Jazz music

Hello. And welcome to another ell gee are thing.

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Watch his first videos if you want a laugh. So shit

His videos are always top comfy. I fall asleep to him all the time.

That sounds.. Pretty gay user

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>aaaah new games bad, old games good.
Anyway i found confy this thread. LGR is a nice gaming channel.

They actually were "lazy" though. His new vids he definitely puts a lot of work into

Can some one explain what the deal is with him. Is he depressed because he's single? Does he have mental issues? Why does he post updates every few months talking like he's on the brink of a melt down? I wish my biggest worry was deciding what shit 90s game I'm going to bitch about next

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I really enjoy those, hope he´ll never delete them.
That´s why his channel isn´t called LazyGameReviews anymore and he just use the acronym. "LGR" probably stands for Little Gay Runt now

Watch his 20 years need for speed video for feels and why he's single and stuff


He's aight.

His actual videogame opinions are pretty bad, though. Even on /vr/ stuff. Outside of anything Maxis, anyway.

>starts of as Lazy Game Reviews
>does videos on the side while working a normal job
>can pretty much do whatever the fuck he wants
>channel blows up, he can make a career out of it
>opens Patreon, has satisfying Patreons to worry about now as well
>this guy who admitted he was lazy now is over his head and stresses because of his self-imposed strict schedule
>massive increase in "hate" posts like this one here over the last year

That´s pretty much it. Don´t forget he had some traumatic shit happen to him when he was younger. Hope he´s doing ok, he seemed a bit better lately.

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>I'm gonna waste talking about an old video game for twenty minutes and say nothing of value
Ross Scott>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>trash>>>>>>>>>>>>LGR


He literally loves Fallout 4 and 76.

What traumatic shit? I don't believe you.

His videogame reviews are bad outside of the edutainment ones, but his obsolete hardware videos are pretty good. That's why I'm subbed to him still.

his older sister died of cancer

His little sister died of cancer at age 6 or something, watch the Need for Speed video he did

which one nigga, he got like 4 need for speed videos

>gets sent loads of games by people
>takes games to good will or sells them because they're shit which pisses everyone off
>pisses everyone off again because he then decides to keep his games in a storage container and not his house
>spends all day in container with no windows or anything making videos
What a great idea. I wonder why he's depressed. Does he piss and shit in a bucket when he's at the storage place all day?

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Isn´t there a retrospective that came out just a few years ago?

*stalks fat goth chick*

His little sister and older sister died of cancer? Damn

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Pretty sure it's the other way around. One person is using the other for a channel boost and it's not Clint.

Koba raped Yui.

Koba is only attracted to his waifu Su

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I do not see anything titled retrospective

No. There isn't.

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You people are legit slow

That's why he did it. Moa's next. Then she doesn't have to share the spotlight.

>today on lgr, I've got a boxed pc from 1983
>opens box
>inhales deeply for 20 seconds
>toxic festering plastic fumes contained in a small small box for nearly 4 decades
He's not particularly smart is he

He seems like a smart, down to earth, uncynical, funny guy who is genuinely a great, caring and selfless person.
Those type of people are usually the most depressed.

>not the one that does the raping

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Time stamp? I value my more than you obviously, I'm not sitting through 30mins of him talking about fucking need for speed 1 for a ten second mention of a dead sister

>He's not particularly smart is he
>Thinks that the best way to experience the game is in its unpatched state

>have similar channel
>increase the comfy factor
>put all my soul into it
>after 50 videos and less than 5,000 views per video stop

My videos are better, but.... I didn't hit the algorithm.

Depends on the game.

I value my time as well, that´s why I´m done spoonfeeding you retards

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>I didn't hit the algorithm.
Watch Mandalore's video on it on how to do it right.

Post your channel, fuckboy, I'll be the judge of that.

post so we can laugh at your trash

Maybe it's because you have the sense of humour and personality of a rotting fish corpse

should've made more sims videos

It's because someone popular didn't mention your channel. It's how LGR did it, the tranny he's stalking namedropped his channel and brought in the autists.

Plus I don't flood mine with sims stuff.. Maybe that's where I went wrong. Lol

Better than lgr mate to be fair

you need a better hook, cool and unusual games doesn't cut it. but sometimes it really is just luck. I watch this channel called Chrontendo and it's this guy doing a chronology compilation of every single released NES game (japanese and western) where he goes through every one and they are as meticulously researched as can be telling history behind every game while each episode is an hour plus long and the guy still hasn't broke 10,000 subscribers which is a shame and probably why he hasn't uploaded in a year and a half.

who dat

Needs a branding overhaul, the thumbnails and titles are terrible for being picked out of the average youtube slog.

Also don't be afraid to go in with a script, do multiple takes or otherwise work on there being less downtime, "uhs/umms".
But yeah, had potential. Didn't expect that. You got discouraged too easily while you were still finding your feet.

Fair advice. I think your right, needs a hook.
>Clint clearly has mental health problems and he does stuff on the side like lgr foods, showing his issues even further you could argue.
>Mike matei even more so, a complete nut job and he also has a big penis.
>Ryan is fat and evil.
>Metal jesus rocks forces women into his videos every few weeks to draw in men.
>Tech yes city Brian has his estranged wife and son who he sees for a weekend every 2 years.
>modern vintage gamer can't read his scripts without sounding like a robot and every video shows how to enable piracy on your machines

So just do something weird and you'll bring in the views mate.

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It's the only channel where I would have learned of a Famicom (or maybe it was master system, he does a chronology of them too) game that was a platformer based on and starring a Japanese comedian famous for his blackface renditions who later became a meth head and pariah due to it. The guy really does his research for the 4 or 5 minutes he spends talking about each game.

Well that's not wrong. E-celeb gossip really keeps an active, engaged audience as people vicariously live through them.

>Ryan is fat and evil

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b-but soi...

Clint-kun… I couldn't...

what would the boards say?...

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>1+ hour long video without any structure

Besides literally same channel exists already.

nice quality but you have to pick something acyually interesting to talk about isntead of archaic games no one gives a shit anymore
maybe build up your niche before doing passion projects to get that initial audience

To get more views you need to do trend and clickbait stuff.
Mario, Sonic and such things really good in collecting views of their fanbase autists. Nintendo stuff also.

When you will get strong following you can start making things you actually want to do.

some Nintendo unboxing kino


The structure is the episodes cover the games in chronological order. I think it's neat to see the Famicom launch titles from 1983 in episode 1 to the later stuff and how games evolved. Also he doesn't spend too much time meandering on each game and doesn't try to inject some terrible sense of humor or politics into his discussion but to each their own. I like Parish' stuff though and have been watching his virtual boy works as he releases them.