Games as art

Do you think there are games that have achieved the status of art and that can stand alongside the greatest works of fiction from other genres?

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Games were classified as art by the US Supreme Court in 2011. Fuck you.

Ocarina Of Time since it’s two minor flaws away from being literally perfect

Deus Ex 1, yup.

>ghost trick and danganronpa in the same sentence

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Well anything that was made with the intention of being art is art so yea they are art.

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>can stand alongside the greatest works of fiction from other genres?
nigger you jumped a big gun. big gap between art status and this claim here wtf

Art is free for the public to enjoy, videogames are exclusive and it is considered a crime to freely share them, so no.

As far as I'm concerned, all video games are art, as I hate both.

Games have always been art
Even Pong is art

define art

So films arent art either?

>Art is free for the public to enjoy
I know this is bait, but I'm going to reply anyways.

>other genres
Ban underage posters please

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All videogames are art, just as all illustrations and all written pieces of work are art.
But that doesn't signify the quality of the art whatsoever.
"Art" is not a descriptor that inherently implies quality.

>better than even fucking 50's sci-fi
>better than Ten Little Niggers which it apes its concept from

>Games were classified as art by the US Supreme Court in 2011
So only in the US? Rest of the world don't consider it art?

is chess art? if so is it the rules and mechanics of the game that makes it art? if these are true then yeah

That poster is a faggot

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US is the world

Anything whose primary purpose is to stirs emotions within the person experiencing it.

Is it a correct use of "whose"?

Films should be free, yes, but Hollywood wants more than a compensation for making them.

When was the last time you were charged for looking at a painting? You get charged a symbolic compensation for keeping it safe and available to the public.

No. If your actually interested in this than give this a watch.

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Video games are inherently art but things that try to be art are shit. Artfilms and artsy art are garbage.

Yeah. Who's ever heard of Ghost Trick?

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>Zero Escape Steins Gate and Autotomato better than Dune or Star Wars

I'd rate any of them higher than the later Dune novels, but not better than the original one. They're probably better than Star Wars but they're not even close to in the same genre so that's kind'a dumb.

>Ghost Trick and Danganronpa better than Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie

Yup, I'd agree with that. As in, I'd agree that Ghost Trick is better than either of those, or at least better than Agatha Christie and the majority of SH stories. People only really tend to remember the few good SH stories.

Danganronpa is meh, although the first one was pretty good. But Ghost Trick is excellent.

>FF9 and Chrono Chross are better than Tolkien or George RR Martin

No. Fuck off.

CC is garbage anyway. It's a massive "fuck you" to anyone who liked CT.

>SH2 is better than Silence of the Lambs or Lovecraft

Yeah, I'd agree with that. Silence of the Lambs isn't horror though.

>MGS2 is better than Die Hard

Completely different stories and genre, but MGS2 definitely has more depth than Die Hard, whether that's what you're looking for in an action story though, I dunno.

>No games are funny

I hear this opinion too often and it annoys me.

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>all the games in that image are Japanese

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>Art is free for the public to enjoy
What kind of retarded definition is this ?

>better scifi then dune

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>An hour long speech responding to a throwaway comment



>Another old man fails to understand new medium
Color me surprised.

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Who said it is a definition, retard?

No, and they don't need to be.
Anyone who goes on about muh art is fucking retarded anyway.

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You seriously think a game that is 95% clunky anime exposition and a ""You were a cat all along" revelation is a better mystery story han anything Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie?

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Yes. And unfortunately that’s why you have these god awful looking characters put into video games

He actually goes into both of these fully.
I can understand skipping it if you don't have the time, but it seriously one of the best talks I've seen.

thats unironically a good thing

Paraphrase for me.

>film not in art

>rating S:G and ZE (even the first one) higher than God-Emperor
Plebs not welcome. S:G in particular is definitely worse than even Star Wars when it comes to polish, they're both on the same level of simplicity.


what game

>Videogames are art!!!!
>Says the plattform that wants to censor games, shames game devs for their artistic vision and praise bought hacks like Jason Schreier

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Then what is this?

why is chess there lmao

Again, you're only remembering the good Sherlock Holmes. Re-read the whole lot and you'll see a lot of it boils down to him making the kind of completely retarded "deduction" (actually inductions but whatever) that everyone got sick of seeing on the TV series.

"I knew this man was a sailor because he had a tatoo on his arm."

C'mon, what? The whole sequence of Sherlock displaying his amazing ability to read people was just nonsense and a good number of the stories are either ridiculous plot twists or massive contrivances. Same with Christie. I'm not ragging on either of them, but if you look at the collection as just it's high points, you've got a 9/10 series, but if you consider the whole thing it's more like a 6/10 or 7/10.

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I can't do that, you just have to take my word for it and give it a watch for a few minutes.

>achieved the status of art
Art is merely human expression meant to convey anything. What can be considered art is so broad that everything humans make is art. It's like technology. A fucking human-neanderthal muttbaby in 10000BC smacking 2 rocks together to make one sharp is technology.

>dancing is art but chess and tabletop games aren't
weak bait apply yourself

What is what? Art should be free? Shouldn't it? Do you get charged for downloading a photo of a painting? Do you need to pay a standarized price for a reproduction of a sculpture regardless of quality?

God Emperor is the fourth one, that's a LONG way from the "later" books I was complaining about.

I was talking about ones like Chapterhouse, Winds of, Prelude to etc etc

art is not a distinction of quality

I would argue that the only game that comes close to being art at the same level of literary/cinematic classics is Planescape: Torment. It’s well written and it’s gameplay ties in perfectly with the overarching story and really the genre itself.

>Winds of, Prelude
Why the FUCK are you mentioning his son's books? Nobody gives a shit about his fanfics.

Games are art retard, stop trying to lump them with shit like comics and photography

Define art. Then explain how video games are not that.

I truly hope you realize how dumb you are - on several levels.

Is a thing is made with intention of convinsing it is an art.

>Do you think there are games that have achieved the status of art
Maybe a few.
>and that can stand alongside the greatest works of fiction from other genres?
No. Not a single game has come close to Tolkien, Dune, Lovecraft, etc. That's mainly because games are meant to have gameplay first and story second.(Which gives way to the fact that there's not really any talented writers in the game industry, they come from outside that circle, if at all.)

The purpose of a game is to be played. Games are a series of choices intended to entertain the player. They are inherently utilitarian.

Art has no purpose but to be admired or ignored.

I see what you did there

Dune is space opera, not sci-fi.

What do you call the character design, graphics, story, music, voice acting, etc. that goes into creating that thing you "play?"

>Art is only 500 years old

Opinion tossed. Man doesn't know what he's talking about.

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Dune is a series, one that continued long past Frank Herbert. They're still better than Children, Heretics and Chapterhouse even if we only consider Frank's books. Fuck better than Messiah too.

>Do you think there are games that have achieved the status of art
It's not a status, like there's a fucking Art Committee that determines it. The term encompasses most things that were made on purpose.
>and that can stand alongside the greatest works of fiction from other genres?
This is completely a matter of opinion.

A choreographed dance is an art, but grooving unprofessionally is not.

>SH2 is better than Silence of the Lambs or Lovecraft
I don't know why SH2 is the ultimate boomer heroin, but it is.
When someone says SH2 is "better" than something, you can immediately dismiss that person's opinion. James is a retarded protagonist to the point of being completely unbelievable even though he's shipped with PTSD and delusions. He has this willfully stupid otherness and naivety to him that's unintentionally comedic. Lovecraft wasn't even a good horror writer, but an 'ideas guy'. That being said, his ideas stood the test of time. There's nothing SH2 that will stand the test of time aside from some tiny videogame cult mythos. Not only is SH2 forgettable compared to Lovecraft, it's forgettable compared to those Lovecraft inspired, like Stephen King.

>Tolkien and George RR Martin
>next to each other

They are pieces of art within the context of the game. On their own, they are art; but their inclusion does not make the itself art.
That would be like putting a famous painting in an ad for a toilet cleaner and claiming that the ad was great art as well.

>Genre fiction turds mattering

>Literature is art
>Dance is art
Okay, user

>everything in a video game is art until you play it
Yeah. Go fuck yourself.

What I like>>>>>>>>>>>>>>you, sucking the cocks you like so much

>Genre fiction turds mattering

What I like>>>>>>>>>>>>>>you, sucking the cocks you like so much

>Genre fiction turds mattering

what they mean is comparable to high art and sure there are some but none this retard listed

the left one is pretentious and the right isn't even accurately describing the series pictured

By that definition, everything is art, because everything can be put in some context where it contains something that can be considered art.

For example: My trip to the toilet is art because I looked at a painting of Gaben on my phone while dropping a deuce.

At that point, calling anything art is meaningless.

No because games are still just children's toys. If they weren't, we wouldn't have to worry about companies censoring stuff to protect the kiddies from inappropriate content

Never fall for this Jewish bullshit.

Theater is fucking degenerate retard

The artists that work on games are told exactly what to make based on what sells and what does not sell.

So technically yes but if you want to be technical, so is a can of pepsi

If this person had ever consumed anything other than capeshit and genre fiction then they wouldn't feel this way.
Video games are stupid shit and i don't care or need more validation than that.

You don't think that maybe you're over generalizing a bit much there? You don't think that any artist that has ever worked on a game has done it because they want to express themselves or invoke feelings in others?

Oh there are, first one to come to mind is Yoko Taro when he wanted to explore shit about a mass murdering protagonist. But then when he was making Drakengard he was told to include musou shit because it was the fad at the time.

I don't care. Art is just any manmade craft or interpretation of nature by man, it's human nature. We put pots, jugs, guns, tanks and trains in museums/galleries and form appreciative communities, purely to admire them on mostly arbitrary merits.

Any definition of art that strays outside of that is purely subjective nonsense. It's not some trophy or monumental status.