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Nostalgia thread: Sexiest video game advertising you've ever seen
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>Class: Nymph
what the fuck
I sweat, I thought it was a futa bulge bursting out of that armor.
>sexy cover
>nothing really that sexy in the actual game
NWN had jiggle
Eh it had it's moments if you still had imagination and a soul. Portrait and low poly that was pretty cool to interact with went a long way.
>what changes the nature of a man?
Hair plugs, apparently
Erin Layne
maybe EA forced him to get the hair plugs to turn him?
>those ears
perfect elf ear design, why does no one else use it?
this was promotional material from troika?
Theres really nothing even slightly sexual in that game right ? What a fucking treachery.
I still love Manjaw and don't care what anyone thinks.
Bioware needs to apologize for that ad, as it's demeaning to women.
I seem to recall a Maxim shoot or something of that nature at the time.
They're ugly in my opinion. This thin end is simply too fragile to exist more than a day.
I prefer more realistic elven ears.
All women or just the woman in the cover? Because the woman in the cover isn't real and is made up. Hopefully no one looks like her. Maybe someone with pointy ears is offended.
>Bioware needs to apologize for that ad, as it's demeaning to women.
Mindless NPCs that chant this kind of rhetoric need to apologize to the gamer world, as they're demeaning to the memory of Bioware.
I fucking love bikini armour and I always will. Extremely sad to see it go.
Guild wars box art covers
I like it because it makes them look fairy-like. Much better than just small, pointed human ears. Warcraft has good ear design too.
I mean, they used that art as a character portrait in-game, so technically it WAS in the actual game
huh, I've seen it for years, but I always thought it was just a random cosplay.
"She kicks high."
Imagine having this on TV today.
The white bikini got me.
Came here to post the middle on. Glad to see someone beat me to it and then some.
Patrician taste.
>Still the hottest necromancer ever.
looks straift ouf of final fantasy
What is with Egyptian women that make me so fucking hard holy shit
>everyone from publishers to the consumers being on the same page
it was nice to be there while it was still a thing.
>the hottest necromancer ever
I always remembered the spellforce series due their insanely generic covers. Shame they dropped that for SF3
>What is it that you afraid of?
>wow shit
You didn't pick good pic to support your argument, they're literally meters long and look retarded
>What is it that you so afraid of?
>You so afraid of?
>You so
Quality writing.
>really liked her from the cover
>saw her hair in the character creator
>didn't want to use it because I figured a lot of people would try to recreate her
>everyone mostly used the cutesy faces
I hated how this ended up making most female necromancers looking cosplayers.
Did they miss "are"? I'm an ESL.
>tfw I was about to buy guildwars but another game caught my eye and GW had this cover instead of the semendemon
Im still mad
this was the shit, really ballsy
Now that was a weird ad for a kinda shit game.
Google image search tim bradstreet. he's a photographer/painter.
only good thing about modern games is that they often have a token hot girl. Nothing better than blasting diversity hires as a big tiddie bimbo
10000 years of patrician greek inbreeding genetics
Why do old drawings have so much soul? It looks so fucking good compared to cartoony 3d generated pieces of bullshit
What if we had embraced the lol gamer grrl stereotype instead of putting them in their place Yea Forumsros?
Would we be on a better timeline now instead of the SJW/tranny metastization of cancer one?
There were a few, and they were all on the same level of lewd
bootleg carrie fisher on the right
I got one hotter. Although Eve was really hot.
More like sm-dungeon.
Fag here, do hetero guys feel uncomfortable when they play a game with where all characters are sexy guys in skimpy clothing? Would anyone here play a game where all the characters are buff almost naked robots, but the gameplay ain't sex related?
Like in a wrestling game? No.
You ever play Altered Beast?
>fag here
Opinions and questions discarded.
did you never buy it then? it's a double sided box, the girl is on the other side
>skimpy clothing
doesnt really exist as much for men. But I have no issue playing conan the barbarian and running around in a codpiece. I think the appeal of th barbarian hero is being a buff due wrecking shit. Seeing his hulking muscles is part of it. Same with being a sexy woman. Wearing sexy clothing and snapping necks is hot as fuck.
That said most games that focus on sex appeal completely fuck it up. The clohting should look believable while also being sexy. When they go for bandages on the nipples its too obvioius
>Still the hottest necromancer ever.
Check old Beat em Ups. Barbarian classes in old RPGs, Superhero culture. Heterofags love other dudes with muscles everywhere.
it was a different time
>did you never buy it then?
no, I still beat myself up for it.Was really hyped for GW2 as well but that turned out shit.
>implying american wrestling isnt a jewish psyop to turn the population homosexual
All the men practically got breasts too.
I dont care as long as there are women with the same treatment.
thanks for the info, bud.
my first photoshop was increasing boobs of this girl
Imagine being the last real men to ever develop vidya.
Nah, it's all good. I find it funny
Has any game ever done a sexy dwarf?
Pretty sure a magazine I had somewhere had an even riskier version of this where the bottom of her bikini was just a seashell like on the tits
dwarf women in WoW are pretty hot
Well I guess that answers my question then.
Never mind the jaw, where are "her" hips?
dude wtf is that ad. those satanic companies are much less bold nowadays.
I was fine with playing with chris' road warrior outfit in 5, I thought it was pretty funny.
>pretty sure
Sounds like all Mandela effects.
Men aren't supposed to have wide hips.
Vagrant Story was full of skimpy designs and it was well received by most people. The main protag has assless pants, and this guy's dick is basically hanging out.
P.A.I.N. has a pretty hot one that I wouldn't say no to.
too bad there were only 2 encounters with these enemies.
But that's too close to pedophilia.
Dragon commander
Migdets need love too
What about goblins?
>The clohting should look believable while also being sexy. When they go for bandages on the nipples its too obvioius
What about skimpy clothing on futuristic or fantasy settings? Like Bayonetta, Haydee or a cyberpunk setting?
I wasn't even considering doing female models, I was mostly thinking about doing a male cast of "haydee" robots.
Works for me I guess
>resetera fags and pedos descend on thread
Well it was nice while it lasted lads.
But Gaider said you can't romance Dwarves in DA because it would make you a pedo.
so like Mega Man but He-Man or something? could be neat
I am also a fag. I don't like very buff men though. I much prefer toned guys so looking at link or my male characters in ffxiv that i can dress up is always a treat
At some point I need to stop being lazy and find a good compilation of all the queen animations from this game.
I only think they're okay when there's a legit reason for it. Say if the characters use lightsaber-tier weapons that would finish you in a single hit anyway, or if they have the ability to deflect hits in other ways so mobility is preferable. Even then it should be shorts, not metal bikinis and boobplates. Bayonetta has witch time so it makes sense for her to prioritise movement speed and not worry about being hit.
>What about skimpy clothing on futuristic or fantasy settings? Like Bayonetta, Haydee or a cyberpunk setting?
again it should sort of work. Shit like microbikinis or sling bikinis just look retarded. As does clothing that just sticks to the tits even though they should slip out. Stuff like a tight bodysuit is great though.
I think of it as 3 stages. Full armor, sexy armor, and skimpy armor. The third one often looks bad, as they are trying to remove as much clothing as possible, which just looks retarded.
Can you romance characters AS a dwarf? I never tried and never knew anyone who bothered to play as one.
If a game is unrealistic enough to have women in combat roles, I also expect said women to wear skimpy clothing.
Prove anything wrong with my reasoning.
The problem with the older games, imo is that the models are too low definition for them to actually look "sexy", unless it's on a game with some glorious handmade 2D sprite work. I do remember of a few games with good 3D models with such adjectives, like the buff dude from Kingdom Under Fire 2, but I don't even remember if the game reached the west.
Does Vagrant Story has an artwork book I can buy? I'm really interested on the visual design of the game now.
Straight guy here. My friends and I played hours of Muscle March and had a blast. We've also played Mount Your Friends and Genital Jousting as party games here and there.
I don't mind sexy things in my games, so long as the game is fun. I also enjoy super sexy things in my games that aren't related to the game.
I fapped so many loads on that.
nothing wrong my friend
In the last one he looks like the unholy amalgamation of Ricky Gervais, Karl Pilkington, and Steve Merchant
They didn't put out a full artbook. There's an Ultimania that has some concept art and some nice character shots, but pretty sure it costs a ton of money these days and wasn't translated to english. Everything's been scanned and is easily available online though. I recommend playing it, it's probably the best looking PS1 game and holds up mechanically if you're comfortable learning complicated weapons systems.
Pretty much, tho I do want to take inspiration from Warframe designs.
I don't know if I agree with you on the reason behind it, it's usually just there to serve as a support for "rule of cool", which from a design development perspective is pretty fun to do because you basically come up with an unrealistic crazy design, that looks fun, and then you have to come up with a creative solution on how it would sensibly work within the setting framework.
I think the complicated part with robots, which are humanoid, but not exactly human-like, such as on warframe's case, is that you aren't really dealing with exposed skin, so even if a robot has literal boobs with nipples, it isn't really nudity, think of the robot companion from ME3, she has literally a vagina hanging out, but isn't considered nudity because she's just a robot. This is the type of complication of boundaries that I'm having trouble with. Aside from the fear that sexualized male forms will put off straight guys. I don't think females play top-down shooters.
Damn, it wasn't that long ago and everything kinda unthinkable now. What the fuck happened in the west all the sudden? I know society changes, but it is really fast. Like coup d'etat fast. Was it the silicone valley?
Bi-boy master race
I can get hard no matter what and it's never uncomfortable. Shit is cash.
Based and absolutely redpilled.
>They didn't put out a full artbook
Oh that sucks, Japanese developers usually come up with pretty creative designs for their RPGs, which are usually worth looking into.
Usually it's rule of cool like you say, but I'm just explaining what I think is preferable design-wise. I think rule of cool is a slippery slope to cheap design since it usually ends up with skin-hugging shirts and giant tits instead of making interesting characters. It can be great though if it's done well.
Artbooks weren't as big around 2000 when the game released unfortunately. It's a cult classic though and there's plenty of concept art to pad out a book so it might still happen through their website as a limited item.
MGS4's climax is one of my favorite vista things ever, and it's two half naked old men beating each other and kissing.
Oooooo la laaaa
>Everything's been scanned and is easily available online though
Funnily enough I'm having trouble finding it.
Aren't plenty of protags already like that? I mean it depends if you're a barafag or into twinks, but there's plenty of mainstream stuff out there since the very beginning that should appeal to gay dudes and straight guys didn't mind.
I really don't care much as long as it means that the girls should there be any offer some eye candy as well.
If things can change this quickly, I'm holding out hope that they won't stay this way for much longer either.
>girls should there be any offer some eye candy as well
Not playable, but are you into "monster" girls? If yes then yes.
Hm, same actually. I've found english translations but no direct scans. I've found a bunch of copies on ebay for a decent price though, around £15 each if you're prepared to pay for it. Other ultimanias cost way more so it's not bad. I still have my old one I got in around 2007/2008.
Spellforce was such a good game
The graphics were really good too
At least then you have something to fondle while they tear you apart.
I found it on ex hentai for some reason. Even more stupidly its not on e-hentai. Hope you can beat pandas.
>tfw I recently started looking up a lot of nonporn shit on sadpanda like manuals and comics since some sneaky fucks upload them and the mods are too ignorant of it to remove it
>too ignorant
Too based you mean.
At least somebody gets something out of the non-h category, then.
It's great for Touhou stuff tho
if the game was fun, sure
Well since you pointed me in the right direction, I've managed to find this "//
vk dot c0m / vgartbooks
? z = album -57495700_ 198293153" it seems it's the entire thing but you have to get each image individually. So "some assembly is necessary". Also goddamn 4channel spam bot is awful.
I'm probably going to buy it anyway because I'm a sucker for physical books of games.
Oh thanks m8
Ah they are not enemies. Don't worry.
Of women are so fragile to be demeaned by an ad not even targeted at them then they deserve it.
I happen to enjoy wrestling games. I wouldnt look at a cover with some muscled guy wearing a speedo and go "I need this" but If its a good game I have no objections.
What in God's name is that game?
Yeah, but I think it's probably more natural when speaking to use a contraction making it "What is it that you're so afraid of?".
Unless they decided that drow are just the black people of elves and wanted to give her an inner city youth dialect. That's the way I imagine it from the pic.
I, jason schreier, approve of this post.
>I wasn't even considering doing female models
well you should as it will attract more people. Hetero men do not mind conan tier clothing for men but dress them up as sissy feminine boys and you will get troubles.
>and you will get troubles
Well people didn't seem to mind when a manly character like Link got dressed as a sissy feminine boy.
Nice, glad you found it. The physical version is nice to have, especially for that price. I hope they rerelease the game at some point, it deserves more attention. It was ahead of its time.
what do you mean by "monster" girls? Like hideous monsters or basically just a human woman with horns for instance?
cho aniki
cho aniki
Boomer game covers from the 90s are the best they don't make em like they used to
>willingly turns herself into a trophy wife
>manly character like Link
A bit of an oxymoron to begin with
>manly character like Link
Link has never been a manly character but a boyish innocent childlike one. And the audience for games like Zelda is not the same as the one for say Mortal Kombat, COD or even Warframe.
You can push and putty a single or couple of absolute degenerate sissy boys in there without it being an issue but you have to watch the ratio or lose 50% of your audience.
Can you imagine the outrage that ad would cause today?
80s and 90s Sword and Sorcery/Fantasy artists did it the best. They just hyper sexualized everyone.
God bless people like Boris Vallejo and Frank Frazetta.
A joke actually
Well not every skimpy clothing is automatically crossdressing, I was thinking of something that would be more of a mix between Warframe outlandish looks with cyberpunk to come up with the clothing for it.
Nope, why would I?
It's manly assfuck
google/yandex/iqdb all failed me what's this from?
>RE7 Chris
Oh Chris, what have they done to you?
Sorry, idk, I just saved the reaction image
>Boris Vallejo
Probably the reason why Roger Corman made most of his money but he did plenty of video game art as well.
Still hurting, bro
Imo the impact would've weaker if the VA for huge mclarge Chris was still voicing him.
aw, alrighty thanks for at least replying sir
well without seeing your stuff I would say go for it. If you get the style right you can practically get away with anything.
Pic related looks sick while I guess also appealing to a fag like you?
NaughtyDog made some fine 3dpds back in the day let me tell you
Why are americans such faggots when it comes to sexuality in anything
>muh puritan values, sex is bad
Like what you see?
>pic related
It's alright for a male version of a sexy armor for a mage/sorcerer. You usually see the female version looking like a bikini while the male version looks like a burka. Your pic is just more equal.
>>muh puritan values, sex is bad
they need to keep the boys thirsty to keep them aggressive for war.
It's funny, I just found it weird because of the clash between the design of these guys and the almost fujo bait on the first pic.
Do they have holes in their heads?
Yeah I think that's what I'll go with, the thing is I need different sources to study to come up with something that people can relate to what they know while also looking original.
It's where they shoot from. It's a shmup series, and the "ship" is two mostly-naked men embracing who shoot lasers from the top of their heads.
Oh, right. For a moment there I forgot that it's actually a shmup. For some reason I was remembering it to be some kind of wrestling game.
It's /d/umb futa shit, extra emphasis on /d/umb
> "If I'm going to die, I'm going to die motorboating."
that actually kinda makes sense
The only thing you wrestle with in Cho Aniki is your heterosexuality.
I remember when he used to make reservations at dorsia!
Some of you will get it.
God I love Kamitani
Not at all, ever since I started lifting I can really appreciate the naked male body.
No homo.
>tfw I remember this fap
>No homo.
And people wonder why Japan thinks beefcakes are gay
Absolutely base
i cant find the picture but there was the /fit/izen that stole his sister's panties to masturbate with only ot put it on himself and find out he wears them better
>sexy guys in skimpy clothing
I don't think most see them as 'sexy' just cool looking or fit. It is either played as hilarious or totally cool in games I play, so no. For example, Rock is one of my favorite characters in Soul Calibur because he's fun to play as and looks huge (but not as slow as Astaroth). Voldo is really strange and obviously implied to be BDSM related and is fit too. He is hilarious to me (although I sympathize with his story). I don't see any of them as sexy, just more like wish I could be as buff or strong as them regardless of clothing atire.
this was actually a pretty fun game, had some fun with it and even late in the game they introduced some new mechanics. Was pretty impressed by what they whipped up. but being a GOW clone with a sexy lady probably worked against them because it was easy to dismiss. Also the combat was pretty broken due teh time mechanics.
and for some reason her tits were only 1 polygon. So she had piramid tits. Her ass and hips were great though.
Do these guys have a micro pecker and balls? I cannot hide my pecker or balls by using my hand like that.
the anabolics make your junk tiny
This was one of those games you'd see either on a side panel in a magazine, or a random X Play review.
I don't really care as long as the game is fun.
>Fag here, do hetero guys feel uncomfortable when they play a game with where all characters are sexy guys in skimpy clothing?
t. Played Conan games all my life.
>Would anyone here play a game where all the characters are buff almost naked robots
If they were buff, almost-naked robots, then they would have no physique.
It would just be metal.
No muscles, no form, no body, just metal.
Robots don't have skin or muscles.
Also I beat all of Cho Aniki so I don't think that's a problem.
The VN ads from old are the best.
no one will ever beat Sara Morrison
Not really "nostalgia" worthy but its sexy advertisement.
Actually sexy because it doesn't look like a bug-eyed anime monstrosity that's a cross between a My Little Pony and a hairless ape.
I still see this ad every time I click newgrounds or used to before I got an adblocker
>Still the hottest necromancer ever.
Thanks for the input, and what about this dude? Basically naked. Would you play as him?
was it a good game? i always intended to try it after fapping but i lost interest
Those fucking /fit/ meetups are nothing more than an excuse to make some gay hookups.
>Robots don't have skin or muscles
They can have the equivalent of skin and muscles, and be designed in such a way that we could identify it as muscles. Basically it would be artificial skin/muscles.
Pic related, imagine the grey area is it's skin, it doesn't matter if it's not organic muscle, it doesn't matter that technically you aren't looking at a naked guy, in this situation, it's basically a naked butt, for your brain, but technically not.
Is the 3rd one worth picking up? I loved the first and second despite how kind of mediocre they were.
I never clicked on it, either.
Let's go.
Fcking plebs
This one took me a while to even get what they were supposed to be advertising
I believe it was a really generic build-and-wait game by russiasn that probably also sold your information. The women they used were lingerie model pictures they stole and they never were actaully used anywhere ingame.
she planted the seed that would become my crotch tattoo fetish.
hes fine but I wouldnt consider him sexy. Far too ripped to look realistic. It is like a girl with tits the size of her torso. It looks silly, not sexy
Had a major crush on her when I was little.
it took me a while too when i first saw that page in magazine as a teenager too
He looks kind of cool so as long as he's fun to play as, sure. It doesn't really come down to how naked they are, as long as they are fun to play as and/or look cool (either because they are strong, wear cool armor, overall designed well, etc.). It's difficult for a hetero male to see male characters and think of them as 'sexual' in any way if that makes any sense (unless they are behaving sexually, like Voldo, and in that case it's more funny than anything because of how ridiculous it is).
>Has dead shellfish for underwear.
That elf problem smells like rotting shit
This game cheated so goddamn much.
>Fag here, do hetero guys feel uncomfortable when they play a game with where all characters are sexy guys in skimpy clothing
Good question. I'm bisexual so I only get annoyed by skimpy clothing when it makes no sense. "Oh we're venturing out into a hurricane, let me put my bikini on."
She's a black elf. Don't make fun of her drowbonics.
just because you dont clean your underwear doesn't mean everyone else doesn't either, incel.
This is how I write after I haven't slept in 24 hours. The writers must've been cutting the deadline probably due to massive revisions thanks to game cuts.
I don't care, if the game's fun i'm gonna pick whatever character i identify most with gameplay-wise rather than what they look like, even if it was like DoA i wouldn't care either.
That type of insecurity is for closetedfags.
this game was fucking awful and I played it for 1 hour on dial up because someone at school asked me to join their alliance and conquer the world or fucking some shit but it was actually just a modern mobile game where it took 3 days to build a fucking building
This woman probably has crabs.
I jacked off to this ad when I was a shota
Also, incite pc gaming.
Anything you can think of or dream up to chuck in a game and turn you on, would just get written off by femitards as "power fantasy" so you're in luck fagfriend. Games are full of "power fantasies"
Also, dragon's crown dwarf.
It took WAY too long for this post reply.
God I miss Bearfield
>to look realistic
Since when is looking "realistic" a prerequisite for looking sexy?
> It looks silly, not sexy
You know there are many people who would disagree with you there right? Again Haydee comes to mind. Still thanks for the input.
>It's difficult for a hetero male to see male characters and think of them as 'sexual' in any way if that makes any sense
It does makes sense, but I still needed to get some input on how straight guys feel about sexualized male designs.
>he doesn't go hurricane diving on a bikini
>would just get written off by femitards as "power fantasy" so you're in luck fagfriend
I honestly don't give a fuck about them, and the only reason why I had the idea of making a female monstergirl that's just as sexualized, even if not playable is to piss them off.
>dragon's crown dwarf
Actually Dragon's Crown really pisses me off because the wizard should have been sexualized like the sorceress.
I'm not sure what you mean here.
Do you mean basically guys in Conan/Kratos outfits or something, or just being buff, because ultimately isn't that just most games?
Or do you mean something more like the more avant-garde outfits in the Last Story?
In either case, I don't think it matters. Not even whether the game is good or not. I mean ultimately how long do you even go on noticing what the characters are wearing or not wearing? The most I think this matters is in relation to cover art or marketing materials or first impressions.
Lots of games allow you to basically have the characters run around in their underwear, e.g. BoTW, but it's almost always passed off as humorous. Ultimately I think that characters running around in skimpy clothing in a game is far more likely to be seen as silly than sexy. It's probably a hard thing to even get a character in any state or partial dress to be seen in a neutral or serious sense, but maybe some art-school fags can comment on this.
>Since when is looking "realistic" a prerequisite for looking sexy?
Well it isnt, but you have breaking moments when things go from "sexy" to "jesus that looks weird". If you take boobs for example, at a certain size they look stupid since it completely is out of proportion to the rest of the body. There is a certain breaking point, and its different for different people, but if you post such a ripped guy youre beyond what I would consider cool. Maybe realistic is the wrong word here, more like "I can imagine it being a super powerful ripped man and not someone with a muscle disease". Or "I can imagine a woman with those big juicy titties and not someone who would lose their balance if they would turn around suddenly".
>It does makes sense, but I still needed to get some input on how straight guys feel about sexualized male designs.
Well it depends on how you do it. When I see for example conan I dont think "ow this guy is naked and ripped for the ladies/gay guys" but instead "ow this is an awesome barbarian, a guy who doesnt take shit from anyone and can do everything himself because hes strong and headstrong". Same with sexy women. If they wear a sexy dress or maybe a tightfitting futuristic armor I think "ow they wanted a sexy woman", not "they want me to jack off at them". While if they make a woman with bondage gear that constantly pushes her tits in your face I feel like they are trying to manipulate me and I dont like that. So unless you have a guy in a speedo I dont really see the problem.
Its like a dogwhistle, the people who like muscle dudes understand it and jack of to it, while people who arent into it wont notice it
I was going to post her. I jizzed in a PC mag to that.
>Cheat codes are different. You paid the 50 bucks, so you can play however you want
It really was a different time...
>Do you mean basically guys in Conan/Kratos outfits or something, or just being buff
First case. Conan/Kratos are sexualized, but only the former is pretty enough to look hot on the sexy outfit. All that being said I believe there are "levels" of sexualization, which basically take into account how pretty a character is, and how said character is presented. Taking Conan's example, I think there are more ways to sexualize different types of beautiful male forms which would still fall into the same "level" of sexualization.
Take Link in BoTW, different body type from Conan, still considered beautiful, and could be just as sexualized if the woe outfit were as revealing as Conan's usual outfit.
>ultimately how long do you even go on noticing what the characters are wearing or not wearing?
I think it depends on the game's camera PoV and animations, in batman arkham city for example I definitely still noticed the batman beyond's costume's ass 15 hours into the game.
>The most I think this matters is in relation to cover art or marketing materials or first impressions.
This too, I want to give plenty of material for fanart. I mean who wouldn't want to earn money and get free porn of what they like at the same time, right?
> e.g. BoTW, but it's almost always passed off as humorous
Honestly, I think on BoTW case they are literally pretending they placed that section merely for laffs, I think the devs were fully aware of what they were doing.
>It's probably a hard thing to even get a character in any state or partial dress to be seen in a neutral or serious sense, but maybe some art-school fags can comment on this.
It honestly depends a lot on the setting and the internal rules that govern it. Think about Dante from DMC, he could go into battle bare ass naked because armor barely makes any difference on that setting.
>If you take boobs for example, at a certain size they look stupid since it completely is out of proportion to the rest of the body. There is a certain breaking point
Funnily enough there are scientific studies about porn watching behaviors, and it seems that to begin with "bigger" is usually "better" for the brain, even past what a few decades ago would be considered "realistic". Secondly, it seems that said breaking point is based on the "standard" size of said dysmorphic sexual characteristics, and as said "standard", in drawn porn for example becomes bigger, the further away down the line the "breaking point" is.
>but instead
Here's a funny fact, just like for women, men find attractive the characteristics that show she's fertile and healthy, and would be capable of producing healthy offspring, for males it's the same thing, the characteristics that, physically, women and gays, find attractive are the ones that show he's a strong individual capable of providing, protecting and conquering.
>Its like a dogwhistle, the people who like muscle dudes understand it and jack of to it, while people who arent into it wont notice it
That's precisely what I was hoping for.
>Here's a funny fact, just like for women, men find attractive the characteristics that show she's fertile and healthy, and would be capable of producing healthy offspring, for males it's the same thing, the characteristics that, physically, women and gays, find attractive are the ones that show he's a strong individual capable of providing, protecting and conquering.
what about fags that want to fuck twinks
Same reason why males want delicate looking females. It shows fertility, but for some reason the brain picks up those characteristics on males rather than females. Another theory could be related to how greeks saw pederasty, which "bonded" two males for the rest of their lives.
Fear Effect 2 was kino fap material.
I mean, there's bad video game art, and then there's amateur hour.
i dont know how i end up browsing /fit/ sometimes but its always blast when i do
Nice blogpost, tranny.