It's fucking worse now. What the fuck.
It's fucking worse now. What the fuck
Other urls found in this thread:
>Add a arcade mode
>My lite milsim game is ruined
Just play Squad if you're that anally pained.
I don't give two shits about TDM.
The performance is worse, it gobbles up MORE resources and my viewmodel doesn't fucking load at all now.
What the fuck were those "optimisations"?
Entitled babies whining again about the game, give them time! It's only been 3 years.
Can confirm, it still runs like shit. Gotta hand it to the dev team though, they really know how to make some good bullshot trailers.
They broke it
You expect the game to be working on release? God it's entitled manbabies like you that make this community so toxic!
Absolutely, it almost eats up all of my RAM. Before it'd only take about 60%
They could afford to speed up that reload by like 15%. Dude sure takes his sweet fucking time seating the mag and working that charging handle.
I know, and the MG reloads are worse.
Its to simulate unskilled retards who don't know how to reload
WAIT until you see the recoil.
It's also to simulate you shooting any gun with 1 hand because you like use one hand for the mouse.
God I wish they did a better job. I've spent so many hours in the standalone INS with custom mods and maps that it rivals HL2 for me.
MG reloads are always terrible though. Or do they manage to actually make them EXTRA terrible?
>inb4 game has an RPK and loading the drum takes an hour because ????
Is it one of those
>gun literally climbs all the way to the sky in 7 shots regardless of caliber because "realism"
because those are irritating too, but I appreciate the slight addition to skill gap it provides, assuming they don't make it so bad that it's jarring as fuck like the PUBG guys did.
It's not any slower than it needs to be. If anything its too fast.
The thing is that there are two schools of thought regarding reload animations:
1. There must always be something happening on the screen to convey to the player that the reload is progressing.
2. There doesn't need to always be something happening.
The first school is much, much larger than the second. To fully account for the amount of time it takes to reload, the first school often makes sure the movement is slowed down and scaled to the exact time it takes to reload. If the animation was done in the second school, there would be a pause time where the player character is meant to be fishing out a magazine from a pouch, but all of it happening off screen and the only indication that things are progressing are probably a wiggling of the weapon and player viewport, perhaps with a UI element such as an actual progress bar / circle visible somewhere.
>>gun literally climbs all the way to the sky in 7 shots regardless of caliber because "realism"
Exactly, to simulate realism! As we all know that the more recoil you have the more realistic it is.
Have fired some weapons in real life, virtually no recoil because guns are designed well.
Get in game, gun kicks so hard it leave the impression I have some kind of degenerative muscle disease or maybe that I am a 10 year old woman or something.
>but muh skill gap
very realistic
Good point. I would be perfectly happy if they had gone with option 2 instead of having an appallingly slow animation that makes it seem like it's your character's second time operating a firearm.
They don't need 1:1 realism with the muzzle climb because it's by no means a milsim, nor is it truly attempting to be such from what I've seen. If it's like the first, then they want a hybrid of simlike and arcadelike, which potentially involves amping up recoil, which would be fine if they could avoid over doing it (which evidently isn't the case because holy fuck, that sounds terrible).
>It's not any slower than it needs to be. If anything its too fast.
fucking retard. FUCKING retard.
Now compare that to the webm here >Good point
look above
Yes, which is why I don't bother with the forums anymore. I know the game runs like ass, and I know other games on the same engine that don't (Squad).
The first top most image is from a person who claimed everything is running super smooth for them.
not seeing writing on the wall when a real good assymetrical warfare mod went into a full game where
>the maps are use but shit objective placement means only 5% is used where the retarded devs completely miss the point
>where weapons are rebalanced to the either sides using reskinned versions of eachother weapons completely removing asymmetreism
>lots of other small shit
insugrency games are trash compared to the mod.
while we are on this shit topic, the fucking switch to handguns is so fucking slow that often times you might as well finish reloading your main gun.
The performance fixes has made the game objectively better for me and many others. Are you fucking retarded? I think you need to go back to Overwatch.
I've had both reloading and changing to a pistol be for naught. I get jumped while reloading and still get shot before I can either finish reloading or swap, no matter how still I stay, or how hot-footed I am.
>(which evidently isn't the case because holy fuck, that sounds terrible).
Switching to your pistol is objectively faster than non-quick reloading. It doesn't matter that you "feel" that it's slower. I don't remember if quick reload is faster than switching to pistol.
Could you do this while aiming down the sights as well?
Is there a difference?
the game is dead and boring
its really depressing that theres people who actually think about this garbage
That's because this game exaggerates everything to be "more realistic".
Recoil is more than in real life.
Reloads are slower than in real life.
And so on, because all of these things make sweaty neckbeard who has never fired a gun go "wow SO REAL, so hardcore"
Doing it on the sunny range while wearing no other gear than your ammo is a very different ball game, dear user.
Jesus fuck. I had to replay that, pause, and make sure you didn't pull a fast one and switch to a G3 at the last second.
I got some webm with sound over
give me a minute
Game sold well enough to turn a profit. The amount of people playing isn't great or even good, but it's enough to consistently get matches that are filled up. Also, kill yourself.
meant to respond to
thats not fair phuc long is just too good.
Game is still janky but there is a 10/10 multiplayer FPS in there somewhere.
>lite milsim
Jesus, where the fuck is the squad shitposter when you need it.
RETARDED HEADCANNON. Actually hold a gun in your hand user, fucking fire it, reload it once.
>too good
If you are actually in the military this is pretty much standard speed.
oh boy you just missed the point of my post. here I'll help you out.
Have you ever fired or reloaded a gun user? Have you ever been in a combat situation user?
If he didn't, is he wrong?
>actually missing the point this hard
A lot of people always side with authority figures.
If he didn't then it's all headcannon.
As I said retards who have never done shit just imagine what it would be like and then pretending their headcannon is what is real.
>if I just repeat myself over and over
>Just play Squad
How about no.
I'm not the same guy as the one who's saying reloading is fine you DOUBLE ULTRA MEGA FAGGOT DUMB NIGGER INBRED SOUTH AFRICAN SHITHEAP. Maybe if you got your head outta your ass you'd fucking notice what a joke looks like and what honest debates look like you TURBO AUTISTIC RETARD.
SQUAD babies you can go fuck yourselves.
I got 120hours in this. Pretty sure I would turn if off after 3 hours if it was bad.
Prove that your points aren't just head canon. Also, being a gun enthusiast isn't enough to say that the reload mechanics in this game are objectively bad.
This guy is a riot.
>Maybe if you got your head outta your ass you'd fucking notice what a joke looks like a
>I was merely pretending
Bad move moron, there is plenty of people who take this stance seriously and not as a joke.
There's no urgency in this reload.
>if you haven't fired a gun you're a neckbeard
sorry not all of us are drooling amerifats that shoot up schools every other week
>phuc long stopped uploading
>dugan deleted carnikcon
atleast someone saved all those vids.
people spent hundreds of hours in fallout 76, that doesn't mean it's good
maybe there was no insurgency to prompt the urgency.
look at the video you posted, look at the face of the gook, look at the video I posted watch the videos on firepower united channel see the FUNNY JOKE. Good job now you can be a functioning member of our society you armchair operator faggot.
I know. That's also why I said the MG reloads are even worse.
Dude, he's just chilling at the range with Mohammad 1, 2, and 3. And maybe they HAPPEN to to be running live fire drills with the three habibs downrage shooting back with "blanks."
>Knock knock
That's a weird critique. Why does it have to be urgent? I assume your answer would be because it's a real life combat situation. If so, Insurgency is not an objectively realistic close quarters combat simulator. This game compromises plenty of mechanics to balance the game. If the reload was faster or more "urgent", it would make ammo management much less meaningful.
if you are a retard that imagines how guns behave and thinks more recoil is more realistic, slower reloads are more realistic, then you are a neckbeard who writes fanfiction about how guns work.
>I was mere pretending, surely you knew that with all the actual retards that are unlike myself who hold these opinions seriously
>let me project my autism on to you because it's certainly not me at fault but instead you who doesn't get a joke
How about you stop pretending to be a retard so often, the years of practice make you too convincing.
Breaking immersion is a valid critique, especially in a game that clearly attempts to be immersive. They could improve the feeling of urgency by adjusting the animation without changing the actual time it takes to reload.
lol this game is fuckin great
>If the reload was faster or more "urgent", it would make ammo management much less meaningful.
Imagine tell that to soliders in war.
"You lads need to slow down your reload times, to make ammo management more meaningful"
I never said any of that, you are one angry little man.
>dur ur retard
I must've struck a nerve with you tubby tits. tell you what, when you wake up at 2pm from shitposting all night I suggest you go for a run. Can't T-zone hard when you weigh 400 pounds.
Holy shit, user. You're actually incapable of noticing that the video he linked you was fucking SATIRE and that when he brought up the guy in the video, he was referencing a fucking JOKE.
Breaking immersion is obviously a valid critique. But the reason, I think, you think that the reload animation is bad is because it doesn't "feel" fast enough. Also, how the fuck would you make the reload look more "urgent" and make the animation take the same amount of time? That's a fucking contradiction. Don't play around with words as if they don't mean anything.
reloads should be faster across the board, ammo management means everything especially if you go through it faster.
here is the other variant
I said in that fucking comment that Insurgency wasn't fucking realistic. If you wan't to be deceptive than I can't have an argument with you, bitch.
it really is a damn shame about how the recoil works in-game. smg's having crazy recoil kinda defeats the purpose of them.
>smg's having crazy recoil kinda defeats the purpose of them.
EXACTLY, let me show you some high caliber weapons for comparison.
>people arguing about reload speed
The real shame is the lack of fast weapon transition. I was never SOF, just 11B to get my GI bill to go to school afterwards, but the vickers sling that we all used was sturdy as hell. I could easily just thumb the safety on my rifle and just as easily pull a sidearm much, much faster fashion. Maybe the game just simulates people getting the bare minimum on their qualification scores lol, I don't fucking get it.
I'm not the same guy, although I agree with his opinion about the thing not feeling urgent.
> But the reason, I think, you think that the reload animation is bad is because it doesn't "feel" fast enough
I don't think it's bad, and I do think it doesn't feel fast enough. He's looks like he's lazily popping in a magazine as though he's hanging out at the range with his buds and not killing terrorists.
>Also, how the fuck would you make the reload look more "urgent" and make the animation take the same amount of time?
They could have added something to the animation and then sped the whole thing up. They surely spent enough time working on the whole fucking thing to notice that it looks about as speedy as some fat kid trying to swim through molasses. Since his hand is offscreen for a fraction of a second fishing up a fresh mag, increase that bit, and speed up the rest.
>Don't play around with words as if they don't mean anything.
Don't be a condescending prick.
>Maybe the game just simulates people getting the bare minimum on their qualification scores lol, I don't fucking get it.
Considering there is women in the game who are actually in combat.
oh no buddy I already know I run the PKM like a fuckin hadji on Ramadan
Yeah that's what I never get about games. Your guy presumably has a sling on his rifle in pretty much all of these, and yet switching to a sidearm isn't a matter of simply doing [exactly what you described] which often makes me wonder why they bother giving us the option of bringing sidearms in the first place.
I could control that due to my relatively high sensitivity and larger Y axis values than X axis, but its pretty much the same issue as the first Insurgency (not the mod). Recoil brings the player viewpoint upwards very harshly and then it has zero return to norm / settling back down. That is what would naturally happen just due to gravity, but the videogame player character just holds it up to wherever it was last pointing in the air, then you have to manually drag it back down with your mouse.
Not a very comfortable thing when you consider that you have limited table space for your mouse. Meanwhile, you can pull down and apply an effectively infinite amount of downward force over time on the foreend of a real weapon with your arm, so controlling recoil over long bursts is much easier than in the game.
I disagree with you when you say it means everything. Ammo in your gun is more valuable if the reload takes longer, but making the reload longer doesn't make the mechanic better. A long reload can make the game worse. The thing is the fags in this thread are just just making arguments based on feelings. Your argument seems really fair in comparison.
Now compare this webm
to this 9mm smg
right here muh boi
Insurgency is fucked if you don't start pumping out maps soon.
Thank you, somebody who isn't clueless.
>Meanwhile, you can pull down and apply an effectively infinite amount of downward force over time on the foreend of a real weapon with your arm, so controlling recoil over long bursts is much easier than in the game.
Pretty much, it happens so naturally so easily that you almost think there is no recoil. Getting tight groups is challenging with recoil, but you never fucking leave the target behind because your gun kicked away so fucking hard.
just play squad tbqhfamalam
They are very different games user.
That's like saying you should play Cities: skylines instead of AoE2
I'm not talking like titanfall 2 quick (although that game also has a similar reload mechanic, it just isn't highlighted.) just like 5-10% faster. I typically throw most of my mags away and win most engagements I'm in. Another sad fact about this game is armor does nothing but slow you down and take resource points from your loadout.
I never, ever get that fucking situation when I have a Tandem. It's usually a vehicle at 300+ meters already engaging us with my SL yelling at me to shoot already.
"let's make a game where everyone has maple syrup in their shoes. haha"
My argument for the reload being slow is basically balancing the game, and the game has never advertised itself as OBJECTIVELY realistic, just MORE realistic. If your upset that the game isn't more realistic than it is, that's fine. I have no bad blood with you. Just don't critique the game unfairly and without the proper context.
Why would they speed the animation up? That would obviously make the animation seem cartoony. It would look like a reload animation out of COD or Battlefield. Insurgency is Insurgency. It is not like other FPS's. Speeding up the animation would break immersion. If you think I'm wrong about this point please thin up of a good argument.
And the others weren't being a condescending prick? Why didn't you call them out? Seems like you have a bias, faggot.
I am the same person who said the reload might have been too fast to begin with. Keyword: might, by the way.
COD really isn't too bad in its portrayal of weapon recoil. The only reason why the common gamer might have complained about perceived the lack of recoil is because most COD MP maps were often very small and didn't make it an issue. Maybe a few weapons were effective lasers but those were in the minority. Blackout showed that the traditional amount of viewkick in the franchise is more than enough to throw off a player's aim once the distance opens up to "realistic" non-CQB engagement ranges.
You legitimately are incapable of reading if you think I said anything about balance, realism, or taking the actual amount of time the reload itself takes. I'm done. Enjoy your stupidity. Also
>Seems like you have a bias, faggot.
Yeah, I called the one person out who was being a fucking cunt to ME. Eat shit, you dumb nigger.
I love the fact that there's still no reason to use a 7X scope (or even a 4X scope) because the map design, and objectives are all laughably close to each other.
The only time I used a 7x is when the game was in beta and I glitched out of bounds.
It ran like ass for me during the beta no matter how i configured it but squad runs fine for me maxed out on gtx 1060 6gb i5 7600k 16gb ddr4 and playing on 2560x1080
What the fuck are you arguing? If that's your response, then your argument isn't clear at all. My impression of your argument is that the reload mechanic doesn't "feel" good enough. Have you even played this fucking game? Why aren't addressing my points? Don't be a coward.
Being a condescending prick to someone who is also a condescending prick seems justified.
the devs didn't/still don't understand UE4. The backend for the game might actually be a nightmare.
lose the 'tude cocksmith. reiterating my point, that's why they give you 4 different types reloads. make sure you got a round in the chamber and double tap R for the best results.
whoops, did it again. meant to respond to
This game was dropping below 1k active players consistently before the update.
sorry about that. Didn't meant to say that to you.
Fuck it. I said I was done, but I can't help myself. Let's recap
>some guy says the reloads have no urgency
>someone else (presumably you) asks why it needs to feel urgent because the game isn't trying to be realistic and that it sacrifices realism for balance
>I add that it has to do with breaking immersion and that they could change the animation up while maintaining the same actual reload time [for balancing purposes - I thought that was obvious] [animation speed =/= the reload timer]
>you say the reason you think that I think the animation is "bad" is because it doesn't feel fast enough [which should have been obvious] and then ask how one could achieve an altered animation with the same reload time
>I respond to both points of your post, attempting to explain how they could rework the animation or extend parts of it while maintaining the same reload time. I also try to make clear that I'm not the one who brought up reloading not having a sense of urgency while also calling you a condescending prick because you ironically tell me not to play with words as if they don't hold meaning while managing to miss the fucking nuance of language altogether.
>then you go into realism and balance as though I were arguing about either of those things
>I call you a dumb nigger
And now here you are whining about my not arguing with you over things, half of which, I never said. Go fuck yourself.
I just wanted the reload to look like a guy actually in combat and not some faggot hick who's been drinking beer in his backyard casually popping off rounds, hence URGENCY tying into immersion. The fact that you think speeding the animation up would make automatically make the animation cartoony, regardless of degree, tells me you're incapable of thinking in anything other than black and white. If I were more reasonable I wouldn't bother responding to you.
Im more annoyed that the MP5 is restricted to breacher. Give the MP5 to commander and radioman so I can have a short gun when I am going to be in close quarters anyway
The reloads are always stupid when the player spends six seconds fiddling with the gun and somehow teleports the new magazine from his carrier. Slowest part of reloading especially in stressed situations is when you try to get the mag from your pouch. Games never show it.
Have you ever marched carrying 30kg of equipment. Yeah I wouldnt want to look at your feet then
Yeah definitely. I'd much rather have them leave the person's left hand down at the bottom of the screen, or off it entirely, for half of the reload time (or even a little more than half) and then have that followed by a quick and competent animation for putting in a new mag and putting it into battery. Instead we get the magical "Mag Pouch of Blinding Speed" combined with a guy who's firing the gun for the first time as our animations.
Your last couple of sentences were the only ones of value, since they revealed what you actually wanted to say.
I think I agree with you. I do not think that what Insurgency did with the reload mechanics are great. I think they are serviceable and nice looking. That's all.
The reloads are not good, but they are good enough for Insurgency. And I believe they are better than most FPS's that I have played.
>banned that guy who was uploading glitchy out-of-bounds position vids because "hurr durr he is exploting he is ruinning other's game hurr"
fucking pathetic, fix your shit first you bunch of faggots
and it's not even some ranked or whatever, just leave the server if you can't handle someone better than you
I loved the previous insurgency but this is a fucking joke, UE4 was a mistake and so were big maps. The game is simply not made for it, it is not Squad.
>Your last couple of sentences were the only ones of value, since they revealed what you actually wanted to say.
Maybe, but all the others sure did made me feel better. I do agree with you that the animations themselves are nice looking.
Alright fine. Then I think we just disagree with how much time the reload takes. I think that's ok.
> Then I think we just disagree with how much time the reload takes
No, that's not the issue. Again, the time the reload takes is NOT the same as the urgency of it [in large part, animation speed].
Look at the clip of the guy in the game reloading the MP5 again. Pay attention to how fast (read: slow, and I mean FUCKING SLOW) he's manipulating the weapon during it. That's the issue of urgency. It does not say to me, "man stressed while under threat of death attempting to put more bullets into his bangstick to avoid getting fucking shot by other men with bangsticks." It says, "dude chillin' out at the range, possibly under the influence of marijuana."
>insurgency thread
>Squadshitters show up immediately
fuck off i don't want to play Squad
Think of it this way, you have a reload time of X seconds. I'm too lazy to go time it, so lets say it's 5. You can use literally anything you want as an animation during those 5 seconds, and the reload time won't change. You could have Paris Hilton getting buttfucked by Barnie, and the reload time will still be 5 seconds. Therefore, they could unfuck the lack of urgency while retaining the same actual time it takes for reloading.
Look man, I am not convinced that the reload animation looks THAT casual. Perhaps it can look better considering the context, but it is alright looking IMO. I think the devs compromised between a realistic looking reload and a good looking reload. BUT, If you want to argue that one of the low points of Sandstorm is the reload animation, then I will agree with you.
The problem with that is that it breaks immersion. Immersion is important.
I am more than happy to agree to disagree with how casual or not the animation for the reload is.
>BUT, If you want to argue that one of the low points of Sandstorm is the reload animation
This is something I never said. I was only ever expanding on what somebody else said. Please, for the love of my fucking sanity, stop putting words into my mouth.
And yes, I do agree that if they made the reload animation an SFM short of Paris Hilton being sodomized by a purple dinosaur that it would indeed be immersion breaking.
Ok then, we disagree with how competently the devs made the reload animation,.
Insurgency has always been arcadey. It's the reason why people play shit like this or RS2 or Day of Infamy because they don't want to LARP as some autistic mutt and travel across the map for 5 minutes only to get shot in the face from some bush.
Nigger I wanna play a game, not a simulation.
So.. What's the consensus? Is it worth switching from the first game to this?
Maybe in a year or so.