Name some videogames that are all flash no substance

name some videogames that are all flash no substance

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Persona 5


most sony exclusives


Breath of the Wild

I don't get it why don't they just use a plate or something?

Also Dragon Age Inquisition, and most of Assassins Creed franchise.

Jump Force.

pretty much all the sony studios games

holy fucking SHIT, nu Yea Forums is real
when will nintenlard bias fucking die?

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Nier Automata
great lore, worldbuilding, story, characters, voice acting, graphics, music

but with a shitty, simplistic combat


i think you're supposed to eat it all in one bite so they just put it on your hand.

>says the nujakposter
u mad?

Your favourite game

Jet Set Radio.
Strip away the style and the music and it would be a pretty mediocre skating game with floaty as fuck gameplay. No one would care about it if it had a bland realistic aesthetic and a real sports guy on the cover.


but why on the outside of the hand

Have you actually played Persona 5?


This looks really dumb. Why did watching it make my scalp tingle

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Why is reddit still trying to force nuwojak?

Why is he struggling so hard to squeeze those bottles?

is this like an asmr restaurant?

Sorry, are you actually trying to imply DmC had any substance whatsoever?

It's just pretentious hipster wank way of eating.

no muscles in his hands

why do white people try so hard to be cultured

Tetris Effect. No matter how comfy or cool it is it’s just Tetris

Was the piece of chewed gum really necessary?

The Crysis series.

because its easy to eat it like that. your just close your hand and bring it up to your mouth sideways and get it with your lips in 1 bite.

Because putting it on the inside is a health hazard and might very well poison the blood of the person. Not to mention how painful it would be to have their hand cut up just so they could place food in there. I also believe it would be harder to eat that way, and the excess blood would dilute the taste of the food.


Fuck if I know. Personally, I think we should go full isolationist, and let the mongrels kill one another off.


Far Cry 5 was a grind and I didn't like the weapons.

Tetris has always been such a solid game that it's all substance no matter what skin they slap on it.

Scam Citizen

Or you could use a plate and utensils like you're an adult with dignity.

the witcher
senran kagura

What is he even serving them

the bottles are small with barely any opening.

they're made to be like that on purpose so you don't use too much in 1 single squirt. you're supposed to assemble everything without fucking up a single time so it looks good.

unironically to pass the time

Alright that’s fair. It’s pretty hard to fuck up tetris

So you can charge these idiots 90$+ per serving


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something that small, takes little time to make and if its made to be eaten fast, why would you even consider using dishes?

Wise guy, eh?

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>Actually hating on Jet Set Radio

Maximum pleb

>struggling this much with the bottle
holy soi

he is right though. gameplay has aged like shit, everything else about it is still pretty comfy.

pic related is basically better version of it.

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video is sped up retard


All the original Genesis Sonic games.

>Go fast
>Go Right

Alas :(

That doesn't have flash or substance

Call of Duty Modern Warfare series.

Damn that looks tasty
I would pay $50 to try some of this gourmet hand chocolate

>not only he's struggling, it took that long
holy soi

metal gear rising

Nujak is /biz/, you dumb redditard.

Dark Souls 3

>white people

It's actually black cum

Nice try, redditor.
Go back any time.

you are supposed to eat caviar like this since that part of the hand is flavour-neutral (i'm sure that there is an english word for that)
so my guess is that they are pretentious hipster shits that know nothing and act like everything tastes better like that, so they sell it to dumb idiots

Even better

Devil May Cry
Persona 5
Witcher 3
Assassin Creed
Kingdom Hearts

Every shmup

I bet that costs like 200 bucks.

Define 'substance'

came her to say this

Saints Row the Third

he didn't say all substance no flash

God damn it Martha is this what you wanted? A $70 dollar sushi shit on your hand? Was this an 'experience' for you? Jesus Christ and I thought the jar salad was pretentious.

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But it has neither.

Things I don't like.


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Travis Strikes Again for sure.