Is This Good Character Design?

Is This Good Character Design?

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Friendly reminder this game is successful and proves "Get woke, go broke" wrong.


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>Body armor here! Lev-el Too!

Gets me diamonds

>Respawn went so fucking broke that EA ate them
>Respawn went so broke they didn't even make a game you can buy

She doesn't even look like that in game


>Successful F2P games don't make money

What does she look like?
Iv'e only ever seen this Op pic as a reference for her.

if yoer wit me, am wit you

People will always give money to EA because they're fucking idiots.

it's free and it's battle royale

Wasn't BFV EA too? That one failed. Probably cause it was a shit game.

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>It's free
Still making money
>and it's battle royale
So? So was Radical Heights. Quit coping, sweetie.

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Come this way GI..

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she doesn't even look that bad in-game, the trailer just made her look god awful.

What did she mean by this?

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I bet money that there's not that many people actually buying any skins. And it's not even because of this "get woke go broke" shit, it's just because all of the character designs look stupid. The only characters that I'd even personally consider buying skins for, if I did that sort of thing, would be the robot and the non-binary meme woman. But unfortunately for them, I don't buy skins. Especially since they think they're too hip and with it for good movement mechanics and giant robots now.

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Didnt fortnite changed their twitch poster to have a similar black girl with the same hairstyle?



More like GAYbraltar lmao!

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She ain't ugly in game.
But not particulary attractive either she is alright.

I mean more power to you if you want to buy skins for annoying as fuck characters that won't shut the fuck up. I had to mute the voice acting and music to make the game fucking playable to begin with.

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Most people don’t buy skins because they’re 18 dollars. Respawn was smart to put the heirloom on the most busted character so all the streamers and tryhard s doesn’t up to $500 on apex packs for Wraith’s kunai

Yeah she does look bad. She looks even worse maybe even.

Everyone's holding off on the battle pass. Not even normalfags are dumb enough to pay twenty dollars to buy one gun skin. PUBG lets you trade them away when you're bored of them and Fortnite lets you see your skin all game instead of relying on RNG.


You can tell when a character design is bad when an actual 3DPD nigger is better looking than the original artwork.

I like gibraltar i wish he wasn't so trash.

La creatura...

She literally looks exactly like OP pic except her skin color is the absolute worse shade of brown. What are you guys talking about.

El Goblina...

For some reason, the cosplay girl looks way better than game

Blackanon here
I'm genuinely surprised they chose a hairstyle this not an afro or a perm. Points for that
The accent is clearly someone trying to mimic a Caribbean accent, and its pretty bad as someone who deals with them often.
but the design is perfectly fine if you look at the real model instead of the shitpost version in the op.

Yeah no shit. The character was designed to be hideous. That's like a 2/10 girl in game.

>worst legend in the game has the best skins
What did Respawn mean by this?


Please, delete this.

back to /pol/ falseflagger

>design is fine
>is ugly as sin, caribbean with a bad accent, and japans or some shit but this isn't represented at all in this character's behavior
Nah looks like shit. There's other ways to do this shit that everyone would much rather have.

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>it's a teammate gets your banner and could ress you in like 10 seconds but instead spends 2 minutes looting while the ring closes episode

They must have revised her design last minute after the trailer had already been produced. Good call.

How could you even make that character look worse

ea/respawn too busy pumping as much fucking generic boiler plate 'adversity' into their game to give a shit about interesting characters

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It's been two weeks and as of right now it's behind Fartnite and LoL in twitch viewers you stupid mong. the hype's dying.

Game's actually kind of fun though unlike fortnite.


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Yeah, that's the sad part. It's a decent game but build and hide simulator has regained its ground.
Naw nig, I ain't giving EA money. Maybe if it added some classic fps modes as BRs get old after a week to anyone that's not a zoomer.

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Fortunately, you are merely a small part of this game's fanbase responsible for this game's success :)



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you're insinuating that the hype is dead, that the game is dying already. it's literally the worst time globally to stream anything right now and there's one major streamer accounting for 24k viewers playing fortshit

Worked for the original Kerrigan.

For starters, it's two days away from being an entire month
Secondly, it still has 70k viewers right now. It's doing well.
I appreciate the cope, but it isn't working.

If no one wants to play your character what's the point?
No one wants to play as a black woman and yet this shit keeps happening, no one is demanding it but they just keep doing it.


the entire western comics industry proved it right before you ever slithered onto this website, faggot

Ugly is subjective, I think it's fine like I said
I mentioned the bad accent, it wouldn't be hard to find a Caribbean voice actor. They just didn't put in the effort
I don't play Apex so I don't know the backstory, can't comment on it

The design is fine, the other things need work.


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Western comics proved "making our readers mad makes money," really.

>Please ignore the evidence proving me wrong, concentrate only on the evidence that support my theory
based retard

black asian cuties are my fetish

>it's all shit and CSGO
I want out

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>one teammate separates
>do my best to bring other teammate and I as far away from him as possible

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ofc user, popular games are popular

It's the game of the fucking year!!!

I'm guessing giving it to caustic would make too much sense and offend the jews

it's right there in the file name

I agree! Don't forget to buy more skins, epic gamers!

>They must have revised her design last minute after the trailer had already been produce
No. The trailer was made differently in the form of CGI animation, like that Spiderman movie that came out a couple of months ago.

There is nothing woke about it, lack of chinks aside the racial makeup of the characters makes statistical sense and bloodhound being genderfluid is fake news, the only remotely sjw thing is having a gay.

Free game proves you wrong.

>G7 Scout turned out to be decent gun
I love it so much bros, what's your fav gun?

>There is nothing woke about it
/pol/tards disagree

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You may not like it, but this is the future in aesthetic design.

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Apex legends has better movement mechanics than titanfall 2, sure there is no wall running but you can climb further and slide downhill at great speed, and although it's subjective I believe apex has a better grappling hook, they have also confirmed more titanfall is coming.

to be honest all of the skins ARE shit and the game crashes every 1/5 games with a random 0x000000 error. what skin do i buy to upgrade my ponpon nigga? the one that makes it look like it's wearing a tinfoil bodysuit? no thanks. additionally, just like league, having random teammates will never be enjoyable. especially when those random teammates also crash every 1/5 games and, if they are premade, they both leave.

Puttin a rubbah on me bruddah!

The normalfags who came here from YouTube videos really didn't like this comment...

Yeah but /pol/tards are retarded

I have never had a crash but I have lost my connection while searching for a match a few times.

How are they retarded?

Nah, CG trailers are usually either by a different team, or straight up out of house productions.

Stop shilling that fucking site, holy shit.

really? i've been playing with two friends of mine and we literally, consistently crash 1/5 games. sometimes at the beginning, sometimes mid-game. i'm running an i7 with a 970 so my setup isn't exactly shit for apex

>lol has lck
>fortnite has daequan
>apex has some nobody with 2.5k viewers because all bigger streamers are either sleeping or jacking off

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>1 game vs entire industry
i dunno my dude, i think one of these has a bigger weight than the other

the infamous rapper negashi tech- nine in full vidya form


lol haha yeah i just bought a big coin bag, thank you based ea for the cheap skins, haha!

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To answer that question, OP. We need to look at our checklist:

1. Is the character being shoved down our throats?


Therefor, it is good character design.

It's first person so your designs/skins don't matter at all. All that matters is hitboxes and those are fucked.

The other important thing is the abilities since this is a class skill cooldown based setup and those are kinda shit too.

Otherwise, shooting and looting is good so they've got a good foundation at least.

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>It's okay when [old game from boomer's youth] does it

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What the fuck is with the top of this dude's head?

/pol/tards are the only people that spout "Get woke, go broke" in the first place, so it evens out.

That's a good game though, and she's not an ugly mutt.

i dont understand where are you coming from

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Kerrigan was Blasian?

>oh no, the unemployed zoomer revolt is beginning

Oh no.


It's alright. At least it's not that horrifying Lawbreakers character.

I thought racism wasn't allowed on 4channel?

mods what the fuck are you doing?


All of the SEETHING and tears over Apex Legends is hilarious. r/the_d election tourists got completely, utterly, B T F O

Reminds me of a bulkier Jetstream Sam without the shit eating grin.

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It's funny how much the discord trannies are pushing this game. It's success still proves nothing because it's free and a soulless BR

>F2P games don't make money
I know /pol/tards are clueless, but this is a new level.

If you're into homo goblins



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>all those samefags
I mean, there are still plenty of examples of getting woke and going broke, but whatevs

>He markets the game for free

>He gets BTFO for free

>because it's free and a soulless BR
He says this when Fortnite, a free BR, had the most profitable year in games' history.
I hate BR games, don't see the appeal, but being F2P doesn't mean it's less profitable.

No to mention its the new season on Fortnite, give it a week or two and it'll probably die down a little, from what people have seen theyre teasing the shit out of a potential respawn mechanic.
>if you cant beat them/innovate just copy them lol

its succesful because its a battleroyal game

>So? So was Radical Heights

Radical Heights wasn't on console.

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>F2P flavour of the month with zero emphasis on narrative, immersion or ingame lore has some ugly characters nobody cares about
This doesn't prove anything. But keep getting woke, I guess. Will serve you right in the end

Why does nu-Yea Forums support EA games? Or is it just EA marketers?

zoomers that didn't know any better and supported their anti consumer shit are finally growing up.

I dunno, why did nu-Yea Forums suddenly suck Kotick's dick and bend over to Activision? Really makes you think, huh?

It's discord trannies trying to prove that games with blacks and trannies can be successful

Discord trannies are not Yea Forums

I support /pol/tards getting BTFO. Just calling it as I see it.

I really wonder how much money Apex is making when all their skins are just complete garbage. The only thing anyone cares about at all in the lootboxes is a knife for Wraith and only the biggest whales are going to spend the $500 to get it. Fortnite managed to become huge without needing lootboxes but EA's influence on Apex to maximize profits is definitely going to fuck them eventually.

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It's a nigger so no.

So it's okay for EA to kill video games as long as /pol/ is getting btfo?

Resetrannies don't care about videogames, user

She cute.

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Look, dude, I can simultaneously be sad that we aren't getting a Titanfall 3 or a battle royal with actual Titanfall movement and also mock /pol/tards who had their shitty meme proven wrong. I'm not forced to pick one or the other.
Shades of gray.

>all the skins are ridiculous bright shit
I got a red and black thing for Wraith through the Apex packs but otherwise I haven't even changed any of them

not only one, but TWO fucking nose piercings

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Sorry to say this but /pol/ was right once again. This game is made by a bunch of white dudes and Anthem which flopped was made by a studio with diversity hires.

Same shit with Blizzard layoffs. All the non-essential diversity community manager/esport shit positions were fired so they can hire more white coders

what race is she?
I think she's pureblood American

So? It's still "woke", according to /pol/tards () and it's still successful. You can try to spin it however you want, but election tourists got BTFO.

Nobody does that though, and EA is a lot worse than Activision desu.

Probably just marketers. EA is desperate to shill any of their games, and Apex is the only one that gained any traction here since it's competing with the Epic store fiasco.

literally the voice actress' native accent

I like how all these new games making it huge have one or multiple things TF2 at one point could've banked on had they not become so fucking lazy. "Heroes"/Classes? Check. Cartoon art style? Check. Dances/taunts? Check. Loot boxes? Bet your ass. Likeable cast? You betcha. All available on PC for free. Damn shame.

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>it's a one guy goes down and the other is too obsessed with building kills for his badge thing to come with you to the taipan point so you go alone and then the fucking idiot gets downed and spams his banner as you race BACK across the fucking map to pick him up because that's what your newly-rezzed squadmate wants to do for some unknown reason and the bastard just abandons you to find another hotspot to fight in
I won't lie though I'm often surprised how long those sorts of assholes last on their own

TF2 actually requires skill though. It's not just sprint, kill, loot, repeat.

Oh baby dat midriff.

>Apex legends has better movement mechanics than titanfall 2
imagine unoronically thinking this

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Up until about 2015 TF2 could have been huge on twitch if Valve weren't retarded and balanced better/promoted the game's competitive/not given up on the game outside a once every three years update for things that aren't hats.

There's some faggot active right now that's mass-replying to his own posts with non-Yea Forums filenames calling himself based and shit. Super blatant and pathetic.

post ids, country flags when?

LOL no. Apex would actually benefit from double jump and wallrunning, but to say that Apex has more fluid movement is actually dumb.

>promoted the game's competitive

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It sounds like a white brit trying to copy a Caribbean accent to me.
But if that's her natural accent she's probably just from an island that I haven't spoken to someone from

Look I didn't play it but all the shitgoblins who watch twitch eat that shit up.

>I thought racism wasn't allowed on 4channel?
How fucking new are you?

>Friendly reminder this game is successful
>this month

>I bet money that there's not that many people actually buying any skins
You're probably right
But there are definitely few whales that are blowing exceptional amount of $$

how fucking racist are you?

Not even him but I'm sure that was a joke that went over your head
work safe boards were changed to 4channel from Yea Forums to be advertisement friendly, and it'd be in the mods interests to delete posts like the one he replied to so advertisers don't leave

You'd know that if you didn't start browsing within the last week, user

On a scale of Lovecraft to Hitler, I'd say a solid Jonny Rebel.

Don't ever talk to me or my girls of color again you racist pig!

One normal white mans life is worth more than the lives of every single jew, nigger and shitskin that has ever and will ever exist.
Fuck off cunt.

>Being this much of a pleb

F2P games are aimed to attract whales. They don't really care if a thousand people spend one buck on something, they only care for the one dude who will spend 5000 in one day.

>make a bunch of terrible looking and annoying non-whites
>add in a white guy that talks about might is right and gasses everyone
Based and redpilled?

Where did Tyrone touch your sister?

I don't know if TF2 can properly survive on console, which is a big part of the market. Does something like rocket jump even work? You'd need the sensitivity maxed out.
But yeah. While TF2 is obviously successful and still going strong, if Valve acted like a normal company, who knows what heights the game could've achieved.

The seething replies and goalpost moves are glorious.
Yes, because there is something wrong with me where I seem to be incapable of getting offended, and thus get an immense satisfaction from seeing other people offended to the point where I think making entire games around such an idea is great.

read the rules before you next post newfag.

Dios mio/10.

>put a black woman on the cover
>instantly boosted up

uuuhh /pol/??? this is NOT going according to plan

kek, /pol/tardetties on cope watch


that's a good idea though, you're supposed to spread as far as possible within an area to cover more ground and loot

Even Lawbreakers had better character designs than Apex.

People are only care about literally every new skin that isn't the black girl. Especially the banana that ripens the longer that you survive in a match.

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>the banana that ripens the longer that you survive in a match.
I'll admit, that's a funny detail to add.

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Why doesn't Apex have good skins and dabbing Thanos?


Holy fuck, look at all those scars on her arm!

I honestly did not realise this many niggers played computer games.


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she doesn't look like that in game though

>game that everyone already forgot about
>only ever gets reminded about since retards like OP make obvious shill posts about it
Delusional faggot. Take your meds.

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I wish Apex, Fortnite and every other zoomer containment game the best of luck t-b-h


What's with those league numbers? Was there a tourney or something?

It's still just a free game you bluepilled normie

How you can defend another shitty pubg knockoff with a straight face is beyond me.

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>Successful F2P games don't make money

You guys just love to feed the beast right?

Who the fuck thinks this sloppy skinnyfat cosplayer looks better than the game model? JHC.

>Complaining about racism
>on Yea Forums
What the FUCK is happening to this place? Fucking zoomers get the fuck outta here

She is saying I will be here to heal you, remember I say that. Its some African pidgen.

It' s chink-y.

Lifeline isn't attr-

Yea Forums is such a shithole that after a month the same fucking shitty threads with the same shitty pic and the same shitty text gets 300+ of the same shitty replies.

Fuck this place

Actually Bangalore, Bloodhound, and Lifelink is a pretty meta team. You may not like them, but the game takes place in some quasi-African nation, they fits the game. The actual odd ones out are Caustic Whitey and Drunken Navajo.

>9 matches
Maybe you retards should take your own advise.

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The game isn't woke, it doesn't flaunt their sexuality and having diversity was never an issue with gamers, its when its forced.


>"W-what did you say about my ult?!" *unsheaths artillery*
>*double times behind u*
>"Pssh... Pop a smoke make em broke... kid"

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wow, retards are taking /pol/ seriously.

Bobsled cool runnings mon

This is how amerimutts want to see Japan, racemixed

>Saying /pol/ shouldn't be taken seriously while seriously defending the "Get woke, get broke" /pol/ meme
based bipolar

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wasn't OP's image part of promotional material?

i seen sum shit

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Actual in-game Lifeline is really cute, especially on some of her card poses.


>one meme defines the entirety of /pol/
>agreeing with one meme now means you think the rest of the shit they say has any sort of validity
I didn't even defend the meme really, I just said the game isn't woke and diversity isn't bad when its not forced.

The game is woke by /pol/tard standards and /pol/tards are the ones that spout the stupid "Get woke, go broke". There's no need for you to defend the sanctity of half the stupid shit they say when you agree that they're retarded in general.

When is the battle pass comming !?

march 12


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She looks way better ingame, shes also quite useful

Still hate the hair and the stupid accent though

No, it's comming today, 8pm east us

>dat belly
Oh my
>those scars
Please dont hurt your cute body

Ugly as sin fucking character design.

skins in general in this game look like dogshit except for a handful in all honesty.

They add character.

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the game in general lacks a lot of polish and the bugs in it are far and wide. I hope they try to fix this shit soon.

Also if you land on the ship while its mid-flight, there's a good chance you'll lag out and go through floors. Someone melee'd me while I was doing a finisher and I got teleported through the floor.

The netcode in general could use an upgrade as well.

G7 Scout is one of my mains, I thought it'd be shit.
Spitfire if I can find a level 3/4 barrel
Peacekeeper with Choke


/pol/tards on cope watch

that's a terrible webm to display the movement of Titanfall
Even webm related doesn't do it justice

Attached: cooking up something good.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

No, but this is

>dümp eet

10/10 bait very impressive

The best bait is the uncomfortable truth.

God damn.

>Scottish accent

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Apex Legends is an alright game, but it honestly has some of the worst character design I have ever seen in a modern game.

she's cute as hell

i'm never listening to Yea Forums ever again

yes, because it's recognizable enough to create thread for it.

kenpachi ships kine

All the characters are ugly as fuck in thi sgame and they might wanna be all inclusive or whatever the fuck but noone wants to play as stank ass motherfucks 100 games into anything.

The game has a lot of players, so that seems to be proving you wrong.

Some video that was then cut up and used everywhere. Not much about that video, in regards to characters, carried over into the game. Video was most likely made ages ago.

That doesn't make TF look good at all.

Twitch and the idea of "pros" playing the game at "high level" are what is selling big.

Everybody is trying to outnig the others now.

if i was jewish, i would be doing everything to get my companies products to attempt to recruit non-whites, so that is more difficult for my superior race to be removed from it's position of being under represented in the working class.

It's an exception that proves the rule you stupid zoomer, GTFO ASAP.

I hate that stupid twin buns hairstyle, why do niggers like that awful hairstyle?

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El goblino...

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>Scottish accent
what the fuck?

that's not the same thing you fuck

>it's not the same thing cause i say it isn't :((((((

You faggots can't stop talking about it, so yes, it probably is.

It's funny how they avoided the black character with an afro trope by going with the Asian character with died hair trope