not actually retarded'.

it's pretty funny how retards will come on here and spam antisjw shit and then immediately just crumble the second any challenge is presented. spineless.


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No dude it was always about using it as a way to get back at Kotaku for being shit and games journalism as a whole for DA2 and Zoe was targeting wizards, wizards.

That was a fucking year ago. What kind of petty bitch holds on to butthurt this fucking long? Who even gives a shit what this nobody does?

This. The Five Guy threads were based and us fucking around and shitting on a whore. Then /pol/tards saw it as an excuse for political activism and that's how the GG bullshit was born.

>Then journalists poisoned the well by trumping up a small minority's shitty posts and attributing it to the whole so it would go away.

>Yea Forums whines about diversity and brown people all the time now
>unironically started the #NotYourShield shit on twitter to celebrate diversity and virtue signal about how gamers aren't racists
What did Yea Forums mean by this?

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>loudly and openly supports gamm3r gate.
>Journalist mad that people support ethics in game journalism
>hide behind stupid shit like misogyny and "there was like this guy that sent anita death threats, even though litterally no one cared about here, I SWEAR"

> but in the end they acquiesced to their demands. Gamergate won.

not only was the holocaust 100% deserved, it's going to happen again, it's happened a 100 times before

>If I keep lying it'll come true!
Nope, it's never been about those things, and you're once again taking the words of a small minority as the acts of the whole group. You're an idiot, m8.

>Gamergate started out of an event where reviewers gave good scores because of exchanged sex and nepotism
>But it was called Five Guys in reference to a gangbang! See you were making fun of a slut and not at all pissed that it was this easy to manipulate the system
Resetera please. I know you get triggered this easy, but this is laughable.

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I don't care about the game, I hate you stupid shits. You go on 8gag and pretend to hate this site, but you keep coming here because that board is a deserted island. Either fuck off or keep your redpills to yourself.

What the fuck does "supporting gamergate" even mean? That you don't like corruption? FUCKING NAZI

yeah I know OP sure is a fag lol

nobody cares what election migrants think

I like the game despite its flaws. They did good and I hope their next game is even better.

>Gamergaters get ads pulled from Gawker, costing them $1 million
>Gawker cancels its lawsuit insurance to save money
>Hulk blows the fuck out of Gawker for over $100 million
>Nick Denton is forced to sell to Univision
>Univision shuts down
>Univision takes a beating on the other sites, lost over $100 million in 2018
>they paid over $100 million for it and now it's not even work $20 million

fucking owned

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hahah relax bruv it's not like politics and agenda is infiltrating the gaming medium using corrupt and dishonest narrative shaping big city journos hahah relax bruv this is real life not a spy conspiracy movie hahah.

best time to talk about it is when everyone stops acting like children.

Imagine spending time making this

second post already seething lmao

>muh poltards
go fuck yourself, /pol/ is the boss of 4chin

No, that's what you turned it into. Then it d.ied off like a fart in the wind, but it's the only online "movement" that ever gave you an identity and made you feel part of something, so you cling to it like a tick. It's time to let it go, pal

More like the cancer

>guy doesn't wanna review game over dumb reasons

and this is bad why? are you really this much of a snowflake?

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just take your meds, you need them.

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They did, as long as you understand that the objective was ethics in videogame journalism and not some retarded culture war to drive women and sois out of gaming. Refute anything I've said, if you can.

Not only that but GG is the reason a lot more clickbaits beyond Gawker started having to disclose that they profit on embedded links. All that shit hurt them a lot more than they'll ever admit because they don't want that kind of grassroots power to be recognized.

cry more bitch

>it wasn't even us, guise!
Sure thing, faggot.

>feminists whine about sexism in video games
>they want videogames to cater to their interests

we're not so different
you and I

>i don't care you know how much i don't care i click on threads i hate, report them then whine until they're deleted even though it's vidya-related that's how much i don't care
Dude, it's been 4 fucking YEARS and GG is still living in your head, rent-free. You are OBSESSED.

lol is that what they think

You have an incredibly short fucking memory. It was a culmination of Mass Effect 3, Gone Home and Depression Quest all getting good scores when they were some of the biggest garbage to hit the industry.

>He says as he seethes and cries for mods as GB blames GG for not covering something.