Which ending do you choose for this game Yea Forums?

Which ending do you choose for this game Yea Forums?

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I nuke the schwarzvelt.

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to be fair he isn't that bad of master

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Chaos obviously, humanity has failed and me engineering a replacement in a blank space is too much win.


I choose one at random then immediately look the others up on youtube.

Good ending. Anyone who chooses otherwise is an idiot.

Chaos Ending

Although the prospect of becoming a Great Old One is pretty cool and I'm always aligned with the chaotic, I shall choose the GOOD ENDING.
I get to keep my pure tulpa wife. Heck, I can even materialize her.

Bad ending. Anyone who chooses otherwise is an idiot.

Chaos ending. Anyone who chooses otherwise is an idiot.

no ending
never finish
this is the true ending

>Being the Dark lord bitch.

>no internet

this ''good god'' reminds me of someone… a wolf in sheep's clothes.

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>dont want to be fully employed.
fuck off neet

My ego isn't strong enough to endure transcendental cosmic knowledge

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Bleep Bloop Bloop, NPC subroutine activated. Wage slavery good.


True enlightened I know I know nothing user

Good ending
I wouldn't really need videogames or internet if I was able to pursue one of my preferred but vastly more expensive hobbies freely.
Gonna get myself a few acres of land for an orchard and garden, then perfect my culinary skill over the course of my immortal life. I will become the eternal chef.

Shits fucked but a least you have good PR

>Good ending
>Couple of goddess brides to begat upon like Belldandy and Urd
>Threeways aren't sin

The answer is clear.

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>Good ending
>Marry qt childhood friend and make her immortal like me
>Spend rest of our days comfortably reading books and writing stories, cooking and sampling all kinds of new foods, and descending to peacefully spread the word of god like the rest of those usually annoying religious couples
The rest of the endings can kiss my seraphic ass.

>Choose bad ending
>Betray dark lord and revive everyone who died

you can't redeem yourself after genocide, unless time travel is involved.

why that bitch didn't colonize an empty planet beats me.

Humanity, so each man CAN BE FREE TO FIGHT HIS OWN WARS

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>No porn
>No video games
>No internet
Well I was between Humanity and Bad ending but I think I'll chose bad ending in the hopes that getting it involves killing the good ending guy.

What game is this?

And I'm all-in.

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Based. I'm always a NeutralChad. Fuck demons, fuck angels, humanity always

The chaos ending is so close to being good, but the fact that I become an Old One completely misses the fucking point. Any and all life or consciousness - normal or chtonic - is inherently tied to suffering, and the only truly moral path is ending all possibility of either. If I turn into an old one, then by definition I'm still alive and likely conscious, and thus party to the system of suffering. Fuck that.

Unfortunately, it's still the only choice I've got.

None of those, go for the True Humanity ending, there's always a catch when a god gives you power.

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We were truly blessed to exist at the same time as this game


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Tell me about your friend, user?

Humanity ending for embrace our true nature, no more running away.

Basically strange journey

Ah yes, the ANCAP that doesn't believe in the NAP.
I'm in.

What makes you think you'd be able to kill him after he makes you his favored pawn? You think he won't ensure you're always weaker than him?

>bald nigger

Being happy with yourself is the first step to stagnation. You've fallen for the Demiurge's tricks.
You must never stop cutting, but you must cut both outwards and inwards at the same time if you wish to achieve anything meaningful.

Chaos ending. Being a Great Old One should make me pretty powerful.

Acting as a spy for the good forces

>he says as he submits himself to the Lord of Light/Dark, forever robbed of his freedom
Why the fuck you talking about stagnation, bitchboi?

His true apex is is huge will


Fantastic cook (leaving with a small bit of belly to poke fun at, literally)
Likes cuddling
Enjoys reading but can't write well at all, despite numerous attempts
Big tits and ass

Why haven't you married already?

>wants a world where the strong rules and the weak either dies or serves the strong
Reminder that he was a textbook chaosfag.

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The true ending, where you save the world, defeat god and become god yourself.


Chaos ending
Fuck niggers

Oh, I thought you meant in whatever fantasy land these endings would take part in.
Sorry, not real. And I'd probably fuck it up with her anyway if she was real.

Wait, do people actually take the alignment system in SMT games seriously?

The alignment system in the Megaten series is complete nonsense, and playing Strange Journey again I'm reminded why. For example, when first meeting a couple of important characters that are your superior officers, you can choose whether to shake their hand, which makes you more lawful, or whether to refuse to shake their hand, which makes you more chaotic. But where is the logic in that? How does not being a complete autist make you more lawful? Chaotic people can't be social?

The next dialogue choice that affects alignment is equally nonsensical. A character asks you if you are anxious about going out to research the mysterious phenomenon:

"Feeling relaxed, are we?"
• I've been trained. (Neutral)
• Deep down, I'm praying. (Law)
• I'm not afraid to die. (Chaos)

Again, what does this have to do with law vs chaos? Can a chaotic character not be afraid, or can a lawful character not be fearless? I could go on, but it would be pointless. Virtually every dialogue choice in the game is equally nonsensical.

A game that actually handled shifting alignments logically was Planescape: Torment. In that game, if you lie, bluff and break vows, it makes you more chaotic. But if you tell the truth and make vows (and uphold those vows), it makes you more lawful. That actually makes sense.

The alignment system in Megaten is abstract mumbo jumbo pretending to have some deep message about human nature. It really is literal nonsense. They ripped off the alignment system from D&D without understanding what those alignments meant.

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patrician Chaos Ending

Humanity ending literally guarantees human superiority over the entire universe, and even as our wars continue to escalate from technological progress we will still thrive.

>Caring about humanity

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This. You don't need porn, video games or internet when the concept of "Can have or do nearly anything" is one of the benefits.

>Humanity ending

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I kill them all and create a new universe from scratch free from all the fuckery of gods and where the souls of humanity of the previous universe can reincarnate as god people.

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Got too owned in the Planescape thread you made and had to abandon ship, huh bud?

good ending, the negatives are in actualy positives and you know it

I choose the secret true ending that requires skill, effort or time to accomplish rather than simply being handed over.

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Wait, there is an active Planescape thread right now? Link please, so I can shitpost there as well.

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>Implying I didn't pick Chaos
Never stop cutting, user

That's the same as the Yaldabaoth ending, lmao.

I chose the ASS ending

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There's no guarantee of war and violence escalating in this one, which is the one real drawback of the Yaldabaoth ending.

Chaos Ending of course
>Have harem of babes ready to be living incubators for my tentacled spawn
>Radical as fuck cultists and priests who will cleanse all non-believers or convert the worthy ones to my cause
>Eat planets, galaxies, and people when I get hungry
>Sleep for billions of years to pass the time
>Move up the hierarchy of Lovecraftian beings and eventually make everyone else my cock sleeves
>Gain omnipotence and do whatever the fuck I want
>Recreate the Universe in whatever ways I want and turn it into a nightmare realm for normalfags while everyone else gets their lewd wishes granted
That's the life to be

And then humanity commits suicide and vanishes because there are no deities left that could save us.

best ending

you don't even understand the meaning of that point

Alright, where's the porn?

This is the only thing there is

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the only true answer, fuck gods, rip and tear until its done.

Light lord gf is the best. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot.

Outer goddess can be the light gf and I get my mind destroyed


No I get what it's supposed to mean, that humans are naturally violent and will start wars (which is bullshit and debatable anyways) but the Humanity ending implies that it's happening because of Yaldy's manipulation rather than 'humans being humans'

But why would you want your mind to be destroyed? Why would you purposefully want insanity?

>which is bullshit and debatable anyways
The entire history of mankind since it was written stands against you.

Certainly and that still makes it a debatable point purely because the future is not set in stone. But either way, in the context of this image all of that was only happening because of some fuckhead god manipulating humans to be that way. The overly optimistic Kamina ending has his meddling removed and leaves the future more open ending than definitive like in the humanity ending, where it asserts that there WILL be more violence and war and that Gayboy probably has something to do with it.

>passing up a chance to end all existence and instead waiting for it to inevitably happen
Chaospill is the one true pill

>every single human now has kamina glasses

People have believed that the future will be better for decades now and reality always proves them wrong.

And? Keep trying until it does. That's the whole point of the Kamina ending.

I'd say the fact that I am able to speak to you inebriated on a mattress at 7 in the morning instead of trying to fend off cold and wild animals says otherwise, but that's beside the point. One ending guarantees escalation via Probably God Did It and the other ending is more of a "We'll see" scenario.

Miss me with that gay shit.

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the most based black man ever

>gay shit
says the one sucking cosmic dick.

Absolutely based, fuck normalfag endings

Odd choice for your last words but it was expected from a lesser being.

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>Everyone is a god
>Universe ends at the first conversation involving 3 people.

You dun goofed.

>your pet dog hates you


This is simply delusion, though.

No, right now you fend off crackhead burglars and government agents bleeding you dry. Same shit different age.

reminder: do not give tripfags the (You)'s they so desperately wish for

I chose my words very carefully cosmic scum. Now bend over.

All this pink and purple is pretty fucking gay though. WTF is up with indie aesthetic and can't they use a full color spectrum anymore?

Nah you and your carebear kind all get nuked, chaos baby

And I'd still take those maybe sometimes burglars and jewish money making scams over the daily threat of a bear just wandering by and deciding to rip my naked penis off.

Ultimate power is meaningless.
Your family will die anyway.
End of the worlds is inevitable.
Chaos is it only true answer.

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>This is simply delusion
Because having cosmic magical beings changing the universe is pretty realistic right?

Yes? Are you stupid?

>Your family will die anyway.
>End of the worlds is inevitable.
That's just proof that laws of physics are right and that order is in the end the only thing that remains. There's a reason why in Greek the opposite of Chaos is Cosmos.

go for the good ending then sin like crazy and reinvent porn and debauchery then

Assuming you don't go chaos and float around with all the power and nothing to do then I am pretty sure merely picking an ending does not end free will

Are you? We're all debating fiction scenarios here.
In reality its just us, the void and maybe some advanced aliens out there.

>all these chaosfags
Somebody signal Norway, it's time to whip out the 18th century sea vessels again.

Chaos Ending all the fucking way. Becoming a Great Old One and conquer other universes, dimensions and timelines with my eldritch powers sounds like the coolest shit

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It's just the color scheme of Shining Trapezohedron in that game.

>be powerful old one
>get insta-gibbed by a stray marine
lol chaos is W E A K

This is how you spot Discord trannies.

What game?


My headcanon is that the creature that Ranger slain wasn't actually mama shub but one of her thousand youngs

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Looks like sundered.


Is it any good?

I really like the pic.
Can I save it?

It's ok. Nothing stellar but I've managed to drop 50ish hours on it and had a blast. Not bad for a 20€ indie game but I recommend to get it from a sale desu.

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It's all mine, my friend :)

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Noooo maybe hiro won't catch me if dl it anyway.

Shes hot tho imagine that relationship.Imma write a fic bout that later.