Endgame mmorpg armor

>endgame mmorpg armor

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Say no more

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>starting a new jrpg

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pretty sure the boss doesn't stand a chance

that's a jedi

>Obi-Wan's peasant cloak he wore in order to simply blend in and not stand out was retconned into standard Jedi attire

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>just noticed his pants are torn on the knees.

Mugatuhs derelict campaign has been successfull.

Name an mmo where endgame armour is this minimalist.

here's your endgame raid armor bro

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So it's realistic then?
She's clearly high ranked IRL and is wearing impractical clothes.

>here's your Deus Ex evil ceo, bro

>top is too eccentric that its acceptable to a degree.
>then fashionista added the shoes.....

Those shoes are so wrong.

I'm not sure about these new tank sets, guys

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Give me her name nigga!

Tera, tho with hueg pauldrons

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>here's your American mcgee's Alice enemies, bro

Captain, I'm detecting Romulan life signs!

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Here's your mage sets

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>one copy of Persona 4 Dancing All Night please

delet this

>playing mmos at all

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>some poor seamstress out there was forced to make a suit, tie, jacket and pants made out of window dressing.
>coupled with black eye liner and a beannie.


OMIKRON the nomad soul

Here's your fresh Outland quest reward gear, bro.

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This is your raid group for tonight.

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>tfw no good MMORPG out at the moment

Pantheon please come quickly.

I get the feeling a good MMORPG is going to come out but I won't be able to play as a sexy bitch in it. What a waste.

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>beat boss in gameplay
>lose in cutscene

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What is the point of these fashion shows?
Is there some kind of money laundering angle like for movies and abstract art? I would also guess high end prostitution but I don't think anyone wants to fuck that.

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i never noticed the one on the right. boys got some quads

show stupid shit on runway -> get a bunch of news and media coverage -> people go to your store/website to look at weird shit -> you actually also sell normal, good looking stuff that's high quality too -> they buy the normal stuff after giggling at the weird stuff

Goosebumps peaked at episode 1.


Even African retards want to be the little girl.

what classes are these?

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those are some sad tits

The nomad souuuuuuul

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read the fucking filename

The middle outfit is fucking hot

>stop calling me a slut!

>tfw 2 weeks into nofap and see this

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>they went through the trouble of making their heads for this shit

you meant to write
>tfw no good mmorpg out since 2005
WoW faggot

The model's name
Not what's on her body.

What's the point these impractical designs again?

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Under rated post

geometry wizard

Headless knight
Princess (male)
Beastmaster, low level and reptilian specialization.

WoW is garbage, what the fuck are you talking about?

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This is getting wierd, but here goes
>Necromancer, different spec
>Blood Mage
>Discipline Priest

FUCKING under rated post

Search for burlesque and rhinestone to find similar.

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Agreed la.
Would love to see play a character with that set.

How about these guys?

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Yeah but they're not wearing Luchadore beanies

Stealth Assassin

MMOs are kill. The ability to purchase in game money legally ruined them.

>early leveling, minmaxing stats but having horridly mismatched looking gear

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>cant change clerics armor

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I'm convinced it's the cash shops. Any cash shop, no matter what even if it's just cosmetics eventually causes the game to just fold in on itself.

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Eastern assassin, hidden weapons specialist.
Void mage.

Whats her name?

What is the point of this shit lol

Keep going user, this is fun

Being avant-garde.

>when you get a chest piece drop in a dungeon and it doesn't match the low level gear set you were wearing

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>founder's pack

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Don't remember, lol

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next classes

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This is unironically a great fit, if you are not that into games or tg it passes off as higher end fashion but if you are into tg and vidya it still looks great. I'd like to think this was intentional but I doubt RPG Kanye is a thing

That +10 strength belt

now this is some good use of negative space. those anons from that thread the other day, take note

high fashion is actually kinda cool

>stealth suit

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The one on the middle left is a +20 belt. The one on the middle right is the +10.

Here's your endgame armor set for this expansion

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Priscilla Huggins

>Amazon twitch prime outfit

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But if I can still see her, what's the point?

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god the "elite" fashion is so fucking dumb. zoolander was great at dismantling it, too bad the sequel was nothing but ben stiller sucking it's vapid cock with his weird botox lips

Strong exhale

>faction reputation grinding armor

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Thanks dude!

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From left to right, ranged physical DPS, ranged magical DPS, tank, melee DPS, healer.

Now this is an actual thick woman, it's due to her body type, she have very plentiful hips and thighs while still having a flat stomach and smooth body not because she is a hambeast with cellulite fat rolls sagging everywhere, that's called fat.

Some context for people that aren't that interested in fashion.
Some of these are more concept pieces, think of "art that you can wear" yes at times it's retarded looking but these pieces of often highlight aspects that the designers aims for such as geometric shapes, certain colors, angular design, minimalism, maximalism and more. There are more normal runway pieces but the more grand ones take your attention

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I feel like these are getting harder

Get that fucking stand user away from me

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I want run my fingers over her ribcage

my dick would never leave

Found a Prescilla Huggins.

Me when i go to work on Mondays.

Good one

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