Pokemon Sword and Shield

So I'm the only one who's attracted to the female trainer, huh...

Attached: The-Remix-In-The-Poke%CC%81mon-Sword-and-Poke%CC%81mon-Shield-Trailer-slaps-gq-1.jpg (1280x720, 207K)

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Of course you are, she's like 12.

That is legal in the Islamic State of Great Britain

What if the Team from this region is from a bunch of refugees from another region?

I wish i was her...

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What's the most '''''''asiatic'''''' pokemon, Voltorb? Weezing?

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who else /attracted to Scottish accents/, and I'm not even a native english speaker

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I want to fuck her brains out

>blue eyes.

LMAO destroyed

For now. I'm sure customization can create something out of her that I'll like too.

Nigger, people have been memeing this daft cunt for a hot minute


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Wobbufet better fucking be available.


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Is Shield-chan for sex?

Well, it says on my sheet I have brown eyes, but I decided I wanted blue eyes.

>bland brit
No fanks

>read that as "autistic"
fuck, i'm going to bed.
i dunno about that but these are the most autistic.

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Only the most aggressive kind of shaggin' with the sole purpose to pump her full of your children for a long married life.

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Why do you think she's daft? She doesn't look like a vapid airhead to me.

Same lol

everyone loves her shes probably going to be the next lilly

She is customable.


Any art up her skirt seeing her minge yet?

>tfw no aggressive scottish gf

Attached: qt.jpg (1200x1138, 136K)

She's so generic and boring looking.

Chicken-chan was cuter.


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hey buddy, you missed a spot

Maybe we can customize the MC with haircuts at least?

>that pic

Attached: D0dER0rXgAAGW_B.jpg (1200x692, 96K)

>any of that

Today, I will remind them...

Attached: this anon is correct.png (823x205, 118K)

I'm attracted to the male character


I'll bet that the artist is a mutt.

This. The fake-ass bong posting made by burger is stupidly embarrassing.

I hope they will make dialogues with Scottish accent.

haha british cucks absolutely destroyed

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>Not waiting for the mature ladies of Galar to make their debut instead

I swear that i saw an edit with that monkey and the "score sum fucking goals" guy in Yea Forums.


>Doesn't appreciate based pokebong or nia posting
Why even come to Yea Forums?

Nia posting is fine since it made fun of the shitty dub. But Pokebong is just a normalfag twitter meme, mate.
It's on the same level as that stupid shaggy meme on my book.

>stop having fun reeeee

Still waiting for Nia going MINGE with Shield art. Sadly this is something only the west can do.

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Tits WAY too big
I love it

It's a Samurai Jack reference

>He's having fun with a shitty meme.
You do you, I guess.

She's adorable, but she lacks delicious exposed navel. I wonder if custom clothes will let us see that

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I'm not even sure we have proper Nia minge fanart

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fuck off, i already masturbated you demonic cunt

She has loads of lewds, for me that is "minge". Also, why the girl on your pic is a fucking failure?

reminder that the concept of trainers being as young as 10 was only really a thing specified in the anime
reminder that the female trainers are officially stated to be designed to attract young men
reminder that may, who is supposed to be 10 in the anime, is drawn with actual tits

Attached: may.png (640x480, 480K)


An actual Scottish person instead of burgers making some weird English/Scots hybrid.

A bit downgrade from chicken-chan.
but still 9/10 would still furiously fuck for the sake of procreation

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The mental gymnastics that pedophiles use to cope with their mental illness never ceases to equally amaze and sadden me. Please user, seek help; if not for your health, for the future child that you’ll be tempted to molests’.

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Underrated post

i'm not even a person who finds pokegirls attractive. i'm just stating the reality of them

I know it comes with the UK being an artistic wastelan, but after Kalos and Alola she looks so fucking plain.

You do realize that you're even more fucked with the Mexicans?

I never argued that you found a Pokégirl attractive; I did, however, point out that you are admirably defending your pedohpelic tendencies.


>I never argued that you found a Pokégirl attractive
>your pedohpelic tendencies

The "plain" complain doesn't have ground when the Character is customable.

thank me, user! thank me!

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thanks doc

Makasih, dokter

Attached: PokeGalarLass.jpg (1500x1530, 2.36M)

yes it does, customization doesn't change that she's the face of the gen, and barely look different from chicken chan. customization is also irelevant if the options presented keeps you in different flavor of plain.

>be one of the most boring nationalities
>force meme the dumb stupid accent
>teehee my accent and lingo is so unique and funny am i relevant now

why are brits always second rate americans

Imagine the smell...

What do you mean by "going MINGE"?

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Well, then you have a shit opinion because everyone loves her, look at her fanart boom. Now the male MC is fucked, he is the most unpopular male MC ever, i blame his stupid "luggage backpack".

Wow, if only any of the women in this shithole island overrun by pakiniggers was actually a cutie-patootie like that.
Guess that's why we have video games for escapism though.


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I can see their cute and funny bits!