We can all agree on this, right?

we can all agree on this, right?

Attached: IQ distribution by genres.png (4000x3515, 1.81M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>games I don't like are low IQ

user, what you just posted is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent graphing, were you even close to anything that could be considered a joke. Everyone on this board is now dumber for having read it. I award you no (You)s, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Wouldn't a bar graph have been better for this?

You know, aside from the wojak garbage, this is pretty accurate.

It's a stupid new meme some retard is trying to force.


Imagine wasting time and brainpower on making this

>Shit wojak edit trash

what about puzzle games?

Good thread
platformers and metroidvania should be switched and metroidvania should also have some soi in it

>sir we need a new forced meme

yeah, this is pretty epic

Dropped (Not to say that I even cared). Not a genre, So loose that anything could be defined as it.

what the fuck kind of graph is this?

imagine a world where wojak was never created

Whats amazing is if this was made with anything else besides wojak shit it would be five times funnier
Still wouldn't be that funny though.

would be pretty shitty

>two axis
>but only one thing being measured
>axis not even labeled

Attached: 1528760028649.jpg (500x465, 36K)

for you

There is so much wrong with this
Primarily it's missing turn based strategy games, which are the best kind of strategy games

>the x and y axis literally just read x and y


>shooters and rpg's get separate ranks
>kart racers, arcade racers, derby racers, and racing sims are lumped under racing games

>it's another shitty wojack edit bait thread
fuck off you fucking nigger

Attached: 1471060862814.gif (200x118, 145K)



I don't think you understand how bell curves or normal distributions work OP.

Attached: 1523582577767.jpg (703x469, 63K)

>bullet hell
>memorizing patterns is difficult
i don't think so lads

But what if I enjoy everything that isn't to the left of y?

Attached: 1544988238377.png (688x578, 32K)


Wojak is based and redpilled

One day I'm gonna code a script or extension or something to automatically detect and filter this garbage and I promise I'll share it with you all.

Like that google face thing but for shitposting

Attached: 1479189243244.gif (250x300, 737K)

holy fucking BASED

No. Because whoever made this doesn't understand how to plot a chart.

X on these IQ distribution charts is how high the IQ is. Y is how many people have a specific IQ.

BEST Yea Forums thread

And I will not only not use it, I will bypass the shitty filter and double down on these threads until you will kill yourself.

>Not being able to retard the independent and dependent variables in to existence.

Very based and Much redpilled

Wojak is a single digit iq meme.

>(Not to say that I even cared)

>sir we
You have to go back.

How the hell do you even make sense out this graph? The Y value is meant to be the distribution and the X value the IQ value, yet I see retards on the right of the bell.

Platformers here.

Yeah, it's a single digit and that digit is 160

No. Whoever made this graph needs to retake seventh grade math.

Attached: A6118A4B-2BCA-4886-9E02-2915BBF37173.jpg (584x496, 98K)

Then I'll just make it better and better until your walnut-sized ape brain gives up.

If you're autistic enough to do that then more power to you.

this is you

Attached: 1548619166742.jpg (640x602, 80K)

which axis represents IQ?
what does the other axis represent?

>Pretending not to know what a digit is
Fuck off.

Yikes, brainlet
It would be so easy to bypass the filter that you would end up with a program that filters out everything, you'd end up posting on an image board where you don't see a single image. If you see a single image, I am going to look at it and figure out how it got past the filter, and I will use that to piss you off.


bell curve meme aside, this chart is pretty accurate

Whatever you say, Mr. two figure IQ. We'll have a trash-free board yet.

Yeah, sure, you didn't specify either axis any way so the whole picture means nothing.

OP here
I simply implemented a bell curve onto a normal graph for easier overview
x-axis: intelligence
y-axis: IQ
z-axis: s󠛡oy
if you still don't get it, mind I suggest playing some open world survival games instead?

Attached: 1512756032899.jpg (604x604, 46K)

Uhh, FPS games require the highest IQ. Pic related, it's an FPS player.


>Researchers have reported medium-sized correlations between reaction time and measures of intelligence: There is thus a tendency for individuals with higher IQ to be faster on reaction time tests

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6639008 "Correlation between reaction time and intelligence in psychometrically similar groups in America and India."

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1953598 "The genetic correlation between intelligence and speed of information processing."

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2668913/ "Whole Brain Size and General Mental Ability: A Review"
>Reaction times are so easy to do that 9- to 12-year-old children can perform them in less than 1 s. On these simple tests, children with higher GMA scores perform faster than do children with lower scores, perhaps because reaction time measures the neurophysiological efficiency of the brain's capacity to process information accurately—the same ability measured by intelligence tests (Deary, 2000; Jensen, 2006). Children are not trained to perform well on reaction time tasks (as they are on certain paper-and-pencil tests), so the advantage of those with higher GMA scores on these tasks cannot arise from practice, familiarity, education, or training. Simple reaction time (SRT) measures correlate with IQ ~ 0.20, while more complex choice reaction time (CRT) measures correlate ~0.40. In aggregate, RTs can correlate 0.70 with IQ (Jensen, 2006).

Attached: MENSA girl.jpg (960x1280, 228K)


I can't see the Z-axis, is something wrong with my display?

Is the second unlabeled "graph" that makes no sense no matter how you try to read it that I see this morning.
I would tell you to go back to school, but probably you havent finished it yet.
Also my iq is 123 and this thread and everyone posting on it is pants on head retarded.

So a enormous amount of people play bullet hells?

Attached: 1551173336471.png (517x368, 332K)


>axis don't actually mean anything they're just called x and y
>disgusting wojak shit everywhere
get aids you absolute fucking idiot

t. plays open world survival with crafting games

>using retard as a verb

Attached: ghn.jpg (1177x754, 135K)

>entire graph of wojaks
>The only "acceptable" genres are most common on Nintendo systems
I wonder who could be behind this?
What an absolute pleb.

Attached: NDTautism.jpg (567x561, 57K)

but doesn't this depend also on type/volume of information being processed, and the nature of processing required?

For example,

>participant asked to press specific buttons after matching button to specific stimuli
>very simple input processing and output requirement

>fps player
>takes in information regarding previous map experience, likely enemy player actions, available intel on player strategies/specific player strategies encountered in the round, friendly body locations, kill feed data
>makes snap decision to go prone in a specific bush and aim at a certain place where there is a high probability he will get a kill
>harder input and outputs

>participant asked to read primer or several paragraphs on new information and use it tackle an abstract problem
>hard input requiring a lot of processing and adaptation to a novel problem to output a solution

Yes, choice reaction times (ie. answer a question in a time limit) have a higher correlation with IQ than simple reaction times (press button when you see color change)