ITT: Post an image, other anons recommend a vidya based on it
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ITT: Post an image, other anons recommend a vidya based on it
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witcher 3
Cabela's Big Game Hunter Pro Hunts
it's a legit good game
Sims 4 with mods?
In order to be cucked you have to think of her as a potential sexual partner. It's so disgusting I feel like I'm going to barf. These incels need to be culled.
depends on where the reader derives the definition of "cuck" from. if you take the literal definition of it being strictly sex-related, then it's disgusting. i think the guy who wrote that abides by the broader definition of it applying to anyone you feel some sort of affection for, which has been somewhat on the rise since the modern incel community got started.
Check out Serpent In The Staglands, OP.
clive barker's undying
Alone in the Dark
The Punisher
Drakengard 2
Hollow Knight: Godmaster
so you should kill her or something?
Burying your head in the sand wont help you.
any castlevania
based taste in music user
Dont raise children, fuck as money women as you want. Leave them when they get pregnant..
thanks, would you recommend any music like this to me?
I've been listening to largely the same bands for the last decade so I haven't kept up with new bands emerging in 'post rock' especially ones with a folk style to it which is rare. At least a decade ago.
You'll most likely recognize a few of these.
65 Days of Static (No Mans Sky lmao)
Long Distance Calling
Godspeed You Black Emperor
Lights At Sea
...And So I Watch You From Afar
Do Make Say Think
Explosions in the Sky
God is a Astronaut
This Will Destroy You
World Ends Girlfriend
Yndi Halda