Epicbros have we gone too cocky?
Epicbros have we gone too cocky?
>this is the service that is """taking down steam"""
Somewhat unrelated, but when I asked wizards of the coast to change my MTGA display name they requested fewer information than that to confirm account ownership, and they didn't even owe me a name change.
It's really not that big of a deal. I've done it before, took 5 minutes tops.
So who was right?
oh yeah and what happens if you have a dynamic IP that changes every day, like many people have?
what happens if you made the account while being on somewhere wifi?
what happens if you deleted the the registration email and have no awy to know when you created the account?
why do they want to know this shit anyway? they are just annoying you to discourage refunds and that's scummy.
I only accurately answered two of the questions. I couldn't even give them my card details since I don't even have the card that was registered any more and it didn't seem to be a problem. It's really no big deal.
sure thing chang
Deceptive chinks are deceptive. Who would have thought?
I'm gonna post it, evacuate the thread
Enjoy seething over nothing my guy
*breathes in*
Damn, I miss Spain streams. Reckful and forsen was such a fun combo to watch
The fuck do they need his IP for?
>what is discouraging
If you want your refund bad enough you'll do it. I've had to deal with far worse customer service teams in the shape of Square Enix and their Mogstation and finally got my refund a full eight weeks later.
To send someone over to break his legs
refund should be one-button easy. EGS is anti-consumer platform.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
to ban him
lol nah jk it's to ensure he's the one actually using the account everyday as opposed to some chink/iranian who hacked him
i guess you're also gonna defend g2a shield, right? because if you just stay patient and fight your way through the 50 million windows asking you if you are really sure that you want to quit your subscribtion it does actually happen in the end! such good costumer service, they clearly only have the well being of their costumers in mind :,)
>there's worse so this is okay
do you unironically enjoy choking on corporate dick or are you getting paid for this?
>If you want your refund bad enough you'll do it.
or i can just not use that shitty store
There's incompetence and then theres making it tougher on purpose
I will never install epic, bethesda or uplay. suck my dick niggers
I never said any of it was good, the point I'm trying to make is that the fag in OP's picture could've just answered the questions and got his refund in the time it took him to make that thread.
Expected from asian jewry tactics.
>buyfags put up with this bullshit and then ask for more
What about Origin?
you need to lay of the cheetos gaben
and your point is entirely worthless because you don't understand the point that was made and that people keep trying to explain to you.
hmmm, making me think real hard right now
He probably did and still posted the thread
I do understand, all I'm trying to show you is that the answers don't need to be perfectly accurate in response to I gave them a lot of vague answers and it was still good enough. Everyone in that Reddit post is crying because "aw wut if i dont hav this info no more :'(((" when you don't really need it.
you still don't understand even though it was made very clear. what do you not understand about the word "discouraging" and the term "anti-costumer tactics"?
You probably think answering a security question is "discouraging" you from retrieving a password, this conversation ended a long time ago.
They don't want to offer refunds but it looks bad not to, so they offer them but not really.
This is fucking ridiculous.
the security questions were already answered, all this list is there for is to discourage people from going any further. because discouraging people actually works to prevent people from actually collecting this huge list of things and to even try out. wether or not they will do it based on vague answers is completely irrelevant because that's not the fucking point. just like quitting the subscription of g2a isn't the point but the scummy discouragement tactics they use. you even acknowledged that lots of people are discouraged by seeing this list "veryone in that Reddit post is crying because "aw wut if i dont hav this info no more :'(((" so how the fuck can you make the complete opposite of a logical conclusion and go "pff, doesn't matter"?
>there's an american itt defending this and trying to convince people it's okay
Americans are retarded. They were happy with no refunds on Steam. It was Australia and Europe that forced Valve to add refunds.
It's Ching Chong
They're going full autismo because stealing Fortnite (aka Epic) accounts has become so incredibly common. As more and more people use their storefront, they'll start behavior more and more like a storefront, right now they're still in Fortnite mode where that one singular game is all that matters in regards to their policies.
Operation Ajax 9/11 Larry Silverstein The Westington House Scandal Latin American Puppet Dictators Operation Condor
Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein CIA Agents The Clinton Chronicles Waco Siege The Clinton Blowjob Scandal Nixon Watergate Scandal The Fake Tibetan Protest of 2008 Staged Coup of Colombia Kandahar massacre
The Guatanamo Bay Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état United Fruit Company The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Turkish Missile Crisis Operation Northwoods Iran Contra
American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MK Ultra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Cointelpro The Bombing of Libya Yemen and Syria The Intervention on Yugoslavia The Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears North-South Agent Orange and the Loss of Vietnam War Area 51 Richard Nixon Andrew Johnson the Illegal Colonialism of American Samoa Guam and other Pacific Islands the Economic Embargo on Mexico The Rape of Okinawa USS Liberty incident Timber Syacrome
fun fact Winnie the pooh and tigger are voiced by the same person thad did minsc
>being forced to lie/provide false info to get a refund
Unfortunately there is no for americans
>type sentence
>browser briefly freezes and eats my words
Unfortunately there is no bug spray for americans
They're probably actually giving you a list of things that they can use to verify that it is your account, not a list of demands that you have to meet every one of. Could really work on the messaging if that's the case though.
remember in the stone age when paypal used to hide their fucking phone number so it was hard to call them to complain to them for being shit
this is worse
Post what my good sir?
Dirty american always shove politics in all. You wouldn't like if that Trump
Kys chink dogeater
It's more likely that you're on the list than the Americans reading it.
I bought Metro Exodus and Flower on the same day and decided to refund Metro. They then just asked me for the order number. I accidentally gave them the Flower number and they refunded me flower, I noticed the mistake and send them the right number and not only did they let me keep flower and metro, they refunded both games to me because of their mistake.
Imagine using a chink botnet
>can google that shit in the US
>cna't google winnie in china
Kicking yourself in the balls really seems to be the favorite pasttime of insects.
Did they send you a box of cookies and a card telling you you're pretty and awesome too?
your country might be evil and shit, but at least your citizens don't feel any shame when reading that it's evil and shit
yours are not allowed to feel anything
Even now it's insanely difficult to just send them an email, they don't have a general purpose email address listed anywhere on their site, only one that's used to report scame.
Meanwhile, chad Steam has a website where you can get a refund by simply logging in and clicking some buttons.
We tried to warn you.
But you wouldn't listen
>Chad Steam
>Only been offering refunds since 2015
Fuck off zoomer
>chinks think there is American bugspray
Just call us fat or mutt, at least pretend to be a europoor or something
Seethe some more, bugman.
Steam's refunds are simple but the fact that they introduced refunds in 2015 and won't pay out for anything any older than two weeks means they probably owe the most money to consumers whose only choice after buying a faulty game was to uninstall it and try to forget that they spent money on it.
I was about to tell you there's no bug spray for americans but then the mods deleted your post.
Gaben's personal penis washer has joined the thread
But at least their refund process is automated now. It used to be really shit and virtually non existent until based Australian Courts demanded they fix it.
>Oh don't worry, they used to be absolute leeches and happily leave customers with broken products, b-but they're okay now! :}
Reckful being a sperg wasn't that funny tbqh
>improving on a serious cave-at is a bad thing
Don't worry guys. Epic will soon allow publishers to opt in to a new fast automated refund system.
Man, you Chinese are out in full force today. And still, you fail to bring any arguments in your favor to the table.
It took them a full twelve (12) years to actually add an option to refund, I'm not saying improvement is bad, I'm saying it should've been an option from the very beginning.
>Opt in refunds
>All the games that you want to refund don't opt in
Just as fucking stupid as their opt-in reviews will be. Shit platform for shit games played by shit-eating shitters.
>shitcalling chinks get you b&
Thank you mods, very cool
>steam only added refunds recently so it's okay that epic's refund system is intentionally long winded and difficult to put people off
Is there anything you faggots will actually blame epic for?
>No reviews
>No voice chat
>No community forums
>No workshop
>No screenshot sharing
>No wishlist
>No game tags
>No discovery queue
>No one-click online streaming
>No h-games
>No music category
>No software category
>No video category
>No linux support
>No mac support
>No regional pricing
>No payment option variety
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
>No achievements
>No controller support
>No family sharing
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode
>No local network gameplay streaming
>No cloud saves
>No backup feature
>No adding third party games to your list
>No third party key registration
>No reason to use Epic Store
yeah pretty much
you realize valve doesn't own most of the merchandise in their store; they are just authorized to make copies by publishers, who have monopoly grants over reproduction. you should also know that publishers don't want to give refunds, if they aren't being forced to. hence all of the crying over steam refunds by indiefags who self-publish their games
forcing valve to go to court and comply with refund policies ties the hands of publishers: they can either offer refunds or they can stop using steam
Just divorce fortnite access from the store and everything else. Is it that fucking hard to do? Will also fix the bi hourly hacking spam of some chinese trying to btureforce your account.
Unauthorized? What, you need to prove that? I 100% willingly bought the game, it was authorized, it was shit, I just want my money back
"Please also note that requesting a refund will have a negative impact on your social credit score"
What did they mean by this?
Nobody uses three quarters of this shit in Steam anyway
>I don't use three quarters of this shit in Steam anyway
That's just their instant refund policy, the two weeks thing.
I've refunded a game I hadn't touched for two years and it didn't run right when I finally installed it. No issues, just clicked on didn't run right
In my case it was an unauthorised purchase made from my account
I do have the epic launcher installed, because I am learning to use UE4. I also installed Uplay for Kassandra. I do not have the Bethesda launcher and I do not have Origin either. EA is making it really easy for me, by not making games that I want to play.
not going to lie. it is super convenient to just buy osts from steam pages for games
>hey someone bought lootboxs on your account so we are changing your password. And no you are not getting your money back.
And you brag about being treated like dirt?
Alright that makes sense but why would they want to know your ip and shit if is just a regular refund?
Did you not read the part that literally fucking says "we have refunded all unauthorized cosmetic transactions, as well as the one real-money transaction" holy shit
federal aid asks less intrusive information
>we're serious about your security
>so please give us all of your personal info!
>don't forget we also need a sperm sample, last time you ate and what you ate, when you walked your dog, how many pissbottles you have in your mom's basement and you dad's credit card number.
Heres the rub, most of the purchases count as authorized. You didnt report the card stolen to your bank so you are on the hook for untill it was reported stolen.
A an American I demand to be the most trust citizenship in the world, not be 3rd rate citiznenship like chinks,russkies,and brazil.
remember when games use to spam that they will not ask you for this type of shit.
you're an absolute fucking retard
that's not how this works
>we need your IP addresses, all of them that you've ever had
>date when you created your epic account
>invoice ID
>locations you bought games
>original name for account
>last 4 digits of first credit card used
>date of last login
>playstation, switch, twich, xbox account names
>AND dates they were connected
nigga you gotta fucking believe i'd just cut my losses rather then go through all those hoops.
Post your refund receipt then
They already have the extra information they're asking for
Mutts are treated like 3rd rate citizens by their very own government though.
What the fuck are you talking about? That card went missing over a year before this due to a totally unrelated incident. The transaction was made on a different card, but they weren't asking for those card details, they wanted the details of my first ever card that was registered to my account which has long been deactivated.
There's a Bethesda launcher?
Seething 3rd worlder, who pays ridiculous interests for loans, cause no one trust their country.
Maybe they're talking about eso?
Wasn't it the Jewish American banking families that created the bubble which caused the global financial crash?
Fuck off zoomer.
But were they serious about player security?
Yup. As competently put together as their games.
>seething that even poors were given low interest loans to buy thousand dollar homes.
>don't worry gwai- i mean goy, it's only to verify your account
Absolutely BTFO
But millions of people lost their homes anyway.
Mutts have no idea how money works. They don't know how to save and they buy everything on credit only to get all their shit taken away again to be auctioned off to some other poor sap while the Jews rake in all the cash from this exploitation.
And then everyone stood up and clapped
>not gaining a home
not my problem you kike.
lol, steamdrones are so pathetic
What the fuck. How am I going to keep track of my IP you retards, my ISP uses dynamic IPs and every time you connect you get a new one.
fuck steam
Too bad
>implying Steam even had half that shit when it first came out
>I along with 99% of people on steam don't use three quarters of this shit in Steam anyway
Do you believe giving big checks for exclusivity, not allowing third party key sales (GMG, gamesplanet), not having any sales is good competition? I mean Epic even payed Google so Fortnite would appear when you typed in Apex Legends. What more do you need to call this no less than anti-consumer practice?
Fuck Epic Games, really.
Steam being shit 15 years ago doesn't mean competitors should get away with being shit right now
Ah, so not only a Steamcuck but a liar too. Who'd have thunk it.
>What more do you need to call this no less than anti-consumer practice?
Nothing. The only way it'll ever be challenged is if federal judges or regulatory authorities get offended enough to get off their lazy asses and do their job for once.
>No workshop
That's actually good.
>ITT: "My spyware is better than yours!"
>buy a loaf of bread from the grocery store
>2 weeks later "ehh i dont want it anymore"
can you return it? No? Fuck off chinklover
>dickriding ANY company
they are out there to get your money dumbfucks
and im out here tryna give it nigga
I wasn't talking to you, faggot. I was replying to this >I've refunded a game I hadn't touched for two years and it didn't run right when I finally installed it. No issues, just clicked on didn't run right
Serves them right for trying to delete games from Steam instead of just letting the devs sell on both stores.
>just divorce
Lmao its joined on purpose to make more people install the store.
From a business perspective it would be dumb as heck to divorce it.
Almost everyone has a Dynamic IP these days. IPv4 long since ran out of addresses.
Told you them chinks are snakes. The ones that left The "People" Republic of China are kinda ok. The ones there, oh my god, fucking backstabbing pieces of shit those lot. Never trust a chink. Ever.
Thanks for reminding me I had this
It does. Same thing with the shitch, we compare the first year of the shitch with the first year of the ps4 all the time. We know it's retarded. But that's how you compare it
No it isn't you moron, epic had 15 years to create a product that competes with current steam rather than competing with what steam was 10 years ago
Then they should do something about the chink faggots banging into accounts. That shit was enough to make me to jump through all their hoops to delete my account.
I'd never consider buying from Epic in the first place. Even if steam got even worse than it is now.
You really don't know how beta virgins work. The moment they see that message they'll freak out and give up.
Meanwhile on steam you just press 3 buttons and it is done
you no want refund, white man?
ill do it once and then never buy anything from them ever again
>include ALL IP addresses
>invoices for ALL GAMES on your account
imagine you had to do that on steam
yeah sure let me just get invoices for 100+ games any time i want a refund
it's obviously made that way so people will give up and not get refunds
But neither of them ask you to do that? Why are you just making up scenarios to argue about? All they're asking you for that information for is to do what said and it's already been proven in this thread that you don't need to answer every question with pinpoint accuracy.
>valve cucks are actually defending their "played more than 2 hours? no refund for you thanks goy ;)" system
fucking christ
It's not true though. 2 hours is just the threshold where refunds are automated. Above that your request will still be considered, I've gotten a refund on a 7 hour game in the past.
The only thing shown here is incompetence.
We compare Epic Games today to Steam today because today is today and not 10 years ago.
Yes, it took steam 15 years to get where it is today. Consider that they started in 2004, and back then their only goal was to sell their own games. Nowadays they sell games from thousands of publishers and self-publishing developers.
You fail to understand that Steam has set the bar of expectation out of an online store experience. There are some ways to get over that bar, such as curation of content on the store, but in order to have a chance to get over that bar out of the gate, you have to be at the bar out of the gate. There's no point opening a pizza store next to Pizza Hut when all you are willing to offer is one kind of pizza at 3x the price, even if you promise to pay the pizza chefs a reasonable wage.
Man this reminds me of some of the chinese keysellers I had to deal with in the past.
When I bought the key they blocked the purchase and then they demanded a photo of my ID. Because sending my ID to china is clearly a smart move.
I'm not trying to support Epic here but it's pretty clear they don't actually expect you to have all that information at hand. This is probably a knee-jerk reaction to something stupid like account hijacking, and if you can produce even a fraction of the data they ask for, it'll probably be enough to prove who you are.
That said though, there's probably a better way to do that, and an even better way to get that message across.
>can feel thing
>insect isn't allowed to do even that
Keep kicking.
>comparing now to 15 years ago
I don't even know how to call that non-argument. It's simply stupid. Children do that at best and even then only the slow ones.
This isn't true at all. In order for the refund to be automatically approved and passed within a short timeframe, the gameplay must be below 2 hours, amongst other things (including refunding the game before, if memory serves).
After this point, any request for a refund is instead verified by a human being. You could be like WeegeePlays who bought Sonic Forces, streamed and played it for 3 hours, and then refunded it. There was even some stupid games journalist crying a river over his """abuse""" of the refund system at the time. The fact is: Steam approved the refund.
In addition to this, steam accepts refunds for games that are broken to the point where they cannot be played, either because the developer did a runner after a quick burst of sales, leaving a multiplayer only game without a server... or because an abandonware title simply doesnt work anymore. If you can prove that the game is broken, steam doesnt care how many hours you have they'll still refund you.
Sure, their refund policy could be a bit better. Refund policy doesn't extend to items that are given to your inventory (such as trading cards, keys, etc) and even if the item is non-disposable they still wont refund anything thats added to your inventory or purchased as an in-game item like in Elite Dangerous. But it's better than "tell me everything about you to prove you are who you say you are and then maybe we'll think about a refund"
>implying steam needed half that shit when it first came out
>implying epic doesnt have to meet or even exceed the standards set by steam in order to compete with steam
I bet you had to play """together""" with your baby brother/sister in one of those nu-super mario bros games on the Wii U or something because your parents told you so, even though your brother/sister thought the controller was a food item.
It's THIS easy to get someones else's shit removed.