And they said the eroticism in DOA 6 was toned down
Phwoar those are beauts
Other urls found in this thread:
Fucking hell mate
She is seriously a B cup now. Wtf
And it was.
So is the game any good?
barely bigger boobs than max
who the fuck plays DoA for gameplay? fuck this gay shit, another attempt to shill to esports niggers.
How does my wife Hitomi's costume selections look in this game? Does she have any cute wholesome outfits that bring out her lovable personality? [spoilers]also are her feet as detailed in the game as they are in this render?[/spoiler]
did max really dye his hair for the zoomer audience
no, it's light from his monitor. Just watched a vid like this and when he moves, the color doesn't follow his hair.
Would you get an electric shock if you lick NiCO's butthole?
Oh man, I hate her so fuckn much, she kicked my ass so many times.
Each one has two other colors except the last one.
WoW the boobs got a lot smaller than it use to
Why are there literal shills out in full force today?
Her tits are tiny
why the fuck did they bother? everyone plays DoA for the fanservice, there is no benefit to toning it down
>Tina's shrunken tits
>not toned down
>there is no benefit to toning it down
They thought the soigulpers were sincere but then realized they're just lunatics who will take off your whole arm if you give them a finger. Pity they realized it too late since it's going to affect their bottom line.
I suspect they're going to "alter" their physical characteristics later. They did talk about improving the jiggle levels very recently so it's probably going to be part of that.
DOA6 might sell less than 5. Initial sales are already lower, and if they don't start whipping out through fanservice outfits, no one is going to buy the season pass
Initially i wanted to see this crash and burn but seeing them do a 180 after learning which side the bread is buttered kinda softened my black heart. They're just cute little entrepreneurs trying to get more money for their kid's college funds and the kooks nearly sunk their tiny fishing boat because their cult's holy books speak ill of making false idols. Only approved whamens are allowed to be on the golden holy pedestal. No virtual idols!
Have they fixed the weird looking ankles that have been in DoA for years now?
They already have a tourney user
Why is it all a bunch of frenchies?
I mean, I saw screenshots of Honkers being bigger than in DOA5, so I guess it is all fine?
Do you not know cup sizes?
Sorry, I'm not transitioning so I haven't had to fit myself for a bra, please enlighten.
fuck off pedo
Honoka is the only one allowed to have big tits now. People kept complaining the DOA had a bad case of copypasted body templates ala Senran Kagura (there were only 4 body types: Kasumi, Helena, Honoka and Marie), well here you have it now.
You should still know about cupsizes if you watch anime considering B/W/H info keeps getting plastered about fictional anime girls
>watching anime
Fucking weeb
>goes to a site with the word "chan" in it
>fucking weebs
The problem is that most anime biodata keeps giving us the chest measurements without the corresponding cupsize. Which is next to useless.
>goes to a board with VIDEO GAMES as the title
>thinks people care about his canadian frescos
Cause dead or alive isn't weeb at all
But it looks more natural now. They did indeed tone down the degeneracy quite a bit thankfully.
That's not the argument, you fucking weeb, I don't need to know bra measurements to take them off.
>Large breasts are degenerate and unnatural
Spotted the flat lover
What do you think "chan" means?
yes you are on a video game board that is a part of a anime website
>mediocre fighting game who’s main draw is T&A
>T&A locked behind really expensive DLC
One would have to be an idiot to buy this stuff.
It fucking is! Look at the size of her Breasts THEY'RE FUCKING SMALL. This is unforgivable. I want BIG, MILKY, JIGGLY BOOBIES.
Yes, so where's your VIDEO GAMES
>it looks more natural now.
Thank fuck we've got an expert in women's bodies in here. We wouldn't want to be misogynaristists. Please tell us your opinion on this woman's breasts. Are they natural?
Well it's not a b cup. Go grab some boobies that arent your own user
Well, that didn't stop gacha games before now did it.
Says you, virgin
That's disgusting user. Peopld are sensitive to finding abnormalities in the human body. That's hoping you are not an underage.
Good one
If this is coming to the pc, the bust sizes are literally a non-issue.
I had like 400 hours (probably more) in DOA5 (all versions combined), mostly spent playing local or online multiplayer. I actually really enjoy the gameplay.
Dude who fucking cares
Tons of fun. But no lobbies on any platforms until end of month.
There is matchmaking ATM though.
>tina with small boobs
they're not even half the size of her head
doa is dead and fuck people trying to defend it
saying this is ok is just going to keep making it worse
>reddit spacing
Does the game run on win7?
Jesus, cant wait for the DOA5 to DOA6 breast envy pictures. God breast envy makes my dick hard
Anything below F shouldn't be considered a woman.
her aromatic farts are known carcinogenics
DOA6 Honoka is the biggest yet though
Quit being retarded shills. You guys are practically willing for games journalism to kill this game at this point. The tits are great, fuck off and die.
That's fucking small. Fucking kill yourself.
Fuck off Yea Forumsaggot.
Its toned down as in all default costumes or specifically tournament legal costumes are.
Fuck nu-DOAs
Is the deluxe edition worth it on Steam?
It's 10% off and is just $32USD
Nobody uses default costumes. Nico's alt leotard is the second coming of Marie's iconic white/blue leotard.
None of the tits are smaller. Ignore all shills.
Well here is DOA5 Tina for comparison's sake.
Shame they´ll probably never introduce a character with completly oversized monster-tits
>electric hand job
Would you?
I want to fuck Elena so hard, but Ibuki would get mad at me
Games journalism shills are out in full force, they don't want you to buy the game. The game is great. The tits are unironically the same size. If someone tells you differently, they're lying. Asses have improved majorly.
>modded render
looks like the same size as 5 to me
bigger in 6 than in 5 looking at those pics, but some people will ignore it since it destroys their narrative
Eurogamer shills are the worst. Why they feel the need to ruin an Japanese fighting games sales is beyond me.
What people fail to notice is that KT doesn't model bodies uniformly across costumes, which means some outfits will have more shapely and bustier chests than the some, which renders a lot of these comparisons futile. For example the X3 bikinis nearly doubles the bust sizes for everyone even Marie who is pretty damn flat herself.
The funny thing with the eurogamer review is that the same guy reviewed Soul Calibur 6 and ignored any sexuality stuff there
That's legit in poor taste what the hell. The balls on the PR guys tho.
to be fair, X3 models are different than in 5, and people think those are the standards when X3 is bigger than even previous X games
Where can I find DOA porn? Overwatch has truckloads, why doesn't this game even though the girls are much hotter?
Lets compare these pics of Tina from DOA5 to the one in OP, with the same costume.
Damn those are some fat juicy fucking boobies
if you look for hentai, KT apparently threatened a lot of artists so there's no new doujins. For SFM or whatever, same place as usual
DOA is known for tiddies and he has to signal his virtue of not liking sexy women.
>same place as usual
Well what is that place?
Can't do make a comparison right because this cancer unlock requires me 1000 pieces for Tina's DOA5 outfit.
That's what you get for not buying the steam version where you can just modify the .in file.
>Ignore all shills
so we should ignore you? i mean you are the one trying to sell a product.
rule34 I guess?
You talk weird. Are the tits confusing your brain?
Here comes the guy with his "all people saying DOA6 tits aren't smaller are shills!" narrative again...
That site is full of cucks and furries. Can't go 5 images into them without finding one or the other. I prefer jap hentai sites.
so you don't deny trying to sell D0A6, i hope you are at least payed user because doing marketing for free is quite pathetic.
Too bad there's a ton of proof in this thread that proves you're a shill.
>Eurogamer has deposited $0.25 into your account
Neck yourself faggot.
well sure, but if you want SFM pics, since tumblr is gone...
No I'm saying that that outfit requires 1000 parts just you can unlock it so I cant see how it actually looks in motion.
I'm not even the guy you were replying to lol.
You're just seen in every DOA thread getting mad at people saying tits are the same size with dumb arguments.
Eurogaymer would pay me for what? you pay people to promote a product which is exactly what you are doing and for fuck sake you even type like a shill.
Nyo's boobs are smaller in DOA6 compared to this
but is it a good fighting game?
no shit, it's DOAXVV with the bigger size. DOA6 has bigger boobs than in 5 (pic of 5)
Yeah, but you're on the wrong part of internet to ask that
>but is it a good fighting game?
Again, like I said, everyone's boobs are dependent on their costume. Nyo's boobs on her default is smaller
breasts aren't big enough
great argument shill, i really don't mind you shilling but i hope you are at least payed otherwise you are just a pathetic shill.
>KT apparently threatened a lot of artists so there's no new doujins
u mad bro?
Aw man, Sara Bryant. Of all the doa girls, she has the most sfm content. Mostly because people dress her up as Samus Aran.
>Navels are still blurry smudges pasted on the bellies
I wish the girls had more body types. Like, why not give some muscle definition to the MMA fighter and stuff?
Uh huh. I love it when people start with this.
There is actually more body types now in DOA6, going from Leifang skinny, to Nico's petite, to Honoka's thick all around. But yeah, if you want a girl with abs you're out of luck.
WTF is this? It's sag city. Honkers is no sagger.
How does the pc version run? I'd like to give the game a go but if it runs like shit I'll pass.
It might be, but they sell Watches. Ridiculously high-prized watches.
Their consumer base isn't onionpeople, or weak wristled wagefags, or women. It's people that have either the money or the power to actually enjoy a scenario like what would be depicted on the ad, even if it appears to be in bad taste.
It's a rich people fantasy, directed at rich people, and poorfags get mad at it, while ignoring the main objective of the ad.
At first, I too though it was in bad taste, even if it did make me smile because of the sheer provocation. But the more I look at it, the more I think "Damn, the dude holding the bottle is a REAL man, holy fuck."
>my wife Hitomi
stop this crap you pathetic turbo virgins, she'd probably throw you into a table
depends if your pc is old or not. It's a better port than 5
But isn't that how gravity works, user?
LOL, are you really this upset?
I've seen plenty of teen tits that were large and upturned. Honoka is pretty much fresh out of highschool.
Maybe it's because she's asian.
I rarely ever comment in these threads I just come here to fap but I have to point out how perfect that costume is. It's the perfect balance between slutty and elegant and it makes me diamonds every time.
It's because she's young.
Why does it look like Lisa is getting lighter and lighter in every iteration?
I just want to try out the series
I'll just practice in Core Fighters until I get enough moola for DoA6
No I mean they are sagging at that size because she's asian.
Lisa,Helena,Christie,Rachel and Tina by far the best DoA Girls.
Honoka,Marie Rose and the new Loli Shit Chara, low tier shit. unsexy as hell
>DOA 6
>Season pass is 50% more expensive than the base game
They DON'T sag. The pic where they were sagging was some fan mock up like pic related,
Stay seething old fag lover. I love how the only people sperging over DOA6 are niggers like you while Marie and her BFFs still remain perfect.
different lighting
oh is that who the fuck sara bryant is lmfao? I thought it was samus's earth name or some shit because metroid is garbage gay shit and I just jack off to her
Maybe it's just me, but I don't mind that kind of sag to size ratio. Then again I'm almost exclusively an ass guy. Tits are irrelevant to me.
Imagine being such a discord tranny that you have to shill for Eurogamer.
You truly are the most pathetic peice of trash on this board. And that's really fucking saying something.
>tempted to try out doa6 just for her
me and my godamn glasses fetish and all the archetypes that comes with it, fuck.
is the game even good enough?
haven't played a DoA game since DoA4 and i really just enjoy fighting games alone with all the fun game modes that come with them, not really big into versus because i majorly suck at fighting games
I’m noticing nearly all the girls are thicker this time around, e.g Christie has killer thighs and Helena’s ass is actually an ass.
They're trying to make her more popular.
How does the unlock system even work?
So is the game good? Do i get to look at sexy lisa?
Yes, and yes.
poor christie
Sold, is it on par with DOA3 or 4?
wait what is wrong with it? i find it legit sensual
Better. Only thing that sucks is no lobbies until the end of the month, and the unlock system sort of sucks.
should i get this on PC or PS4?
Yep. Every time you see a Samus video where she has that face, it's actually Sara Bryant. She's basically like a porn star who plays Samus.
Why the fuck is unlocking costumes so tedious? It's entirely random what you get.
ikr, it's retarded.
PC mustard rice wins again
better than 4. There's some people that loved 3, so I can't really say.
Imagine 5 but more accessible and different super system.
What did you do to make it easier?
At least she crawls out of the basement in EU. Lisa never gets out of the bottom 3 regardless of region.
pc if you got a good one and don't care too much about online
>Passed out woman being given more alcohol by a man that wants to "indulge" in her
That just about crosses my generous line, imagine how your average normalfag might react to that.
i like fighting games but i really only play them with friends because i get bodied by autists on line.
i want a Mariner Watch now
has there been any news about the DOAXVV Christie datamining?
>still no tina in penus vacation
There's a decent lore reason for it. Tina hates Zack and is wise to his bullshit.
>Hates Zack Yeah that's not what the story says.
The game looks fun to play but won't the online die in a week? Only thing stopping me from trying it.
it'll get a F2P version later, so not really. Although if you're on PC, lol online fighting games there
Have they tested already how bad is input lag on pc version?
Call me when Dead or Alive 6: Last Round Ultimate Hardcore++ Paradise Dimensions comes out. Until then, not interested.
I can get it on any platform, which would be best?
she's playing hard to get. Zack's tapping that ass whether you like it or not.
yeah, between 6 and 7 frames, aka 1 less than on PS4 and like on X1, like Tekken 7 pre-patch
X1 has the cheapest season passes for some reason
PS4 will have the biggest userbase
PC has the best graphics
>Passed out
Looks consensual to me. If she passed out she'd throws up the alcohol because of gag reflex.
Sorry Zackcucks, but she clearly couldn't stand his shit in doa5. The island game takes place after that, so it figures Tina isn't there.
>do you not know cup sizes?
>no, you tell me?
>well look at this anime char-
It ran fine on 2080.
You need to see some real titties if you think those are b cups. The virgins reveal themselves.
Yeah... I'll probably get this on PC when either Koei-Tecmo or modders find a way to bring back DOA5 or DOAX3 bodies with thongs.
Wait until April imo.
Just need reshade because the lighting looks like trash.
>Couldn't stand him
>Gets jealous when he mistakes Sarah Bryant for her
Yeah, I think she's not totally repulsed by him.
but DOA5 bodies are worse, and DOAX bodies have never been in a fighting game.
Do you even play those games?
It's the lighting, idiots.
The outfit Tina wears in that pic still gets me diamonds to this day.
gets pissed =/= gets jealous
it's a classic one yeah, I have hopes it'll be back in 6
I played LR a lot until my computer died and enjoyed it, actually. I still felt that if the characters had DOAX3 proportions (Particularly bigger butts) I would have played the game even more than I did.
As a Genfu main in old games, I heard Eliot is pretty much him right now. Does Eliot become 100% reskinned young Gen or does he still have his old moveset?
Why would she just get pissed though?
They prevent people from complaining about that by getting people to complain about the censoring instead.
Any of you niggers have F-Lists? I have a Zack and I need bitches
They made the costumes such a grind to unlock now. I completed arcade mode and only got 4 costume parts out of 100. They REALLY want you to buy that season pass.
I wouldn't call that jealousy so much as anger at someone on earth not knowing exactly what she looks like.
The first time Zack shows up she's assaulting him within 30 seconds. Every other time in cutscenes she's rolling her eyes whenever he speaks. The last time he shows up he humiliates her in front of a massive crowd. She hates him.
pissed that people would confuse her with any blonde girl. She's not jealous of Sarah
>highlight what you want to spoil
there you go retard, don't fuck this up.
She's just tsundere.
the grind has nothing to do with the season pass though.
The SP doesn't unlock the basic costumes, and the SP costumes won't be available for free
lmao kill yourself cuck
They want you to give up on grinding for the in-game costumes and just buy the season pass ones.
That's the stuff. I can't even get into why I like that costume so much, but I want to see it return like Christie's bondage gear did wit a minimal amountof changes.
Good morning, boys!
Is it just me, or is hard mode way too easy in DoA 6? I'm a pretty casual player that just mashes, and I was able to complete arcade mode with no problem. In DoA 5, it was the sweet spot for me and offered a good challenge without being too crazy.
That doesn't make sense.
They want you to buy the SP anyway since the base game has only 5 outfits for each character (2 for males). Grind or no grind, that goes back to the same goal.
>breasts much smaller
>hurr durr they didn't censor a thing
you need to get new glasses Kojima
Get out of here you series-destroying poochie.
Too big.
>Phwoar those are beauts
No one speaks like this.
is this meant to be rachel? her breasts are like 1/4 or 1/5 of what they used to be. what the fuck
She literally told him to look in the mirror when he asked her out. Stop being a retard
That's Sarah. You know, the VF character that had one of the smallest tits in the game.
But hey, guess you didn't play.
Why is the character roster missing so many people? DoA 5 was like smash ultimate compared to this.
No Mai, no buy
Well it worked since he got a gf and now doesnt even like her in that way
You really thought KT wouldn't intentionally exclude character and bundle them in season passes instead?
You realize the one everyone keeps talking about was like 4 years of updates and extra content put into a final package.
DOA5 vanilla was not that great, Ultimate and LR improved on things by a great deal.
they focused on the story mode, they're not missing many people.
As many as DOA5 vanilla, more if you count the DLC, and there's more DOA characters since they removed guest characters.
Hell, bigger roster than SFV+S1
This is her at our wedding
you fucked up
Yes, I just woke up. Bite me
The roster with no DLC is 24 characters, with them is 26, more than vanilla same as ultimate with the DLC, and more by June with the extra two KOF additions, with more characters being planned based on it's success could overshadow DOA5LR in a year or two.
Play DOA Quest. Thats the quickest way to get atm.
Is there a tina wedding outfit?
yes. It'll be in the second pack.
Here are all the costumes in the first wedding pack
really good image, absolute aces dude
Is that a grown up version of eraserhead?
You know 92 dollars for season one shit sounds crazy,but if you think about it, the game is being extremely fair.
They're basically giving you every piece of DLC at stupid cheap rates in one big package, which cant be said is more than what some of the other fighters have done or plan to do.
yeah, it's 1$ per costume and 5$ or so per character to be fair.
People getting mad about it should just buy the characters, not sure why they think they should buy everything
Bros, I'm probably fucking retarded, but how do I do this movement?
So you're saying that you have been brainwashed by an ad so much that you question your virility because you are not emptying a glass of whisky in a woman's throat ?
full top patrician taste
I'm rusty on DOA notations, but I think it's > Reset to Neutral > QCF (or 236) > Punch?
down, down/forward, forward + P
-90° > 0° > 90°
Thanks user.
that face looks worse than 5
navel is just downright murdered
nah, fuck this, at least model rips exist for 5
isn't that just a quarter circle punch?
Where are all the NiCo pictures and players?
graphics look like 2006
In jail.
True enough, but I’d imagine most folks dont want every costume.Personally, I don’t mind purchasing individual cosmetics if they provide that option for PC.
Why do women like playing DOA specifically asian ones?
easy to play, female characters are pretty and male ones are handsome.
> 92 dollars for season one
>the game is being extremely fair.
>100$ season pass
are they serious?
Guys, important question
Is the Sweat and seethrough clothing from 5 still in this?
where do you guys get your images from? Is there a site for DoA content?
I'm going to marry and impregnate Kasumi!
>easier to see navel
now that's what i'm talking about
Pop in a viagra
>every piece of DLC until June 2019 at stupid cheap rates in one big package
just fapped to all the costumes, the bitcoin miner was worth it
Going from DOA5LR to DOA6 feels like going from MK9 to MKX (minus the graphical leap).
Link to the virus free of this one, user? I found some but they all gave me virus warning
What does that mean?
Whoever designed the costume unlock system should be raped by a thousand rampaging gorillas.
post discord
Can my 2700X and 2080 run DOA6?
I read somewhere up, that Tina doesn't like Zack. Ahahahahahahahahahaha good one.
They've existed far longer than your shitty race baiting meme, and Zack has been a walking joke the entire time.
I like how much Christie bullies Honoka in this game!
Also how much Bayman bullies Marie
I love my wife Honoka!
They are friends you fucking idiot. She rejects him early on and now he has a gf and doesnt like her. He likes Helena more
| \ -> + Punch also knows as fireball (or hadoken) motion.
>2 people who aren't the same gender
literally inconceivable to this place considering any time a female regarded as a friend we'd want it to be something more and ruin the friendship
Rate your faps
>2 people who aren't males
Fixed 4 u, thanks me later.
Only with this retard because he is a pathetic ZACKED faggot who thinks if he memes enough it will change reality
It technically plays better, and is a good game, but it's missing several popular characters and features and handles the story mode worse.
Fuck off with the shilling, chink. Don't you have an antifa riot to be at?
I'm glad the boobs are smaller. Less horny nerds is good
If Zack were a white guy he wouldn't care.
It was the man bra in DOA2 that turned him into the comic relief character
Shit as always
>doa thread
>no webms
what is even the point
>But the more I look at it, the more I think "Damn, the dude holding the bottle is a REAL man, holy fuck."
Brainwashing is real
Why don't you protect her from bullies then?
Which DOA girl has the smelliest farts?
Webms are always delayed with new DOA games because people are too busy fapping at the start.
I too have glasses fetish.
But I would wait for sale and price drop.
Marie. Tainted with refugee curry-flavored cum.
They shrank her tits. Tina was one of the biggest girls before Honoka was introduced.
>Helena was perfect in DOAX3
>literally downgraded in DOA6
>another damage control thread
I'm guessing the sales were bad
Less content than 5LR. Gameplay is the same except with a meter now
X3 made their faces too fat.
Because I don't exist in their universe. I love her more than anything.
My wife on the right.
5LR was not the base game, ofc it has more content
>DFC to B
X3 bodies were the best, but 6 doesn't even reach 5's bodies. Overall downgrade.
Yeah, it feels like I'm playing 5.1, not even 5.1LR. 6 feels pretty rushed in comparison
Shut up with this meme. It would have to be rape to be accurate
only incels care this much about whether breasts changed 0.000001%
>he's never had a girlfriend to buy lingerie for
sorry man
Tiny fucking titties
I want to give Bass grandkids
Because they literally cannot compete. Just look at this newest pile of shit game. They won't give people what they want and won't allow any alternatives. Typical kike tactics.
>being this easily triggered
Japanese cup sizes are a letter higher than American tho
What does using that word even mean in this context?
Girls don't fart dummy.
well nico's arent. Aromatics smell pretty good. i'd smell bromobenzene all day if it wasnt bad for me
DOA7 Predictions:
Honoka embraces her Raidou powers and allies with the Black Spider Ninja Clan enhanced by MIST tech, and attacks the Hayabusas. She watches Ryu wiping out her soldiers and steals his techniques then falls back. She then attacks the Mugen Tenshin, kills Hayate, and reclaims her birthright as her father's heir.
at which point does she grow a futa dick and rapes ayane to break her and turn her evil?q
Right at the end. She keeps Kasumi and Ayane as her personal toys
>breaks ayane by raping her like her mother got raped
>ayane conspires with honkers to tkae kasumi down and rape her
>as kasumi cries form having her virginity raped away from her, ayane tells her how she had to suffer herself and its only fair kasumi had to suffer like her halfsister did
DOA8 Predictions:
I get married to Honoka and we start a family together.
>Breaking from rape
Ayane's too bitchy for that
shes bitchy because shes insecure and weak deep inside. A lot of agressive people are insecure on the inside. If she suffers the trauma her mother suffered, and get impregnated with a rapebaby. She will be messed up good
Her 'bitchiness' is her shield against the people who mistreated her as a child. All she really wants is acceptance and love, which Hayate gives to her (Ryu gives her acceptance and friendship, though she'd like for something more there but it ain't happening), which is why her manner is softer around him.
Please don't mess up my wife. She deserves consensual love.
still on the fence about this game
it'll be on pc so it'll be nice casual fun for a while but it'll be dead in a month
on the other hand it'll have nude mods giving it much more value
also 93 dollar season pass what the fuck
i've read some steam reviews, its already out here and people are mad about that you only can fight against randoms online
They'll release a F2P version which is like a lite version of the game with only 4 playable characters around Q3, that ensure there always will be some blood online. DOA5 came out 2015 and still has 50-100 players online at any given time.
If you are even considering spending a single cent on this game you are beyond retarded. Not only is there little value in the base game, the season pass it an outright fleecing. As well the game devs are anti-male proto-SJWs.
No Rachel no buy
Although Mila and Christie are making me think about pirating it
>you will never put a lovebaby in the rapebaby
>you will never comfort her when she comes crying thinking she cannot provide her child with the love it needs
>hey buddy how do you like youre doa
>just ____
Kokoro looks old and not cute
I love tits but DoA still looks like a PS2 game.
Just Honoka!
>Game tries to pander to core values
>Piss actual buyers
>Get in damage control mode
Im glad this franchise is dying and set an example of what happened when you go woke
>one of the sexiest games released in years
>shit on the devs for being anti-male proto-SJWs
ok bud time to take your meds
They are immensely thicker. Look at Lisa's thighs in that green costume and at Honker's badonk. Bodies were improved 100%
>shillbori is back
for real does he do not sleep at all or what
for real I love Ayane
that symbol means neutral or while rising
I get images of my wife directly from her, stop stealing our wedding pictures.
she needs non-consensual mating press impregnation
>have nothing, no father, no mother, no clan
>butyou at least have bigger breasts than your blessed sister
>suddenly DOA6 happens
poor ayanechan
I can give her a rapebabby like her mother
>torn clothes
>"toned down"
other than the second last one that's a good set of costumes, even if the karate gi shouldn't have been her default.
worth noting that the second one has an alt colour that is her DoA4 default (but without the denim jacket)
>3 days later
Whoever came up with this bullshit needs to be fired. God what is with fighting games just making unlockables an insane tedious grind that makes jrpgs look tame by comparison? People wont keep playing your game just because you insert draconian mobile game tier carrot and stick shit.
For DOA it really is. They're fucking turbojews but paying for shit one by one will probably amount to at least double what you pay for the pass
Can you faggots ignore this shitposting sperg and just post pictures of some supple fucking thighs? God they are amazing in this game, especially combined with that new sweat engine, lighting and skin textures.
>they did it before so we should welcome them with our assholes open now
what the fuck is this kind of mentality?
Yes, the psychopaths who spend $300 dollars on bikinis for characters only have to spend $100 this time around. 100... till next season. What a deal!
They are practically GIVING AWAY their non existent in the real world texture packs.
>Yea Forumscuck
youre not folling anyone subhuman trash
Are Nyotengu and Tina good for beginners??
There better be a mod to enlarge all those tits.
don't bully my wife
I want to bully your wife's womb with copious amounts of my hot cum
>gayme crashes 10 seconds after you open it
thank god i didnt pay for this shit
Your wife? I thought it was a goat!
I want to stuff my face in her pits and never come out
Nyotengu is a keep out character. She does a lot of damage but her moves are unsafe and not very fast. I wouldn't call her beginner friendly, but the important thing is you play the character you want.
Tina is pretty good but she is the main grappler character of the game, so again you have to want to play her in that capacity.
Ultimately you should learn the character you actually like user, but i'd say that Hitomi is by far the simplest character to learn, unsurprising that she's been the tutorial character for 2 games now. Out of the top of my had the only character i would say is not recommended for beginners is Phase 4 since she's about comboing just frames.
>tfw someone will just port them to xps or sfm anyway so we can play with them for free
>tfw no point because the doa5 models are better anyway
fucking no-navel shits
sex-bullying is for after marriage only
fitgirl needs to hurry up.
i found the fsd shill thats shitting up this board, i mean just look at it bumping his own shit and going "lalala" when someone mentions censoring
>he even put a on the tittle to fool everyone its a pinned thread
ayyy lmao
>I wouldn't call her beginner friendly,
I generally find the high damage high recovery characters good when youre playing against a new player since they dont know how to punish well and you can kill someone with a few lucky hits, instead of taking someone down with consistency
>ayane will never beg you to rape her in your marriage bed over and over while whispering sweet nothings
Replace with 'consensual' and I'm all for it
>Asking to be raped
That's not how rape works, user
Wish I was Tina...
okay fine
i want to consensually, lovingly mating press Ayane during our wedding night while gently caressing her and telling how much she means to me, with her wedding dress still on
never said i endorsed or liked this practice, i'm just stating that it literally is cheaper/"BETTER" from an objective standpoint for the people that buy this shit no matter what it costs
i myself will just wait for content to release and masturbate to the inevitable doa threads here
Don't soil something sacred.
You need to know what you are doing to get the damage out Nyo though, she's not straightforward.
Can we take a second to talk about just how awful this unlocking system is? This has to be one of the worst designs for unlocking costumes in a game. This is significantly worse than a loot box in something like Overwatch. It is 100% chance you get the costume you want and there's no way to force obtain it like you can in loot box games which tend to have an in game currency you can use to get the specific content you want.
Just make it so that winning with that character in Ranked guarantees the costume data you get is for the character you are using. Why is that such a hard concept to understand?
>Wedding dress still on
it's probably something they will change in the future when they start adding the planned features like more win poses, lobbies etc.
Like flies getting attracted to shit.
I'll probably go with Tina then. Those are the two characters I find the most attractive in the game
Is this Denovo? Can we expect a crack? I'm not paying for this shit.
>Is this Denovo?
I honestly don't recall DOA having that many doujins in the first place. At least not as many as you think it would.
Fuck off shill, you are a coward for promoting it for sjws and now you are opening threads trying to convince the rest. You cursed the ip forever
Jesus Christ zoomers are fucking retarded.
Is the game really doing that bad, shill?
>poor taste
Talk to me when sodomy and adultery are criminal again.
If you like the fighting style she's a very solid character. She's also always been a high tier DOA.
Hope you end up liking her gameplay and having fun with it. I've tried to play Kasumi ever since i saw her but my brain just can't adapt to her full pressure, fast pace mix up style :(
Did tina get a breast reduction?
shes afraid to offer herself so she wants you to take her and make her yours.
She got her breasts sucked dry by titty vampire honkers
Thread ruined.
Should I buy it on Steam?
There won't be any rerelease in the future right?
I wish I could cut your head off with a butter knife.
If you want it now, buy it. F2P is coming i the future but no one knows when.
Kokoro looks ugly in this game.
I would gladly do that for my perfect wife, but even then you don't ask someone to rape you.
That's literally a Louis CK joke.
imagine knowing so little about women you think this isn't equal parts male and female fantasy. what a fucking virgin LMAO
It's literally the first game where she looks cute and not like an autistic retard. Her default outfit in green also looks great and she actually looks like she has some muscle mass in her arms now.
congrats youre not blind
Kokoro and Leifang are the only ones with better faces in 6.
I dunno, your Kokoro is still downie looking.
>still comparing DOAX3 with the fighting games
you never give up do you?
Can't even do autistic jokes about her anymore
Are you as retarded as Kokoro?
>so desperate for a GOOD fighting game, after the past hundred other disappointments: SF V, Tekken 7, Soul Calibut 6, etc
>DOA 6 is 10% off on Steam
>but keep hearing how the game is (again) lacking content, borderline highway robbery season passes, and dumbed down sexualization
Looks like I'm just going to keep waiting until MK 11. I doubt that will buck the trend though either. Why are fighting games so shit across the board now?
DFC, A and B are the best
1 full top and above are also good.
Anything between is trash.
So are the boobs actually fucking smaller or what!?
>keep hearing
And nothing of value was lost. Fuck off Nethercuck.
I wasn't aware "channel" had anything to do with Japanese
>SF V, Tekken 7, Soul Calibut 6
All of those are low IQ games. Maybe you should re-evaluate your taste, user.
Where were all of you fucks complaining about this when SF V released? Tekken 7? God, the fighting game genre is so fucked if the playerbase keeps returning like abused ex-boyfriends.
>keep hearing
maybe actually check what is true instead of believing some retards on Yea Forums.
There's more single player than in DOA 5, lobbies are coming this month, and tag is gone (likely coming back in the PS5 version, nobody was playing that anyway).
Sexualization is the same as in DOA5 minus the bikinis that will be DLC as usual.
Season passes are the same price as in 5, and as usual you can buy content individually for cheaper than Bamco or Capcom games.
Wi-Fi players are trash and should be gassed.
they're smaller than in DOAX3/VV, which were always way bigger than any game in the series.
They're at worst the same size than in 5, and bigger for several costumes.
One of you is lying through his teeth. And we all know what happens to liars.
posting the biggest fakest faggof fgc streamer.
gj zoomer
fuck off faggots, never ever reply to me again sickos
a reminder that this game is doing so badly that it's going outsold by its spin off
drawn doas are cute
They should release Scarlet or Venus Vacation on Steam.
well technically, I guess if you care that much about tag, it makes it less content than 5. It has less characters than LR too.
But DOA Quest and the new gallery stuff gives it actually more content, + characters are added regularly now.
Gameplay is indeed close to 5 with a gauge now.
The rest in the long post is true.
>caring about FGC cred
>calling others zoomers
Fuck off you literal fucking child, this board if for 18+
>emphatically uses profanity to make his point
Nice try, middle schooler.
Should I get SC 6 or DOA 6? Or neither/wait for MK 11?
friendly reminder ayane should win the ryubowl even though she never will
>grown ups don't swear and they wear suits and ties all the time!
oh Jesus
yeah. I'm happy we'll get to see more fanart again, those past years have been tons of shitty SFM and bad renders
god I wish that was me
Doesnt matter what the final product is like.
They were ready to sold the original fanbase down the river, they should pay the toll.
VV is a DMM exclusive, will never happen.
I guess there's a deal with them so Scarlet will never release on PC too.
Depends what you're looking for.
SC6 if you like custom monstrosities online, small roster, low userbase and long single player.
DOA6 if you like the hold system, lots of single player, and don't mind waiting for patches.
MK11 if you like ultra violence and don't mind the MK gameplay and an online userbase that will die quickly.
>t. Absolute fucking retard who doesn't play these games
If you want a game you can casually enjoy, MK11. I'm not talking about mechanics necessarily but it will surely have the largest amount of players, making it easy to just jump online and find opponents.
DOA6 actually has a pretty good tutorial if you want to learn it.
SC6 is still pretty good, it just didn't overtake sc2 like everyone hyped it up to.
>They were ready to sold the original fanbase down the river, they should pay the toll.
It was literally the same marketing tactic they've used for DOA5, and plenty of idiots (both media and twitter retards) fell into the trap.
oh they did it before, it makes it ok then
I love Ayane so much
There's people who are interested in video games and then there's people who are interested in outrage culture horseshit and piggyback on video games. It's easy to tell which one you are.
you know there's a difference between marketing plans and what is actually in the game right?
Nobody that was there before DOA5 actually believed they would censor anything (well, the only thing they've censored was the punch to Marie/Nico/Honoka's face)
You just live in an uncivilized backwater country. It's not your fault.
she's the best
I'm interested in my wife Honoka
I've said it before in multiple threads but her beauty is truly timeless. She has not fundamentally changed since her inception.
That alone sets her above the rest.
delete this, thank you
DoA5 thighs were already pretty thick though.
made for paizuri where she starts off annoyed but starts to like it halfway through
>made for paizuri
not anymore
Ayane is chunky and chubby!
Made for nakadashi after marriage while holding hands
they didnt censor a single thing
thats why the jiggle system is being patched for an update down the road
nothing to do with swerving
>haha it was planned a long time ago, its all mmm-m-marketing plans
fuck you
They're not patching anything, they're improving it because it was rushed, just like the missing intro/outro poses. That engine is a mess, cf the input delay.
Nobody is missing that fucking awful OMG mode, they're not adding it back
They are way thicker than that and so is their ass which was the main problem with DOA5 bodies. Seriously, it makes my mouth water, all those thigh high boots, straps and fishnets too...umf. It's a shame that Lisa's deluxe outfit has that stupid mask that cover her eyes because otherwise it's straight up porn.
>they didnt censor a single thing
>just like the missing intro/outro poses.
Those are all in the game, user. You have not played it.
missing as in there's only one for each character unlike every DOA game before that.
Why is there so little quality, modern DoA fanart? There's plenty of good fanart from well over a decade ago, and the series is obviously still moving copies if they're still making games.
Oh good! People don't talk about doa thighs nearly enough.
>pander to SJWs
>they show no interest
>try to shill to Yea Forums
>i-ignore the downgrade!
Fuck off
Oh, I see. I tend to let the intros play out in the first match with people online but the majority just seem to want to skip them anyway.
pixiv has had lots of western guys mass posting shitty renders on the DOA tag, and it drove fanartists away to twitter. Way harder to search for it there.
>still trying to imply there's been a downgrade
You fuck off
Nothing drove them to twitter, twitter is just WAY more convenient for the artists so they go there.
there's tons more of fanart for other franchises on pixiv than twitter
Why does Brad look so goofy trying to get down to where Nyotengu is with his booze
How would you get down in this situation?
Because my high quality wife Ayane is perfect in official material.
So basically the ad did its job to some people. Where is the issue here?
I'll pick this up when Momiji is in.
Unlike what gaming media tells you, most girls like to play as pretty women.
Don"t expect those breast to come with her
I think they are still delicious.
Momiji will be a season pass character
at least you admit there was a downgrade
is the breast reduction really that noticeable?
she has small breasts in DOA5 though
>Nyo has joined the Ryubowl
they will make them smaller even the girls that didn't have very large breast got downsized
Same but Rachel.
so has anyone here actually got the PC version? I wouldn't mind seeing some screenshots to compare it to DOA5.
I want to see this too
>100 dollar season pass
ok now this is epic
even though you haven't touched real tits, you could just do a simple google search and not reveal your virginity to everyone
I like how as soon as photo proof shows up the shills disappear
I wouldn't mind marrying and impregnating Nyo.