I've got it lads


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You mongol

Where are the cricket and rugby references newfaggot?

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Trash Trash Trash

the stick in grooky's ear leaves you mong

watch the trailer you blind fuck.
You dont fucking use a baton in football and the hand position is like the one you use when you want to pass in rugby.

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Grookey has the stick that in evolution will be a wood bat
Sobble stay in the tipical Rugby pose, maybe will have something like and helmet or trow ice rugby ball

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Is Scorbunny Spiderman because he ran up the wall?

It annoys the shit out of me that people this Scorbunny stands for soccerbunny and not ScorchBunny. Where the fuck did you guys get that fucking idea

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Score bunny

I can accept it now.

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Scorbunny is
Score + Bunny

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It’s both Scorch + Bunny and Score + Bunny. Double layered pun name.


Because Mermaid, Wrestler, Robin Hood was such a consistent theme.

Gamefreak just don't give a shit.

>Scorbunny's hidden ability causes it to faint in one hit to all moves, even non-damaging ones

>Soccer/football player
>Loch Ness monster

If they do go this route I’m gonna be disappointed if the bunny doesn’t become a hooligan.

Score is not a soccer exclusive term you bakas

Why does everyone think they are based on sports?

>’Scorbunny uses Flop’

sobble is a cute name


They look much better in the artworks than in that cgi trailer, hope they look better ingame