What's your problem with more women and minorities in games?

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I don't mind them if the characters are interesting when they're shoehorned in for the sake of diversity it's forced and shitty

Since whites are a minority nowadays, I officially have no problems with minorities now.

fuck off

I don't want to see women or minorities in real life. Why would I want to see them in games

I don't care.

I start to care when they make a product that literally nobody asked for and then complain that the market is every 'ist or 'ism in the book because it sold poorly.

Know your market, twitter isn't real life.

I don't care as long as being a woman or a minority is used as a substitute for having a personality.

The women look like ogres and I dont want to see niggers

>adds minorities and women powerfantasies to games marketed towards not women and minorities

Outside of Dynasty Warriors and Romance of the Three Kingdoms most games ever made are about minorities

I dunno, what's yours with the hundreds of strong female characters we already have?

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Incels lives, even though they hate them, are dominated by women and minorities. The inclusion of more of them in prominent roles, especially in the single most effective, beloved and important form of escapism is threatening to incels on an almost primal level.


SJW faggots on ResetEra
>incels hate women
>*sees pic-related*

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The P5 girls fuck white guys

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I don't care for or against minorities, but I'll take more women in vidya. I love female protags. They're usually pretty fun.

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Those aren't women. They are boobs and butts, a walking fantasy design to titilate incels like yourself.

I don't care I just don't want political propaganda in my gaems.

So people we don't like aren't people now?
Cool, now we can do the journalist genocide without any remorse

It isn't for you. It isn't for you and yet it still sells enough to justify sequels.

How mad are you?

I wouldn't mind if they weren't there merely to tick a box. Also every game touting a strong female protagonist has the same half buzzcut/half mohawk haircut and I hate it more each time I see it

define political propaganda

If thats what you read out of it, you are an actual idiot

The ones that form collectives and then parasitize companies care about their agendas, their insecurities, and their worldviews more than anything else to such an extent that they'll kick out anyone that doesn't go along with their bullshit, ESPECIALLY other minorities/women, like Amy Henning. These rat bastard, inadequate, worthless fags can't just learn to enjoy and appreciate something made by people that are good at their job like a regular user on Yea Forums can, in spite of all his own inadequacies and problems. A regular user can just have a good time with a game and leave it at that. But these insecure, unloved, narcissistic leftists that have turned SF into Soddom and Gomorrah can't stand the thought of not being the center of the universe for everyone else. They don't want to build anything that's objectively good. They crave attention for themselves, everything else is just a means to achieve that end. They pulled this shit with art, with museum curation, with movies, and they'll do it with games until they've run out of biowares and telltales and Activision-Blizzards to destroy.

I want good shit. Not a fucking lecture. Fuck you, your doodoo skin color, your gaping gash, and your chimp IQ. Get out of the way of the fucking nerds that are good at making games and fuck off so normal people can have a good time. No one cares if you feel like killing yourself or if your survival is a political statement. Fuck off. No one cares about your injustice or your racism or your sexism. Go play in traffic. Fuck off.

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Shut the fuck up and get in the oven, journalist.

Women aren't minority.

Select what you just typed, right click then pick "Search on google" or the like.

t. literal child

They ruined all the games.

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Pic-related is you

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tl;dr: "Just don't"

thats great buddy

no u gey

>what's the problem with X and Y?
Is there a problem? To me it looks as if Twitter Blue Checkmarks and "Journos" are going around pointing their finger at people and calling them Nazi's, phobes, etc. In reality, people don't care.

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>for liking big bouncing boobs
Are you ok? Are you actually mentally damaged? Did you pass kindergarten?

Honestly it's the blue checkmarks that hate women and minorities in gaming.
You release a game with a cute Japanese girl and suddenly you're worse than hitler. Have a group of girls from all over the world and you're a vile sexist nazi.
They clearly hate women and minorities far more so than the "incels" they so hate.

>Being this mentally challenged

Women are extremely boring. They're only good to look at.

I was with you until you clearly don't know the characters behind the boobs.

i agree your mom is only good to look at

Wait... Didn't you realize I was calling you jelly as in jealous? You're dumber than I thought.

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No matter how hard you try to pass, you never will. No matter how hard you to try to shame or bully or abuse people into giving a fuck about you, no one will ever love your fetid dilated ass. No matter how much shit you ruin, you'll never be in a place where you're free of people who hate your guts for doing all of it. Your endgame is lying dead face down in the shit leaking out of your wound. Your own fucking people will do that to you. This is what's done to you around the world. Enjoy trashing things for as long as you can, as long as you're around decent people who put up with it, because soon enough the muzzies, the blacks, the latin-americans, and the chinks will rape you to death and back and then dead again.

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>you dont know the characters behind the boobs
and i doubt 90% the audience does when theyre too busy jacking off, since the gameplay and graphical style is shit as well. theres nothing else but boobs

>What's my problem?

Unrealistic representation and forced SJW good goy diversity points.

Women are many things, but they are not heroes. It simply is not in the genetic code or physical capabilities of a woman to be a typical hero archetype, unless it's some capeshit "they're an alien and way stronger than a human" explanation.

>Those aren't women.
Stop hating women, you worthless incel.

>They are boobs and butts
Thanks for describing what women are.

You know who else is only good to look at?

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t. arguing against phantoms

They're professional complainers. They'll never be satisfied. They will never be satisfied. You don't give them an inch. You just tell them to fuck off so they move on to the next target to get their fix. I wish more people realized this.

If they're ugly, it's no problem. If they're attractive it's sexism/racism.

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so games like wolfenstein for example?

Why do SJWs ruin everything? Look at the shit they always try to start everywhere they go. Like this thread.
This is what sabotaged the Occupy Wallstreet movement BTW. They were angry. They knew finance is what is destroying society. They were focused. And then it turned into an SJW fest and they all turned on each others and most people walked out because they couldn't stand the crazies taking up all of the space.
Literal cancer that did more harm to society than they'll ever realize or admit.

Thank you. My family is indeed very attractive. Unfortunately for the women their looks are all they have while the men in my family are naturally gifted with both looks and personality.

what makes something shoehorned?

you realize that video games arent naturally occuring phenomena and that everything is "shoehorned" in

so youre mom is just a brood mare, gotcha. hope you got a good fuck out of her too, bro. epic ;^)

>literal incel sperging on a board
>talking about positive or negatove impact on society

Absolutely nothing

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>Larissa Shapiro, Head of Global Diversity & Inclusion at Mozilla
>Emma Irwin, [Diversity & Inclusion] Strategy, Mozilla
How the fuck did we get to this point?

How's my impression?

You sound upset about the superiority of my bloodline. We deal with this all the time and it's quite pathetic the jealousy and childishness of people like you, but we understand that the world as a whole can never be as perfect as we are. Such a shame though.

It's as simple as this user. It's ugly attention whores throwing a bitch fit so people will tell them they're the best, because they can't just accept themselves and work on themselves.

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>all that seething
>that pathetic power fantasy

pretty spot on

In the west people who push for women and minorities in games are not good writers or designers. THey push an agenda and they shit out shit characters with shit stories that wag their finger at you for having a dick.

>A girl has big boobs so she's not even human

Guess what, we don't break down into tears from an anxiety attack over having to decide what bathroom to use, you faggot.

Bruh your mum took my fat ass black dick lmao your a mulatto

I don't actually care but I need retards to keep fighting until I secure my lot in life. It keeps them out of the way or hurts there co fidence and that makes it slightly easier to get what could be theirs.

Thanks user, I aim to impress.

You'll never be a woman, Only a man with a hairy self-healing axe wound.

You forgot to being haunted by your dick's ghost.

Is this the famed trolling prowess of discord trannies that I've heard so much about?

>when someone wastes the effort to type out some tranny insult at you and it just slides right off because you aren't a tranny
No better feeling. Write me up another paragraph of shit that doesn't apply to me, niggers. Never stop seething and handing out those easy (You)s. Baiting newfags is about the only worth this shithole has anymore.

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I honestly don't give a shit unless it's a historical setting, in which case it should attempt to be accurate to the best of our knowledge of history.