Is there a more perfect duology in all of vidya?

Is there a more perfect duology in all of vidya?

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second one was shit


You're both shit.

>these games mimic'd alien and aliens

Why did this kino have to die

Halo: ODST and Halo:Reach were top fukkin tier vidya

What about 3?

What are you talking about? There was no third game.


I actually really enjoyed DS3, it's just a shame it falls short in several ways. They could've had the perfect storm combination of "The Thing" aesthetic on the planet and classic claustrophobic Dead Space in the drifting shipwrecks, co-op that could've been unique to Dead Space with the remnants of Isaac's dementia and Carver's personal demons to create a much more complete image of what the DLC tried to do, and a better balanced crafting system ( which honestly was very fun, if lopsided with some Tip/Engine combos being significantly better than others ) along with not ditching resource management but instead doubling down on it.

Still played the fuck out of it. Still hate the love triangle/cuck-tier shit, still hate how they made Ellie look awful and ruined her personality from the second game.

Ain't it always the way, huge potential, pathetic delivery.

>What about 3?

??? Next you'll be telling us to watch "Alien 3". Terrible bait.

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>I actually really enjoyed DS3,

Samefagging this DS3 meme isn't going to make people believe it actually exists.


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Who is samefagging what? What meme am I repeating? I said I enjoyed it, and then proceeded to talk about all the lost potential, you dumb shit. No one memes DS3 being actually "good", especially in comparison to its predecessors.

I enjoy co-op games in mostly any capacity since I grew up with siblings including an older brother to always play vidya with, and we both at least got the most fun out of playing with the weapon customization. He went hard on the bouncing bolas and contact/sniper/Javelin stuff, and I went with super high fire rate melees and shotguns and rivet gun stuff.
That was enough for me to have fun with it, despite it being worse than 1 and 2, despite all of its problems which are very apparent to me, and despite dumbasses like you are actually the ones spouting memes without thought.

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3 got the full brunt of EA's cock and was ruined to make way for pay-to-win microtransactions

I'm not one for the "disregard this installment of a series entirely" meme, but DS3 was pretty fucking abysmal thanks to a bunch of money-sucking execs meddling in it


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If they hadn't cut so much content from 2 I'd agree.

>on-the-rail shooter the game

>on the rails
Funny user made a pun

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2nd most perfect. 1st place goes to Abe's Oddysee/Exoddus

>some Tip/Engine combos being significantly better than others
I don't remember any of the combos being good. Fully upgraded weapons in 1 & 2 felt way more powerful.

My dude, responses like yours, having any thought behind it, often fall short in this cess pool of degeneracy.
I bet most of them are somewhat decent people, but the anonymous nature lowers the bar of calling someone a retard.
In other words: don't spend your time arguing with somebody flinging shit at you

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>my dude
>taking the serious response to obvious "ds3 doesn't exist" joke seriously
>a virtue signaling lecture about "flinging shit" and "decent people"

Why are leftists such humorless myopic fucksticks?

>I'm not one for the "disregard this installment of a series entirely" meme

Why not though? It's fun and worked well for Aliens 3, Ghostbusters remake, nuDisney Star Wars.

Maybe things have just gotten a lot worse but I don't think DS3 was so terrible.
It's just kind of a mediocre action shooter that bumps up to alright if you play co-op and dick around with the weapon customization.

Fuck LL in retrospect. I tried playing it a few months back and I hated every single fucking Metro level. It's only good when you're outdoors fending off mutants. I blame the botched stealth.

>Why did this kino have to die

Electronic Arts and people like:


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i liked that railshooter spin off that came with Dead Space 2 disc, shame i never had a move controller for maximum enjoyability but i still had a good time.

Lost Planet
Lost Planet 2

Fight me

max payne 1 and 2

system shock

does dead space 2 run better on PC than 1?
Because 1 was shit on PC.

Seriously though, Dead space 1 or 2, which is best?

Infamous 1&2

You don't even know what differentiates the 'left' and 'right', my dude

Still, nice compilation of build-your-insult buzzwords. Any original ideas?

1 is a console port

2 easily

Just better in scope, better creepiness (nursery was max kino) better gameplay.

1 is still great though.

That doesn't exactly answer my question.

2nd was creepier but first was "scarier" because regenerators show up earlier and also has the mutated stasis soldiers that don't return until 3.

Dead Space 1 is Alien
Dead Space 2 is Aliens
Dead Space 3 is Alien 3 - complete with executive fuckery ruining everything


Moden Warfare 1&2

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Dead Space 2. People tend to label it as "the action title," but it had a lot more scarier environments and moments than even the first game. Not to mention the quality being better in general. DS1 is only an inch behind though, it aged well.

It's obnoxious and stopped being clever in the mid-2000s

It's that fucking old

What ABOUT 3?

>There was no third game.

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