What is Yea Forums's billion dollar game idea?

What is Yea Forums's billion dollar game idea?

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A game all about the joke character with a maxed out luck stat

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orgy battle royale, u cum ur out

battle royale but if you die in the game you die in real life

im out


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I like how waifufags pretend they actually want to play games instead of just pay money for jpgs of their prefered anime girl.

Souls art direction, aesthetic, overall atmosphere w/ Dragon's Dogma combat and Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines levels of characterization and roleplay. They gave you dialogue options in DaS1 which diverged things a BIT, and in III they just abandoned it entirely for the most part.

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i would but this

Realistic war game where one or two shots kills you and once you die your account is locked out of playing that game forever because real life has no re-spawns.

It's also a $60 AAA game.

DS3 still has some, like this gem

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>Deep rock horizon + doom
I'm down

Thats ok idea

First person dungeon crawler (in real time) with vast caverns with a living ecology and diverse factions.

This, but it also kills you in real life.

Pray for DD2


Ok now, hear me out here.
Holocoaster Tycoon

arx fatalis

>have uncensored full frontal nudity

School Shooter Simulator Online.
>assimetrical multiplayer
>several classes: active shooter, policemen, swat, medic, teacher student, firefighter. Each has their own objectives
>several shooter subclasses with their own weapons and abilities: geek, pyromaniac, thug, edgelord
>NPC students and teachers too, you can issue orders to them depending on your class
>physics system that lets you barricade doors, use debris, light stuff on fire
>multiple ways to play, you get points depending on your role and actions. Teachers must get NPCs to safety, firemen must put down fires and open pathways, medics must save lives, student is a wildcard class that lets you grab the firefighter axe and throw it at the shooter, block paths to make things harder for everyone or just fuck around causing chaos and fun
>school is randomized each match

>be me as a kid
>want to be a 'game designer'
>have vision of a third person action game
>the opening level of it is the character in the woods, stalking a deer with a bow and arrow
>had to go slow and twigs would snap underfoot, scaring the deer
>graphics in my head were far behind the tech of the time

>tfw as an adult Tomb Raider, The Last Of Us, God of War and probably others have this exact scene

Like that yea, but on steroids

Imagine prison architect but you get to actually live out the fantasy of building a concentration camp. Your profit comes from jewish lampshades and soap exports.

can you please stop foresighting shitty games?

Lmao ur fukt

I like it, but it also needs the roller coaster track building. This is a very important part of it.

How would the gameplay work?

This is also pretty common in movies.

I apologise for inadvertently inspiring 'muh cinematic' vidya with my childish daydreams

Not sure if it would be successful but it has been my dream game since I was a kid.

The map is earth in real size and completely open world, you get to play as any living creature on earth except human, the game is you playing as whatever animal you choose and you hunt/eat/survive etc as that animal, you do everything that animal does in its life in real life.

Shame I am too retarded to make it, I have been hoping for years that some dev team creates it.

>DD combat

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Would it be feasible to make Auschwitz in Rimworld?

If you shrink the scale to the size of New York's Central Park (but not literally Central Park) this is totally doable.

rhythm fighting game, maybe hack and slash ala Metal Gear Rising or something like asuras wrath

I listen to too much weeb music and eurobeat so I'm obsessed with seeing shit perfectly timed and in my head it looks awesome (I mean, what game idea doesn't in our heads?) but I imagine it would be a technical nightmare.

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I think someone did once. So I'm gonna go with maybe

>It's a tycoon-style game
>your goal is to exterminate all 6 million Jews in Germany
>build your camps, handle the logistics of capturing, imprisoning, containing and eventually murdering god's chosen people
>game is unwinnable because not only did the holocaust never happen but it's impossible to have killed that number of jews because that many jews didn't even exist in Germany+territories and the technology and logistics completely preclude mass extermination in the numbers claimed

>after the inevitable failure of your camp an additional mode called "But it should have happened" gets unlocked
>The real meat of the game is here and now you can research improved furnaces, better logistical support and other technologies and advantages they didn't have
>goal in this mode is to wipe out all jews on earth
>as you remove more Jews you are constantly reminded of events and happenings in history that happened that will now no longer happen since the jews behind them have been deleted
>As your camps prosper and remove more heebs, the Reich's influence grows, countries start to ally with you and aid you in the removal of the jew as the effects of their removal become more apparent and widespread, and the course of the war changes, eventually ending it altogether
>billed as edutainment game

Basically just make tf2 in to a WoW clone

Fund it

I think I saw a thread like this on here where somebody suggested a VR Russian Roulette type game where the players are strapped into chairs with captive bolt pistols strapped to their temple.
I'm sure you can infer the rest of the core gameplay.

I want this.
Right now.

GOTY for all years. Literally perfect

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>843 acres (3.41 km2)
What is this, 1995 open world game?


Except again

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Most of those Jews were from Poland, the Soviet Union, France, and Germany, you absolute dumb antisemitic fuck.
Buy a helium tank today and relieve us of the cancer that is you.

Yeah I realise the map being earth size is unreasonable but it is what started the idea for me as I love watching discovery channel and all the animals and David Attenborough and Steve Irwin and stuff, I liked the idea of playing as a grizzly bear in the snowy regions of north america and then next play through maybe a bottom feeder on the ocean floor. Could make it feel like earth in game down with your idea of the downscale.

A blitzball sports game that plays like a top down SNES football game. It's not a billion dollar game idea but it would make a good indie game.

Actually, just having a fighting game where you do me damage if you're his are synced with the music shouldn't be too hard to do.

finally, a way to deal with the zoomer menace

>DOOM-The binding of Isaac Hybrid with a shitload of guns.
>Darkest dungeon and half-life 2 cut content inspired lore and themes.

Stealing but add a time travel element so it's like you're going back to make sure the Holocaust happens to prevent the Jews from fucking over the world you come from. Wish me luck.

Play One Finger Death punch survival mode.

But he's not wrong, he included the occupied territories

Fabio RPG
>An RPG where you play as Fabio, the guy in all those women's romance novels.
I just remember this one time from a shit posting thread a few years ago.

I would play that all day

This sounds like SCP: Secret Laboratory.

There wasn't anywhere near 6 million jews in all of Europe, according to all official census data from the countries at the time. If anyone actually believes the 6 million, they're nigger-tier IQ.

May you succeed one day user.

There's a more basic version of this on gmod server browser.

Can you tone down your blatant antigoyimism please.

doesnt even sound fun it would just be endless cookie clicker placing gas chambers and synagogues until you reach 6 million. i can't imagine anyone caring about this after the "woEaOAEEHoh so EDGY" shine wears off.

now this sounds fun

Thanks I hope the "journalist" gaming sites are still operational by then, I need all the clickbait free advertising.

The Elder Scrolls but actually fun and complex with a well programmed, customizable engine and without cut content.

A hundred players are space soldiers on a bug-infested world

Keep moving, get to the objective, survive!

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yeah, I've always thought that would be the easiest way of handling it. but I feel like it might end up being a bad QTE fest, as I just wanna make cool ass scenes and have some form of story I guess.

althought a standard fighting game that times up with the beat should be easier compared to that.

I might end up trying to do this for my senior project where I've gotta make a game. That's still 2 yrs out tho.

If it was kinda like idle/incremental games it would be GOAT

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>but actually fun
Is this even possible? If you don't make up your own fun TES is just a somewhat immersive sandbox.

that's pretty good actually

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Second person shooter

Other than the setting/playable characters, mechanically, there's virtually no difference between this and your average multiplayer shooter. If you can think of unique gameplay mechanics, you may just have a hit. Otherwise, it'll just be unremarkable weeaboo shit.

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>An open world RPG where you play as a super-villain.
>You can customize powers, costume, the entire ordeal
>You can just fuck around with powers outside of main missions just for the hell of it, earning points of villainy which are basically exp used to upgrade and unlock new powers, so eventually if you wanted to you could have all the powers you wanted
>You can even combine the traits of two abilities you've unlocked to allow for more unique experiences
>You don't even need to conquer the world, you can just be that asshole who moves someone's car in a parking lot
>You can also do heroic things to get hero exp, a separate meter which allows you to unlock missions to get eventually get you a superhero ending

That sounds great, I'd play the fuck out of it. Have a similar idea about a somewhat KND-inspired stealth game where you play as kids in a school. You'd have kid gadgets, like RC cars, mail-in X-Ray glasses, and slingshots, and missions would be parodies of typical stealth game missions. Getting a teacher fired/getting a student sent to detention in place of assassinations, starting a food fight in the cafeteria to create a distraction, sneaking into the office to alter test results, etc.

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Even so, the sheer logistics involved and the technology available at the time still say NOPE to the idea of mass slaughter at the scale being claimed.

No holocaust happened, no official extermination ever took place. The only thing that killed jewish prisoners was typhus and other diseases brought about by poor living conditions and lack of vital supplies, which the Allies caused with their bombing runs on supply lines providing supplies to those camps.

That's a good idea actually. Would give the reminders of events averted better context. Watch out though, making a game might definitely get you imprisoned under holohoax denial laws (which by the way, the US quietly laid the groundwork to eventually implement rather recently)

You would have to deal with prisoner uprising, escape attempts, bad weather, Allied raids, disgruntled staff, and all other manner of problems, like any other tycoon game. Keeping yourself funded and supplied would also be an issue you would have to deal with. It definitely wouldn't be as one-dimensional as you think it would.

I suppose that could work. Maybe a secret mode after an obscure chain of research where you can build a quantum tunneling device and go to other parallel worlds. Why stop at removing the jew from your own reality, when you can remove them from all realities?
>yfw Jews Removed: 753 octillion

Is that the ADAM-SKA Special from MGSV?

Can you tone down your tripniggerism?

A clumsy hand simulation game similar to surgeon sim, but where the objective is to paint miniatures. One feature of the game is that you can drink the paint water.

Magical Nazi Sabina-chan
It's a magical girl third person shooter based on an alternate history where the Justifying Evil & Wicked Schemes organization plans to take over the world. Our heroine is selected to save the world by the recently escaped from confinement resident of the fairy world Adolf Hitler. She eventually gets a partner and they must stop what Hitler and his chosen group of magical girls all those years ago failed to do. They must stop J.E.W.S. from taking over the world. By slipping on her magical armband and saying the magical phrase "Grant me the strength to fight evil, MEIN FUHRER" 14 year old Ayaka Saya becomes Magical Nazi Sabina-chan. Together with her ally Magical Nazi Anja-chan they stop the J.E.W.S from using their evil Savage Jewel Warheads and bring peace, happiness and love back to the world.
With the Hero Gun and Brave Rifle the girl's can fuse their weapons together to create the Hitler Canon. Using it they can remove the evil S.J.W. from the person its possessing by hitting it with a heavy dose of magically charged toxic gas. Together with Hitler, Saya and Arisa(Anja-chan's secret identity) will save the world.
Gameplay is a 3rd person shooter/action game where you use a variety of weapons ranging from pistols to flame throwers, to top secret Magical Nazi weapons. It features 49 stages each with an intense boss battle to finish it off. There's also the ability to wonder around the girls' town, enjoy crepes from the crepe stand, get cute outfits, and go play in the game center. There's also a photo booth so you can take cute photos of the girls.

Stop with the antigoyimism, kike.

A third person shooter where you play an old man accompanied by a more vulnerable sidekick.
Add qte, crafting and slow walking phase where they talk to each other

That would not be historically accurate but still a very fun thing to do

mmmmmm delicious paint water

You make an excellent case for why Japan should have been nuked more heavily.

>that one government funded game will never be leaked
Why live?

They're post-transformation phrases are
Fighting for the people I love, Magical Nazi Sabina-chan. Sieg Heil!
Fighting for the town that I love, Magical Nazi Anja-chan. Sieg Heil!
Together we are
Evil creatures that wish to harm the world we love
We will return you to the darkness from whence you came.

last of us 2 with grandpa Joel as the only playable character

Zelda clone where you play as a bunch of Pokemon rip-offs and go explore in some towns and have to find stuff in the interconnected dungeon that is underneath all the cities, you can wreck/kill anything but if you do bad things people will start to make things more complicated for you (build tanks, giant robots and shit) until they become the main villian or you can let the evil corporation take over while you do exploring stuff and that will be the villian but you will have some people on your side thanks to sidequests (you have git gud to beat the game as a good guy without doing sidequest), gameplay is mix of TPS/FPS with some platforming/flying/swimming mechanics and is based around teamwork but in single player.

We only had 2 at the time sadly.
While we made threats to drop a third, we were in the middle of building it and it wasn't actually operational... you could say we got lucky when they surrendered to our temporarily-empty threats, but maybe if we hit them harder anime wouldn't be a thing.

O fuck

witcher 2 like but you play as a paladin for the holy light

Battlefield 4 + Ghost in the Shell.

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The small area allows for a great amount of density of detail you couldn't put in a map the size of San Andreas.

> the sheer logistics...
Do you know how many soldiers died in the Second World War? How in the fuck would a few million - not all 6 million were gassed - be that outrageously taxing on logistics?

>Already degenerates
>bomb them twice
>increase in degeneracy
>thinks 1 more bomb would make them less degenerate
Do you not see the pattern?

You have some powerful autism. Are you not already a game dev?

Because they weren't all cremated, soaped, or turned into lampshades. Even from an cremation standpoint there's no way modern crematoriums can pump out the numbers that are shilled out.

But who am I kidding, literally anyone who isn't 60 IQ or a kike themselves knows there was no such thing as death camps. Work camps, yes. Human experimentation camps that we Americans took tons of research and even scientists from, yes. But death camps, no. Starvation due to lack of resources and sickness, mainly typhus, is what all those piles of bodies come from.

>Generic shooter but it has ironic weebshit in it
Might as well add gacha elements you fucking faggot. Hard pass.

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>implying the bombs did anything

the japs have always been this way

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I'm working towards it, but I can't 3D model yet. I can sprite, but that isn't enough to do justice the world of Magical Nazi Sabina-chan.

after two bombs we have guro and the push for N cup tits. One more bomb may push them to the mystical Z cup and beyond. One more may make Maggot Bites look normal by comparison. Do you not realize what forces of nature you are working with?

RPG where the characters/classes have a base in reality
>main character is a black male cop. Cop tactics include a variety of utility-focused actions and some elemental attacks i.e. taser
>party member #1 is a white drug dealer and gangbanger who ends up teaming up with you in a bind. His speciality is ranged attacks via guns
>party member #2 is a hispanic EMT who knows the MC and becomes the love interest. Handles healing/buffs for the party, but can also defend herself
>party member #3 is a young Asian female with unexplained magical abilities and no memory. Can cast spells and apply elements/curses as well
>party member #4/#5 TBD
As you can see, the intent is not only to create a well-rounded party, but also a diverse team.

bigger nigger

Also, I am still trying to come up with a story that makes sense. The battle system is something like FFXIII, but with more focus on positioning and slowed down/tweaked to allow for more direct control over each character.

Are you telling me it takes a whole tank of gas just to kill one man, in what I would assume isn't instantaneous but long and drawn out? Kinda makes you wonder how you would accomplish such a feat a larger scale, to think of having that kind of access to a pool of millions seems kinda unfeasable if you think about it

I haven't updated this in over 2 years. It's still shit.

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i see clown frog the honk honk is the new hot meme

Why can't people like you all die?

A battle royale in a matrix like setting where the players are unable to see or interact with others for the first minute or two before everyone materializes in front of each other at once. I don't really like BR games but I thought that would be a fun twist on things

Too harsh of truths for the npcs of Yea Forums

Fuck you clown looking frog.


Anyways in my dream game you can astral project your spirit and possess people if they are close enough to your physical body. In my mind you would have to make up reasons for the nameless guard youve possessed to drag your unconcious body into wherever it is you have to be, until you can possess someone with higher clearance. Hilarious Antics ensue.

gayest shit i've EVER heard in my life. miss me with that.

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Battle royal with a bounty hunter system. Everyone is a bounty hunter and everyone has some wanted posters with their profiles scattered about.
You can only damage someone whose wanted poster you have. Also maybe if they break a law in your line of sight.

Why can't fat neckbeard weeaboos like you all die? Why can't you see that the idea OP posted is poorly thought out garbage?

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A billion dollar VtmB sequel.
Chivalry Medieval Warfare FPS Melee (Vermintide also similar)
Satisfying Gunplay with a strong emphasis on fun and 10/10 sound and animations
Magic system reworked to be as spectacular as something like say Dragon's Dogma for high level spells
Keep all the interesting skills and balance them appropriately

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Wowie user you sure got a good head on your shoulders! Able to see through the flaws in a shitpost like that, please fuck me!

>emphasis on fun

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as opposed to realism or sim. ARCADEY is probably a better word that wouldn't have attracted your autism

I actually want to make a story oriented ping pong game about some looser that, trough discovering ping pong, find his way in life, make new friends and enemies and learns about life.

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Could be interesting if players could see fottprints or other clues to where people were

>One player per team is assigned the role of being a normal RTS player, while everyone else can either play as a generic mook, or opt to wait in a queue
>RTS player needs to construct buildings and individual units
>Queued people can pick the special units (vehicles, specialist infantry etc.) when they become available
>RTS needs to keep the supply line going while the other players need to fulfill whatever the RTS commands them to do in order to succeed, and vice versa
>Special units are also free to use their special abilities whenever they see fit
>Players can also be picked up by vehicles to be ferried across the battlefield
>Special areas on the map give buffs and other bonuses to whoever owns them
It's basically Natural Selection but with more options being given to the command-role, and vehicles


An Overwatch clone with gender neutral bathrooms

>talks like a nigger
>anime poster
Like clockwork.

I like the idea on its surface, but why does the race matter? If muh diversity is so important, why not make everyone a trans black female and get rid of the dreaded wh*te man completely?

fund it

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>modern crusades
>you are part of a special ops templar team
>ghost recon wildlands kinda gameplay
>got to kill muslims


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go fuck ur goat, mohammed

apparently niggers are living in your head rent free, you triggered snowflake.
will you think i'm black if i use the word "ain't" too?

Wasnt CnC renegade like this/

>remove kebab in middle east
>come back to europe
>kebab took over
>orthodox and catholics are forced to join up to remove kebab

I won't share it with you faggots

>that many jews didn't even exist in Germany+territories

>There wasn't anywhere near 6 million jews in all of Europe, according to all official census data from the countries at the time. If anyone actually believes the 6 million, they're nigger-tier IQ.

>Even so, the sheer logistics involved and the technology available at the time still say NOPE to the idea of mass slaughter at the scale being claimed.

I suppose there's no point in asking for proof, since you all seem to think that "dude trust me" is convincing enough.

Pls no mom

What if I don't want billions of dollars for funding my game because I'd rather sell my game to a niche audience and I know that it wouldn't need nor deserve a budget of that caliber?

>triggered snowflake
Trying way too hard man

>>orthodox and catholics are forced to join up to remove kebab
>squad consists of 2 orthodox and 2 catholics
>banter while killing goat fuckers


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I've had this idea as well
Don't know how to make it not QTE garbage

Holy shit you turbo ass retard

1. We aren't TRYING to perform mass killings here are we? We wouldn't have another person to kill if we wanted to.

2. Helium is a simple asphyxiant. Not POISON.


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Neither were all six million Jews, user. The majority were just put in mass graves. I ask you this: If you think the camps existed, what were the Nazis going to do AFTER the War? Just fucking let them out? Their imprisonment, unlike the Internment Camps, was never about the war.


Not quite QTE, but:
>Final boss is a duel
>Probably your dad or brother or something
>Fights in exactly the same way you do
>Whole fight feels like a 3D Guitar Hero duel, attacking and defending based on who's 'movement' is next on the track

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>Stealth shooter where you can pull E.Y.E. hacks on other players

Cities with ghettos in are more interesting settings

>the sims but everything is designed around being able to run businesses with an in-game economy and npcs abide by the same rules as the player does
>it has an online mode

>black cop
>white drug dealer

revert it

>had some weird dream where I was in/playing some game I'd never seen
weird shit
>multiplayer focused
>tron aesthetic
>people ride around on these mounts with long legs and a seat that has a high, protected back but no front so the rider is open
>you fight with spears or something
>maybe electric throwing darts, or both, dreams are stupid
>players and the seat around them have weak spots that you can stick darts
>the rest is fuzzy but I think you had to stun the player/mount then jump onto them and kick them to the ground

check out Def Jam Icons

Holy fucking cringe

3D first person pokemon

>An ARPG with great combat, atmosphere, and actually RPing is cringe

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First person open world survival timed underwater escort mission. You are a Navy SEAL tracking a nuke hidden underwater by the Russians, & only have 24 game hrs (8 hrs irl) to do it. The escort is the only one who can disarm the nuke, but whines, lags behind, interrupts gameplay constantly with useless advice, & has no concept of self-preservation. If he dies, the game ends. There is regenerating health and a stamina bar, but at the same time you have an O2 gauge & need to return to home base on the surface to replace your O2 tank with a new one, so waiting in cover heals but also wastes O2. Every time you go back/leave base, there is a 5 min cutscene. There are other SEALs in the area trying to find the nuke, and they will give missions like "bring 10 giant enemy crab claws from the nearby sewer". Enemies have hitscan weapons. RE tank controls. Unskippable tutorial. There's a Hunger/Thirst meter, and you also have to use the bathroom. NPCs swim faster than your regular swimming speed but slower than your faster speed. You "level up", by purchasing lootboxes in the Cash Shop that have a random chance of giving you Scuba Cards that increase your stats. Halfway through the game there is a forced stealth section. The camera is annoying & you/the escort frequently get stuck in the environment and invisible walls. Weapons/armor can only be obtained via microtransactions, break and degrade & can only be repaired with "kits" from microtransactions. Enemies scale to your level. There are DEEP MORAL CHOICES, like detonating the nuke and killing everyone or disarming it. The villain has an unknown identity, but the credits in the beginning spoil it. There are 16 hrs worth of unskippable cutscenes, all with QTEs that will lead to an instant death if failed. Only 1 save, it autosaves before each cutscene & you can't manually save. The final boss is a QTE & the ending is locked behind DLC. Locked 720p/30FPS + Denuvo. Early-access. Always online. Paid mods. No FOV slider.

Speaking of dreams, I had one that could be made a game
>Am a dirty street kid
>Part of a dirty street kid gang
>Most of us are white or vaguely brown because ghettos
>Run around being dicks to people in the neighbourhood
>Near end of the dream a full-on multi-gang turf war happens
>Everyone uses melee, either bare fists or improvised weapons
>Using an old broom handle as a staff
>Have a duel with an enemy kid who's doing the same
>Ends when I get shanked by some asshole I wasn't watching
Think The Warriors, but with kids and online mulitplayer

nobody sets out to make a game with bad combat or bad atmosphere

Sly Cooper style game set in one city with different areas where the aim of the game is to take down an evil organization's 13 members, each of which with a unique special power, which you obtain after killing a member Megaman-style. The game takes place over seven days, with each chapter being a day, but similar to Majora's Mask in a vague sense,you can rewind to the beginning of the chapter's day with your current unlocks and items.

This formula has a bit of a twist: Each of these powers are fourth-wall breaking abilities like noclipping, pausing, altering the physics, and they abuse them hard in their boss fights with you. Once you get their power, you'll use them in both combat and puzzle solving. Pause the game on enemies so they can't move, turn down the graphics settings so a sphere becomes more polygonal and stops rolling, etc. The reason you can go back in time is because the first guy you kill gives you the power to manipulate the ingame clock.

Besides the leader, each gang member is based off of a different fiction trope character too. There's a mad scientist, a radical 90's dude, and an old school gangster, as an example. Not every character has their own chapter in which you face them though, as some of them work together to combine their powers, like a character who can rig the RNG and a gambler character who represents random events and drops to attack you during his boss fight. During his chapter you'd have to figure out how to isolate and kill off the other guy before the fight with your time rewind. Stuff like that would be present pretty often in the game, and encourage blasting through parts of a chapter multiple times to solve puzzles with knowledge gained later while minimizing backtracking and doing the same things because you keep your key items.

Oh, and all the evil team guys share the same musical motif but with different instruments and tone based on their trope and gimmick.

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>pedo game

Blue Reflection except good

Only if it has a job system so you can take on all his roles

It's a game about getting to work on time.
Rogue-like elements with the main theme being permadeath.
If you don't get to work on time a man arrives to finger your anus until you die. Unskippable cutscene.

AAA shooter with anime aesthetic (Battlefield clone) featuring a myrriad of jp VA's and weaponry.

i want this and i want it NOW!

That's pretty much Higurashi Daybreak anyway. Man that game was a fucking blast with bros but the netcode was a thing of horrors.

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High military command simulator. Where you need to deal with politics of war, incomplete information, plan operation and see them executed in real time and trying to salvage the mess you or others did for yourself.

Someone is already making something close to it though.

You're a fucking retard

oh fuck off ya sad cunt nobody gives a fuck

Completely open world monster hunting game, with actual tracking of monsters, and ability to cut off any of the monster's parts/limbs. Gameplay mostly similar to monster hunter with a larger focus on preparation and comsumables, and less grindy.

So, Saurian but with modern creatures and a insanely sized worldmap?
I think the most reasonable way to do this while keeping the ambitiousness of the proyect is to make a procedurally generated open world in each play based on the animal's characteristics. For instance,the worldmap will be bigger if you choose an animal that travels a lot throught the day like bears than if you choose a more territorial animal like a hippo.Or different types of fauna/vegetation and map and so on.
It is still an alpha Spore type of madness that is probably unfeasible and even if it was no AA or AAA company will bother to drain money and manpower into it sadly

Procedurally created massively multiplayer world performed in various stages or 'seasons'

>World is a completely blank canvas.
>Everyone is a primordial spirit, able to shift and mould terrain at will along with killing other players.
>Can specialise into particular archtypes like 'earth' or 'water' for increased strength / abilities in those areas at the cost of being weaker towards it's opposing force.
>After a pre determined period of time, the world is locked in it's current state and the game moves onto it's next stage.
>Survival game like spore, but not controlled directly, craft your own creature and see if it survives against other player created creatures.
>Once this stage ends, the dev's choose the races most suited for controlling directly (Or the community does if you dont give a fuck) and have them spread out in a tribal > city sense to roughly medival stage, with procedual A.I that would accomodate the terrain, wildlife and such.
>Next stage is a somewhat standard fantasy MMO fare with different factions, might have classes, might have just 'ability points' to spend whevever you please, but with an overarching goal of becoming the dominantfaction land, most likely through genocide of the enemies strongholds.
>The most influencial players of the first stage are showcased here as gods, and if the same player is now currently playing this stage, they get a minor to major (Depending on balance) boost compared to other players, essentially being an 'avatar' of that particular god.
>Once a faction 'wins' or a hidden event is triggered (Which requires a significant number of people and time to pitch in), a doomsday clock starts, maybe the moon comes crashing down, maybe the planet's core starts blowing up, different each time but the result is the planet being wiped out.
>With enough resources a magical 'ark' can be constructed that will save whatever is placed in it,either personal or community sized, which will appear in the next game as alien artifacts.

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Robocraft but with the old physics and no stupid shit
Oh wait, Procelio exists or will in a few years

>Just fucking let them out?
Deport them, like they tried to do and America and non-occupied Europe said "no way fag" to?

yes they do, just unknowingly

>>Whole fight feels like a 3D Guitar Hero duel
as opposed to what for the rest of the game?

Why aren't there more loli games?

Well outside of boss fights, it'd probably feel more like Necrodancer with freedom of movement


Just make Pressure, Bro-Quest or Crab Nicholsons Extreme Sleepover: Text Adventure

Attached: Pressure.png (1876x2886, 3.24M)

Too cringe for normies / people that live w/ parents / gf.

Fallout 2 jinxed run. Everyone's gun jams at the worst times.

Some Russian made this.

Fuck first person. Directional insanity people can't play your game.

There's a gmod of this.

Boring after you bag some big deer. No PvP.

Game in Japan similar to your descrip.

Mods for this in ARMA. Starship Troopers.

A gorillion old indie games did this.

Natural Selection 2 human side or that old C&C Renegades game.

There's an indie game I beta tested that's doing something similar minus the world building step. It sucked sadly. Overly customizable to where only true autists can thrive.

it's like rimworld except an ant colony

game is nothing but a single mirror. it has the best mirror rendering that will ever exist in a game

I never had any of these classes when I was in school wtf is this

see tokyo zoo or pic related

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I want this except it is a tower defense game and you have to defend against the allies as they send waves of men at your camp walls. you can use jews for different tasks or use them for research to unlock new tech.

A game that evokes the feeling of tremors. An alien ship with life forms from various world crashlands outside a small town. You have to learn the behaviours and abilities of the creatures released in order to save the townsfolk from them. Open world and as the game progresses creatures spread further around the map making it more dangerous to move around. Your goal is to collect all the townspeople and escape.

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>A gorillion old indie games did this.

Stop having ideas.
Stop being creative.
Both are massively overrated. They may be necessary in small doses, but you don't need anywhere near the amount that people currently shit out.
Here's what you do instead:
Be competent.
None of this "but it's subjective" "it's personal taste" "it's good enough" "we can't be expected to" bullshit.
Even if a given thing is 80% out of your control, you make that 20% good.
And usually when it's 80-20, the 80 is IN your control.
Don't aim to shove new ideas into your game.
Take the ideas that already work, implement them properly.
Take the ideas that you've seen work well together, repeat that and iron out the bugs.
Less creativity, more competence.

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Old, OLD af indie devs made games like this. Turn based, real time, or rts'y games had this theme so much. I'm talking Fallout 1 era of indie games. You could find them in a Big Lots bargain bin.

>u cum ur out
what was that called? Crabcock or something? I'd play it in a heartbeat.

Have fun being on a list now

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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4
>While Russia and US duked it out China were slowing building up a huge force
>China simultaneously attacked Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Vietnam while Price was busy hunting Makarov
>China launched nukes at the US and Russia which crippled their infrastructures
>3 years later Korea was united under North Korea who was China's puppet
>Taiwan got conquered, Japan was fighting a losing fight, Vietnam lost the north side to PLA but still holding the south from the 17th parallel
>US sent a spec ops team, supplies and weapons to Vietnam to help them regain their north side
>1st mission is called "Good Morning Vietnam"
>Price only stays at the base to support you
>Ending splits China into 3 parts like 3 kingdoms

ok, Yea Forums rate my game idea
>set in the not to distant future, a power struggle between the working class and the government officials
>after the riots break out of hand, society collapses and the government has to shut down due to the civil war that has broken out in the usa
>during this time, a collection of religious individuals, with power and influence rise to power and research new biologically advanced formulas that change and alter humans
>the usa is broken into 5 city states after the white house was bombed to hell
>due to the bombs, a rust like mist created from the mix of burned and charred dirt, steam from vents below the earth that lead all the way to the earth's core, and other chemicals.
>you play as the Preacher. a religious man who follows christianity and leads a church in the mist of no mans land, who one day, saw a vision from god, and a angel came down to see him
>the preacher who was tempted by the devil who thought to be god, chained the angle and violently had sex with it giving him powers that transcend humanity.
>word passes through the city states and you have to survive
>the gameplay is a first person shooter that requires you to make hard decisions
>the powers you have allow you to see through walls, turn invisible, create a light shield that blocks attacks, and heal yourself.
>the limitations however is that to only activate these abilities and for you to get better is if you do good deeds.
>if you come across a village and eat alot of their food supply, you become more slower, and your power diminishes, however if you don't eat from them, you starve, and have a greater power
>you then run into morally ambiguous villans that you must decide if they live or die.

this game idea i think needs more work in my opinion and needs some better ideas but i dont know shit.

if you like this idea you might like water warfare/ban ban kids, it's a water gun FPS with custom loli/shota characters and there's playground and park stages

Thanks I didn't know about this, but it is only dinosaurs.

>I think the most reasonable way to do this while keeping the ambitiousness of the proyect is to make a procedurally generated open world in each play based on the animal's characteristics
That is a good idea and would make the game easier to create and more sense, like if I chose to play as an ant then I wouldn't need the earth sized map around me although I would prefer it that way

>Game in Japan similar to your descrip.
What name? is it what this user said google says it is called Tokyo Jungle, completely missed it for the ps3, will check it out thanks.

Pretty much Neptunia, with a proper budget, but instead of anthropomorphized consoles it's anthropomorphized waifu 4channel/Yea Forums boards. Don't know if Yea Forums or Yea Forums should be the main character.

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Make /av/ the main char